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20633399 No.20633399 [Reply] [Original]

Kek and no amplers seethe about ‘muh liquidity’ and ‘good luck cashing out’

There are hundreds of legit projects on Uniswap and Ampleforth legitimately accounts for half of the platform’s total volume. One coin with more volume than 100+ coins combined. Think about that anons... if you still don’t buy you deserve to stay poor

>> No.20633624
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>no amplers be like

>> No.20633978

This is helpful info for doubters, bump

>> No.20634112

What’s the price and what’s the sale target. Suicide and make it stack. If you’re gonna shill then shill right

>> No.20634138

We couldn't make you understand even if we tried. Smart money buying, all you need to know.

>> No.20634147

The target is $1 unironically. It’s so fuckign overvalued and they’ve been shilling it all day

>> No.20634221

I didn’t ask to understand the project are you dumb? I asked About Money.

>> No.20634236


Suicide stack 0.001% mcap, make it stack 0.01%, fuck you money is anything above that

Sale target is time, which is right now.

>> No.20634241

ampl is fucking beast, nothing can stop it, you know it and I know it

>> No.20634246

If you need more shilling after seeing it account for half of Uniswap’s volume you’re a lost cause. This is like if one coin accounted for half the volume on Binance
Difference between market cap and price. When it goes back to $1, you’ll still have made a fuck ton of money if you buy in now. The market cap is twice as high at $2 than it was at $4 last week

>> No.20634285
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Gonna edge untill the rebase, then try to coin exactly when it hits my wallet. Also put more liquidity into the Geyser. Feels good

>> No.20634314
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>> No.20634317


unironically based

>> No.20634340
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>> No.20634396

It feels like a dream. I bought into this 10 days ago with the last $800 to my name and i turned it into $10k. Ampleforth saved my life

>> No.20634401
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>> No.20634435


We are literally all going to make it

I can't wait til we're shitting on Tether

>> No.20634441
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>> No.20634450

>it is a dream

*wake up*

>> No.20634499
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>> No.20634561
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Ugh this pink ID rn

>> No.20634582


The questions you asked are irrelevant to the project and show you don't understand anything about it.

If you did, you'd be throwing every spare cent you had into it.

>> No.20634611



>> No.20634636

...Uniswap bruh

>> No.20634665


Uniswap, the Maker of Kings

>> No.20634673

How much of my portfolio should I have in this? Right now I'm at like .3 out of 2btc with the others in bzrx, vidt, link, and mta

>> No.20634687


How big are your balls?

>> No.20634755

Idk anon I'm really thinking of cashing out my 2x viddies to add to my ampl stack. Do you get both rebase and yield if you keep it in geyser? If not, which is better?

>> No.20634784

for >>20634687

>> No.20634846


Geyser limits your upside while massively limiting your downside. You still get rebases, but they're offset a little by a reduction in the amount of ETH you've staked. Still great gains, just not as good as holding. However, since the reverse is true, as long as the coin doesn't go down to literally 0 you're shielded from most losses. If the coin gets less valuable, you get a more or less equal amount of ETH.

Basically, limits your upside a little to protect you from downside a lot. Whatever your risk tolerance is will be the deciding factor.

>> No.20634953

It's telling me if I stake $1000 in ETH I'll get 600,000 AMPL in a month, you're telling me just by holding $1000 AMPL I'd get more than that in a month?

>> No.20634986

deposit in geyser not stake

>> No.20635271


No, it's telling you if you deposit 1000 of those wrapped ether stake tokens you'll get that. But I'm pretty sure that's about a million bucks' worth.

