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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23308874 No.23308874 [Reply] [Original]

best way to financially profit family?

>> No.23308890

I guess house insurance? Burn the house down with you inside

>> No.23308891

Stram it on twitch for that sweet sweet suicide stack.

>> No.23308914
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i have to worry about making this totally anonymous and that's fucked up

seriously, how could I ensure my family receives a big life insurance payout or something without waiting years first?

>> No.23308929

how could livestreaming it get me a "suicide stack" please dont meme me its weird you mention twitch thats been my sole source of pseudo-social interaction for many years ..... im 29

>> No.23308942

I think you can still get life insurance, there is usually a 2 year suicide exclusion clause so if you can tolerate existence for another 2 years it might work. To someone who is suicidal, 2 years is usually unbearably long which the insurance company counts on.

>> No.23308946
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so get house insurance and get away with concealing arson? i thought this board was high IQ ... please help me

>> No.23308991
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thats pretty much the comclusion im at after trying to research this on google butim looking for an enlightened above average high iq 4chanfrog take on how to really achieve this

>> No.23309051
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i cant bump this for much longer i hope some anons see this and keep it up until i wake up later im in florida ...

imagine if you could be refunded the estimated cost your life would have on society

>> No.23309150
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>> No.23309162

If he kills himself in the fire no one is gonna think it was on purpose. What sort of sick son of bitch would want to go through the experience of burning to death?

>> No.23309187

i think you actually suffocate to death first.

>> No.23309213
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which one was me?

>> No.23309255
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i feel like any type of arson is so easily detectable by firemen etc. nowadays that you would have 0 chance of getting away with that and getting a home/life insurance payout for your family ...

>> No.23309302

did i just get myself on some list or something? maybe even that could end up saving my life somehow ....


>> No.23309320

Are you a smoker?
Fall asleep on the couch with a bottle of whisky and a cigarette in your mouth. Put your favourite dish on the stove and leave the gas on?

>> No.23309327

Why do you want to kill yourself anon?

>> No.23309362

id have to buy a gas stove and i smoke pot so i guess a joint but even all that really makes me think they spot that shit and fuck youre family over with the insurance claim

why is arson the first thing anons think of? what other options can we think up? cmon bros youve been my true constant since i was 14

>> No.23309366

you could try to sell your organs. fast and painless death but negotiating could be pretty hard

>> No.23309383
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does an hero cover insurance? don't they check your ip logs? you may just void it sirs.

>> No.23309394

ive come to hate myself so much from around 15 years old that i cant reward myself with anything positive.

ive never been able to ask a girl out let alone kiss/fuck one, i cant fathom being in love with someone loving me as a possibility anymore and it just grows less likely as i age

>> No.23309408

yeah exactly thats pretty fucked up honestly that i have to worry about that

>> No.23309427

can you really imagine an organ harvester committing to paying out your family after theyve killed you and harvested your organs. absolutely embarrassing display of intellect if not memeing

>> No.23309441

Okay here you go.
Get the biggest loan you can. Bury half the cash in your yard. Take the rest and put it on red on the roulette table. If you win pay the loan and use the other half to give to your family. If you lose, or just don't care, just tell your parents where the borrowed money is then kys

>> No.23309446

im surprised no one wants to guess which wrestler i was lmao i thought for sure that would entice anons things like that usally does. adriana chechik went to my school lol

>> No.23309448
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Anon don't do it.
You just need 1 bitcoin and wait a few years to make it.
Why end it? a future of whores and beer waits you in SEA soon.

>> No.23309487

do you have a family?

do you see potential rewards that are non monetary?

>> No.23309499

put it on red lmao why red also why do you assume my parents? its my younger siblings

>> No.23309558

I think a thirteen month exemption clause applies as an industry standard to keep people from doing this, at least right away.

>> No.23309562
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no i am only a financial/emotional drain on everyone around me (my father and 3 younger siblings).

"do yiou see potential rewards that are non monetary?"

umm do you mean rewards from suicide? like freedom from suffering or something? maybe you mean ways my family could be positively influenced from my death like all those athletes/musicians/celebrities who had a sibling commit suicide yet they used that to become famous somehow

>> No.23309581

right exactly how can that get worked around in the biggest 5Head way is what I'm aiming to find

>> No.23309590

what was that anon? A wrestling club or something like that? Are you on that photo?

>> No.23309607
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"a future of whores and beer waits you in SEA soon."


