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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22477630 No.22477630 [Reply] [Original]

Ah, another day of "working from home" doing absolutely nothing

>> No.22477682
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>Y-you can’t just keep getting away with this!!! You’ll have to come back to the office soon!!!

>> No.22477717

Man should I pull some overtime hours? My team lead is always offering but I never want to do it.. May be smart though i suppose.

>> No.22477720

I know that feel fren, it's very very nice

>> No.22477767

>start counting my time
>make breakfast
>eat it watching vidya
>start running Garrysmod DarkRP printers in the background
>casually work on filling out an excel sheet
>uh oh, meeting time
>mute Gmod
>get in call
>show boss what I've done this past week
>"damn, you must be working your ass off"

>> No.22478033

He was probably being sarcastic

>> No.22478077 [DELETED] 
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if you know you know

>> No.22478090

Trade Chad here. Woke up with even more gains than the day before, it's crazy being this yolked. Enjoy your weak frail pathetic spine and body lmao

>> No.22478110


Boomers type with 2 fingers and cant into functions on Excel

>> No.22478123


>> No.22478148

>played dota
>had a zoom meeting where i accidentally unmuted the porn i was watching (but luckily masked the noise)
>cooked a nice steak
>had a beer
>now sitting down to drink some whiskey
love being at home

>> No.22478267
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I'm in a meeting right now but really watching old dane cook standup clips

>> No.22478276
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>> No.22478282

working from home..
ahh a neet dream

>> No.22478382

3 weeks on my new job,
havent done shit
boss doesnt even check in.

>> No.22478471

Corona made everything weird. This is getting fucked up.

>> No.22478496
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Make sure to pay the short term gains income taxes on your trades Anon. Business men like me need your income tax to pay our essential federal work from home GS position jobs. If you don’t pay your taxes I’ll have to work overtime from home to make sure you pay your taxes.

Ok, time for some Call of Duty and a nap.

>> No.22478635

Another day of sleeping in and doing 2 hours (same amount as in the office) of actual work while shitposting and jerking off

>> No.22478684

Lol he knows this guy is a retard but is playing along

>> No.22478722

Playing medieval total war 2 while Microsoft teams in background

>> No.22478797
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>have to go in and install computers


>> No.22478812

i've started watching learn to code tutorials whenever i have downtime at work. if only the jews knew that they were paying me to one day leave this shitty wagie job.

>> No.22478825

Based porn addiction and alcoholism

>> No.22478844

>he thinks manual labor makes you muscular
lmao and i say this as someone who did manual labor in a factory for 3 years.

>> No.22478865
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>tfw this pandemic changes workplace """culture""" for the rest of history so now we can work from home more than we ever want
We don't live to work, we work to live. Boomers will only realise this when it's too late for them

>> No.22478925

>he thinks wfh will be permanent
i'm an accountant at a large medical device manufacturing company. my company has repeatedly pushed back the "back to the wage cage" date from june to august to october to "probably 2021" but they are still trying their hardest to form a plan to get us back in the wage cage, despite our corporate HQ working 100% remotely since april without issue. it's sickening and it's part of the reason why i'm trying to learn 2 code. i'd rather work with trannies and diversity hires in tech if it means that i can one day REALISTICALLY have a 100% remote job that pays me six figures.

>> No.22479026

Yeah it probably depends on a few factors like what you do for work and which country, of course if you have to be available on call it's not really comfy but if you do the meme agile workstyle you can just sit on your arse all day barring the usual routine meetings. Still, if we're able to work remotely it's a given we'd need to pop into the office more often than we'd like. Our careers would be jeopardy otherwise. That said, Atlassian is a good example of a company that unironically advocates remote working and defaults to it instead of office waging.

>> No.22479058

A slave is still a slave, even at home.
NEET is the only way.

>> No.22479089

I work in IT for a govt agency and they are strongly considering permanent telework even after a covid vaccine. If you work in accounting doesnt your team realize how much money they'd save when they don't have to pay for an office building, parking, utilities, etc?

>> No.22479200

part of the reason is that our niggerbrain leadership just spent tens of millions of dollars on moving us to a new corporate HQ last november. i think they're stuck with the building for a long time. the other part of it is that executive leadership is nothing but psychopathic sales/marketing boomers who thrive on pointless meetings and conferences and who want to see us suffer.

>> No.22480164

I get paid a full salary to do what you do kek

>> No.22480832

>send one email when I wake up, 7:30 am
>make breakfast
>chill in bed, watching vidya and browsing my holdings
>will probably do an hour of work here in a bit before I have meetings until late afternoon
>will hit up an hour of work after that
>stop pretending to work at 4, which is all good since I’ve been “at it” since 7:30

Wfh is truly based, I genuinely don’t deserve to be employed here cause I’m a piece of shit and a retard but I’ll milk it for all I can before they can my ass

>> No.22480955

Bros I CANT do this for 40 more years. How did they trick everyone into this? Work your life away until you're old and decrepit?

>> No.22480968

This is honestly cope.

>> No.22480997

greatest year of my life

>> No.22481036

where the fuck do you live?
im from EU, from a country raped by corona and almost all of us are already at the office again

>> No.22481049
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Ok wfh chads I have an engineering degree and I’m good at solving/googling problems and excel shit WHAT JOBS DO I APPLY TO RIGHT NOW THAT I CAN DO FROM HOME
I will leave engineering right fucking now for finance or IT if it means I can work from home.

