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20754027 No.20754027 [Reply] [Original]

I too once was a crypto faggot (actually turned 50k into over a million between 2017-2018 and it changed my life immensely), but even from the very beginning I realized how gay and retarded crypto was. Ant shares? Digibytes? Aeternity? All fucking stupid shit.

Crypto is a meme, the real money is in options trading. I'm up over 400% on silver in literally 6 days. It took Chainlink 3 years to go from $1.20 to $4... think about that.

Gold and silver have a ratio with one another, with silver always lagging behind. Right now silver is EXTREMELY undervalued, will probably go to 30-35 within weeks or a couple of months. I fully expect a 20-30x from my silver calls.

I'm not trying to shill you, I'm actually trying to help. Even if I was trying to shill you it'd be pointless because there's so much money in stocks/precious metals that even if everyone on BIZ put 50,000 dollars into SLV it wouldn't budge the price an inch. I just want you to know that stock trading is better because you can make more and ALSO you get to learn about the real world instead of stupid gay chink scam crypto.

I'm looking through the posts.. Ampleforth? Mama coin? DFOhub? Wtf is this gay ass shit? Stop engaging in chink ponzi schemes and come over the WSB.

>> No.20754294

You have to go back

>> No.20754332 [DELETED] 

pls send doge i m poor


>> No.20754394

is that a real article? HAHHAA

>> No.20754427

>reddit spacing
go away

>> No.20754817

Not your bars not your money.
But I'm down. Slv calls? How trade options?

>> No.20754905

is racism racist??

>> No.20754930

you might be too retarded to trade options

>> No.20754975
File: 39 KB, 480x514, Screenshot_2020-07-27-21-58-13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought crypto instead of making 1000% gains on SLV calls

>> No.20754995

this is the dumbest thing on 4chan
for longer lines of text, a blank line makes it so much easier to read
we call them paragraphs

>> No.20755034

I almost did SLV calls today but they're too goddamn expensive
Even early August calls are overpriced
I'm doing AG instead, seems less gay

>> No.20755036

my man.

>> No.20755183

I hear you, I just made the switch from Crypto to the stock market. My EDD funds were stuck pending for months! Once I got a hold of them about the issue the claims went from PENDING to PAID so I got a lump sum of $10,000.

This morning I invested $2,500 into LULU the clothing brand. Right now theyre at an ATH so no overhead supply. I think there will be a nice 10% jump this week.

Fuck crypto, I'll keep $1,200 in to play with but beside that I'm going all stock market now. Just need to learn options trading

>> No.20755228

eh, I hold and never sell because I’m lazy and a coward and have other things to do than micromanage puts and calls. You’re probably right about slv calls though, at least in the short term

>> No.20755247

SLV is mooning hard but I'm in until the $30s. With the price of gold where it's at now, it's inevitable that silver will moon.

Same, crypto is fucking retarded. It's all bullshit. So is the stock market it ways, but at least it's based on reality and researching companies actually teaches you shit about the world.

>> No.20755261

The absolute stretch the author has made on the original position is post-loon. The original TED talk stated that the racism of the past has had a flow on effect to people living in the world of today.

>> No.20755308

Just new, I don't really know what an option is. An option to buy something at a later date. I know that much.
It seemed to me that that's what the calls are as well? Or is that not true?

Nigger totally says "hey crypto bros trade options I'm here to help" and then starts talking shit when somebody asks for help

>> No.20755330

Shut up racist

>> No.20755396

absolutely sprung

>> No.20755435

I’ve been at this a week and I bought like 10 different mining stocks on Robinhood and Im up 10%. Did the same with crypto and up 7%

>> No.20755505

Whats the best way for a crypto guy to make money off silver with only $6000? I really want to switch over but don't know how. Are there guides, do I just buy it as close to spot or what? I'll do whatever I'm told 100%

>> No.20755531

I was there anon 2k to 30k in 2 wks now back to 0.need to sell some linkies to gamble again get out while ur ahead

>> No.20755592

This is technically true but is used as a tool to oppress whites now, whites who have exactly zero responsibility for the actions of people in the past who just happened to have the same skin color. That woman and all these other race-baiters need to be gassed post haste.