>> No.23309673

Tie a bunch of balloons to a pistol. Shoot yourself outside and the gun floats away. Unsloved murder and your mlion dollar policy pays out.

>> No.23309674

Do you feel financially responsible for your father and siblings?
Are you all struggling financially and you want to do something to help?

>> No.23309702
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wrestling was a really big deal for me and my area growing up. boys committed their lives to it from a young age and were the most famous/popular members of their schools growing up.

when i was around 15 i inured my spine and used that to quit because I'm a piece of shit pussy faggot and I need to die.

My life pretty much ended there I never started dating I dove into WoW for a few years i gained 100+ lbs from being a lifelong athlete and stopped all socialization with my closest friends. when i get near attractive women i look away like that paint it black rolling stones song lmao i just want to kill myslef the entire time and especially afterwards whenever I'm in a situation where I'm forced to talk with them.

now im almost 30 and the future can only get worse.

>> No.23309755

was your injury a big thing and made it into a newspaper?

>> No.23309786

>can you really...
yes because you get the payout in advance

>> No.23309796
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that was mildly funny at least thanks anon

the main reason why i haven't ended this save is because of the detrimental effects this would have on my 3 younger siblings. I imagine that with great intelligence a method to at least provide them with a financial boon could be achieved.

we are borderline struggling financially yes

>> No.23309827

no nice try. which wrestler by appearance do you think I was?

what the fuck loans are you talking about?

>> No.23309877
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this fag?

>> No.23309897

I grew up in private christian schools even though by blood i was a Jew making me the outsider token Jew in the Christian school

that is mostly irrelevant though, what I'm aiming at making clear is this concept of self-judgement that Christfags might relate with

>> No.23309936

Just a guess.
Bottom row. second from the left?
Was your schools motto Pride and Respect?

do the impacts of the injury you speak of still affect you today

>> No.23309947

No wonder you are looking for nigger tier advice

>> No.23309959

Sounds like that injury and not being able to wrestle anymore had a huge impact on your life?

>> No.23309970
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no but this is truly the most AMAZING pick you could have made anon. His family were amongst the richest/most famous/most powerful in the school he specifically was dating/fucking the hottest senior in the school in 8th grade and he continued his conquest amongst the other hottewst aftwards

i distinctly recall on my first day of wrestling in 7th grade how fucking weird this nigga looked i swear this is actually AMAZING he was the dude you picked holy fucking shit lmao

>> No.23310077

also at the same time i had these first 2 funerals of my life: a grandmother and a 10 year old younger cousin who ii had just seen get killed skateboarding

i cant claim that i was super fucking close with either of them but looking back i see this time as when i sort of 'caught' a severe depression

when i stopped wrestling i left that school and got into this advanced public school dual enrolled in the conjoining community college free laptop included

i have almost 0 memories from 10th, 11th, and 12 grade i would have 2 college classes twice a week maybe in and out no socializing with actual adults and elderly in the class.

after high school i kept going in the same easy as fuck community college courses for a while but eventually stopped.

>> No.23310093

no and no

yes the impacts of my failure haunt my very soul

>> No.23310131

how is this nigger tier advice?

>> No.23310141

Just get drunk and deepfry some chips in a big pot, but heat the oil up way too hot until it catches fire and then try to put it out with a pot of water. problem solved.

>> No.23310155

>id have to buy a gas stove
oh you're not actually willing to put any effort into this.

>> No.23310160
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actually he was one of my best friends and i suffer extreme anguish almost everyday feeling deserved guilt and shame for being a shit friend to him

>> No.23310177


I'm not joking around anon

>> No.23310228

Honestly I've just been fucking with you.
You're a coward if you commit suicide knowing there's younger people in your family now makes it even more heinous. Think of what you'll do to them you selfish faggot.
>b-but I never kissed a girl
Go to SEA or south america and fuck a girl and get that out of your system. You'll soon realise pussy isn't shit and never comes when you can't even respect yourself.
Go to the gym unironically, start reading (literature not child's fiction).
Sort yourself out, you've got a better situation than 90% of people based on the fact you have internet alone
Get a skill, find something worth doing and do it.

>> No.23310235

sweet digits.
What kind of things did you study?

Anon. I want to share something with you.
Ive spent thousands and thousands of hours digging into information.
Trauma, grief the human condition is where I spent most of the time digging. of the thousands of hours. This first link is one of the best pieces of info ever come across.

please watch these. might help.