I dunno, man, I'm just holding bc I don't give a fuck. I played with the geyser a while ago and ended up just taking everything out

>> No.20635298

>newfag using words he doesn’t understand

So basically you’re another newfag moron. I asked about the most basic info you possibly could not about fucking tokenomics. Nobody gives a shit about some shitcoin’s tokenomics

>> No.20635350

>hurdur wut gud prize
>u nuefag lmao xD

Ok, you got me, buy zone is $0.85-0.99, don't buy in before then

>> No.20635473
File: 701 KB, 1024x741, AMPL_Animals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.05% - ORCA
0.01% - WOLF
0.0025% - BARN OWL
0.001% - ANACONDA
0.0005% - MUSKRAT
0.00025% - CHAMELEON
0.00001% - FUNGUS

>> No.20635503
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white tiger is cooler than saltwater croc

>> No.20635528

Rhino reporting.

>> No.20635567

Barn Owl, standing by

>> No.20635588

that feel when wolf

>> No.20635632
File: 341 KB, 800x400, birth_of_a_King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMPL Kingdom welcomes all

>> No.20635654

>tfw wolf with 1 white tiger grandparent

grandma was a slut

>> No.20635688

Where do the geyser rewards come from
Are they inflating the currency?
Why is the website dashboard market cap so different from the listings

>> No.20635690


And people are STILL sitting on the sidelines.


>> No.20635725

>Are they inflating the currency?

Please, I'm begging you, just go to the website and read the redbook

>> No.20635760

Bro the geyser was something they added like two days ago it’s not in the red book

>> No.20635797
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>> No.20635802

Jesus Christ what an insufferable faggot. I’m not buying, I was asking you dumb new faggots about your expectations

>> No.20635810

Two days ago? It's been out for over a month

>> No.20635812

The geyser is just a way of distributing the community fund wallet, they aren't new tokens

>> No.20635851

How do I calculate my share percentage.

>> No.20635870

>I’m not buying


>> No.20635878
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This project is retarded. Only 10% of tokens are available to the public. Somebody please explain this, because this is fucking lunacy.

>> No.20635889
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We don't need your .05 ETH Rashneesh. Give it to your village

>> No.20635896


lmao you again

>initial AMPL supply of 50,000,000

>> No.20635915
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Nice FUD hahaha

>> No.20635973


>> No.20635986


>> No.20636024

i fucking hate this token because i saw it at 30 million marketcap and i didn;t buy in. now i feel like it's too late. hold me anons

>> No.20636062

>now i feel like it's too late. hold me anons

11.3k wallets holding this
171k wallets holding LINK

Still early

>> No.20636087

>missed it at 30m
>missing it at 300m
>will miss it at 3b

>> No.20636131

>no whales want to hard exit

this isnt fun

>> No.20636158

fuck it im buying in. this is a total fomo emotional buy. i got 6k amples am i going to make it?

>> No.20636179

get out while you still can amplefags

>> No.20636200
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welcome to the light

>> No.20636221


Yes. Be prepared for iron handing like you've never iron handed before, especially in about 9 days when the price dumps again.

>> No.20636225

You bought my bag, sell after rebase or lose it all.

11k wallets with a circulating supply of 150m. 150000 / 11 = 13,6k per wallet

90% holding less then ~2k meaning other have more then 100k ample. You do the math.

>> No.20636254


based retard

>> No.20636268

Absolute brainlet here, can anyone explain why i dont see a change in my ampl wallet after rebase? Bought yesterday stored on ledger

>> No.20636279
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Happens every single daily rebase, it'll pump in 10 minutes.

>> No.20636281

This is literally the same for any other coin out there you retarded faggot. The top 10% owns a disproportionately large amount compared to the others, yes, hence why they are whales. Whales do exist in every crypto and stock out there anon. What the fuck does that even prove?

>> No.20636300

I'm looking at the charts rn and this shit has been crashing and burning for the last two weeks
Wtf are you guys talking about
Are you just selling off your bags?

>> No.20636314

Dunning Kruger at its finest

>> No.20636318

I' did the math.
I'm richer than you.

>> No.20636319



>> No.20636322
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Why is the market cap 3x what it says on CMC?

