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21880966 No.21880966 [Reply] [Original]

This is my sole hobby ngl

>> No.21881531

Yeah, all I do is browse biz and one or two other sites and play occasional vidya (which is getting less frequent by the day) anymore.
How do neets live life? I'm so bored of everything.

What kinds of hobbies do you guys have that aren't play vidya or watch crypto youtubes other than browsing /biz/?

>> No.21881600
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Gardening is good anon. I live near the beach but it's too cold right now for my usual hobbies, but I have a lot of indoor and outdoor plants that need care and attention. Start a little herb/vege garden as well if you want something for your labour.
Personally been dabbling in planted aquariums and aquascaping the past few months also.

>> No.21881618

Make music or videos
Be creative and learn skills. Helps manage your mind from getting brain fog.

>> No.21881643
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Start stacking physical anon. It's comfy and the markets don't operate afterhours like crypto. Also get 10% of your crypto value then you won't care so much about the usual volatility.
Pic related got these women on the way

>> No.21881654

Biz > Coingecko > Repeat

>> No.21881667

i go out into the mountains to hike or fish. spend time at the range, cooking, and reading books

>> No.21881676
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it's a great hobby anon. it brings much humor and optimism to my life.
also checked. that sounds pretty neat ngl. i'll try out both gardening and aquascaping once i get a place to myself. ive always had an itch to do both actually.

>> No.21881712

Sounds kinda cool.
Hey, this seems like a good time to ask:

I have about a year or so left of having to work (in a couple of months I plan to only work part time, maybe three days a week) at all, so I'm planning to start doing basic gardening after I buy a house.
See, I fucking love grapes and strawberries. Are they hard to grow?

I think I also plan to learn a few other languages, hopefully read more in general and maybe breed some dogs.

100oz suicide stack of Ag
.5oz of Au (sort of a measly stack)
Thank you though. I tend to agree.

I only figured out I enjoy ranges maybe two years ago now.
They're loads of fun.
I might have a range once I buy my first house in a few years.