>> No.20755641

Just by silver or gold you retard. Precious metal miners are tricky, you have to buy the right ones

>> No.20755666

Throw that 6k into 30c 1/15/2021, or anything similar to that will do.

>> No.20755800

yeah man I feel you my shackles are absolutely chafing my wrists as I type this. exactly what responsibility have you been asked to accept directly? Other than acknowledging that 'yep, shit used to be bad; happy to help out a fellow person in need if and when I can'?

>> No.20755882

Dude just Google it you have the internet it's not hard to understand you can learn it in literally 60 seconds at any time

>> No.20755975

>t. ostrich
Cause it's not like whites are being fired and deplatformed for not sucking BLM cock or anything. It's not like there's a whole set of Newspeak vocabulary designed specifically to oppress whites (redefining "racism" so you can't be racist against whites for eg).
>happy to help out a fellow person
More like "help or we ruin you"

>> No.20756248

I'm yet to be fired or deplatformed by just letting frustrated people vent their frustrations and saying nothing inflammatory. I think if you just look hard enough, you'll find that not criticising the BLM movement is entirely different to getting a nose ring, dying your hair blue and sucking BLM cock.

>> No.20756290

BLM is a Marxist revolution and we will be giving free helicopter rides. May they all be dealt with swiftly.

>> No.20756343

>nothing bad happened to me personally so there must be nothing going on
Look anon, what do you think things like "white privilege, white fragility, you can't be racist against whites" are about? This is literally the groundwork being laid to oppress you.

>> No.20756357

is that you JP? how's the benzos going mate

>> No.20756378

Do you think they aren't a marxist organisation? Go on their website and have a good look.

>> No.20756515
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Take a look at their symbol too. It's literally an old communist symbol painted black

>> No.20756537

nice trips. i checked slv 30c 1/15/2021. premiums are really cheap. if youre that confident i might have to buy a few contracts
havent fucked around with options in a while

>> No.20756718

>white privilege
is the topic of the ted talk that started all this. we could go calling it 'a lack of white oppression and generational wealth inequalities associated with such oppression' but fuck typing that. white privilege is just the economic scenario of not having years of racial issues on top of what is yeah, probably still a difficult human condition.
>white fragility
is the denial of what i wrote above.
>you can't be racist against whites
is not an intelligently crafted statement, and you really need to keep in mind that it's not the masses' fault for not being somewhere awesome on the intellectual bell curve. what it means underneath what looks illogical - is that when someone calls you a cracker, it probably doesn't trigger a deep emotional trauma of years of getting hit with whatever slur you might get if your were black, asian, whatever. I said before that the world was less racist, but slurs are still thrown around pretty frequently. Were you bullied at school? Imagine if that bullying was channelled into a single word that could provoke an immediate emotional response when used. Cracker, honkey, whatever doesn't do that. The real statement SHOULD BE "you can't use racism as an efficient weapon against white people"

>> No.20756962

no, I don't consider fringe people to represent the majority of a movement. I do however, think folks arrive at marxism due to growing inequality and not having the brain to understand multi-variable problems. And that's fine, they really aren't going to take over and meanwhile, working to solve the problems of inequality while they go on ranting will gradually calm them down. Or perhaps inequality will get worse and we will have revolution on our hands. Do you actively contribute to fixing the inequality problem by calling out Marxists? You've got a good head on your shoulders and you can move the human race forward by focusing on the right targets.

>> No.20757012

Is there privalage based on certain historiacal trends. Yes of course. But why is it ONLY an issue with whites? Where is the Han Chinese privilege over the 30ish other ethnic groups in china. The countless version of privilege of some black tribe over other black tribes in African nations?
Further, it's being fed to people as a form of original sin that they must work all their lives to excise (go ahead and read that tumor of a book "White Fragility")
This kind of language is used to create an environment where individual action is meaningless and only statistial agrivates are important.
>whites in general do better at X, therefore systemic racism is at work and we have to give other races unfair advantages
>Oh? Asians do better than whites? Fuck that, who cares?
>Women do better than men? Fuck that who cares
>white men do better at anything? DESTROY WHITE MALE PRIVILEGE
It's really amazing how some people can't see this.

