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23181009 No.23181009 [Reply] [Original]

im done being a wagecuck /biz/

where can i learn to get rich daytrading/scalping/shorting/longing crypto.

shill me good teachers

serious answers only

>> No.23181084

>where can i learn to get rich daytrading/scalping/shorting/longing crypto.
why do you need to lose your mind, your sleep and money by watching graphics all day?
just buy btc and hold
that’s it
you cannot time a hypermanipulated market
and if you use leverage you are just accelerating your target to zero
btw the only type of trading that works (a bit) is orderbook trading, but it’s mostly done by bots
technical analysis is a meme and doesn’t work
seriously, just buy btc and hold, sleep comfy and live your life

>> No.23181106

also, the more you trade, the more money the exchange makes, not you, keep it always in mind

>> No.23181145


explain what you plan to do when btc is abandoned for a more scalable currency? do you think they'll switch it to PoS eventually? that's the only way i can see bitcoin surviving much longer.

>> No.23181291

>explain what you plan to do when btc is abandoned for a more scalable currency?
nobody is switching, s&p companies are hoarding btc, grayscale, microstrategy, square, etc...
literally nobody cares about the speed, there is no economic incentive to spend BTC because they tend to increase in value, so spending them in 1 second to buy a coffee is literally the most stupid thing you could do
anyway, for people that would like to spend them, there is layer 2 (necessary, also eth will go for layer 2), for the very simple fact that you can’t scale on layer 1 without killing decentralization: the more the data, the less the nodes, the less the redundancy, the bigger the problems to validate tx
>do you think they'll switch it to PoS eventually?
lol, pos is a scam, everybody can spin a new layer 1 which is only backed by trust in a dev team
btc is fair for everyone, you only need electricity, it’s universally fair
with pos you have devs owning half of the supply and then using tricks like staking reward = inflation
oligarchic system at best
>that's the only way i can see bitcoin surviving much longer.
lol, you must be really new here

>> No.23181344

also, don’t fall for shitcoins
there are probably 50 scams on this board running at the moment
90% of them will rug pull and steal money
the remaining will just slowly bleed to zero
trust btc and nothing else, enjoy the memes and dub on retarded shitcoiners and degenerate gamblers

>> No.23181349

Well TA obviously works for some people since you got people doing it fulltime. im assuming the difference between it working for some and not for others is good risk management and not getting greedy.
i want to do this shit fulltime i like the dopamine from seeing line go up and the depression from line go down

>> No.23181383

Ta doesn’t work, if you need to look at support/resistance you better look at the orderbook, if you need to anticipate by a tiny bit, use the orderbook
You will see millions of meme lines, half will be correct and half will be wrong, but it’s just survival bias

>> No.23181399
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what I'm about to say needs to be sticked somewhere

being a good trader is a thing only a incredibly small portion of the population can achieve.
it's not something you can just start doing, you will outperform almost everyone by doing research and investing in low cap projects
there are only a hand full of them on the market so you better get searching

>> No.23181401

I mean just go on trading view on past predictions and have a good laugh

>> No.23181443

I guess crypto twitter made me believe it was really possible to be a daytrader in crypto. back to trading poopcoins

>> No.23181444


>> No.23181462

>there are only a hand full of them
1 gem out of 5000 scams
I guess newfags will inevitably get scammed 10 times before they develop the automatic pajeet filtering pavlov mechanism

>> No.23181495
File: 300 KB, 654x524, 2E48C67A-B9BD-44EA-8D7D-67EF52977B48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto twitter
you mean scammer shilling their brand new shitcoins trying to dump on you as soon as you buy?

>> No.23181496

It's simple. Buy. Wait. Sell. Repeat.

BoringDAO... look into it.

