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File: 916 KB, 1320x743, ifyouknowyouknow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21406266 No.21406266 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is all fuckin antsy for "MUH STAKING" they keep looking for Sergey to say "Staking Announced: RELEASE DATE XXXX". That is not how it's going to work.

What IS going to happen is Chainlink will release Threshold Signatures and Chainlink VRF will hit mainnet. When these two things happen, STAKING IS LIVE.

If you are waiting for some announcement of staking to be teased like fuckin Tron, you are going to miss the biggest run we've ever seen.

Threshold signatures + Chainlink VRF allows for the creation of massive scale node networks. This means you, the fucktard, can now participate in fulfilling chainlink requests and earn LINK. This is the passive income part we've been talking about.

You had 3 fucking years to get in. I am giving you one last chance by providing this information because this is still misunderstood even by marines. Once the rest of the marines realize this, and eventually the fuckin norman's realize this, LINK is going to be over $100.

Chainlink has always been technology first, staking will be the same format.

Stop buying unishit coins and gain financial freedom for life.


Buy LINK or stay poor.

>> No.21406327


>> No.21406349

Checked and based. Staking fags are the pajeets that invest in Band.

Threshold sigs and Mixicles gettings announced at Smart Con

>> No.21406354
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>81K EOY

>> No.21406382

Staking was always coming after eth 2.0 was released. If you dont realize this youre a fucking retard

>> No.21406385
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>LINK is going to be over $100.

>> No.21406442

Okay but how is this going to be done? Is this something I'll be able to enable on the chainlink node I have running in the basement? Will I get any usage of my link? Why would anyone want to use it and how would they specifically select my node over any other?

>> No.21406443

Staking is not just, deposit tokens and Sergey sends coins to you. You will participate in the node network in the "general request" pools. THAT is how you earn the passive stake income. That is what people don't understand. That is coming and fast.

>> No.21406485
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im personally excited to shitpost on the node operator bulletin board they're going to release.

>> No.21406495

>Up 6 figures
>This guy is still posting
It's all so tiresome

>> No.21406576

There's zero demand for staked oracles. It's gonna dump so hard when people realize it's not a fucking block chain and it's driven by demand.

>> No.21406587

You are thinking about how nodes currently work. Sergey said early their plan was to bootstrap TRUSTED and VETTED nodes first. They needed to establish a base layer so shit didn't go off the rails from the start.

Now that they have developed Threshold Signatures (this allows thousands of nodes to participate) and Chainlink VRF (the random distribution of rewards) everyone is getting invited to the party.

Staking will be live before the masses actually realize it's live and the price will be instantly undervalued.


>> No.21406674

what's fair value right now you reckon?

>> No.21406729

It's nearly impossible to say. There is a severe underestimation how integrated Chainlink will be going forward for Smart Contract adoption.

It's like were going from INTRANET to INTERNET and how important Public DNS became.

>> No.21406781
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I'm gonna post lolis

>> No.21406981
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>> No.21407306
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Help a brainlet pls. I've tried setting up a node on Ropstein to get used to how this thing works to be ready for my neetnode when the bombshell drops. It asks for PostgreSQL but the page for setting it up on Docker is empty. Do I have to pay for those (((cloud services))) to run my node?

>> No.21407388

nah man postgres is FOSS, there's no need to pay for a cloud provider. Just try to google for some instructions on setting up a postgres container for your OS

>> No.21407601

> Now that they have developed Threshold Signatures (this allows thousands of nodes to participate) and Chainlink VRF (the random distribution of rewards) everyone is getting invited to the party.

They still need staking to ensure people don't run nodes and fuck up on the job AND STILL GET JOBS. Last I checked, service level agreements aren't deployed on mainnet.

>> No.21407788

That is simply a smart contract. Look how fast the DeFi shit spun up. Once the core functionality is in Chainlink, the agreement will be very quick.

>> No.21407878

So you're saying Tsigs and VRF will be released after smartcon and that's when you can stake your LINK on mainnet?

>> No.21408006
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This is the problem with you linktards, you make some good points, and give some good information. But then you just start monologuing about how this is the first and last asset to ever make people money, and that nobody else is making money but you. Fucking hell. Yeah chainlink is going probably north of $500 or more but there will definitely be more opportunities in the future.

>> No.21408043
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a few trillion in marketcap atleast since chainlink has a monopoly on the derivatives market worth 1.4 quadrillion.

>> No.21408103

Based. Normans don't know.
This but unironically

>> No.21408239

I'll try that, Chainlink says to set it up on Docker but hopefully it works to just use my OS.
Nobody is saying that it will be the last asset to make money. But it sure opens up the door to make crypto awaken from its slumber, which is why we love it and preach it as the blue chip you should take over gambling. How many 50x+ projects recently used Chainlink oracles? There's no way it's less than 50%, and that's only with the meme price feeds.