>> No.22481079

I mean I hardly did anything when I went into the office, the only difference is that when I'm not doing anything I'm more entertained and comfortable than staring at the wall of my cube spacing out.

>> No.22481127

Daily manual labor makes you lose muscle.

>> No.22481230

A fellow engineer, I'm mechanical. Job sucks, full of fat wheezing boomers. Someone help us.

>> No.22481237

Either way you are going to be made redundant by AI within 5 years so don't sweat it

>> No.22481313

made 10,000 so far off my boomer stock investments today.

get back to work wagie

>> No.22481421
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Holy fucking based this is pretty much exactly the playbook I use.

>> No.22481436


Just a broke out of shape tracie that has to work in the rain all day


>> No.22481722

>engineering degree and I’m good at solving/googling problems and excel shit WHAT JOBS DO I APPLY TO RIGHT
look for middle office jobs in pension funds/insurance companies

>> No.22482070

Same. I’ve seen this comment on biz like 100 times. Fuck BSME, biggest regret of my life. I have friends with bullshit degrees who work in IT (from home) and make more than I do.

>> No.22482097
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Ah another day of not working from home doing absolutely nothing. Life is good.

>> No.22482125
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/advert raid

>> No.22482128

The "W" in WFH is not working, it's wanking

At company expense
Or the State's

>> No.22482191
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>wake up at 8:30
>login at 8:33
>go back to bed, jerkoff
>read the news headlines
>Lmao poors being poors
>watch youtube
>start working around 10
>shit post and apply to better jobs for the rest of the day
>clock out at 4

Yeah I'm thinking this is based

>> No.22482221

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.22482230

>literally jacked off on company time
Corona is based

>> No.22482259


>> No.22482264
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>apply to better jobs for the rest of the day
Doing the same my friend

>> No.22482452


>> No.22482488

based and samepilled.jpg
can't wait to do it again when I get the next job

>> No.22482490

I did that in the office a few times. Cubicle cucks don't know what they're missing.

>> No.22482560

i looked in my bank account to find that $2000 had been deposited by the government. i called my state unemployment office because i thought a mistake had been made. apparently it's some kind of lost wages program that i didn't know i had been signed up for.

welp just put $1200 in ETH, ALGO and XRP hahaha. my rent is gonna be paid off until December after tomorrow. feels good man. pantry is stocked, tuition is paid, car is fixed.

time to go for a hike, catch up on journaling, work out a bit, finish this book i've been reading. life...life is good

>> No.22482576

Can’t wait to see you all rage when your employers say, “Sure! We’re going 100% remote forever just like you guys asked. Keep an eye out for a package in the next few days. This is your company issued computer w/ productivity tracking software onboard.”

>> No.22482632

how do u meet girls from home anon?

>> No.22482702

i recommend joining volunteer organizations for things you are interested in, girls will think you are a good person and you already have a shared interest to talk about. even if politics isn't your thing you could do nature-related stuff, or animals or whatever

dog parks are good if you have a dog ('oh hey our dogs get along. do you live around here?')

stuff like art classes, yoga/sports/gym, hanging out at the same cafe regularly, church type faith based stuff all pay dividends

>> No.22482831

Holy cope lmao I still lift because I'm not some frail cuck.

>> No.22482974

Friends of friends

>> No.22482999
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>> No.22483054
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>be me
>live in a shithole country
>make half of a salary of a regular medic per month
>hey anon, what is your job?
>5 years of workout, excelent body and mind
>older women pay me money to fuck with them
>part-time job at a striper-club at the fridays
>invest most part in cryptos
Living feels good, man.

>> No.22483091
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lyfe is good, I do pretty much nothing but my coworkers do even less so bossman loves me

>> No.22483148

how did chad find his way here?

>> No.22483399

Come back in a few years shen your body is destroyed
t. warehouose wagie

>> No.22483407

This is just coping, im making 70k without stem from home.

>> No.22483457

>Trade chad
>Warehouse subhuman

Pick one

>> No.22483500

god damn i love being a "work" from home CHAD

>> No.22483511

It's still physical labour tard. Unless you lift and do cardio to compensate for the strain in your body you will end up like most physical labourers. God, blue collars really have a superiority complex

>> No.22483568

just saw your previous post. Post body

>> No.22483591


>> No.22484003

This, my half hour of work looks really impressive when my co-workers do literally nothing

>> No.22484370
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My workplace is 100% boomers, my work computer is about 10 years old. In March I realized that I am probably the most tech literate in the entire office when I told one of my coworkers that you can run internet through your power outlets with an adapter and he didn't believe me. We haven't had a single conference call since quarantine started. Literally no one has any idea if I am working when I say I am. Anyone else in this situation? Pretty comfy.

>> No.22484859

The thing is you have to have constant stand up check ins so no sleeping in

>> No.22485812

>The thing is you have to have constant stand up check ins so no sleeping in
Standup time will vary by team. West coast culture would stink eye you for suggesting availability at 9:30am (my current standup time)

I just get up by 9:27. Ideally 8:30.

Not the worst tradeoff by any means. A regular sleep schedule is nice

>> No.22485979

Mine is at 10am and i wake up at 9:45

I struggle to wake up before 9am even though i would wake up at 7am regularly to commute.
Can't bring myself to wake up and sort my schedule out no matter how hard I try. Just knowing the laptop is a meter from my bed makes me fall back to sleep with no breakfast.

>> No.22486431
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Ah, another lazy Monday.

>> No.22487576

You don't meet girls working from home either.

