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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22652258 No.22652258 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.22652288

a lot of disappointment and hoping the devs (who do not sleep) can deliver. You should join the discord and bully the ladyboy janny TQT

>> No.22652308

>he though 11 was the bottom

>> No.22652311

Should be set man

>> No.22652326

You’re fucked pussyboi. Did you know the reason for the dump was a massive flaw which resulted in failure of the first pool causing many people to lose their funds?


>> No.22652363

What? You mean the initial hack? That was well before the massive dump. It did go down but that’s why you audit.

>> No.22652378

what? that was literally when the coin was $20 like 2 months ago lol

the reason for the endless dumping is THE TOKEN DOES NOTHING

>> No.22652379

Why do you think whales dumped after? They lost confidence. All these new vaults haven’t even been audited. Go away now you stinky human.

>> No.22652390

finanicially anihhalation

>> No.22652406

Heh they’re getting audited now buddy. Keep fudding though

>> No.22652450


>He thinks I’m FUDing when price has dropped off a cliff

I’m just trying to save some anons some money. You don’t have to bring everyone down with you.

Can you even answer the anon above? What’s the token for? Other than farming a bunch of other tokens that also have no value.

Inb4 ‘But that’s what all of crypto is’

I don’t care. It’s not an answer. Other coins have something going for them. This coin? NOTHING. No marketing, no use, doesn’t even have crazy high yields.

There is no need for anyone to post after this thread. Let the thread die just like the dreams of those that bought this shitcoin.

>> No.22652510

You realize that they are going to migrate over 300 million away from Balancers TVL? Balancers TOTAL TVL is about 560 million. That would be well over half. They’re moving all those funds and they’ll create a more efficient tool on gas that’ll likely pull even more funds away from them. Yeah, just a useless scam though.

>> No.22652594

Fake pump numbers. You understand those numbers mean NOTHING when the token itself has no value or use. They haven’t even proposed what it’s use is.

If you haven’t noticed this is a trend in crypto. A bunch of coins proposing amazing ideas, adding a token to the idea and then having no use of the actual token itself.

Do you understand when they pull that TVL and more people farm at DOUBLE the rate (voting for double yield will be confirmed) that this coin will dump even harder? You have what...another 6 months then of VALUE being dumped by anyone that farms. Why would anyone keep the shitcoin which has NO value.

Effluent tool on gas? Where are you pulling this out of your ass. Some fake shit you’re making up. Ok I’ll tell you what you’re correct on, it’ll save YFV users (shitcoin users) from spending more GAS to migrate from balncer to farm more shitcoins.

Do you understand the problem? YFV has no use. VALUE has no use. vUSD has ZERO useZ vETH has ZERO use. The value from this coin comes from speculation that the price of the coin will go to $1k because it is another YClone.

I’m not saying it’s a scam. I’m saying it’s a shitcoin in a field of shitcoins which missed out on the pain purpose of shitcoins, HYPE.

>> No.22652745

Sorry that you bought at $81, sold at $11, Veins. It didn’t have to be this way. If you had a dad, you could’ve held through the dip.

The purpose is staking. You’re mad that some people staked THEIR liquidity. $360 Million was laid down at the altar of this coin, and you think you’re smarter than all 360,000,000 of those dollars.

That’s why you don’t get it.
“Big line go up”[BTC] actually, in fact, means less than “provide liquidity algorith”[DeFi]. Both may be dumb but I’ll tell you which one can be tinkered with much more.
HINT: it’s the one that can fork BAL, SUSHI — by extension UNI, YFI, YFV (its own token)

>> No.22652803


>> No.22652817

I’m not going to convince you but you’re not seeing the potential. Owning this is like having revenue share from an exchange, it’ll be its own ecosystem. Dev communication is bad but everything they have done and put out has been solid.

>> No.22652833
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>join the discord and bully the ladyboy janny TQT
checked & based

>> No.22652914

All i see is hordes of noobs that dont understand basics of investing in crypto. If you bought too high and now you have bled, the last thing you should do is sell.

think of it this way

option 1: and are down say, 80% percent and decide to sell. Congratulations you just solidified your lost , good luck "Trading" your way back to your original amount. IF you held a project down that long, chances are you are not an expert trader to begin with.

option 2: you are down 80% and decide to hold. you risk losing your last 20% but your upside can much fewer losses, break even or possibly still make a massive multiplier if the project gets out of its initial struggle.