>> No.21408244

Checked, based, and fucktardpilled

>> No.21408258

Who's going to capture derivatives market first? XRP and flare or chainlink???

>> No.21408347

XRP is pajeet bullshit. Besides that, its token supply limits its potential ATH

>> No.21408390

What is with you xrp cucks, its CLEARLY a fucking scam, the FT even did an article about how its a solution looking for a problem.

>> No.21408473

Fine, but still. I wouldn't recommend buying Link at these prices. If you missed it, you missed it. There are plenty of other picks that are not "gambling" too.
Chainlink is decentralized, XRP is basically a way for banks and large financial institutions to trade on a distributed ledger.

>> No.21408529

its just excitement anon.

but yes there are plenty of other investments to make money

>> No.21408582

Just set it up in Google Cloud or AWS. Don't set it up in your docker because if that instance goes down, not only does your node go down, but so does your DB holding the node's data. Keep it separate, and also have another node trying to connect to the DB in case the one you're running fails. That's way it's redundant. The docs explain everything.

>> No.21408595

I've been holding LINK since ICO but I literally have no idea how to run my own node. I don't wanna give LP kikes any linkies either, wtf do I do?

>> No.21408616

But XRP has 6 decimal places and chainlink has 18. Basic understanding of fractions means that XRP is much more limited supply...

>> No.21408641
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>> No.21408681

wait for another pool to show up, let the nerds do the hard work

>> No.21408692

Help me understand sempai, what does a stacklet need to do to be ready?

>> No.21408736

You know you can just add decimal points to the end of any crypto, right? All crypto is infinitely divisible.

>> No.21408759

>believing retarded fud
Do you even realize how huge ripple is? OR what their network is capable of? Probably not. It has the #3 market cap for a reason, they have the backing from big players including a partnership with bank of america and swift. This kind of stupid ass FUD you spread makes me realize how ignorant this board is. Calling the largest American crypto venture a scam, fuck outta here.

>> No.21408795
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based jock anon

>> No.21408853

So you are saying that both xrp and chainlink have the same supply then?

>> No.21408897

Are you linkfags still talking about staking? It's been years. Staking is never going to happen.

>> No.21409021

OP is just an another "Here look at me. I am smart" saying his own assumptions meanwhile knows shit when or how it will be done. Stop pretending to be smart... Either larp as someone who knows something or stop making empty assumptions...

>> No.21409566

dude the world is crumbling down as we speak, and link marines will be the only Player Character left after this crisis

>> No.21409929

This has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day. Never change anon

>> No.21409959

So it really is better to do this through big tech cloud services? Feels bad, but I'll take that bullet I guess.
You're right, you'd have to be retarded to buy a Rank 5 coin and expect it to moon, especially when it has 60% of the supply still to be flooded into the market that the CEO is prone to market selling from. $1000 EOY is a meme psyops to dump on nulinkers, as you can see from all the top wallets that are currently selling.

>> No.21409973


If you want to spot 2 retards, read this convo

>> No.21410046

Will we get to choose our own username?

>> No.21410091
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Checked and based.

Still time to get your ducks in a row, but not much.

>> No.21410119

It's probably not that expensive. At most $100 per month which shouldnt be much if you're paid to do requests with staking.

>> No.21410284

Fuck, autists here will find a way to spell NIGGER there by serving almost the exact same data in a way that ranks them one after the other, and it will all be done by a whale linky with multiple nodes.
Based and redpilled in advance senpai

>> No.21410603

>But then you just start monologuing about how this is the first and last asset to ever make people money
wtf are you talking about? I would bet most OG marines, myself included, were early ETHfags. we’re excited because chainlink is the most important project to come out since ETH but it obviously wasnt the first and won’t be the last. as of right now I have not seen anything else remotely as promising but when I do I will jump on it. if you’re here to shill a low float pump and dump shitcoin then just kill yourself.

>> No.21410675


Do you have any in detail walk through to set up a node? How difficult is it for someone not super technically inclined. I have a lot of free time to put towards learning 4-8 hours a day hypothetically

>> No.21410754

do you even realize that XRP is not Ripple? of course you don’t. because like all xrp shills you’re severely retarded.

