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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22169796 No.22169796 [Reply] [Original]

are you a millionaire?
if not this thread is not for you.
become rich pleb.

>> No.22169853

I'm not a millionaire and I'm posting in your thread.

>> No.22169863

also give me money

>> No.22169913

thx anyway, how close are you?

>> No.22169947

*to being a millionaire

>> No.22169985
File: 79 KB, 540x651, 1545615328720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hit 6 figures last week but then crypto dumped and I've back to being a 5 figure loser.

>> No.22170633

Yes I'm a millionaire thanks to crypto and stocks. Still not "make it" money yet but enough money that I feel better about quitting waging and finding my own pursuits.

>> No.22170969

don't worry m8
you're gmi

>> No.22170990

Can sex offenders become millionaires?

>> No.22171044

Millionaire founder of a tech company that’s booming due to Covid

Mushi mushi?

>> No.22171121

I was a millionaire for 3 days while chainlink was over 17 dollars

>> No.22171137

what's the name of the company?

>> No.22171182


>> No.22171779


>> No.22171902
File: 136 KB, 1200x900, pupinia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It positively disgusts me to think that by coming to an anonymous website it's conceivable, if not in fact probable, that I might end up communicating with a real-life, actual, legitimately fucking poor person. Peasants are repugnant in a way no other life form has even ventured.

>> No.22171945
File: 42 KB, 800x800, 1598591962026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3M does that make me a multimillionaire? Feels like a low bar.

>> No.22172008
File: 57 KB, 657x527, 1579382183709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a million dollars of assets not including my home. I also have 650k of debt.

>> No.22172473

do you have a big house?
do you own parts of companies?
also write a will for how you'll redistribute your wealth

>> No.22172507

I'm not a millionaire and I think you're a faggot kys

>> No.22172535

No I own crypto

>> No.22172838
File: 530 KB, 3600x2400, NINTCHDBPICT000560022189-41[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can sex offenders become millionaires?
Do you have an intact penis?
You're going to need that taken care of as your first step.

>> No.22173046

Sold BTC at 17k back in 2017 and moved funds into diversified stocks. Net worth sitting at 1.6m. Today is the worst as I see my stocks and crypto holdings evaporate. Let's hope the bears aren't in control too long...

>> No.22173268

Tfw not even into 5 figures.

>> No.22173774

I have 300k usd in crypto
I'm brazilian though, that makes me a millionaire here on monkeyland

>> No.22173822

any one of you fags could easily pay for my surgery for me to walk again but you wont. i hate you all. if i make it , ill help people as much as I can.

>> No.22173845

If it isn't in your bank account or physically in your house in a safe then you aren't a millionaire

>> No.22174037

I'm not even a thousandaire and I'm posting in your fruity little thread

>> No.22174106

So not even 10,000?

>> No.22174201

Nobody on /biz/ is rich, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
This is a degenerate gamblers' den full of degenerate retards in denial. Thinking that they're like the big boys on Wall Street because they use terms like "bullish".

>> No.22174212

damn bro, post proof but I don't doubt you.
do you need funds?

>> No.22174235

Favela anon?

>> No.22174291

What cryptos are we holding my fellow millionaires?

>> No.22174348

nah man you under estimate /biz/

>> No.22174379

basically this, but some people don't want to be taxed

>> No.22174567

not getting doxed here but ill send proof to anyone privately. last time i did, the supposed person was larping anyway though . i hate this place sometimes.

>> No.22175086 [DELETED] 

ETH, LINK, RSR, PNK, AMPL/ETH uniswap LP, farming sushi with the LP.

>> No.22175392

I want to become a millionaire. I'm 28, own a house thats appreciating well, have 20k in my 401k (started my career way late), and have a few K invested in stocks and crypto.

How crazy is my goal to reach 1 mil by 35 by reinvesting in stocks/crypto/real estate

>> No.22175638

I have $7 will I make it?

>> No.22175659
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>> No.22175799

Nah we are currently seeing the bottom. No worries i saw 5 figures disappear in a few min this a.m. and it just made me buy more. Youre fine. Weak hands are almost done flushing. We'll be back with gains eow.

>> No.22175828

I'm an Indonesian and Vietnamese millionaire :^)

>> No.22175982

Stocks wont get you there unless you manage a few choice trades and since you have a 401 i assume you have a 9-5 and dont sit at home burning candles swing trading. Crypto has a high high high chance of taking anything you invest unless youre in the big 3 OR a new project that moons and your respond appropriately. Real estate is nice and is a strong investment. If you make atleast 100k/yr and invest in a smart way youll have your 1MM by 35 but likely is that youll be like>>22172008 and have off setting debt to any assets you hold.

>> No.22176033


>> No.22176109

but you're definitely going to help yourself first by fixing your foot, right?
and then think about that

>> No.22176172

lets put it this way
if I ONLY make 1mil by the time I'm 35 in crypto I will absolutely kill myself

>> No.22176185

There are /biz/ discord servers and i'm willing to bet that they are charitable

>> No.22176247

And I'm zimbabwe- venezuela millionaire

>> No.22176250

yeah, i sold chainlink at $19.50 and got a tidy $1,060,500

>> No.22176258

i'm actually a billionaire.

bought some Zimbabwe currency for incredibly cheap.

>> No.22176330

Sorry sir this is exclusively for millionaires.

>> No.22176349

ill jump in any if you have links.

you'll get there. ride a moonshot with a 4 figure investment.