>> No.22487603

Joining an "activity" just to find girls is pretty pathetic.

>> No.22487615
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Cheers anon! Same here. The Rona came as a blessing.

>> No.22487647

I do this and still get more work done than the people around me.

>> No.22487801

Wow. 7am. I haven't been up that early in a long time lol. I made sure to make my commute walking distance before fully discarding commuting.

I just have to remember the most productive/happy time in my life was waking up at 6am sharp and not even knowing snooze was a thing. Might be worth me trying again.

>> No.22487927

I had to do some work to avoid getting fired. Fuck you OP

>> No.22487982

I feel like if I don't have the time to slack off then I'm not working smart enough

>> No.22487991

Remember dexter's laboratory movie where he travels to the future and he see himself wfh being a wageslave for a Big company... Does that ring any Bell?

>> No.22488227
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>meetings all day
>didn't say a single word

>> No.22488357
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Finally landed my first WFH job two weeks ago. Getting paid 40 hours @ $20/hr, maybe working 10 hours the whole week.

My routine:
>Wake up at 7:55
>Clock in at 8:00, still haven't put clothes on
>Take my mandatory 20 minute shit
>Cook breakfast, hop on laptop around 9:00
>Send a couple emails, "generate leads" for maybe 2 hours tops
>Clock out for lunch, clock back in
>Pirate two feature-length movies & watch for the rest of the day while shitposting on /biz/ and /tv/
>Clock out

Thank you fuckers for getting me into this.

>> No.22488460

>girls will think you are a good person
kek Patrick Bateman tier

>> No.22488535

So are all you stay at home workers fat? Im glad my job gets me out of the house and doing something man size. You lot sound like you are wasting away with no reason to ever go outside. Thats a one way road to depression town.

>> No.22488585

What the fuck kind of jobs do you guys have? I’m a CPA and I’ve never worked so much in my life. And I worked three years in public accounting before I started working at the company I’m at now. I wish I had nothing to do.

>> No.22488599


I also want one. How?

Never worked for 10 years but worked for myself.

>> No.22488612

I'm not fat but I've probably gained 5 lbs of fat since March. My gym has been closed for 6 months and now it's reopened...with masks required. Like there's just no way I'm getting on a treadmill with a mask on. Time to find a new gym, I guess.

>> No.22488655

What job and how?

>> No.22488706

Yesterday I did 17 Marine style pullups in a row, so I would say probably not.

>> No.22488821

>I'm not fat but I've probably gained 5 lbs of fat since March. My gym has been closed for 6 months and now it's reopened...with masks required. Like there's just no way I'm getting on a treadmill with a mask on. Time to find a new gym, I guess.
Meanwhile, my muay thai gym has been doing no-mask, regular drilling/sparring for months. Dudes breathing on and grappling each other no issues.

>> No.22488863

You need to rest for the muscle to grow tradie

>> No.22488923

>3rd worlder here
guys need your opinion
would you trade your wfh in 3rd world for a temporal work in an office in 1st world?
that would allow me to save on 1st world currency and invest more in crypto

>> No.22488972

White collar WFH is a cheat code

>> No.22489038

>You don't meet girls working from home either.
Wouldn't meet them either as I'm a software engineer lol

There's 1 single mother on my team. I actually believe that's all the women within site reliability engineering. We have a female program manager or something that sets up coffee dates, attends meetings, and coordinates free swag and shit. Nice lady, but she's late 30s or older. There are a few female engineers in the broader engineering org. One is a married mother. The others I haven't interacted directly with.

My observation and resulting claim from this is that all of the young women in tech get expedited to FAANG and even a tier or two below that is just the occassional lost and confused woman that hasn't figured out how to game "women in tech" and get into Google where some beta will pair program her through a career.

I'm pretty sure the FAANG lifestyle is the only one that is appealing to a fit young girl who could otherwise make a living doing just about anything else, so FAANG or non-tech makes sense.

>> No.22489077

>start running Garrysmod DarkRP printers in the background

Lmao are you 12?

>> No.22489100

Is generating leads an entire role within your company's sales org or are you supposed to be doing more and the plan is to just ride out lead gen until you get fired, which is fine.

I just want the additional clarity

>> No.22489115

I won't disclose the company name (don't want you fuckers coming in and ruining my game), but just go on any job search website & filter for entry-level remote sales jobs. If you have literally any sales experience (or honestly just lie your ass off on the resumé, as long as you have any type of degree nobody will give a shit). Granted it's not the most exciting job, but definitely more "exciting" than zombie shit like programming. At least there's the thrill of actually closing a sale every now and then

>> No.22489202

Guys I'm unemployed what's a comfy easy remote job I can get?

>> No.22489242

My job is called a Business Development Representative, which means I do most or the entire sales cycle. But there are positions with some companies specifically geared towards lead generation, depends on your company.

But there's no quota for this job, just a few KPIs that can give you a sizeable $800 bonus at the end of every two weeks if you meet expectations.

>> No.22489262

>What the fuck kind of jobs do you guys have? I’m a CPA and I’ve never worked so much in my life. And I worked three years in public accounting before I started working at the company I’m at now. I wish I had nothing to do.

Accounting has a retarded workload. As a child, I saw my dad wage slaving away. Getting up early, coming home late

It's not like software engineering where we can be like "the feature/product is out and it's a money printer; let's just support it this month". Y'all always have a monthly close looming and yearly closes sound like shit. I know very little about the work, but the work does not seem to change. It just keeps flowing in like a sisyphean task, in addition to having the shitty trappings of a very traditional/boomer industry.

