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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21391864 No.21391864 [Reply] [Original]

It's breaking down, bros....

>> No.21391886

I unironically bought at 17.30...fucking kek

>> No.21391913
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Swingies win every time

>> No.21391927
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until it pumps to $20 and your short liquidates kek

>> No.21391946
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It's taking a fucking nose dive what the actual fuck???

>> No.21391956

I'm with you brother

>> No.21391963

get 2 literally free LINK from coinbase

>> No.21391999
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I swung at the $5 "triple top".

>> No.21392014

I’m fucking ruined

>> No.21392034

Too many normies, twitterfags and plebbitors are holding. Im out.

>> No.21392060

This, if you can’t swing and make profit you are unironically retarded

>> No.21392072

Running out of greater fools.

>> No.21392075

Some of you fags on this board are the most reactionary pussies, ngmi fuck off

>> No.21392099
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>gut is telling me cash out now while I have profits, then buy the dip
>everyone else is telling me to just hold
Not sure which to do.

>> No.21392101

nutrilife carries on

>> No.21392114

Zoom out

>> No.21392124
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>> No.21392160

>doubles in price in 2 weeks
>slides back as normal market corrections happen and etherium shoots up (ie, people swapping profits into etherium
>'breaking down'
You all are either 15 or fucking faggots who didn't buy at 35 cents.

>> No.21392165

I've lost so much money AAAAAAAAAAAaaaAAaa

>> No.21392176

all 3 of the last big pumps over the last 3 days have taken place between 00:00 and 12:00 EST. maybe sell at 2 or 3?

thinking aloud

>> No.21392220

16.99 stable coin... I'm ruined

>> No.21392554

Why not do both? Cash out some (up to half); let the rest ride.

>> No.21392585

so much this. every single day these fags going crazy when link didnt go up by 20% again

>> No.21392604

Idiots didnt learn from the last crash, all you fucking EOY 5k fgt linkies had to learn it the hard way ey

>> No.21392610

Wait until sunday you idiot

>> No.21392660
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lmao swinglets

>> No.21392664 [DELETED] 
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Swing, i dare you.

>> No.21392712

Bought $200 at 17.54 :)

>> No.21392761

Britfags are waking up

>> No.21392762

It's a small dip and we're still up many times our initial investment. Why do nolinkers make these threads everyday as if Link holders are going to get fucked?

>> No.21392776
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BTC has no use-case, Ether is centralized, and Chainlink is a pump-and-dump bubble. People are momentum-chasing Chainlink simply because it has now become known that "Chainlink is the 4chan coin." The run only started in the first place because the short position of Zeus Capital got liquidated. Chainlink _will_ crash, just as all crypto did in 2017. Be intelligent and do what Peter Spina did then: cash out your Chainlink for physical silver and junior silver miners (SILJ). Telling you this sincerely with your best interest in mind.

>> No.21392862
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>> No.21392894

Zoom out my friend. You see the Year Price Graph? Tell me what's wrong with it :)