You sound like a good man that cares a lot about your family / siblings.
You loved wrestling and lost the ability to do so.
Grief is the cost of Love.

You can overcome what is bothering you fren.
Where are these photos from you keep sharing?

>> No.23310258

honestly i think jabbing your neck with a big piece of broken glass right before you crash your vehicle into something (while making sure to make a nice brakes stain on the road right before to make sure they knew you tried to stop) would be better than trying to get away with arson but the glass wouldn't match your windshield etc. ...

there was this show called Bloodline coincidentally based in the Florida Keys (where my om happened to run away to) and the main eldest brother of the series suffers through all this guilt'shame COINCIDENTALLY and he tries to an hero diving but he gets saved or some shit i forget

>> No.23310259

Fren. Getting injured is not your failure.

>> No.23310282

OP, you don't sound suicidal, you sound lost. That's the reason why you are sharing so much in this thread, sharing about your past failures and this family you care so much about. And because you hate yourself you hope to be worthy of something for them one last time.
I think you should accept, even embrace the situation that you are in. Fully accept it and tell yourself "I am like this right now but all of this can change."
I'm sure if you ask for help from your siblings and actually make the effort to start changing you will succeed. One small step at a time.
This self hatred you feel is redeemable, all this pain can be fertile ground for healing and enjoying life once again. Life in our society crushes our soul but you can decide to fight back.
I believe you can do it and I'm sure deep down this is your strongest desire.

>> No.23310310

harvest termites, put it on the foundation, pretend that you found it "accidentally" and call insurance I guess

>> No.23310407

Who is this perlaceous fluid druid?

>> No.23310463

have you bought any internet tokens? if so, which ones? won't money make you happy?

>> No.23310528

like I said, I haven't gone though with it solely because I don't want to hurt them. I'm enslaved into this morally/philosophically/religiously ruled world where I couldn't live with going to SouthEastAsia (?) or South America or anything like that and I don't care about just getting laid I grieve how I've lost the experience of being in love in my youth. I actually did "go to the gym"

over a couple years I restriced my diet and forced myself to go to my communites' gym EVERYDAY in a very autistic/self-depricating way which I had great experience with cutting weight and training for wrestling rom ayoung age. I got down to 140 from 240 at 5'5" ...

I fear that only those in that privileged 10% position or whatever you're referring to have to the (holy shit this is wild) 'privilege' to actually feel severely depressed and suicidal

these maladies seem to only affect "privileged" people

"people in africa dont commit suicide/feel suicidal" or whatever version of that I've heard 1K times

i was aiming at a medical career the philosophy classes really stuck with me.

especially Descartes - Cogito, ergo sum

I'll try and watch both of these thanks anon

maybe you're referring to Thomas Cole's Voyage of Life Series? google that there's 4 paintings: Birth, Youth, Manhood, and Death or something like that the last one has been my wallpaper for years

>> No.23310568

Short Facebook
Then fill a plane with petrol and crash it into their headquarters

>> No.23310584
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I fear that after self-judgment my deepest desire is to kill myself ... I feel VERY hopeless about any future free of this and severe depression which will cause me to fail in everything I attempt from forming relationships to earning a living etc.

I can't ask my siblings for help they're all too young and together; I've always been separated by them by an age gap alone

>> No.23310590

If you fake your death such as going missing then your family get the payout without 2 years wait, you can escape to somewhere and work shit jobs there in paradise and see if you truly want to die, and if you do go out one day with no passport etc and die

>> No.23310602

I coudl've kept going. several of my friends continued until they got knee surgeries etc its wasnt uncommon Im not memeing either I cant forgive myself

>> No.23310645

Anon my mother killed herself as she hit rock-bottom so understand why you want to escape, it's your decision and will hurt the people around you but over time they will understand and move on

I remember reading a post years ago saying if you plan to die why not do stuff that people who fear death don't do, go skydiving, swim with sharks, hike up a volcano. If you die then you get the reward of death but if you survive then you can do something else crazy, and maybe eventually find a reason to live

>> No.23310701

Cogito, ergo sum
I think therefor I am.

You sound like a smart man. You sound like you care about the ones you love.

Religion sounds like it is a big part of your life but has you confused.

If you are going at life from the heart; seek your truth.
Dogma leads many people astray.

What does happiness look like.
What would bring you joy in life?

