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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22442363 No.22442363 [Reply] [Original]

they'll tell you you were just "lucky." they'll liken your gains to winning the lottery. they'll say insincerely to your face that they're happy for you but behind your back they'll complain to their spouses and significant others that you didn't deserve it.

>> No.22442372

fuck em

>> No.22442381

They will bow

>> No.22442414


>> No.22442437

So basically they turn into NIGGERS???
Cause I don't like em, NIGGERS I mean...

>> No.22442614

>Made irrelevant twice over by Xrp Flare and by Tezos Harbinger

How embarrassing.

>Inb4 "you had two years"
I'm diversified and not retarded.

>> No.22442685

Move on, boomer. Link is dead.
Now RARI and YFI/II/V are the hot shit.

>> No.22442710

so is this just a $12 stable coin now or what

>> No.22442731

diversify your investments, diversify your gains.

stay poor.

>> No.22442797

yeah, I'm not telling people I made my money from chainlink.

>> No.22442816

The truth is.. we got lucky. I mean it was clear as day to anyone with an average iq where link was going which is why some of us sacrificed a lot to put everything into link. You guys have too much ego. Stop acting like LINK is the best thing you've done in your lives even though thats true. Fuck that loser shit. Also no one is going to call you lucky if you tape your mouth shut which you should always do

>> No.22442915

so where is it going over the next month or two?

>> No.22442925

This is pretty much it, but LINK is dead already.
If you didn't get in under $1 than 2021 won't magically make you rich

>> No.22442933


>> No.22442952

eoy i"d say $14

>> No.22442967

fuck that
how do I get out of this memcoin and into something I'll actually make money on , anon?

>> No.22442985
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>Create ISO 20020 compatible dlt oracle while everything points to repo market crash
>Get baited into hype shit like defi, rng and other gambler shit
>Stop developing the protocol that could minimize the damage to the global economy
Where did Sirgay go wrong?

>> No.22442988

why are you asking him when he's obviously only here to fud?

>> No.22443031

fuck off, nerd.
unlike you fucking losers I'm actually trying to make money, not just post faggot frog memes

>> No.22443036

I dont know I'm not a palm reader nor do I have a crystal ball or a magic mirror
I think many shitcoins will outperform LINK so it might be a good idea to have some tether/ETH to snag up lowcap projects with good potential but remember to always DYOR. Reinvest profits into link. 2017 it was stack sats but now its stack Sergs.

>> No.22443039

You're a complete spastic incapable of critical thinking. The only reason you exist is for scammers and exploiters to play you like a fiddle. Unironically ngmi.

>> No.22443068

post you're stack or gtfo.

>> No.22443070

If you want to shitpost, bait and troll /pol/ is perfect for that.

>> No.22443074

You take for granted how mentally ill most in here are
I will do preemptive strikes with restraining orders on ALL family members the day of the Singularity

I will make them watch me spend money

>> No.22443115

the same mindset that makes them stay poor and blind to how the world works makes them jelly little faggots that cant cope with someone more on top of things succeeding. who cares, it’s part of the fun, embrace it and surround yourself with those who can relate

>> No.22443154
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they’ll never know in the first place

>> No.22443199
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We got a bit lucky. We bought the idea for a decentralised oracle network in 2017. Pretty straightforward. Next key piece of infrastructure that would work across whichever L1 would win out.
We didn't buy this fucking behemoth. This Town Crier owning, DECO owning, Ari Juels employing, Chainlink Labs owning, frontrunning solving, immensely feature rich L2 powerhouse that fucking dabs on the entire cryptosphere and puts out more useful research than every other project combined. We didn't know about that in 2017, I'll give you that.

>> No.22443391

This shit will be back down next to Tezos where it belongs EOW

>> No.22443431

This. Why the fuck are you telling anyone about your stack.

>> No.22443458

42 IS a pedo

>> No.22443468
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> sTacK sErGs

>> No.22443495

Hahaha whats your Twitter handle I'll give you a follow!

>> No.22443500

You had 1,576,800 minutes

>> No.22443908

Chainlink wants to set in between things like Ethereum and Data so they can act as a intermediary to sell the data on Ethereum.
But Corporations already have widespread adoption of Hyperledger. Hyperledger can directly interface with Ethereum now and Merkle tree's can be used to prove the data's legitimacy.

All this without a centralized coin ie LINK.

Vitalik attempted to explain this to but Sergey Nazarov is a soft brain and just responded "makes sense" after vitalik told him in nerd speak his business model was pointless.