>> No.21410801

>Yeah chainlink is going probably north of $500 or more but there will definitely be more opportunities in the future.
oof, this level of cope hurts to read

>> No.21410810


>> No.21410824

So this is bulish for both YFLINK and LINK
Fucking amazing desu

>> No.21410862

What I'm arguing is that there's no way Chainlink is going to blow the door open and flood mainnet with NEET nodes until they have mechanisms in place to ensure these nodes don't mess up the overall integrity of the system. With staking in play, anonymous NEET node #1125 with 25K Link staked will get jobs because the risk will be diverted to anon. Developers will be preying on him, hoping he fails so they can eat up his link and kick his ass out of the network.

>> No.21411403

So how are my chances looking against the ones who have 100k+ LINK in staking?
What am I going to earn when couple LINK? What amount do you think I need to have to be able to gain reliable passive income?
Seems like to many factors that are against my odds of gaining anythiing in staking at all.

>> No.21411579

what's YFLINK? did you mean YALINK? like as in the yearn finance vault LINK?

>> No.21411730

Contracts can set up their own specifications for staked LINK.
If it turns out that it is much more profitable per LINK to run a node with more stake than your stack, you can still lease out your LINK to large node operators like Linkpool.

>> No.21412045

I see that's but not for me. I will never lease or contribute to some pool if I'm not the one behind it myself. It's the same with mining.

>> No.21412240

Yeah there will be opportunities in the future, but right now this is literally one of the best ones. You got some smaller roi opportunities like buying amazon at $300, but buying LINK at $0.5 and then it hits $500 is shit that doesn't really come along that often and if it does, you have to actually pay attention and make sure you can even see those kind of opportunities. Thank god I somehow stumbled on biz at the right time.

>> No.21412333

Filecoin will be out by the end of the year. So no more centralized cloud computing or $100/ month fees

>> No.21413287

The neet nodes aren't writing this shit themselves, they just adopt the industry created contracts and sit back collecting. The understanding level will be stratified just like how the crypto space is now.

>> No.21414032

What I don't get is how staking will ACTUALLY work
What the fuck do I actually have to do once it's "live," do I just make a new wallet on some kike's website and send my link to it?

>> No.21414096

based link marine. I like the subtle anti-fud

>> No.21414185

It’s no.3 only by virtue that there’s 45 BILLION of the little turds knocking around. 45Bn x Y = massive marketcap, as if that is even a measure of success or real worth. Hint - it’s not.

>> No.21414444

Ok so you know how we have the price reference nodes? Those are the chainlink sponsered bootstrap nodes. They are supposed to be a reliable example.

The norman's will be brought in when Threshold Sigs and VRF allow anyone with link to either join a contract data provider network or simply supply stake to it.

So picture a contract that wants to collect a specific data point, but they want it fetched by 1000 nodes to guarantee a distributed and averaged result for security. For you to "stake" you can either spin up a node and join the pool of nodes, or, you can supply your link to one of the existing nodes and split profits with them.

>> No.21414499

There you go, kek fuckin wills it

>> No.21414750

Ok I can't tell if I'm missing something or if you're just too smart to understand where a retard like me might struggle to follow, but
>spin up a node and join the pool of nodes
>supply your link to one of the existing nodes
Is there a step by step guide on these yet? Is this something you can whip up in 30 seconds with a handful of mouseclicks or what do I actually have to do

>> No.21414896

Right this second it's impossible to say what the step by steps are. The important part of what I am saying is the technology is already in development and partly on testnet. That means its coming soon. Once it is live, there is already documentation on how to set up a chainlink node:


and for adding liquidity to node networks, it will be like any DeFi website you already use, you go to it, link up metamask, deposit, earn, withdraw etc.

>> No.21414946

>and for adding liquidity to node networks, it will be like any DeFi website you already use, you go to it, link up metamask, deposit, earn, withdraw etc.
grug like sound of that

>> No.21415848
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you still risk than this pool that you lend your linkies get slashed(gives wrong data and get their collateral obliterated) and you lose your hard earned stinkies.........as we say high risk high reward, still gonna lend myself when i see a good pool

It is a comfy plan alright

>> No.21415925

Checked. Based and linkpilled


>> No.21416491
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>based ID
BIK translates to BULL from Slovenian

>> No.21416868

This before or after the 80% of the tokens get dumped?

>> No.21416924



>> No.21417228


nice fud

Just bought 10k more

>> No.21417307

not a fucking chance
nobody needs staking/collateral yet
sergey isnt going to waste his precious linkies on you he needs to save them in order to bribe the important people into joining the network
the fees right now are already astronomically too high and hes only getting people signed up through extreme subsidies
already starting to pay out to his army of nazineets would be incredibly stupid. those payments will have to come from end customers. real end customers cant actually happen until gas fees are solved.

