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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21330594 No.21330594 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21330620

>cia info farming thread

>> No.21330667

How many link my nigga?

>> No.21330681

No crypto. Boring index funds

>> No.21330718

what are your liabilities?

>> No.21330726

Nice. Is it from previous crypto gains, do you have a great job, or are you 60 years old?

>> No.21330734


>> No.21330799

31 years old. Have OK job, good at saving

>> No.21330918

Damn. I got 200k I wish I was you

>> No.21330958

I have about 120k and i'm 26

>> No.21331114

Really? That's all just from saving and paying into an index fund? You never caught a big pump or anything?

>> No.21331161

they are too busy smuggling children for celebrities and politicians to care about /biz/aggots

>> No.21331581

get into crypto

>> No.21331609

>oring index funds
Which index funds?

>> No.21331636

age 23

>> No.21331639


>> No.21331674
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i only have $8.00 cash and penny jar fren.
me work fren. me do work. it hot out there fren.
me sweat fren. no, fren. me not stink. /; me?

>> No.21331681

100 stacks but im super upside down on my car

>> No.21331887

I’m probably at 600-700k, owe 90 k on my property but everything else paid off including my 140k new diesel truck I got that’s nicer then a mercedes Benz inside. 28 yrs old here

>> No.21331953

15k at 22

>> No.21332093


>> No.21332103

26, 27k in the bank, own half of 12 acres my dad and I bought for 34k, owe ~29k in student loans

>> No.21332148

around $1.1MM, all assets, zero liabilities. But no house and mid thirties already, so it's kind of meh.

>> No.21332232

Everyone also post your sexual experience to prove money doesn't make much of a difference.

>> No.21332241

I forgot I had a shitload of csgo skins back from when I used to play that are now worth 500+
So that

>> No.21332294
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Where we're going that's more than enough

>> No.21332378

cringe larp

>> No.21332382

Nice, I'm 29 and didn't quite put as much into my 401k etc, it's probably only like 250k or something right now. Whatever it is, I'm projected to have 3 mil by retirement, but by retirement that won't mean much. Need shitcoin gains for closer-term tomfoolery, who gives a fuck if you can live off interest when you're old, wasting the best years fuck me.

>> No.21332464

4k various crypto
15k in bank account
10k in stocks/bonds/options (mostly indices)
3k in PM's
about 32k overall
23 y/o grad student
Absolutely none, the only times I leave the house are when I go to work or class.

>> No.21332574

~200k assets (mostly chainlink)
~20k liabilities (mostly my car payment and a couple of credit cards)

27 year old turbo virgin whos never had a gf, i rarely ever leave my house and back when i had friends and did leave my house it was hanging out with fat nerdy friends who also didn't know many girls.

>> No.21332654
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lost too much on high risk investments

>> No.21332725

My crypto portfolio hit 1 million USD worth today. I feel nothing.

>> No.21333083

>30 years old
>700k net worth

Money has never gotten me laid, it’s a meme.
I’m doing better than most of my peers and have only fucked 4 girls. None of them were long term relationships.
Was just rejected by a trad qt yesterday. Feels bad man.

>> No.21333117
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>> No.21333142

cringe raptor fags

>> No.21333236

have about 50 cents in savings
30 cente in checking
newest paycheck just DD but wont process until friday
owe 2k on my amex
10k in student loans
120$ in RH
12k in Vanguard

slept with over 20+ women
most were long term
most were 7+
with only 1-2 4s

>> No.21333260

about 2k crypto
10k actual money

>> No.21333372

>Low six figgy net, not disclosing how much but barely in there
>threesome in Vegas
>probs 15 other girls
I have tons of great sexual experiences but I wonder if I'd trade it all for having a stack at .20 cents on chainlink.... an never having to wage again

>> No.21333400

Cash - $70k
Crypto - $40k
Home equity - $100k
Business equity - $400k
Misc assets- $10k
Retirement assets- $45k

$665k age 39

>> No.21333480

Where the fuck do you cunts get so much money from? Were you all in crypto in 2017?

>> No.21333542

Probably not; feeling inadequate regarding relationships and worrying about dying alone doesn’t go away with money.

t. bought link at .36

>> No.21333630

Any resources for boring investing advice? Im not falling for meme crypto shit, I can play the waiting game for 10-20 years if I have to as a 24 year old.

>> No.21333706

all markets are meme markets now, sensible investing is no longer a thing, sorry fren
probably throwing shit in an index fund or something is your best bet

>> No.21333782

400k, 22

>> No.21333805

Well, I already do. Im looking into real estate now that the economy is fucked here and the fed bailouts are doing nothing to stop the bleeding but I also want more knowledge on the matter of investing since it's admittedly shoddy.

>> No.21333818

45k crypto
15k stonks
30k cash

39 y/o but I'm from third world so it goes a longer way here.

>> No.21333866

$27k cash
$15k 401k
$4k stocks
-$7k car loan
-$152k student loans (never paying back)

>> No.21333895

365k stonks
170k home equity
23k crypto
55k cash

37 year old Amerifat. Would be richer but I have 4 kids.

>> No.21334126

well I guess if you're really new you should learn the rules of the game first if you haven't yet.
asset types, derivatives, financial terms, fundamentals, other heuristics and the like on the internet, it's as good a resource as any other. Wikipedia is honestly adequate for most things, investopedia is fine for a broad overview as well.
I've never read any of the meme books people recommend like 'the intelligent investor' and 'security analysis', but a lot of value investors stick to that, it hasn't been working out great for them recently tho.
If you want to know more about derivatives, I liked paul wilmont's book on quantitative finance, it's good if you're a math type.
reading up on economics in general is moderately useful, just don't get too caught up in their models, they're seldom right.
>never paying back

>> No.21334152
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>> No.21334234

32k crypto
11k stocks
6k roth ira
5k cash

>> No.21334273

If you don't have $500k by the time you are 30 years old what the fuck are you doing with your life?