I would personally avoid accounting

>> No.22489371

You’re telling me I have to go to college to learn how to do literal bullshit for 2 hours and play games all day? How has this country not collapsed under all this BULLSHIT?

>> No.22489437

>My job is called a Business Development Representative,
Ok thanks. I've seen the BDR title float around, but I'm a software engineer at the moment and never looked into what the actual task set is or could be.

Sounds kush.

>Granted it's not the most exciting job, but definitely more "exciting" than zombie shit like programming. At least there's the thrill of actually closing a sale every now and then

I'd like to put one piece of commentary here. While I am looking to transition out of software engineering after I semi-make it or make it, there can be thrill within the job.

Creating your own product/service or working at a place where you're building from scratch has the thrill of the initial release. If you make something truly amazing on your own, you're looking at passive AND scalable income for a while.

The zombie nature of SWE gigs comes from all of the high paying ones that have you in a situation where you're inherently going to be low impact and just making small tweaks to an already launched, old, likely spaghetti codebase. Low room for creativity.

>> No.22489486

When did the white man become so lazy...

>> No.22489504

>You’re telling me I have to go to college to learn how to do literal bullshit for 2 hours and play games all day? How has this country not collapsed under all this BULLSHIT?

Who is telling you this?

While some of these gigs certainly have a degree filter, not all of thesm are gated by degrees. 2 of my software engineering teammates make over 200k and neither have degrees. They just self-trained. One enjoys his afternoon naps a lot.

>> No.22489561

>When did the white man become so lazy...
When the global elite took as much value as they could out of every perceivable nook and cranny of society.

For example, EMTs in ambulances are obviously producing value, but who is capturing the value? Certainly not them at a $10/hr rate.

>> No.22489624

>I get paid a full salary to do what you do kek
lol! NEETs are honestly getting dominated in 2020+

Imagine spending time finessing the government for $700/month in SSI instead of finessing a company for $10,000/month

>> No.22489663
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Same situation bro. The number of times I've had a conversation with a woman in her 20's in the last 2 years is 1 time and that was my sister's friend who is not attractive.

>I'm pretty sure the FAANG lifestyle is the only one that is appealing to a fit young girl who could otherwise make a living doing just about anything else, so FAANG or non-tech makes sense.

On average a woman with a STEM degree only lasts something like 2 years working in STEM for her entire career.

>> No.22489705

dude just quit accounting. i'm not a CPA but i did a year in the big 4 wage cage and i currently work in industry doing "only" 40 hours a week. it's a fucking shit profession for boomers. the amount of money you make for the amount of time you put in is a fucking joke. you have to grind your way to management to make serious money. compare this to comp sci where you easily make $60-80k starting as a developer, potentially $120-160k starting if you work your ass off and get into a FAGMAN type company. specialize in some trendy shit like ML/AI and you can essentially name your price.

i've been doing accounting for 2.5 years total. just started teaching myself web dev so i can hopefully quit this nigger dump career in another year and make some real fucking money.

>> No.22489777

Running a gmod as a side gig could be a cool job desu.

>> No.22489805

>"generate leads"


>> No.22489845

Okay pros, how do I make microsoft teams stop going to "away" status?

>> No.22489905

Manually set your status to online and it won't change.
Also, if your laptop has company windows settings, they might have windows lock if you're afk for too long. Put a 10 hour youtube video on in the background to stop this.

>> No.22489935

must be a CRM/Salesforce thing

>> No.22489968

I've never had a conversation with a woman in her twenties

>> No.22489993

How long till corporate catches on that you are only doing 2 hours of real work and pays you accordingly?

>> No.22490007

Employers started catching on around June so I've been busting my ass here and there so they don't think I was doing literally nothing for the first 3 months of this
Luckily I've been DCA into Statera since it was under a cent in May so I can now afford to get fired and live comfortably without a job for at least a couple years

>> No.22490016

>Same situation bro. The number of times I've had a conversation with a woman in her 20's in the last 2 years is 1 time and that was my sister's friend who is not attractive
I can still acheive marginal results outside of the workplace (which lack both women and good social circles). I had a 3 year relationship with a girl that was as autistic as me, but I prioritized my career over her and that broke down due to the distance. Sounds beta af, but if I could go back I would have prioritized maintaining my unicorn: loved my dick, no social media, actually interested in technology, better at it than me (but I was better at making money; she made $70k as a new grad), fit, barely went outside, under 23 when I met her.

Since then, I had a chinese girl around 30 fly out from another state and visit me and we hooked up pre-pandemic.

Had a big booty latina w/daddy issues from seeking arrangement come over for a quick fling (free).

Currently just trying to stack money from SWE + crypto before looking into massive lifestyle and value transitions. Women have enough free money coming at them from the gov't and simps that providers aren't valued. Might as well just focus on working out + hobbies.

>On average a woman with a STEM degree only lasts something like 2 years working in STEM for her entire career.
Source on this? I believe it, although I think "women in tech" will extend this tenure. It's so easy to do very little and/or receive help at a FAANG company that these women can ride out a pretty kush setup before leveraging it for something even better.

>> No.22490045

1st world women are garbage. Stay where you are

>> No.22490075

>>"generate leads"

Mostly I just hop on LinkedIn and filter down companies in targeted industries for our software products. Once I find a candidate company, I try getting a hold of one of the decision-makers. I actually sell some pretty cool shit, like machine learning & AI softwares. Just a quick 5 minute phone call, spend probably 5 or 10 minutes researching the company before each phone call. Basically making 10 or so calls a day, reading off a script I've tailored for each type of industry we target.

