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22640223 No.22640223 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get normies into crypto in a meaningful way?

>> No.22640246

All women are whores

>> No.22640263

how does any man want children?

>> No.22640264

I don't feel bad for the dad, he deserves the rope too

>> No.22640300
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i have tried to get some of my friends and family in. One sold ETH after it dropped 50% and quit the other also quit crypto and spent the btc on a necklace for his gf. This guy doesn't want anything to do with it.

>> No.22640313

theres NO WAY he doesnt fap to thoughts of her, might even go through her underware

>> No.22640322

I hope that is actually her bfs parents or something... Jesus.

>> No.22640332
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>> No.22640336

destroy defi, with no survivors

>> No.22640358

No man wants daughters

>> No.22640368

>Is it possible to get normies into crypto in a meaningful way?

>> No.22640409


i haven't cringed that hard in months

>> No.22640436
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>> No.22640462

The most appalling thing is that she probably feels no shame doing that. That's how confident she is in herself. Holy fuck I wish my confidence was on par with hers.

>> No.22640477

based on the shitty old carpets and particle board doors i can assume these boomers live in bumfuck flyoverville and will be happy their daughter pulls in a few extra bucks on the tik tok
any respectable man with even a little bit of intelligence would not be sitting there like this cuck

>> No.22640490

you just know she fucks black guys

>> No.22640503

So that it gets adoption

>> No.22640517

I hope the dad murdered her after that

>> No.22640526

What are some practical steps a man can take to prevent their daughter from turning out like this given the state of the modern world?

>> No.22640533

and thats a good thing

>> No.22640563

Hot. I wonder if she sucks daddy off on the weekends.

>> No.22640584
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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.22640604

I was fucking a girl that looked just like her when I was in college 10 years ago. Now she's fat, has kids, and is happily married to a white dude lmao

>> No.22640624

I blame the parents in the background for her degenerate behavior

>> No.22640666

As i implied with my question why any man wants kids. I only date women 35+ with no more hopes of child rearing. Although my current gf wants to freeze her eggs or some shit

>> No.22640697

built for bbc

>> No.22640795

Theres no revenue making on tiktok for creators. None. This is what confuses me the most; they humiliate themselves on camera for FREE. This level of nihilism is akin to pre-nazi Germany.

>> No.22640922

and here you are

>> No.22640976

Checked but I disagree. Children are essential. Keep trying for sons, if you get a daughter in the process, just he vigilant and keep her in line. If she marries it could benefit the rest of the family. And don't feel bad about asking for shit from her husband. That's what your time with your daughter buys; another son who hopefully has his shit together.

>> No.22641060

whats wrong with women ?

>> No.22641076

No accountability

>> No.22641100

Yes. They started using Venmo when they put a button in their online checking acct that said "venmo"

It has to be a button in something they already use

>> No.22641119

their values are easily molded by their social circles.
not really her fault she ended up a degenerate, more likely her father's for being a beta

>> No.22641132

ill donate my blonde sperm if it makes you happy. But i wont rear the little bastards.

>> No.22641148
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I am a normie and into crypto but not in a meaningful way I just throw some of my paycheck into Chainlink on Kraken. I tell my co-workers about it but since I'm autistic they just look at me kind of scared like usual. Am 20 btw

>> No.22641162

Unless we bring back open hand slapping as discipline

>> No.22641187
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Imagine if her father kicked her in her face and snapped her neck

>> No.22641201

Wealthsimple is beta testing crypto trading. They may have actually rolled it out, I never use my wealthsimple account

>> No.22641227

Never take her to gymnastics or dance classes, and feed her lots of junk food.

>> No.22641248


All of this.

>> No.22641264

Jewish media telling her this is the "norm"

>> No.22641281

Yes! That's what nimiq is for!

>> No.22641283

That hurt to watch

Imagine being those poor parents and seeing your daughter ended up being a dumb whore

If that whore is capable of any self reflection hopefully she'll kill herself after seeing this video in a few years

>> No.22641296

What is the "right" way to father a girl? If you shelter her too much she will get mental illness. If you let her go out too much she will be a whore. If you try to ban her from dating guys until she's 18 she will "go out to see friends" in high school and fuck guys since you wanting to ban her from having a GF will make her more of a slut.

It's like a lose-lose no matter which you choose. Seems to me it's dice roll to get a daughter who won't be a whore.

>> No.22641306

Your last sentence is the only thing that gives me hope.

>> No.22641308
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i do

>> No.22641345



>> No.22641386

You know I do this thing with girls where I try to imagine the male version. Like what would she have looked like with a Y chromosome.

This is the only standard by which you can objectively judge a woman. This one for example would look like an ugly beta male. So she's a pass. If the male version looks like an alpha chad in your head, then you know you want them to have your children. That's prime material.

>> No.22641410

i cant think or comprehend...

>> No.22641479

wow whats her name?

>> No.22641492


>> No.22641499

Calm down its a man...