For the vast majority of people in regret with this token right now, which option to take is rather obvious

>> No.22652924

Yawn. YFV haven’t hinted at anything you’ve suggested about forking other than the BAL TVL split coming up. Which hasn’t come up yet btw. Nice speculation though. Look I’m not saying you can’t make some money on this. But for the average biz person they’re gonna get burned. And in the end, it’s a whales game. They’re gonna dump. Why? Because again you haven’t addressed the same issue.

WHAT DOES THE TOKEN DO? what you said in your last paragraph, it’s bullshit. They haven’t mentioned anything of the sort in their mediums.

No I haven’t bought this coin. I just like to do my own research before I invest. And I can say that this did not pass the test. Btw that’s $360 million that a select few + the dev team are gonna run off with. Those funds aren’t available for everyone. Like I said, useless inflated figures.

Yawn. How about you answer my question. Oh you can’t cool.

Looks guys at biz. We’ve seen this a million times. A bunch of bag holders get caught holding a coin which promises the absolute world but does absolutely nothing. These bag holders are DESPERATE.

So fucking desperate that they’ve even decided to make up fake facts about what the coin does that even the dev team hasn’t mentioned. Go ahead and read their articles. Just save yourself and move to another coin.

>> No.22652951

This is a smart man here guys. This is the situation the majority of these bag holders are in. Majority of these people on these YFV threads are hopping onto the option 2 bandwagon.

Once again, they can’t answer questions that I ask. I’ve never bought the token, I don’t even hold the token yet I know more than them about their own coin.

>> No.22652973

Dogecoin reached a market cap of 2 billion of a meme, you are thinking like Warren Buffett in Chuck E Cheese land.

The token has a use, its a staking token used to participate in pools. The buyback mechanism further incentivizes to hold the token.

idk what much else you expect tokens to "do".

>> No.22653009

Where you have a point, is that we have no utility for Vusd and Veth so far, and this will be important to establish quite quickly. The Dev's are working on this.

>> No.22653030

>solidified your lost
>t.illiterate jigaboo

>> No.22653068

DGB had a massive campaign behind it where they supposedly had some partnership with Disney or something. It was something like that. At the beginning of crypto, it never recovered.

Ok, the pools produce vETH, vUSD and VALUE. The first two have zero use and aren’t even pegged 1:1. Value has use as you said, for staking. So two out of three of the rewards are useless.

Now let’s breakdown VALUE. Other than staking for currency which does nothing why would someone HOLD onto this coin. It’s pump has alresdy gone. People already took the massive APY yields. Now it’s just slow. Which people can do better on pickle. Or more safely on YFI.

Oh you mean the buyback of VALUES that will then be sold onto the market further lowering the price of the coin? You mean you guys are gonna face even more dumping? You understand tjat whales need to dump to make this profitable and safe for themselves. Little people are going to get burnt.

I expect tokens to generate a ‘hype’ around themselves. Or have some kind of use addressed other than staking. You’re probably trying to compare this to YFI which had incredible social media hype, attention from ChainLink, a savvy CEO, an extremely low market cap making it exciting. Maybe you’re trying to compare it to BTC. Something which has a limited supply and can be used as a store of value.

YFV? It’s legacy is a Y clone which got dumped. Do you understand the problem?

>> No.22653085

Money printer goes brrrrrrrrrr.

People will be left woth useless numbers in their metamask. Save yourself boys. I’m going to sleep. Good luck trying to get any truthful information out of these bag holders. I don’t blame them, there is no information to give so they have to resort to deceit I guess...

>> No.22653698


>> No.22653889

if anything it probably has one more pump left, which people will be dumping into

>> No.22654082

YFV/VALUE pair is up on uniswap already.

>> No.22654139

The shills went real quiet after Veins thoroughly BTFO'd them kek

>> No.22654184

That fucking SPEDdit spacing. Go whiteknight somewhere else, commie-cuck. Literally no one values your input here.

>> No.22654466


>> No.22655394
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Angry pajeet

>> No.22655892

you're in it to take your 30% profits and then look into something very solid like Polychain. you know you want to

>> No.22656566

if you haven't noticed, pretty much the whole market "dumped". Even ChainLink, one of the most legitimate and ambitious projects, has dropped more than 50%. Price action is no way to assess the quality/value of an alt, unless of course it dropped to zero. It's sad that you say you've researched this coin when you don't even know the basics