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20716121 No.20716121 [Reply] [Original]

How much time do we have left Schiffbro? Has the train already left the station??

>> No.20716271
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It's going to get nominally more expensive to acquire physical gold and silver. I would wager that it is going to continue this bull run until November.
But by then the rubber band of QE and nigger rigging of the economy would have broken by then.
Gold and silver will be revauled as fiat around the world crumbles into oblivion.

>> No.20716390

I remember him saying big things were coming in PMG the other day. Whatever that means.

>> No.20716412

you have until Biden wins
if Biden wins, there will be a fucking market purge like you've never seen before
bubble pops, FED money can't save for shit anymore, china dumps it's dollar bags, reserve currency will be up for grabs, massive gold silver and btc rally and these three now really start going at it for the throne

you will see also for the FIRST TIME: silver VS gold instead of gold and silver being always paired

there will be goldbugs fighting silverbugs

>> No.20716603
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>what is a bimetallic standard

>> No.20716642

Drawing pentagrams and lighting red candles will help summoning jews. Make sure to surround yourself in a circle of salt or they will attack your credit score

>> No.20716661

>thinking you can the peg gold to silver ratio
Look at the Wikipedia article which covers how Soros caused Black Monday, then replace "GBP" with "silver" and "euro" with "gold".

>> No.20716820
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>soros meme
who gives a fuck about that bag of bones?
his days are literally numbered.
just keep buying physical you retard
if us retards collectivize we can beat them with our anime and autistic moon rock collections

>> No.20717113
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You guys actually bought? What a bunch of retards!

>> No.20717157

Ay, Petah, you got any good rye and hot pastrami at the deli?

>> No.20717199
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>> No.20717211

What stops the fed from BRRRRing the money printer after November?

What makes you think Biden wins?

Go away newcripple

Go away imposter and take your rash metal with you

>> No.20717349

Trump would have won, therefore buying more time to scam people out of their wealth
If Biden wins, they're going to throw out the Fed Note with the kitchen sink as a Biden admin will hike taxes and crumble everything
Honestly, hoping for Biden to accelerate this shit so PM holders win bigly

>> No.20717457

Trump wants to print money and dole it out to his chronies.
Biden and dems want to print money to buy people healthcare
Both will destroy the dollar and be good for PMs.

>> No.20717500
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>> No.20717582

>What makes you think Biden wins?
if he wins
>Both will destroy the dollar
the dollar is already dead, but Trump can probably maintain the facade a while longer
Biden would just ignite the cataclysm

>> No.20717613

I'm telling you, people fight over anything
there will be SILVER VS GOLD discussion
expect a democrats like this metal vs republicans like this other metal type shit

>> No.20717712

well that's just retarded. bankers hold most of the gold so by default silver will be the people's money.
but the goyim with massive gold holdings would make the rules I'd imagine.
We can only hope they're benevolent and re-establish the 1:16 ratio we used to enjoy.

>> No.20717806

just buy goldstonks. Silver is riskier cuz heavy manipulated by JPM bank but whatever buy silverstonks. Don't hold physical, those guys are just being retards.
muh silver coins muh gold coins. If the financial system collapses those will be useless

>> No.20717909

Okay jew

>> No.20717995

Either fed goes back to a metals standard or the world goes to a metal standard first. BSV will be adopted later as a truth ledger later.

>> No.20718114
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>just buy goldstonks. Silver is riskier cuz heavy manipulated by JPM bank but whatever buy silverstonks. Don't hold physical, those guys are just being retards.
>muh silver coins muh gold coins. If the financial system collapses those will be useless

>> No.20718473

I kek'd

>> No.20719138
File: 797 KB, 649x769, 1595005765905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post you best Gold Boomer pics
Bet none of you can beat mine