>> No.22641500

thats a man

>> No.22641567
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I've been into crypto for some time and convinced my friends to invest. Even though they are a bit skeptical about it, they will put a good number in AVAX (opening next monday) and seems like I've convinced them to start buying crypto

>> No.22641602

filthy newfag

>> No.22641691
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The right way is you as her father rape her and take her virginity around the time she starts her period. All these women are acting out like this because they want to be punished, a father can give her everything she needs except the one thing she craves.
Dont believe me then just look at any western porn. 90% is 'yes daddy', 'fuck me daddy' some of them even say 'punish me'. Take everything they are saying literally and it all starts to make sense they all crave the same thing, to be disciplined by daddy's cock. These girls will keep acting like whores and sucking BBC until daddy punishes them.
The real tragedy is most men are too cucked to do it.

>> No.22641705


I know biz throws this around a lot but that's a literal man. no joke, she's got a dick.

>> No.22641722

The father deserves to be executed by firing squad.

>> No.22641825
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>> No.22641832

people who call men cucked for not slapping women dont realize that spanking and slapping will get your children taken from you here and you WILL be narc'd on, usually by the child themself. Its like north korea in USA for parenting. I will never never have a kid

>> No.22641873


>> No.22641985

I try to avoid it but it has come up in drunk conversations with friends sometimes and honestly I end up just sounding like a rambling autist who really has no idea what the fuck crypto does or how it works.
Which is true. But I've turned $500 into 40k so fuck it.

>> No.22641998

Redpilled.. alternate version is the "what would she look like @ age 50" pill

>> No.22642025

Are you pretending that the father was against her being like this because of a fear of CPS?
He had no obligation to buy her a used car to go to high school parties.
He had no obligation to let her dress like a whore in the first place.
He had no obligation to marry a woman who is unwilling to stay home and homeschool the kids as opposed to what actually happened, namely Stacy going to public school where she learned all the different ways to put a condom on Chad and Jamal.

There were so many ways to prevent this from happening and yet people always make excuses.

>> No.22642055


>> No.22642074

Her father is acting like a high schooler who is shy around women, but it's his own daughter and his wife is right there

>> No.22642143

Ok good for you. You want to take on that challenge. Go for it. You sound like a well balanced normie. Like i said im not having kids. And the reason is i believe in slapping like my parents raised me, but people today wouldnt let me parent my way. You can do it your way but dont tell me how i should want to do it if i took it on

>> No.22642392

And they’re gonna be the main ones mad at you when you make it

>> No.22642426

Its a great question.... impossible to avoid her from interacting with the bottom of the barrel degenerates of society.
From a young age a father must instill in the girl that she is "better" than that.
Women like to feel better or above others so if the idea is instilled from a young age that these other women are garbage and she should behave with more intelligence then it should give a fighting chance.

>> No.22642489

What a stupid question, this is why crypto is never going to take off, nobody cares about how to apply crypto in our everyday lives, its just "hey how can we get suckers to buy in so I can dump my bags and get rich"

>> No.22642488

ive seen tons of girls like this and they seem to be the ones who "rebel" and end of getting blackout drunk and with black guys.
I dont think you can just tell them no no no because one day you wont be there to tell them no and the pendulum swings the other way... and with all the built up energy it will travel far

>> No.22642627

That's stupid. Men and women have completely different characteristics that make them attractive. The method I use is to think about what she'll look like in 30 years (including personality). Will she get fat and have smokers teeth? Will she have horrible tattoos on her aging skin? has she grown as a person? Would you still want to be with her?

>> No.22642654

Manipulation. She'll end up with a cheater for sure.
Discipline is the only way. But not excessive. Not to hurt, just the threat of it is enough. Spanking and slapping are a must

>> No.22642657

No, that's why (((they))) had to stage/exaggerate a hoax virus that you have to get tested to know you have to shut the economy down and bleed the goyim dry.

>> No.22642676

Daddy and his business buddy’s trained her good. Non existent gag reflex, and largely disassociated from being savagely throatfucked.

>> No.22642699
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>realize you failed parenting so badly that all you can do is laugh about it
the only thing he has to look forward to is the rope

>> No.22642759

Never said, don't spank your kids,
my point is that there are countless things that parents don't do that contribute to their daughters (and sons) seeking vain hedonism.
The same people whose daughters become a complete disgrace of the family also have son's who equally can't find purpose in life, don't know what to do with life because their father never taught them any life skills, and their parents just say "follow your dreams".
It's not just about telling them "no no no" it's about giving them a proper frame of mind, and being an actual father to them rather than just a "cool bro" dad who never teaches them anything. That's one way to end up with a daughter who has daddy issues, and a gay son with daddy issues.

>> No.22642883

Go live in a third world muslim country and your odds are pretty high, only if you're muslim tho.
Avoid second World places like turkey, they're not as bad as the West but still pretty degenerate

>> No.22642924

Chose the place you're gonna live in very carefully, go for a little conservative community

>> No.22643058
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oooo I'm laffin

>> No.22643098

yeah this should be common knowledge tough. i can not even be called semi chad been on parties, invited out of pity sitting in the corner like in the meme half of the times and I (as someone with very limited exposure like described above ) have seen
the most sheltered girls doing unimageable things the first time(s) she gets shitfaced drunk and not knowing her tolerance. i am not saying this will be reoccuring after that but i happens to pretty much 99.98% of them rather sooner or later atleast once