>> No.23181512

based anon of truth. Bitcoin will literally always be here
bash and sv will go to 0
>pos is a scam
why would eth be doing it then. there has to be a good reason, maybe you don't know enough to talk on this subject

hand full compared to the 3000 coins is what I mean

kek, crypto twitter is only for comedy when you see old posts of a coin that pulled the rug
it's sad but also funny

>> No.23181516

you're following the wrong people on twitter man. i always hear about the news before the pajeet telegram groups find out

>> No.23181561

you have a point, but
1. that`s your opinion and you cant just state it as a fact
2. if you`ve ever tried cluster volume analysis you know that almost every seller finds a byer and vice versa. So there are always the ones who lose and the other ones who win, plus institutions. I dont care for losers on tradingview because i myself have considerable profits from my trades. Simple statistics: if your predictions are right in more then 50% cases and your reward to risk ratio is >1, you win in the long run. With TA significantly increasing my winrate, I profit more, simple as that. I hope ur not retarded enough to deny it. All the best

>> No.23181678

>there has to be a good reason
staking rewards benefit whales (like vitalik) cause it widens the gap, the rich get richer and who doesn’t stake keep losing value because of inflation.
10% inflation
for 100eth staked you get 10eth
a poorfag with 1 eth gets 0.1eth
previous gap was 99 eth, new gap is 108.9 eth
This is called oligarchy and vitalik can say all he wants about “muh big brain” but it’s a shitty and unfair system
On top of that you have inflation, if you had 101 eth before, now you have 110.1 which are worth the same, so vitalik just robbed a poorfag
pos is fiat 2.0, no thx

>> No.23181758

>Simple statistics: if your predictions are right in more then 50% cases and your reward to risk ratio is >1, you win in the long run. With TA significantly increasing my winrate, I profit more, simple as that. I hope ur not retarded enough to deny it.
Correct, but many newfags think meme lines can predict the future while clearly that’s not the purpose
Yes, can be used as many other tools, but importance of ta is vastly overrated.
I think you agree with me that orderbook info are much more important

>> No.23181910

not just the orderbook itself, but the cluster charts based on it as they are visual. That way you see the real money flow and big players moves so you can just join them. I dont hear about it often, OP can search for Volfix but there are other platforms as well which provide courses about it, like ATAS, ninjatrader, bookmap, jigsaw etc.

>> No.23182360

which one is the best of the ones you mentioned here?

>> No.23182604

good point, what would you suggest thought

>> No.23183377

>the orderbook
pic related
the only thing you see there is what whales and market manipulators want you to see
most exchanges have an option to hide your position from the order book which big players are using
if someone lets you see that they have a price wall they probably don't even plan to actually let it trigger
on top of that they will be using multiple exchanges to take positions on both sides to abuse people with the order books
TA absolutely "works" but the reason it's profitable is risk management not success rate

>> No.23183396
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forgot pic

>> No.23185021
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Can you list some you follow?

I follow @cryptofrog202 and @CryptoWarlordd.

>> No.23185446

t. midwit

>> No.23185622
File: 1.05 MB, 750x1334, 20446661-8642-4041-9F86-BF52E2778B48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this German bro out. Making 1k weekly or daily. Depends how the market is.

>> No.23185640

Bitcoin isn't currency. It is and always will be digital gold.

>> No.23185795

>i want to do this shit fulltime i like the dopamine from seeing line go up and the depression from line go down

this is exactly why you shouldn't.
when trading, you need to take your emotions out of it. you need a 100% analytical approach.
>i like
you WILL lose money. you're too desperate, too attached to the idea of making money.
just buy & hold.

>> No.23185882

>paid group

>hurr i have found a secret to multiplying money, give me 1k and i can turn it into 200k
>i will teach this to you for $89.90

LMAO if you actually think this guy has a profitable options strategy, you deserve to lose all your money. thats the only way you will learn to not trust LARPers on the internet.

Actual profitable traders will guard their secrets extremely closely. Trading is a zero sum game, if you share your alpha, it gets ARB'd away in an instant.

>> No.23185887

Daytrading is a meme and dominated by unbeatable algos. don't be a fucking retard. You can winrar through swingtrading or longterm investing but that's it. don't believe in the muh daytrading jew narrative

>> No.23185897
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