>> No.21417396

>you can supply your link to one of the existing nodes and split profits with them.
why do these nodes want your stakes

>> No.21417550

based insight anon, deserves those quads

>> No.21417554

They more staked, the more insurance there is the data quality is correct because there is more to lose. Same kind of economics that prevent PoW chains like BTC from going rogue, it's not in their financial interest, and therefore the more staked on the oracle network for a given job, the higher security offered to the smart contract consuming the data.

>> No.21417590

because the more value you can lock up as an insurance for data customers, the more and better customers you can get.

>> No.21417601

ETH L1 is working on improving gas costs, but it will be irrelevant once L2 projects are adopted, this is happening right now because expansion of DeFi already requires it. See Aave looking to adopt a L2 solution now.

>> No.21417997

we are SO FUCKING FAR from any of that being needed
maybe this will happen but we are SO FUCKING FAR from it being the case

>> No.21418715

i want to be convinced i just dont see it yet
this is currently an unprofitable money-losing tech purely funded by investors because of long term fantasies (just like most of the current monopoly tech behemoths)

>> No.21418793

u mad

>> No.21418845

Linkoes arent replying because they literally have no argument against this. Fucking losers lmao

>> No.21418871

OP, you think 1000$ per link is possible?

>> No.21418910

>anon wipes ass in public
>everyone ignores asswiper
>"omg why is everyone ignoring asswiper?"

>> No.21418979

I smirked. and to the replies, obvious bait.

>> No.21419028

>no arguments
Like clockwork turd guzzling simp

>> No.21419065

>lmao buzzwords that'll show 'em

>> No.21419085


Is there a minimum amount of LINK you need to have for staking?

>> No.21419111

>no arguments

>> No.21419221

>no points

>> No.21419276


At least this seems more closer to happening than RLC being used mainstream for cloud computing lel.

>> No.21419282

>no arguments

>> No.21419335

this is coherent fud for once. still ns

>> No.21419371

>no points

>> No.21419392
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checkd and confirmed and Stakepilled

>> No.21419454

See >>21418845
Keep playing stupid because you cant refute.
>no arguments

>> No.21419520

>no points

>> No.21419540

>no arguments

>> No.21419586

>no points

>> No.21419618

>no arguments

>> No.21419629

hahaha true i cant believe people are expecting a boomer to finally deliver after he failed for 20 years
that has a coin thrown in for no reason

>> No.21419659

Who's more stupid the pajeet street shitter or the one wasting his time with him? Wait.. Now I'm wasting MY time.

>> No.21419686

>no arguments

>> No.21419905

This is actually hilarious as an argument because it demonstrates how conceptually far off you are from understanding Chainlink + threshold signatures. Chainlink VRF provides verifiable random numbers on chain, and therefore it's possible to use it to randomly choose N chainstink nodes using smart contracts. The chainstink nodes bundle, compute, and submit an entire set of transactions all at once, saving on gas costs. The entire point is to make gas fees cheaper you fucking retard. The customers will be any arbitrary fucknugget who's clogging the network with their potato farming tokens, and they'll pay for the chainstink nodes to do it because it'll be cheaper than doing it on chain. $60 transactions become $4 transactions. Then, ethereum nodes will have some competition in regards to gas fees, so they'll have to lower their gas fees, making the entire network cheaper. There will eventually strike a balance, but it's better for the entire ethereum blockchain to use chainlink threshold signatures. YOU FUCKING IMBECILE GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD

>> No.21419934

>no arguments

>> No.21420039

>Nobody needs collateral yet
Just liquidity for LINK is already in high demand, even without staking. When LINK delivers on payouts (technically LP already causes LINK to do this), demand's gonna go nuts just as supply is shrinking to nothing.

>this is currently an unprofitable money-losing tech
Being able to supply data to contracts cuts out several high-paid middlemen on both sides of every transaction. Money will be saved almost immediately, but naturally banks want the tech to be proven before they dip their feet in. So we're spending time proving it.

>> No.21420049

Chainlink nodes stake their link so that if they provide a false answer, they can be penalized for being wrong. Chainlink nodes will want LINK from neets because it increases the amount of jobs they can submit simultaneously. If you answer 20 jobs all at once, you have to stake link for 20 jobs at the same time. If you don't have enough LINK, you just don't earn on that job. So it's better to have a giant pool of tokens depending on how frequently you get requested and how much you want in reserve for potential increased requests. Again, there will be a balance. Chainlink provides a market.