>is the denial of what i wrote above
No. It's a Kafka trap.
>you don't believe you're privileged or racist, that's proof that you are
>you admit that you are? Good, now do as we say to make up for it

> not an intelligently crafted statement
They literally redefined "racism" to make it so you can be total racist piece of crap against whites and that's all you come with?

You know how you end racism? You do the exact opposite of what the left is currently doing. This hyper-focus on racism and past transgressions CAUSES racism and resentment. You couldn't come up with a better plan to tear apart western societies than to make everyone hyper-sensitive to these things by constantly taking about how horribly they're being oppressed.
Whites (especially white men) are being made into eternal villains, all other races into eternal victims.
How to stop racism:

>> No.20757045

> I don't consider fringe people to represent the majority of a movement
It's literally the symbol of their organisation.
It's literally the organisation's website. How are they the fringe if people are literally kneeling to them specifically?

>> No.20757147

tearing apart western societies is the point bro
that's exactly what they're trying to do
I agree that we should resist it though

>> No.20757189

I know it is. Hopefully they're overstepping enough to wake the frog before the pot boils.

>> No.20757246

you will eventually lose money doing this because people manipulate the paper price of PMs and they can have crazy dips and swings that wipe your gains out. best way to play PMs is to HOLD, gambling on the short term price of a commodity that performs well over long periods of time is the definition of retarded.

>> No.20757290

you're not a very good listener are you, you little shit.

>> No.20757306

best thing you can do would be to sell SLV puts and if they ever get exercised just hold for 5 years because this shits going 50+ you can make some nice side cash on the way by selling puts on stock you want to buy anyways

>> No.20757321

you probably won't regret it. I'm up 400% already so if you hit 400% I'll be even richer. I'm not selling yet so we'll be on the same page kind of.

>> No.20757352

Lol this post seems like you’re being ironic but it’s actually a good play

>> No.20757441

fuck niggers, fuck fat niggers especially, and fuck stupid niggers, like in pic, she dumb enough to be criminal but she chose to be a dumb nigger

>> No.20757541
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>Crypto changed my life
>But its gay, dont do it

>> No.20757565
File: 325 KB, 1890x923, blackLivesMatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, I want to start by saying there IS a lot we can agree on and you make decent points. but honestly show me where the symbol is on that site, I couldn't easily find it. https://blacklivesmatter.com/

>This kind of language is used to create an environment where individual action is meaningless and only statistical aggregates are important.
And I get it. I am literally a statistician. The general population ARE SLOOOWLY waking up to this. There's a really good reason courts are backing out of using such aggregations as evidence. They have in the past and its SCARY what unfolded. But, again, is it not possible that many cases of the 'systematic oppression of whites' could be down to dumb people making emotional decisions? You will need to show me a lot of data suggesting that white males are being oppressed across the board before I start believing it. It sure doesn't show in their opportunity of outcome stats. Do remember that I know all about outliers and that whacky shit can happen to white men too.
>you don't believe you're privileged or racist, that's proof that you are
>you admit that you are? Good, now do as we say to make up for it
Dude only crazies are saying this. They are not a majority. Maybe some of them are in powerful positions, but come on do you not see all the other normal people not screaming their heads off?
>They literally redefined "racism" to make it so you can be total racist piece of crap against whites and that's all you come with?
Yeah, I told you it was dumb semantics. I meant it.
Completely agree. But I'll stop talking about it last - when opportunity of outcome is within a tolerable estimation of equal. The guy who wrote the article in OP's picture is perpetuating the conversation. So am I. The difference is I really try to get both sides to see middle ground, and I genuinely believe that reduces polarisation, hopefully promoting the equilibrium we'll find equality.