>> No.21334280

i have 225k in student loan debt with no degree to show for it, whats your plan for not paying yours back?

>> No.21334450
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>225k in student loan debt
How the fuck does this even happen?

>> No.21334458

All you fucks with 100k+ net worth why the fuck aren’t you just paying some sugar girl $500 a month to fuck her? She would be like 21yo and $500 would make a huge difference for her.

How are you not doing this if you’re smart enough to become somewhat wealthy

>> No.21334585

Having a goal of spending $500/month on a 21-year old thot is exactly why you will never be wealthy

>> No.21334803

10k Cash
4.5k Crypto
?? 401K (I dont check em ever but its probably less than 5k and 100% less than 10k).

24 Year old and my crypto is just LINK and sood to be PNK. [Currently ETH :(]

>> No.21334809

What society has told you to do.

Been on both ends. The grass is always greener.

That's for 500k+ net worth. Pussy isn't worth 6% of your net worth.

>> No.21334965

oh but we are.. the sugar baby thing is very popular right now.
Arranged a 3some for friday

I'm no moralfag so I don't give a F

>> No.21334977


>> No.21335083

i'm on REPAYE. i plan on paying the bare minimum for the next 20 years and then paying the tax bomb. i calculated it out, i save quite a bit of money taking this approach even with the tax bomb.

>> No.21335089

as Charlie Sheen once said. We're not paying them for sex, we're paying them to leave after.
How is that simp?

>> No.21335189

How do I do this?

>> No.21335249

what do you mean?

>> No.21335545

They are boomers

>> No.21335577

Damn anon. I’m paying mine off tomorrow and buying a house. Sorry about that.

>> No.21335592

Probably inherited most from daddy or grandpa.

>> No.21335631

I was fucking women. I only have 60-70k at 31 but I’m debt free and I have a body count so high that I’ve learned to hate women for what they really are.

>> No.21335649

>go to out of state private college
>flunk out
>be allowed to take 40k loans semester after semester by sallie mae and watch the amount balloon up with 20%+ interest rates on each loan


>> No.21335679

Why the fuck would I give a dumb thot my money when I can get it for free? I want children faggot. Sugar babies won’t have your child. They are selfish little bitches who don’t want commitment.

If you can’t get pussy for free how the hell do expect to make money?

>> No.21335681

im guessing these are government loans and not private loans because in my situation its pay or get fucked

>> No.21335700

What is that?

>> No.21335756

>if you can’t get pussy for free how do you expect to make money?
Greater then 100? Just curious
Rip, hope you make it anon

>> No.21335818

Pussy is time. Time is money. Once your time is worth a certain amount, its not worth doing the things you need to do to meet women naturally.

If you're married, more power to you though.

>> No.21335838
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Jesus Christ. Sorry you were tricked by the college jew anon.

>> No.21335862

I blame nobody but your parents. You just wanted some arthoe pussy right? That's normal, but god damn. Fucking A man. Where was your guidance in life?

>> No.21335909

Probably, seeing as he didn't answer. At his age, that would be like a well paid Silicon Valley guy dumping almost all of his money into index funds.

>> No.21336023

I'll owe about an extra $35k in taxes when I file taxes for the year 2040.

>> No.21336037

honestly i dont even know what to do, im making 50k a year a dumping every extra penny i earn into stocks and shit coins hoping i strike gold. once the debt collectors start knocking ill probably off myself lol
tricked to the fullest, i should have never been allowed to make the decisions i did at 18
i blame my school more than my parents. my dad went to school in france and had no frame of reference and my mom went to school in the 70s and was a straight A student. i blame my snobby private highschool college guidance counselor who didnt raise any objection whatsover when i told her i wanted to go to an out of state private school. if i ever see her again i might knock her out on the spot

>> No.21336044

Dont knock the mans dreams, everyone wants a 21 y/o thottie

>> No.21336138
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>if i ever see her again i might knock her out on the spot

i don't want to see you in any deeper shit than you already are, seriously. that said, you would be doing your country a service.

>> No.21336614


>> No.21336665

how do you sixfigfags make all your money? what jobs do you have?

>> No.21336805


nobody made you flunk out, take personal responsibility for your problems

>> No.21336826

$3350 USD

1k - cash
2k - '09 shitwagon
350 - crypto

I just decided, I'm getting drunk tomorrow.

>> No.21336827

buying link in 2017

>> No.21336866

Like 22 thousand

>> No.21336952

My networth is a pathetic amount of shit coin and my liquor cabinet

>> No.21337111

How do I pay a bitch to fuck me (in Minecraft).

>> No.21337150

this, but unironically
don't fall for this shit bros

>> No.21337160

your net worth is what's LIQUID. meme monopoly coins are't liquid you stupid retarded basement dwellers

>> No.21337171

You absolute dumbass. I’m gonna hit 1million before you and I’m only 1.7/10 of a millionaire

>> No.21337223
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>meme monopoly coins are't liquid

>> No.21337254

What? I just sold $3k of crypto yesterday and used it earlier today to pay rent

>> No.21337449


Money doesn't buy class.

>> No.21337615

the "classiest" men you can think of have fucked hookers. what world do you live in?

>> No.21337663

why isn't the a - mark in front of the 6?