As long as you're not completely autistic-sounding, anyone can do it. You don't even have to be attractive bc nothing's over video except the interview process.

>> No.22490151

>quit this nigger dump career
based and accounting-pilled

You could almost say SWE made accounting obsolete as a career choice. Is there ANY perk of doing accounting over SWE? Genuinely asking.

All I can think of as a non-accountant is that the individual tasks might be "easier" by some definition.

>> No.22490160

I don't see an online option.
I just have:
Do not Disturb
Be right back
Appear Away
And it automatically goes to "Away" after five minutes. I've looked through all the settings and don't see any way to change it so IT must have set it that way for everyone.

>> No.22490195

The minimum IQ for accounting is 105 instead of 110

>> No.22490197

Since the productivity gains have been siphoned away to the higher strata of the wealth classes

>> No.22490236

See how the 10 hour youtube video works out in terms of status.

If that doesn't work, a keyboard jiggler is an option. That or literally rigging up some sort of mechanical device to jiggle a mouse

>> No.22490265

I think it's actually 3 years or something like that (2 years for how long until someone switches jobs in stem I think) and 50% leave their stem jobs when starting families.

>> No.22490291


lol at all these pricks thinking tradie means you're some knobbled welder or plumber

I spend 66% of my time in a cushy office doin big brain stuff while I rest and 33% of my time putting in hard graft in a chemistry lab.

Working with heavy equipment and large volumes for half a week, every other week, for 2 years has put me from 65kg to 80kg (6'1")

But yeah nah, work in a factory and enjoy your lashings retards

>> No.22490292

>Since the productivity gains have been siphoned away to the higher strata of the wealth classes
Correct. See my thoughts in >>22489561

>> No.22490299

Where do you view this?

>> No.22490337

programming. i fixed a bug maybe 2 weeks ago

>> No.22490370

I'm sure u work with a lot of heavy equipment and large volume, fucking faggot

>> No.22490406


Yeah, I meant available. Not online.

I just tested it, I just clicked my portrait and hit available. It hasn't changed to away yet and I haven't touched the laptop. I did leave the teams window open and on top, however.

top right

>> No.22490411

>programming. i fixed a bug maybe 2 weeks ago
Level 1 tech support is also an option. Any 24/7 SaaS company that is making money will have a team to field issues as they come up.

I basically work upstream from them, doing reliability engineering.

>> No.22490428
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When I click on my initials in the circle in the upper right this menu pops up, when I click on the > next to available is when those options I listed show up.

>> No.22490441

i sure do, buddy.

>> No.22490457

Employer here, you can't get away with this forever! Back to the cagie soon!

>> No.22490509

What will you do after accomplishing nothing for 30 years?

>> No.22490587

ive been getting away with it for the past 3 years or something. management is retarded

>> No.22490610

No shit. I can’t leave it now though. I’m a licensed CPA and have almost four years of experience. Learning to code is a meme if you don’t have a degree. You’ll know as much as an H1B, at most.

>> No.22490664

Oh shit that worked!
Haha it was such a simple solution I didn't think that would work and it never would have occurred to me.

>> No.22490706

i automate as much of my job as possible with excel formulas and VBA. unfortunately accounting won't be fully automated for a long time, if ever. low skill shit like AP, AR, transnational bookkeeping absolutely will. but judgement-based accounting tasks will be difficult to automate and it's unlikely shareholders and executive management will get behind it.

that said, fuck accounting. it's a shit career for idiot shekel chasers.

>> No.22490756

>80 kg
my bicep is likely thicker than your neck you fucking twink bitch.

>> No.22490806

the choice is yours. you've been an accounting long enough to know what the career progression is like. more hours, more responsibility, more stress, a million times more pointless meetings with boomer directors and executives who ruin your fucking life. you still have time, you're probably in your mid or late 20s. i'm 31 years old and i'm doing the learn to code meme (although i do have a STEM bachelors.)

>> No.22490840
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I can't take it anymore frens. I'm tired of wagecucking, I've no time for anything. Currently with enough savings to live for 2 years thanks to crypto investments.

I just want to do nothing all day, trade crypto, browse /b/ and maybe work a project of my own and try to make it. Will I make it bros? How value is freedom?

>> No.22490890

>No shit. I can’t leave it now though.
I was moreso posting that for younger readers that may see our conversation. Not tryna condescend your position, which isn't even your fault with the amount of social propaganda and societal shifts we've experienced.

>Learning to code is a meme if you don’t have a degree. You’ll know as much as an H1B, at most.
All I can say to this is that I have 2 teammates that are some of the best engineers in our org, making ~220k total and they're self-taught. Companies are really bad at proper SRE and devops right now. Learning the latest practices for Jenkins/spinnaker/public cloud of your choice/terraform/whatever will make you valuable.

H1Bs waste their self learning time on C# and Java, when you can just be part of the people deciding how all of the pieces are configured, updated, fixed.

>> No.22490901

>You lot sound like you are wasting away with no reason to ever go outside
Cope. I workout everyday (home gym chad) and run a few times a week

>> No.22490932

fuck i envy people like you.. we do pair programming.. shit is ridiculous than working from office

>> No.22491003

Is this azure? Doesn't look that way in tfs.