Say anything; without thinking about the past or regrets.
If you could have life anyway. What looks ideal?

>> No.23310706
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nice guess bro SeemsGood

you mean John William Waterhouse - The Lady of Shalott ?
this painting might portray a woman in the most beautiful way I've seen I think I've imiagined this as a big upper back tattoo lol I have 0 tattoos.
lol 'perlaceous' resembling a pearl???? lol dude I get it though



i see where you're coming from (godlessly) but suffer an extreme level of guilt/shame and memories of failures/shortcomings that remind me to justify why I SHOULD feel guilt/shame

you could only maybe relate with this if you were brought up in a private Christian schools I don't know how else to describe this.

I very often get frustrated that I am not able to accurately describe how I feel or what I want to see as well by the way feels horrible

>> No.23310791

you're on biz, you brainlet. how does my question not make sense to you

>> No.23310839

Read this post, I believe in a god, not sure that the teachings by churches reflect God though, we should all aim to be 'good' but the word of God has been twisted over thousands of years. You are one person amongst billions whose name will most likely never be remembered 100 years after your death and all memories of you gone, dust in the cosmos. Why not do what you believe is just and right in your own eyes and when you meet your maker they will understand

>> No.23310844
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I have actually thought of how there are some famous people who had family members kill themselves and now they're famous/successful whatever regardless of it OR in part due to it I cant think of examples immediately though which is a crazy phenomenon maybe some could relate to ...

I mean, I HAVE thought about how in time they would get over it

Specifically I think about if I had just hit a pylon and died Tubing behind a boat instead of just hurting my back things they would all be totally fine by now 15 years later

I cant justify rewarding my piece of shit self with those 'travelling the world' or whatever experiences.

I appreciate the thought though anon SeemsGood

argument and debate has always been big in my life (lol autistic fuck I am) so learning about the only undoubtable statement was really cool also how Descartes used that to prove the existence of a divine intelligence was also super cool

I cant justify any pursuit of mortal happiness in this mortal life when I believe that the "life" or "next step" after this one matters infinitely more

I guess not being fucked in my mind/soul/heart and having a successful career/marriage/family and home would be ideal but that just seems extremely unrealistic seeing how I could never forget/forgive myself for the many years of absolute disgustingness I've lived

>> No.23310859

middle row 3rd in on the left

>> No.23310864

You are one of the nibbas, arnt you?

>> No.23310877

buying an internet token (investing in a bitcoin ???) just isn't realistic for me (or most people anon ...)

>> No.23310912

I totally relate with where you're coming from anon about the concept of God not being this character painted by men throughout the ages

A really huge problem is I logically conclude that I should kill myself due to being such a pathetic loser not taking advantage of "all the things I had goind for me" as my father and many others have said

being attractive yet "acting" as if I were an ugly disgusting incel has REALLY caused my tremendous grief and self-hatred

>> No.23310913

i suggest you read up on it. there's projects shilled here that will make you a multi millionaire in a few years if you can wait a bit longer. there's 'suicide stacks' for a reason, anon.

>> No.23310920

I started a little less than 2 years ago, just orbiting in various crypto communities, doing whatever shit I could. I have literally 0 experience in anything IT. Traded gaming items, did some random design, etc. Took a lot of risk now sitting at 50k $ in crypto. I ll continue to invest, play video games for crypto items, etc and increase my stack. There are so many nitches in this space to fill and to make some money, and hodling until the end of 2021.

>> No.23310931

>I guess not being fucked in my mind/soul/heart and having a successful career/marriage/family and home would be ideal

Fren; you just said it. you do want something in life. You can create that reality. You honestly can.

>> No.23310961

lol no he actually was the most successful wrestler out of team getting college scholarships and owning there

no Byron and AJ actually did really well in their lives

>> No.23311006

dont kill yourself. the money isnt worth it to your family. my dad killed himself with alcohol so my mom could get 1 mil life insurance for me and my siblings. start working out and maybe read!

>> No.23311012

I dont see how I could ever NOT hate myself for wasting my entire youth and prime of my life drowning in depression/self-loathing

>> No.23311045

you keep getting digits anon.

can you set up a proton mail and post it here.
Its almost 6am and I gotta zzz. have meeting in a few hrs. Id like to stay in contact with you.
Put aside all the negative self talk and there is a rather interesting person behind all the self fud.
It really is quite apparent in the way you write.

