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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22237948 No.22237948 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit we have been dumping hard and there have been all these threads and videos popping up, essentially declaring UniLayer (LAYER) a more complete, larger-scope version of the same product (they suggest for TRADE to be merely a spare tire, while LAYER is more akin to a whole luxury car). That, and we have been crashing hard, while LAYER has done relatively well compared to the rest of the market.

Is it time for me to dump my TRADE bags and fomo all into LAYER? Are there even anymore /UniTrade Bros/ on biz? Or was this a PND?

>> No.22238201

>he is still holding TRADE when LAYER is a superior product and trading at a fraction of the market cap
Doesn't even make sense from an investment point of view, even ignoring fundamentals. How do I know that you're ngmi?

>> No.22238654

Unitrade only has one function of UniLayer and is 4x the market cap.

This market makes no fucking sense.

>> No.22238899

Im in the same boat with OP. This was mooning just before the BTC dump 2 days ago. Shouldnt it continue up now that BTC has stabilised?

Now its going down instead. Is there a chance I break even?

It was like 20% of my folio. Halp

>> No.22239245


>> No.22239314

How much money do you have and why are 20% of your portfolio in a shitcoin with tons of competitors?

>> No.22239644





>> No.22239673
File: 158 KB, 243x288, 1594945739030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of TRADE and throw it in UNILAYER. They have the better product and TRADE is rumored to be a soft exit scam.

>> No.22239916 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the video, Anon. It's actually good information if you consider them creating tons of other shitcoins like RCKT (some AMPL clone) the other day. They simply don't get things done and create unfinished product after unfinished product, now TRADE. Here's to hoping that LAYER, already forming strategic partnerships with TrustSwap, BONK, etc... won't suffer the same fate.

Plus I heard the guy behind LAYER is loaded. BULLISH!

>> No.22239933

Thanks for the video, Anon. It's actually good information if you consider for the "devs" behind TRADE to be creating tons of other shitcoins. I think they also created RCKT (some AMPL clone) just the other day. They simply don't get things done and create unfinished product after unfinished product. Here's to hoping that LAYER, already forming strategic partnerships with TrustSwap, BONK, etc... won't suffer the same fate.

Plus I heard the guy behind LAYER is loaded. BULLISH!

>> No.22239953

This seems organic.

>> No.22240087

What was your buy in price?

>> No.22240169
File: 40 KB, 800x450, flippeningsoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Josh is an Idiot," McAfee Said.
Enjoy your bags and two months of closed TRADE beta while LAYER will outpace them by a factor of 10.

>> No.22240175

This is all you need to know.

>> No.22240295
File: 42 KB, 500x334, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of being schizo, have you even watched the video of them just raising money, creating a half-assed project, and then leaving it to create yet another half-assed project they will drop shortly thereafter? The odds of them actually adding to TRADE and trying to include other DEX aside of Uniswap are probably $0. Unless they raise more money again and create a separate project.

>> No.22240646

>unitrade doesn't even have any developers"
Good luck tradies. Maybe Josh and Adrian will show some pity and hire 1 or 2 3rd worlders with the millions they raised before offering you to get into another pre-sale
BTW, the guys behind unitrade also raised money for a lid clone according to the video. Which may or may not be developed with the millions they raised there. Whereas a liquidty locking launchpad is part of unilayer itself.

Imagine defending this.

>> No.22240908

>just checking the dubs while enjoying to watch TRADIES be absolutely BTFO once again