>> No.22491025

Then yes I agree. No one should go into accounting.

>> No.22491032

3rd world women are uglier than the world war

>> No.22491064

>fuck i envy people like you.. we do pair programming.. shit is ridiculous than working from office

I use pair programming when I don't know wtf to do (often). I get help from foreign coders that are better than me and have a lot more to lose by our team not delivering. e.g. their house, health insurance for children, maybe even their visa status. If I ever get cut, I'll collect unemployment and either hit up the thousands of other tech companies or possibly just get into doing something else.

They also get to hang out with me, which is a treat for them.

So far, I've never been on a PIP in tech (started summer 2016), even though it'd absolutely be deserved. I've instead managed to peace out twice on companies after 1.5 years, growing my salary from 70k to 170k instead of staying to face the consequences of laziness.

>> No.22491099

inconceivably based

>> No.22491100

>ou’ll know as much as an H1B, at most.
rude :(

>> No.22491242

>managed to peace out twice on companies after 1.5 years, growing my salary from 70k to 170k instead of staying to face the consequences of laziness.
that is how its done

>> No.22491316

Since companies are run by useless boomers who are stuck in the past and since they started giving more importance to diversity instead of hard work

>> No.22491346

I'm a software developer but want to change jobs its so fucking boring im 23 and can't imagine myself doing this even when im 30.

Except i have no idea how normie jobs work, at least with programming you can tick off certain requirements technically when knowing if you should apply.

Also i prefer interviewing in person if i was going to change to a higher paid dev role but that's impossible now im stuck in this.

>> No.22491351

Did they say something?

>> No.22491358

>inconceivably based
I appreciate the recognition.

At the first company-a startup, I wanted released from my notice period so I told the CEO I needed 2 months severance and immediate release from my contract. I knew my new teammate was working illegally and knew of a rumor that he had bribed a neighboring gov't to get our product approved. I mentioned this knowledge.

Flustered him enough to be shown the door instead of putting in 30 more days. Got payment in lieu of notice, which was the goal (severance was a stretch goal). All that happened was him asking me my age, saying something about entitlement, and so on. Big deal; it's all talk. I just said "fair enough" lol

>> No.22491401

don't leave tech. spend a few years suffering and pivot to being a CUM MASTER or whatever tech fags call project management. seriously, the wages outside of tech are a fucking joke. i make $70k as a medical device corporate accountant with 2.5 years experience in a high COL area and this is considered good.

>> No.22491414

because it's abundantly clear that everyone in power is squeezing the country and it's people for all they can, so why work hard for a system set up to take from you? that's if you live in the US, but I assume the story is similar in any of the western countries.

>> No.22491437


>> No.22491450

Really makes you wonder how men got married before there were so many women who had jobs

>> No.22491687

Meeting around activities and locations was more common in the past.

Now, instead of going to the bar and seeing what happens, you have all your friends online and just take your pre-made group to the bar.

It's like world 2 trading in Runescape and having to actually find someone with the item you want through text vs the Grand Exchange

>> No.22491711

Did you write the script yourself?
What was the onboarding process when you joined the job what sort of training/ help did they give you?

>> No.22491811

>don't leave tech. spend a few years suffering and pivot to being a CUM MASTER or whatever tech fags call project management. seriously, the wages outside of tech are a fucking joke. i make $70k as a medical device corporate accountant with 2.5 years experience in a high COL area and this is considered good.

Ya. This is my strategy within tech.

I either want to exit SWE fully FIRE or position myself to be a work creator/organizer rather than a work doer

It's a spectrum though and there's no need to be as extreme as me. Imagine having your $70k gig with a fully paid house, motorcycle, gaming PC, bed, giant steam library, etc. It would look more appealing for sure.

That's what exiting tech right now would look like for me, but I'd have to exit my crypto positions to get the (cheap) house.

>> No.22491817
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>Why are people working what the hell! THERE IS A GLOBAL PANDEMIC GOING ON!

>> No.22491858

Im a frontend dev atm with some nodejs and Go experience, not standard frontend because we have loads of in hiuse tooling and write frontends for tv apps

How do I get into devops, every job asks for some DevOps experience and even then i gave no practical knowledge of all this stuff like setting up and automating builds/releases on Jenkins using terraform,aws, akamai etc?

It seems less stressful and pays more am i right in assuming that?

>> No.22491973

I couldn't live with myself being a scrum master maybe it's my experience in a big tv company in the UK but they're all terrible people. Also developers are paid more than them especially if i become a soulless mercenary contractor which they hire all the time for double my salary

I would much prefer being a friendly technical team lead or lead developer but im not passionate enough

>> No.22491984

>position myself to be a work creator/organizer rather than a work doer
thought about this myself but management seems more time consuming with little upside. gay meetings with retards all day

>> No.22492019

Did not write the scripts myself, slightly tweaked them to fit my style of speaking.

Onboarding process was the only time I actually had to be on camera. Just watched videos about common sense sales skills, then watched videos about the actual products we're selling. Only "attended" the meetings for maybe 3 hours a day, still got paid 40 hours.

Will continue to be comfy until I either get fired or quit.

>> No.22492042


Thanks for posting this one. Been looking for it. Saved.

>> No.22492073


>> No.22492081

If you wanna make more $ become a sales engineer. With everyone WFH you will have enough goof off hours as long as you’re efficient, while probably 2-3xing your current comp

>> No.22492087

>How do I get into devops, every job asks for some DevOps experience and even then i gave no practical knowledge of all this stuff like setting up and automating builds/releases on Jenkins using terraform,aws, akamai etc?

