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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21621762 No.21621762 [Reply] [Original]

What is your net worth? This Black Gay Male has a net worth of 250k at 27 and I am a white straight male with 50k at 26.

>> No.21622518

He's gay, gays make a lot more money than straight men.

>> No.21622988

Datamine thread?
23 year old white male here with ~35k in various cryptos
Started with 10k in june so im doing pretty well so far.

>> No.21623017

True. He makes 200k/year

>> No.21623190

Gays become insanely rich during their lifetime. A true redpill.

>> No.21623228

You had 3 years.

>> No.21623250

I'm 28 with 450k

>> No.21623270

>He's gay, gays make a lot more money than straight men.

Wrong. they spend more than straight men and have more debt than straight men.

>> No.21623293

i am 27 year old male from baltics and my networth is worth about 0.55 of the faggot

>> No.21623337

Yeah gay people are often landlords and build up their own mini-kingdom. The ones that are socially/emotionally traumatized into being hyper-money-driven become very successful. They also don't have to worry about families a lot of the time. Because of this, they often end up being the first wave of gentrifiers in a ghetto neighborhood (which means they also have the biggest return on RE investment there)

>> No.21623349

27 from Eastern Europe
around 230,000€ networth
Inherited all

>> No.21623442

I'm actually a fag but I don't have any saving, and 10 linkies

>> No.21623468

nigger faggots are worth nothing and should be roped

>> No.21623520

My niggas

>> No.21623532

haha OP is the nigger now
source: your cum filled asshole

>> No.21623654

Well gays tend to have extrardinary tastes and un-male like high social competencies plus they are somewhat rare. This helps them making it, especially in certain fields like fashion, design or music. They can cover more female business areas with the determination and will of a man.

>> No.21623694
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking every gays are feminine


>> No.21623712

1.7M at 35

>> No.21623741

Gays have money I sold drugs for years and plenty of them are surprisingly successful

>> No.21623778
File: 120 KB, 1024x767, 24325CC9-7F36-4593-8343-555C14C057C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sissies allowed

>> No.21623791

What is cringe about it? They aren't necessarily feminine, read my last sentence, but certainly they are drawn more into the areas i mentioned. Or you give us a reason why the number of gay fashion designers is perceived to be a little higher than within the engineering sector.

>> No.21623825
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I'm a white straight male with 20k at 29.

>> No.21623858

Im 22
1.3m net worth

Thanks stinkys ;)

>> No.21623898

i'm sure it has nothing to do with the incredible levels of affirmative action involved with being both black and gay lol. literally, he'd be first in line for both hiring and promotion at any company in the US. my net worth is still higher though, and i'm a 31 y/o wagie. must be my white privilege of being able to make competent investing decisions xD.

>> No.21624137
File: 206 KB, 771x804, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: your cum filled asshole