Sounds like your pops is pretty hard on you.
Would getting your own place or moving in with a roommate help?
Are your siblings safe at home or are you kind of a protector?

>> No.23311065

kek, based tormented soul anon

>> No.23311084
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I've read books all my life until I read the aSoIaF series after Season 1 of Game of Thrones. I always loved medieval/fantasy settings

I am STRONGLY tempted to say you're making this up because of the claim of SUCCESSFULLY achieving a 1 mil family payout (I would jump at that opportunity) after death via alcohol but I dont want to be insensitive its possible your father did drink and did die but there's no way the 1 mil payout is true man cmon ...

i appreciate the thought though

>> No.23311153

Well idk anon, you have a problem. Lets not fool ourselves, but I think that your problem is manageable. This life is all we have ever known, there s nothing before or after it. You have literally all of the eternity to be dead... like gazillions of years. This will soon be over for all of us. Why not try to enjoy this madness, find humor in your hardships? Idk for you, but I do... I am dancing to this "Song" till the bitter end. Cheers and I honestly wish you all the luck to pull yourself out of that dark place. God speed!

>> No.23311180

Also, make sure to talk to people about this, even with us, anons over the internet. If possible try to find someone you trust in real life and speak about this. That helps me.

>> No.23311191

General (ASoIaF) The Latest News. House of the Dragon Filming in England. HBO Reveals First Actor Cast in House of the Dragon. A Guide to the Iron Islands. House of the Dragon On Track for 2022. Weekly Scenes. Notable Releases. A Song of Ice and Fire 2021 Calendar. Fire and Blood.

looks like its going to be on HBO

>> No.23311229
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I'm making one now thanks anon

I've always felt I had to take care of my immature father and thus my siblings as well my mom really tormented our lives until she left to The Keys around that same time I was 15 coincidentally (?) ...

I don't think I could justify leaving them and the dogs, parrots, cats etc ...

We all live in 2 houses next to each other (besides my mother like I said but we have to move her back up North to us soon which is a whole other source of dread/grief
I just made a protonmail


sorry about the doomer account name I was going off the top of my head to catch you before you logged off thanks so much for even showing me someone cared anon maybe you saved my life

>> No.23311330

you are only 30.
you are just entering the very early stages of prime of life.
if you are able to turn your thoughts around you will be unstoppable.

Think of a pendulum. the further it goes one way it will go equally the opposite way.
you know darkness / think about the = too; opposing light.

>> No.23311344
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>you could try to sell your organs

>> No.23311415
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apart of me IS actually 'proud' or has pride or something in my self-justice or whatever ultimately though it is dusgusting and patheic and just a defense mechanism or something I fear ...

I wish I were able to take solace in this but due to my upbringing in this extremely privileged/ elitist society I actually do believe that this life is merely preparation for the next stage in the journey/goal of our souls which are also merely occupying these meatbags in no different way than vehicles

anyone I pour this on would be selfish and wrong of me to hurt them in that way.

it seems borderline emotionally/psychologically manipulative I couldnt justify/forigve my self for doing that just to make myself mfeel better/less pain. I get where youre coming from though

we all learn about how we should "tell someone' but that just seems like bullshit when I logically think about it and how it ultimately negatively influences those people

watching almost every good show and following the production of said shows AND movies HAS been something I've done since high school

once I reasoned with myself that I wouldnt kill myself until the last Inheritance Cycle book came out and I read it lmao so fucking patheic Eragon KEKW holy shit .......

>> No.23311460
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this seems like a 'karma' related idea

I wish I could take solace in this conclusion but I just dont believe justice magically takes place or balances scores or anything like that

"its been so bad for you so the future will be that much greater for you" is something I really REALLY wish I could grasp onto but my autistic logical argue brain just wont let me

yeah i lold at that too

>> No.23311550


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc-GvDLW6Ss [Embed]
Thats the same vid I posted earlier.

Watch it with your words in mind
>I guess not being fucked in my mind/soul/heart and having a successful career/marriage/family and home would be ideal

You have so many strengths anon. I dont know you but there are many positive things that are said in what you have shared.

Im going to zzz. I saved that proton-mail and will touch base later on after sleep work and dinner.
Im autist (4chan style) too fren. I think lots of us are. Deep thoughts, heavy emotions. It really can be a gift.
You have a super high EQ.
You are never alone. Biz had your back tonight.
Reach out when you need to talk. you are among friends.

