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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 228 KB, 594x594, 1567918057209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23290932 No.23290932 [Reply] [Original]

I hate women.

>> No.23290970

just checked your post history, YIKERS who hurt you?

>> No.23291009

I rented out my 5.5/10 girlfriend to my friends for 15$ an hour.

>> No.23291745

Especially white women

>> No.23291828
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>> No.23291857


>> No.23291864
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>> No.23291932
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I really want to know exactly when did the world become so pro feminine and when did ass fucking become such a proud thing to do, how did all of this sissy puffy bossy female takeover happen?

>> No.23291954
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When women go from 0% of the influence share of politics (and society) to 51%, some pretty radical things happen

>> No.23291979

Based i thought the same thing today when my mom bought the wrong icecrean

>> No.23291997


>> No.23292019

Best thread on /biz/ right now

Women are the niggers of gender and should be eradicated

>> No.23292020

So you're gay?

>> No.23292036

Mostly I just hate the way they are nowhere near our level. They are so inferior it’s a joke.

>> No.23292063

Absolutely based

>> No.23292101

I support this

>> No.23292117

that answers my question to be fair.

>> No.23292124


why can't I UNSELECT this pic?

>> No.23292146

All incels are losers

>> No.23292183

You're the type of guy that gets from her selling his girlfriends underpants

Beat it, scrub

>> No.23292236

same, and for good reason, the closer they are to me the more they've tried to get me to kill myself. all women are evil and need to have their social freedoms taken from them for humanity to progress. they should still be allowed to work professionally, but their mouths should be gagged when not in an office, and their clitorises should be removed early for sanitary and religious reasons.


>> No.23292667

Facts. It's engrained into their brains to literally wish death and malice upon beta/subhuman males. If you're a Subhuman, women will torture you because they think it will mpress Chad.

>> No.23292753

never. And i mean never. Laugh at a womans joke. Tell them women arent funny. Only simps laugh at womens jokes. Once they realize they aren't funny they will question their existence, and BAM take back suffrage. Im like 30% this plan will work

>> No.23292926

You're coping and retarded. There's no going back. Women and simps outnumber any other group.

>> No.23292937

BASED AND TRUE. they are naturally more eugenic than the most hardcore nazi

>> No.23292970


>> No.23293154


>> No.23293449

Lol, they don't like you either probably.

>> No.23293529

This. They seek being bred by the alpha nothing else. Alphas are the only ones not hating women, because they function like real women around them.

>> No.23293558


>> No.23293609

>be chad with stace
>"that guys a faggot" stace says about some random chud we walk by
option 1:
option 2:

>> No.23294091

he cute

>> No.23294114

you're going to be rich, son!

>> No.23294208

can you do that?

>> No.23294334

Yes, newfag. Your history is particularly cringe.

>> No.23294336


it might be a mod using his IP address, but generally regular users cannot.

>> No.23294362


actually, a lot of alpha guys hate them since they see how superficial and materialistic they are. basically just cum holes.

>> No.23294382

yes just go
Archive > Filename

>> No.23294389

ewww sweaty i particularly saw that your ip tends to post in the umm r/braincels sub. who hurt you?

>> No.23294437
File: 1.07 MB, 644x826, Tendies41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck WOMEN they belong to men as property ONLY. No rights for them handmaids tale when!

>> No.23294496
File: 607 KB, 800x792, Matrixpepe9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True repeal fiat currency gas the kikes and put women back into the kitchen or in the brothel where they fucking belong. Not even a beta.

>> No.23294532

big oof, female hands typed all three of these posts. the more sex a man has the more he hates women because he gets to know them more (see Don Jon), unless hes falling for their tricks. "alphas" get destroyed by women all the time, i saw it happen to the most popular guys who went to my high school. all of you cunts need to get raped if you want to be good people.

>> No.23294537

quads and I drop out of uni eggs dee

>> No.23294541

Ironically this is also the chad thing to do, but the difference is chad is a chad regardless of the situation.

>> No.23294575

the really obsessed faggots who don't have lives will use your IP address to track you and what you say, if you piss them off enough you become the focus of attempted bullying through their discord servers, the entire thing is pathetic and ruins 4chan. this should really be stickied on every board but the mods are evil and want you to kill yourself.

>> No.23294579
File: 158 KB, 600x750, Baseddepartment14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quads and i quit my job by making a public announcement at work that the based department will call in for.

>> No.23294590

Somebody get in touch with the Based Department.

They're on the phone? Good, let me speak to them.
Chad? Hey Chad, one of your guys just made a thread and we had no idea he was coming. I know we have a relationship but the least you people can do is let us know you're gonna send someone over! Third time this month someone makes a thread unannounced!
What does this have to do with niggers?

He fucking hung up.

>> No.23294732

Found the woman

>> No.23294788

based AND redpilled

>> No.23294807

found the discord tranny. im going to tell the SEC there are people using minecraft servers to manipulate markets with millions in unreported crypto gains. your power is so fragile.

>> No.23295023

I'm not a foid nor a trap. I just hate women. Send me an invite to one of those servers I'm down for some unreported crypto gains

>> No.23295620