>> No.20757619

Silver just dumped you literal nigger

>> No.20757669

Lol. Just happened. Bunch of options faggots just got toasted.

>> No.20757690

the premiums are $1.30 right now. isn't that kind of a lot? They're very far OTM too.

do you ever buy weeklys? Any other OTM calls for silver you would recommend?

>> No.20757961

Crypto only worked in 2017 because a shit coin would legit moon 20x in like a week. That's not happening again, ever. People know the game now so if crypto is going to con the masses it needs a new strategy.

Think of why crypto spoke in terms of 10x, 20x, 30x and not percentages... because that's how gay the 2017 market was. In stocks you rarely use the term 1,000% gain, or 3,000% gain.

Now it's just gay. It took link 3 years to do a 3x. I remember in 2017 I wasn't happen unless it was AT LEAST a 7-8x.

>> No.20757987

it's literally up 4% after hours you retarded lying nigger

>> No.20758020

we hear you, I'm sold.

I want to go high risk on calls and futures for silver. Any recs? longer term wayyy OTM?

Robinhood doesn't offer futures so I'm looking into a sierra charts account with AMP to trade micros.

>> No.20758088

>come over to wsb

Lmao, that literal fake shill board full of paper trades.

>> No.20758113

>show me where the symbol is on that site
I just checked and don't see it, so I was wrong about that assumption. But it basically is their unofficial symbol you see everywhere. You can make the argument that it's just the more fringe element using it but I really don't think that's the case.
They do use
under "what we believe"
They do want to
>We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement
And here's a video of a BLM co-founder talking about how they're
>trained Marxists

>You will need to show me a lot of data suggesting that white males are being oppressed across the board before I start believing
I'm not that well versed in what sort of data is out there on this, but let's look at a few simple facts:
>you can say ridiculously racist things against whites and the repercussions (if any) are minimal when compared to what happens if you reverse the races
>there are all sorts of special scholarships, programs and initiatives to help literally every group in western societies EXCEPT white men, even though white men aren't on the whole doing the best in these societies.
>there a "diversity" departments and "diversity quotas" creeping into everything
Can do you argue against the fact that "diverse" in effect just means "not a white man?"
Are there manifestations of these things in statistical data? I'm sure there are, but I couldn't point you to any since I haven't tried to research the matter on this level.
I've read that whites are actually more likely to be shot by the police in the US, adjusted for population size because cops are scared of the potential consequences of shooting a black person. So I guess those stats should be easy enough to look up in theory.
Ask yourself why people's (and the media's) outrage is SO HEAVILY modulated by the skin color of the shooter and the victim? It's almost always
>white shooter black victim
you hear about.

>> No.20758120
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>> No.20758128


>Dude only crazies are saying this.
Why do I keep hearing about people being deplatformed and fired over this kind of thing? The crazies apparently have a whole lot of power.
>They are not a majority.
Neither were Nazi party members or members of the Russian or Chinese communist revolutions. It rarely takes a majority.

>Yeah, I told you it was dumb semantics
No, it's smart semantics. IF you're trying to turn whites in second class citizens.

>when opportunity of outcome is within a tolerable estimation of equal
I think you're a bit confused here and are conflating two separate and very different things.
There's equality of opportunity. This is good. This is the promise of America (even if it's failed to live up to the ideal). No matter who you are and where yous started, you have a shot.
Equality of outcome is communism. It's tyranny. People (individuals) ARE. NOT. EQUAL. You can only force them to be equal by knocking down everyone to the lowest common denominator.
This is Newspeak. It's conflating something horrible with something great in order to turn it into Trojan Horse. It's the 1984 style perversion/subversion of language that communists always use as their weapon.

>> No.20758406

i just opened an account with Tradovate, wish me luck Anon im 50 and want to move out of Mom's basement

>> No.20758433

use Tradovate!!!

>> No.20758579

>I've read that whites are actually more likely to be shot by the police in the US, adjusted for population size because cops are scared of the potential consequences of shooting a black person.
I believe it's when you adjust for violent crimes committed per person.