Why do we need chainlink?? Ethereum has oracles

>> No.22443926

that's a great post bro enjoy tons of (Yous) and internet attention!

>> No.22443931
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Haha thanks bro pm'd

>> No.22443947

>2-3 years of wage cuckery before link is where I need it to be
Not sure I can stand it bros

>> No.22443990

Wow you're so smart with this 'funny' FUD

>> No.22444040
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"KIKE NIGGER JEWS AGAIN!" Sergey roared stomping into his office decorated to look suspiciously like the Cayman Islands.
"What's the problem this time?" inquired Adelyn looking up from her wet dictionary with a jaded glance.
Rory and Thomas stood over in the corner by the coffee machine. Rory shrugged his shoulders, Thomas rolled his eyes and mouthed "not again" to Rory. Rory, not wanting to get involved in yet another morning 'incident', thought of his wife's son and all they had built together.
"Well..." Sergey began before staring into space for a solid 42 seconds. The others had grown accustomed to this inevitable delay and waited patiently.
"The media, in all their wisdom, cannot see the value of smart contracts; but flippantly share BLM bullcrap". “It’s like a torrent of shit published minute by minute hour by hour!” Rory and Thomas kept their poker faces while Adelyn blew a big bubble of blue HubbaBubba, seemingly immune to the rhetoric, possibly because she was an Asian woman on loan from the Chinese state department.
"And, what's worst," Sergey continued jumping up and down, his fat violently oozing, his chubby arms flailing wide around, "that Microsoft dude is coming today and I'm just not in the mood to talk about "how much I care about BLM"” Sergey fingered the air overemphasizing the quotes and the problem.
"Aww just focus on your oracles sweetie" said Adelyn cooing, "that's what he's come for. Try and stay focused!"
"yeah focused and 1keoy" thought Sergey. Out loud he said with a wink "You're right my little spelling bee, everyone come over here for a group huddle"
Rory and Thomas looked over at each other and sighed in unison and Adelyn complied with a ‘white people walking past you grimace’ expression on her face.
Each put their hands into the center, "One Two Three, We Just Win" they shouted together smiling the Smart Contract mandated smile

>> No.22444054
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>seething but no counterarguments

>> No.22444069
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> be Ari Juels
> Tell weird philosophy student about an oracle problem and introduce him to your number cult
> "Remember the 42 and 216 goy"
> Tell him that muh tech can solve this problem
> "You can even put your name on this white paper I wrote, Sergey, I get enough credit"
> "You're a smart man Ari"
> Ask Sergey to put together a team of saps
> he meets Adelyn crying over some spelling contest at a local community college and Steve at the bus stop
> Thomas was a neet whose mom forced him to apply for part time work at the nail salon in front of Chainlink HQ
> Everyone else was (((recruited online organically through JIDF channels)))
> Jonny used to post exclusively on anonymous horse and stable coin forums
> "Here, Sergey, Chainlink will solve all the problems of the oracle"
> "Gee thanks Ari you're the best"
> 32 million solved Ari's oracle problem... at least for awhile
> Ari exploits backdoor in Chainlink code
> Tell Sergey
> Sergey is devastated
> Sergey spams "it's over" threads on /biz/
> "It's okay I have an idea"
> Sell Town Crier solution to Sergey "hey I was just working on this and thought you might like it :^)"
> A few more million solved Ari's oracle problem.... At least for awhile
> Ari exploits TC code through backdoor and informs Sergey
> Sergey is suicidal
> He begins spamming tranny porn on /biz/ in revenge
> "It's okay Sergey I've got a new solution to your oracle problem but we have to include my student in this scam I mean company"
> A few more million solves Ari's and Zhang's oracle problem"
Hook, Line, and Stinker

>> No.22444311

I just want to have 1m again....

>> No.22444334

Dont care, not selling, no handouts

>> No.22444377

people still hold link?

>> No.22444765

This is when you know you are now out of their league. If people become jealous and envious, it generally is evidence that you're too good for them.

Its going to be hard hanging out with people when you have certain issues in your life that you want to freely express without being judged or fear that youre making someone else jealous.

Rich people tend to hang out with other rich people because they dont want to be around people who get jealous when they talk about their lives.

>> No.22445010

It is tough. Opportunity wise too. I can’t talk about how crazy it is I can leverage 400k of liquidity into 4k a day in yield or how it feels watching your portfolio lose a quarter million dollars