>> No.23311596

>i can't bear that my life didnt play out like a disney movie, time to neck
pathetic and ngmi

>> No.23311631
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thanks I need to sleep also this has been the most Ive done for myself in a wpostive way in many may years lol small as it is making a fucking thread on 4chan

>> No.23311646

I agree with you 100% it is really pathetic ...

>> No.23311730

I just remembered that whole 'Jewish Lightning' thing also lol even less of a chance for me ha

>> No.23311799

top row, 3rd from the left.

>> No.23311964
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anonsi feel like we live in different realities ... please lighten me if possible

>> No.23312013
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I meant to include you in that last post with the anon above you

a big deal for me was my cpu breaking 7 years ago which seemed to kill my realtionship with my last friends.

ive never been able to buy myself a new cpu or videogame or anything like that even though i could afford it ... feels horrible and inescapable

>> No.23312079

if you look at other threads than your own on this board, you will see that 90% consists of shilling or fudding crypto projects. occasionally we have a real discussion on here as well.
there's a lot of shattered dreams, but also anons who made a shit ton of money and turned their worthless life around. that's why i'm asking if money was able to make you happy.
you can pick a project, invest and get a "suicide stack". if it fails, you can neck yourself in a few years, but at least you've tried. if it succeeds, you will have made a solid amount of money to not rope.

crypto is the future after all. so if money can turn your life around, i suggest you invest in crypto and wait a few more years before killing yourself.

>> No.23312134
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haha no wow I just realize everyone has dark hair in a weird way

i wouldnt say i look very Hebrew if thats were you were aiming

>> No.23312189

who are you then, you baboon

>> No.23312221
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I dont know if you would think this is somewhat relatable but I watched


recently and found it really funny/entertaining
saw Destiny watching it onstream once and now a ton of streamers like xQc also watched it onstream

scored super high with viewers
financially benefited them all greatly

the daily dose guy was actually on the recent Trainwrecks podcast even lol

>> No.23312321
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i wanted to see if people would connect how ive described my life with what I looked like

I WOULD confirm if I were guessed correctly though probably

>> No.23312470

im gonna try and link this on /tv/ i just fucked up lol i thought 3 > and the thread number was how i used to that damn i cant remember shit anymore

>> No.23312538

ok, not sure if i'm being trolled or you refuse to learn more about this. would have even spoonfed you with which tokens to buy and why.
i'll exit this thread now. gl on finding reasons to not kys.

>> No.23312788
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i just dont know where to even start searching i would welcome nay level of spoon feeding man haha

>> No.23312930

you inhale hot air and smoke which burns your lungs from the inside and then you pass out and burn. doesnt sound an easy and painless death

>> No.23313133
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first bump

>> No.23313613
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no more ideas related to the OP?

>> No.23313679

My man you are 30, Life for a man STARTS at 30. You have 60 years left to do and get what you want out of you life.

Hell I’m 27 and I’m just starting to lose weight, get more confident and socializing.

You have so much time left.

>> No.23313812
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I've learned that while consumed in severe depression/guilt/shame/self-loathing etc i have no chance at being successful in any future relationships/careers/future joumeys etc...

the likelihood of success in any of these areas just falls as I age as well...

>> No.23313881

that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. who told you this nonsense?

>> No.23313998
File: 370 KB, 800x1200, 1575576293240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how IT works
>how any of THIS works
>who told you this nonsense?

I was brought up in this elitist culture/society/upbringing filled with morallity and spirituality and philosophy but these concepts can be a double-edged sword I've come to realize ...

>> No.23314119

how? there's nothing morally philosphically wrong with being meek and insignificant

>> No.23314157
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alright I cant hover over this anymore the thread on pol got archived but it was linking this thread lol

>> No.23314342
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being brought up in this elitist/self-superior viewing culture/society has cursed me with the inability feel content or alright with not being strong physically/mentally and successful financially/relationally/spiritually etc

i cant escape this standard I'm forced to hold myself to and thus hate myself for failing to achieve ...

>> No.23314674
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there's the tv thread whatever

>> No.23314782
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3 sets of brothers in this by the way lol

>> No.23314846
File: 95 KB, 770x960, 1597427008502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, the only 2 people that matter in this world its you and your mother, sometimes its only you, fuck benefiting anybody else

>> No.23314983
File: 1.85 MB, 4600x5730, 1580705085608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fortune shines on you I guess ...