>> No.20758584

you can't shill in the real stock market, it's too big you retard.

Tesla alone has a market cap higher than all of crypto combined. Amazon has 9x the market cap of all crypto combined. Those are just two companies out of thousands with professional traders who are actually IQ devoting their lives to understanding... you think it can be shilled like crypto? idiot

>> No.20758593

Get fucking physical faggot

>> No.20758615

Shut up plebbit

>> No.20758619

You need to go learn shit for yourself retard. "Learning" about options trading through a fucking comment on a Taiwanese anime website is a good way to lose your money

>> No.20758706

If I remember correctly, it's unarmed people shot by the police. So a white unarmed person is more likely to be shot than a black unarmed person.

>> No.20758767

for every 10000 white arrests, there are 3 shot by the police
for every 10000 black arrests, 2 are shot by the police.
you can cherry pick a few statistics to make it look like niggers are targeted, but they're really not. the simple fact is niggers commit way more crime and despite making polices jobs so hard by resisting arrest and nigging, they rarely get shot for it.

>> No.20758840

It's also that it almost never happens to begin with. There have been what... 13 or 17 this year in a country of 350 million?
There are more blacks that get killed in a given weekend due to black gang violence. But nobody is going around with signs saying
>stop killing us
to address what is ACTUALLY killing them.
Seriously, people need to wake up to the fact that this victim narratives are used by the west's enemies to destroy us.

>> No.20758868

Why so many rock collectors on here lately?

>> No.20758919

Look granted they use lingo that might be a little offensive to people born behind the iron curtain. But at the same time, is it a direct call to Bolshevikism and violent revolution? Final paragraph suggests not.
>We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement
"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable." is the full context and paints a very different picture.
>there a "diversity" departments and "diversity quotas" creeping into everything
and there's that thing called a handicap in golf. Is it always perfect? nope. does it account for every variable? nope. is it better than nothing? yes. is it something that people like myself pursuing a political career will want to make a lot of rational tweaks to? absolutely.
>The crazies apparently have a whole lot of power.
Or, as you have pointed out, a whole lot of media attention. The media game is clicks now. You aren't going to click something that isn't on some level bait. They need them clicks and that shit works.
>white shooter black victim
Click click click.
>Neither were Nazi party members or members of the Russian or Chinese communist revolutions. It rarely takes a majority.
I don't understand what you mean, all of these groups became political majority and I can't see anywhere in the western world where the BLM fringe movement is gaining such traction or is suggesting state intervention.

>> No.20758932

Trump quietly took over the FED and is printing money like no tomorrow. to pay for stimulus checks & unemployment going to tens of millions
even if the numbers aren't enough the psychological effect should boost inflation havens for a bit longer

>> No.20758938

inb4 cheeseburgers are racist

>> No.20758945

>when opportunity of outcome is within a tolerable estimation of equal
I get that opportunity of outcome sounds very similar to the other two more commonly used phrases. Perhaps that is clumsy of me, but I constructed that phrase on the spot for the meaning I tried to convey. Of course people aren't equal by some measurements in general. But if two equally talented and hard working developers, artists, chefs, ... (regardless or race, age gender, whatever) are aiming for the same outcome, they should have equal opportunity, no?

>> No.20759041

I've gotta get going so I don't have time to respond properly. But it was kinda refreshing to have a respectful conversation here. Very novel..
I'd just like to suggest that you keep an open mind to the type of 1984 language games that are being played. Maybe you'll start noticing what so many others have. Maybe I'm just delusional. Just keep an open mind.
Take care anon

>> No.20759048

>you can cherry pick a few statistics to...
>cherry picks a statistic
>uses slurs to augment argument

>> No.20759094

I really agree, was good. I'll never let 1984 happen my guy, and will die guns blazing for you if it all comes to your prediction. But until then I'll look out for my fellow man. Stay safe buddy.

>> No.20759105

go back niggerlover

>> No.20759805

Ok boomer