My path into it was that I spent my first year and a half at a startup where we were writing the first lines of code. I got experience deploying SOMETHING end to end with docker, which is more than many people at a big company can say.

Not sure if that helps you too much, but that was my path.

If I didn't have a company's resources to leverage, I'd start by applying to as many SRE positions as possible and seeing where you fail in the process (if at all). Make a small project with a Dockerfile and deploy it to the public cloud of your choice. Perhaps setup terraform for a load balancer + target autoscaling group.

You won't necessarily need to know all of the stuff. Companies can't hire SRE fast enough right now, so we can't be picky about having everyone knowing our tools. e.g. I hadn't really used Victorops before my current gig, but I know what it is used for and had a willingness to learn.

Setup CI/CD for your own personal project if you need even more interveiw ammo, but knowing how to talk about the concepts is enough in my experience.

Read the google SRE book. It's free online. "seeking SRE" is another good book.

>It seems less stressful and pays more am i right in assuming that?
Pays more because it's not entry level. New grads are hired into Google SRE, but not at most companies. Nobody goes to school learning devops tools; they all want to be a SWE, so there is less competition due to less awareness and willingness.

Stress will depend on the company. You could end up at a nightmare place where there shit is constantly broken or you could end up at a place where an error budget is enforced and new features are blocked to improve reliability. Knowing what to ask here comes from having an SRE gig the first time.

>> No.22492134

Communities were a lot stronger. Social capital is at an all time low. Read “Bowling Alone” sometime.

>> No.22492141

>thought about this myself but management seems more time consuming with little upside. gay meetings with retards all day
That's a good point, although I think a specific role that interfaces more with a team than the meetings could be possible.

I'd personally just like to be the documentation + presentation guy for my team. I've been able to carve out a few sprints where I just create detailed, actually useful tickets with research for others to complete.

>> No.22492153

>If you wanna make more $ become a sales engineer. With everyone WFH you will have enough goof off hours as long as you’re efficient, while probably 2-3xing your current comp
Very based anon, I'll look into it. You have experience with that or do ya just know people with that job?

>> No.22492189
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Posting in epically based bread.

Stay based, gentlemen.

>> No.22492250

>So are all you stay at home workers fat?
I go outside to train muay thai and ideally not be fat.

Nothing about work from home prevents working out. It's all just time management. Take your former commute time and make it workout time

>> No.22492324

I can try to move within my company to """learn""" devops but its so large with so many fucking layers of permissions, accounts, access requests, caching layers, 50 people on slack to go through, repos that have so many references to other repos with random business logic tied in to go through.
They have very complicated charts of how data flows in the org.
Even CI/CD on a single repo their concourse is overly complicated. All sorts of monitoring in sentry, conviva, adobe too.

I'll end only knowing how to do it their specific way in my little section of responsibility rather than the whole E2E. It would take a lifetime.

Ive done some docker, ec2, lambas myself but tutorial difficulty and working through https://www.serverless-stack.com

Is there some youtube playlists or good site like freecodecamp for more of this stuff?

>> No.22492379

Same as I've been doing the last 10 years - jerk off to cute 2D girls

>> No.22492382

It’s what I did. Started as a BDR 7 years ago, promoted to Account Exec and did fine at it for 2 years but hated it (too stressful and too many external factors that can fuck up your commissions, plus you’ll get canned if you haven’t hit quote for 2 quarters.

Managed to transition into sales engineering where I still get commissions (albeit capped at a lower ceiling than a rep) because I had some decent technical chops plus had done a software engineering boot camp. You have to be a complete fuck up to get canned in this role, and if you can manage your time well it’s pretty stress free.

All that said there are sales engineers with different technical chops but I’m in Martech and my gig doesn’t even require any coding, just being able to translate technical concepts.

>> No.22492447
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>> No.22492530

>I'll end only knowing how to do it their specific way in my little section of responsibility rather than the whole E2E. It would take a lifetime.
You're correct. It would take a lifetime and your place isn't setup for high impact. This is most tech companies, by design.

I was able to do this because I shared ownership of the AWS account with ~15 engineers and the CTO sitting next to me.

Most of these tools have really decent tutorials, but I've never used freecodecamp or youtube for em, so couldn't make a recommendation in good faith.

Ultimately, you just need to find the latest ways people are putting out a React app, a python app, aruby app, whatever and go through that process. How are they getting a new build out? How are they rolling back?

How are they sending metrics from the application to something like statsD or Prometheus? How do we know we are down?

Start with these specific actions in english and then move to formal tools that model the problem and do the .yml engineering to tie them together.

>> No.22492568
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My company pays me 9.2k a month and I do absolutely nothing. Did not even login today. I outsourced almost all of my tasks to our interns and let them slave away, no regrets.

>> No.22492630

>My company pays me 9.2k a month and I do absolutely nothing. Did not even login today. I outsourced almost all of my tasks to our interns and let them slave away, no regrets.

That's a nice path. Identify people desperate to appear useful, but lacking vision, and feed them useful tasks.

>> No.22492876

>Sending metrics
Some of the guys outside my team work with scala on a recommendation service and they've sent me a kibana dashboard so that must be one of several ways but i had no idea what i was even looking at, at the time.

But yeah there's literally floors worth of engineers here working on a streaming app and tv service for UK & Europe and recently peacock in the US.

