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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23628419 No.23628419 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23628604
File: 191 KB, 1306x782, Screenshot 2020-10-30 at 20.17.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23628651

fucking bullish, but I would rather buy for 7cents, I guess I wait a little longer.

>> No.23628799

There is a serious fud campaign in full effect anon let it play out

>> No.23628864

There is no fud campaign. just a whole bunch of wen moon??XD retards not understanding the product one bit.
it is kinda frustrating cause i didn't plan to invest more but if the price plummets again, i will have to dollar cost avg.

>> No.23629137

chinks own your coin, they can do whatever they want with it, most likely a kill the token to eliminate competition.

I'm sorry.
It's over.

>> No.23629176

> most likely a kill the token to eliminate competition

there you have it. this sentence proves that you are full of shit and don't even understand what you are talking about.

Lition is a layer 2 solution
Tomo is a layer 1 solution

These are not competitors. You. ultra. fucking. brainlet.

>> No.23629189

Competition with themselves? Who falls for this room temp iq fud?

>> No.23629251
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>> No.23629253

So, what is it then?

>> No.23629274
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>> No.23629432

To give you a super quick rundown. Ethereum / Tomochain / Neo are all first level blockchains.
They all share a common problem; scalability. See what happened to the ETH network when CryptoKitties launched.

Ok, what do we do? We bring a second layer network into the game for a specific group of use cases (here: business, banking, financially related).

On top of all that, Lition is GDPR compliant, which means that you are able to delete personal data of the blockchain. (more specifically you are able to create a block on the chain that commands a database to delete your personal data of its system.)

Lition solves scalability issues + it's GDPR compliant (which makes blockchain adaption for EU businesses possible)

>> No.23629442

>what is Microsoft buying and destroying tech companies
that's only one scenario
chinks owning it is even worse. people don't like it when fortune 500 companies sell out to china but a highly speculative blockchain? You're a fucking idiot if you think this is good.

>> No.23629463


I can't put into words how retarded you are. But hey you do you.

>> No.23630736
File: 122 KB, 1486x804, litiontop50etherscan10302020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that this didn't get crushed to 2c and is in fact back up near 9c. After all that FUD and after a fucking merger.


I sold my big swing bag a couple days ago, but none of the top wallets shed their new acquisitions. Bullish. Glad I kept that 100K staked.

>> No.23631589

ftp ripped Richard apart today in telegram it was hilarious


>> No.23632135

it will go lower as stakers get their funds back
Sell out cunt deserves it

>> No.23632647

Why would central banks enter the crypto market.
The people of Vietnam can just use private crypto chains.

>> No.23632908


>> No.23632948

It's not the time to start shilling.
We must regroup and address the Fud with logical coherent arguments.
Once the bulls have taken over sentiment in the generals again, conversation and excitement will pick up again. Likely only after some new revelations, which Tomochain has said were in store for November.
I'm taking a breather for when that happens.

>> No.23632953
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>> No.23632973
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>> No.23632985

Sorry this was so hard for me to post lol fug. But here's some proof of a fud campaign l.

>> No.23633102

Yeah we know thanks.
Why was it hard?

>> No.23633152

It shouldn't have been. Idk I just fucked up a lot. I've been up for almost 24 hours. Work night shift but stay up on Fridays to switch to regular human time for the weekends. I work 4 10 hour shifts mon thru thurs.

>> No.23633563

in the mean time bitcoin will probably shit itself and drag lit to sub 1c, theres no reason to hold shition right now

>> No.23633618

should i buy at 7c? think it'll go lower than that?

>> No.23634056

I still dont know know how to feel about all of this. Yes, in normal finance an acquisition is bullish fuck. But this is crypto, and the fact that they refuse to disclose their agreement spooks me. Like what reasonable reason would there be for them not tell?

>> No.23634140

>and the fact that they refuse to disclose their agreement spooks me.
This is extremely common in business
>Like what reasonable reason would there be for them not tell?
Countless. Again this is the norm for privately owned businesses.

>> No.23634253

>This is extremely common in business
I know, its the reason why I still have some hope. But still, in a world as lawless as crypto, you need a lot of transparency for people to trust you

>> No.23634416

qrd on merger?

>> No.23635193

Tomo owns lit and will use it as a layer 2. Lit will stay on eth but can also be used on tomo just like it can for binanance. If tomo can get enterprise or gov deals litions is the layer two they will use. So basically nothing changed since last month but now there's a better chance of adding a 3rd 4th and so on side chain.

>> No.23635225

>Down 30% in a single day
Not bullish

>> No.23635300

Think long term. Lit has been a long term investment since it started.

>> No.23635336

Any announcement will affect Tomo not lit, it's ogre for lit

>> No.23635343

Fiat money is centralized they don't need a blockchain or whatever other buzzwords some company makes up. An SQL database is all that is needed for real-time payments. Few understand this.

>> No.23635396

The misinformation about this merger is absolutely surreal. This is 100% positive for Lition. The retards holding it. The people staking. How can you not see this? You have to be mentally disabled or straight up lying/FUDDING if you believe this is bad.

>> No.23635445

Dude tomo is using lit as their sidechain to take care of any enterprise or gov deals. What are you on about?