>> No.20636327


Well, you see, there are whales, so please panic and sell me your bags so I can retire in December

>> No.20636343

Total supply.
Circulating supply.
Learn the difference.

>> No.20636345

APEX here. Don't watch the price after rebase tomorrow ;)

>> No.20636347


>> No.20636364


>> No.20636366

The difference between LINK and AMPL is that for AMPL token is needed

>> No.20636379


It's reporting from next week

>> No.20636389

Everything just clicked

>> No.20636423
File: 280 KB, 900x900, comfyAMPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy and waitin

>> No.20636435

I'm serious, wtf are you on about

>> No.20636452

>still doesn't understand Ampl. Stay poor faggot

>> No.20636451

ampleforth org/redbook/

>> No.20636504

If you're being honest I'll cut you some slack. The coin is worth a percentage of the total market supply. Example: I have 80 AMPL, you have 20. Market is worth $1000. My share is worth $800, yours $200.

Also, the token value decreases every day because what the project does is account for inflation by cutting market value and adding tokens. We recieve a "rebase" that is positive when dollar value is >$1.006, and a negative rebase when below $0.96. What you're seeing is a completely fucked graph that only reflects the coins fluctuating price relative to 1-4 dollars. Every day more coins are added to the pool, so today if the coin shot up to $2 it would be much more valuable than if it happened last week.

>> No.20636512


when you look at the chart and are able to explain why the price is still low but the market cap has trippled in a little over a week, you'll finally understand how this works too

>> No.20636581


What makes this different is that it adjusts supply to meet demand. Every day, the algo checks the token price and then tries to adjust it 10% toward $1, while increasing all wallet balances by exactly the same percentage -- that's the rebase. Effectively you're buying a fixed percentage of the mcap.

Price dropping means mcap's increasing, which means you're making money.

>> No.20636601
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>> No.20636609
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>market cap has trippled in a little over a week
Wouldn't buying now literally be buying the top? Am I meant to believe everyone on biz bought 2 weeks ago? Where's this euphoria coming from?

>> No.20636617

>price already almost at prebase levels
say it with me - swingies get the rope

>> No.20636640

Its truly fascinating. Retards are going to be priced out immediately for weeks, maybe even months.

>> No.20636646

>11k wallets holding
>300m cap
>potential to flip tether

We are still so early

>> No.20636659

Buy pressure past $1.50 is astonishing. I've never seen anything like this before in my life.

>> No.20636713


And the crypto normies haven't even heard of it yet, let alone normie normies

We're still at 1/15th the wallets of frigging LINK, which crypto normies are just barely starting to find out about

my cock is rock hard

>> No.20636761

go into the ampl telegram for 5 minutes to realize how big this is going to get. the entirety of india might be purchasing ampl

>> No.20636794
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This coin is a record keeping nightmare for tax purposes. For that reason alone I'm never buying again even if it goes to a gorillion marketcap.

>> No.20636796

what was the rebase % this night? (can't check wallet right)

>> No.20636815

It’s a wild telegram channel haha, I agree. A lot of shrillers though, need to wade through the bullshit to find some decent answers about this coin.
Just do a test run for yourself everyone:
>buy 100 AMPL
>hold for a week
>each day getting free AMPL’s
>see your stack double
>money up, huh!

>> No.20636838

It was 108%

>> No.20636885

>not just holding, saying you dont have the records, and paying 15% capital gains on the full amount instead of just profit

>> No.20636918


>> No.20637254

I am a bit retarded. I have 1 ethereum (its all I own). If I go all in on ample on uniswap, what do I do next with the ample in my metamask wallet?

>> No.20637270

8 percent

>> No.20637395
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>> No.20637411


>> No.20637414


>> No.20637445

And just for holding 1 eth of ample, I will get more ample for free when it rebases? directly into metamask? What the fuck this sounds kinda nuts

>> No.20637488


>> No.20637498

yep, its wizard shit

>> No.20637577

I want proof that you’re .1%.