I'll probably just have to crack on but you've given me an idea of how it works on a smaller scale i can put together

>> No.22492948


Work smart not hard, no commute or bullshit meetings means you can do all your work in one hour instead of padding it out over a day

>> No.22492971

and then wonder why they vote for communism lol

>> No.22493034
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Hahaha fuck I feel like a bagholder on some of the projects I work on. Some people are serial "project starters" where there are no real consequences to their decisions because they leave before any of the real impacts can be seen. I dont care because none of the problems are my fault but it is funny

>> No.22493128

At my former WAGIE everyone in the office was blown away that I knew how to set up the new printer & change the background on their computers, truely strange times

>> No.22493278
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They earn around 5.5k a month which is pretty decent for an intern position. Gotta use that Human Ressource.

>> No.22493963

Am I stuck in 2019?

>> No.22494539

not likely since they are doing it too

>> No.22494660

This don't fall for the learn2code meme

>> No.22495701

>40 hours @ $20/hr
> bragging about poorfag salary

>> No.22495729

>Learning to code is a meme if you don’t have a degree.
no it's not faggot, get good and stop making excuses

>> No.22495757

>H1Bs waste their self learning time on C# and Java
it's insane how true this is, the only C# eng i know are turbojeets

>> No.22496136

I'm a reporter so I haven't been able to enjoy working from home, and actually got the rona during an interview. fuck this shit.

>> No.22496207
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Unless you're making >$80 an hour, my time is still more valuable than yours. Lemme guess, you work 40 hours a week as a nurse getting $32/hr to wipe some geriatric boomer's asshole, being a good little wageslave. Not even living for yourself, but dedicating most of your waking hours to please your master. Plus you probably live in some overpriced urban center overrun by niggers, meanwhile I live in a comfy cabin in the middle of God's country & haven't seen a black person at lesst two months.

All while I'm skating by, working less than a quarter of what you do & still making more than half. Yup, I think I've got a reason to brag.

I'll await your cope reply while I get head on company time.

>> No.22496285

Does data analytics/ science will increase my chances of getting a job with working from home.

>> No.22496381

Absolutely. Plus almost guarantees you a $100K+ annual income.

>> No.22496434
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>> No.22496475
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I hate all of you, landscaping like a nigger over here

>> No.22496502

this dane guy is weak holy fuck

>> No.22496514

You're trying too hard

>> No.22496573

I have the best job in the world. I do 5 min of work a day. Didn't even read my email today lmao. Fuck niggers and fuck cagies

>> No.22496576

Not very likely since it all depends on supervision. People have gotten away with "barely working" schemes for decades, especially at larger companies where individual employees can fall through the cracks.

>> No.22496601

Dude, what is the name of this character? Been trying to remember this show.

>> No.22496622

Can't remember him having a name, but the show is (New) Warau Salesman

>> No.22496734

Mine is up and running. I asked if it was logging my personal data on my personal machine. We have discussed having a dual instance running from here on after that.

>> No.22497021

LDR/BDR/SDR is a telemarketing job. Duties will vary, for the most part it's cold calling and emailing companies all day.

>> No.22497387

K-12/college IT is comfy. Busy at start of the school year since people forget how to use the school software. Then after those weeks, really laid back. Watchin movies n shit at home

>> No.22497809

god i hope not. ive been working 3 years doing bullshit work at a 2big2fail bank. they are pushing me for a manager role but i dont think i can do it when i know its all bullshit.

>> No.22497960
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>work just canceled everyone's parking spots
Don't think this comfiness is going to end for a while fellas

>> No.22498027

Lucky bastard

>> No.22498168
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Literally getting paid to trade crypto and play video games since March

>> No.22498242

>Hahaha fuck I feel like a bagholder on some of the projects I work on.
lol you're definitely stuck bagholding!

Luckily my first project helped secure 40 million to fund the next stage. Starting the project and selling it to VCs is a fun time to be at a company sometimes

>> No.22498705

post body lets see how yolked you are big boy (no homo)

>> No.22498762

based. and then get unemployment to neet it up even more for 6 months until you "have" to get another (work from home) job

>> No.22498778

>There's 1 single mother on my team.
unless she has a daughter who is about to turn 18 why would she even be an option

>> No.22498815

then how do you meet quality women that isn't "pathetic"? bar skanks?

>> No.22498835
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I hope so man
that would be fucking comfy
I think the n*rmalfags will fight to make this not the case though, I've heard so many complaints from their kind about not having enough social interaction or something when working from home, terrifying creatures.

>> No.22498867

And the best new daily thread award goes to “Ah, another day of ‘working from home’ doing absolutely nothing”

>> No.22498922

This manga was so fucked up.

>> No.22498931
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>mfw work literally canceled their office lease

>> No.22498940

Supposedly through friends or family.

>> No.22499034

>then how do you meet quality women that isn't "pathetic"? bar skanks?
This is the question of 2020.

My current thoughts on it: maybe scientific conferences or at something like discrete math office hours (not something you just stumble upon)

They're not going to be in the bar, club, or online dating scene. Heck, they're like many men here and never really leave their apartment, by default. Perhaps they're a lab rat somewhere or a woman in engineering for the tech and not the status/lifestyle.

Discoverability is a problem, but there are women out there that are as autistic as the people on this board.

Hoping my crypto stack and software engineering job give me enough money to search the world for these unicorns (while also pursuing mainly my own goals of course)

>> No.22499046

300k/y at FAANG, poorfag

>> No.22499545

youve maxed out your comfy skill tree