>> No.21420240

Aggregation / penalty mechanisms for arbitrary API calls are not well-defined. In the case of a price aggregator, the Chainlink aggregation contracts currently compute the median value of the responses, which is valid since it gives a comprehensive, average price of the asset given multiple price sources. That's why it's not as well defined in terms of penalizing nodes: should they get penalized for being 25% off from the other API price values? What if that asset on Binance currently is 25% cheaper there than anywhere else? In that case it's not wrong, which is why the penalty mechanisms for that scenario are harder to define. But for threshold signatures, it's binary. You either compute the proper change of ethereum state based off of the EVM output, or you don't. You can deterministically penalize nodes that attempt to submit false changes of state to the blockchain.

>> No.21420317

This but unironically.

>> No.21420341


>Listing BTC as successor to cash
>Listing XRP and XLM (lol) as the successors to money

Anyone who believes XRP or the like will be in the final trifecta of cryptos is delusional, even if they are bullish on LINK. BTC is money. XRP and XLM will bleed out and never be implemented. Why? Because Chainlink literally makes the "instantaneous payment" coin project obsolete, and if you don't understand this, you don't actually understand the potential of Chainlink.

Here's the LINK blackpill: When fully implemented, it will allow fiat payments to basically utilize the trustlessness of the blockchain and at high speed. It could even be a second layer rapid payment system for BTC... or any medium-of-exchange crypto. LINK, very generalized, allows for an oracle network to report on the state of an event in one place/time and correspondingly trigger another event at another place/time. That could be a transaction of any kind on any network as long as they have an API, or collectively the execution of code of a program that fed info by API. With this broadness of functionality, LINK can basically function as a second layer to allow traditional non-blockchain services to function with the speed and trustlessness of blockchain, simply by interfacing with them at the API level.

inb4 it's too slow on ETH. Implementing ETH 2.0 is not even necessary for LINK to work fast; wrapped LINK on second-gen EVM smart contract platforms will work fine.

>> No.21420426
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>there will definitely be more opportunities in the future.
famous last words
people still don't realize what chainlink is

>> No.21420875

Thank you for the thoughtful content.

I’m interested in your sell targets for the next 2 years as you sound like an ancient fag.

>> No.21420976

>threshold signs will be finished
>any day now
>dumps whole section, restarts
Same was said last year, then it dumped. Its mid August, the team cashes out mid august, SHORT LINK

>> No.21421008

Look 42 I only have 200 LINK and no way to get more, I'm fucked either way

>> No.21421087

What are potential solutions for aggregation/penalty mechanisms for arbitrary API calls?

>> No.21421417

This is more of a math question than a chainlink question.

>> No.21421651

why would random chainlink nodes be used for this rather than the other specifically designed rollup tools that already exist

>> No.21421735

Kill yourself.

>> No.21421847

holy shit, a live dunning kruger
you have no idea what vrf is

>> No.21421856

Irrespective of how bullish you are on Chainlink, it will succumb to the eventual 70% price correction that terminates all crypto bull run cycles. So yes, my question is on sell targets?

>> No.21421919

Um we dont sell here..

>> No.21421948

have fun selling lmao

>> No.21421958

That's all you have to say? Lol

>> No.21421969

95% of this thread are npcs
look at these people: "how much link do i need, please spoonfeed, please explain, how to run muh node" these are low level npcs straight of lumbridge's goblin village

>> No.21422025

yea i definitely dont understand it
why should chainlink be used to accomplish this

>> No.21422107

Stop it.

>> No.21422302
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Checked. Kek wills it

>> No.21422447

top kek

What generalized rollup solutions are live right now?

>Thank you for the thoughtful content.
>you sound like an ancient fag.
>What are potential solutions for aggregation/penalty mechanisms
>Irrespective of how bullish you are
>it will succumb
Why are you playing the authority on what happens in crypto when you ask questions that demonstrate you are an actual midwit?

>> No.21422618

Since we are talking about staking dividends, similarly are there any updates to the yLINK vault through YFI? Its could be a solid substitute to staking in the mean time until its live although the liquidity pools seem a bit risky right now since its all new code and protocols. Is anyone here currently locking their LINK through the vault? I guess Idk if its even active to everyone yet either.

>> No.21422742


Assuming LINK is successful massive amounts of data and value is added to the blockchain things like DMG and maybe decentralized cloud storage or cloud computing would have a purpose but those are for next bullrun. LINK is the final 100,000%-1,000,000 or more gains though. Seriously the only comparable project to what BTC has seen

>> No.21422885

>Chainlink VRF (the random distribution of rewards)
That's not what VRF is. Vrf it's a system that verifies that a number has been randomly generated off-chain and is being fed in a smart contract on-chain without being manipulated. Threshold sigs are still in development, Coventry said that is far from production

>> No.21423159

Could Chainlink move on non-blockchain systems like IOTA if they were ever to cuck the blocks?