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File: 652 KB, 1383x765, trumpwin campgain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23679991 No.23679991 [Reply] [Original]

Election day tomorrow. November 3. Last chance to buy some Trumpwin tokens $trump on ftx. If you think Trump is going to win buy some Trump win tokens to 3x your money basically.

FTX website -

Get your bets in degenerates.
$1,000 bet = around $2,000 reward if trump wins

>> No.23680031

Trump going to win. Ez 3x

>> No.23680076

Trump landslide.

>> No.23680162

the odds on a Trump victory is too good to pass. There are so many unknowns in regard to voter turnout because of Corona, that the likelihood of the pollsters/bookmakers to be wrong is significant.

>> No.23680193
File: 193 KB, 1024x1297, President-Trump-Official-Portrait-1024x1297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such free money lol. Trump is guranteed to win. 3X ur money by tomorrow.

>> No.23680315

I put 5000 usd. Let’s win some money tomorrow op

>> No.23680416

Biden is going to crash the market, so people are betting against Trump to hedge their position in the market.

>> No.23680503

Biden is fucking old and pathetic

>> No.23680685
File: 50 KB, 840x560, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot of people betting for biden. Get ready to see C Chad trump meme lord win tomorrow.

>> No.23680737

same could be said about trump desu

>> No.23681233

Buy trump. buck fiden.

>> No.23682137

lol, he may be old but not pathetic

>> No.23682331

>wearing 2-3" shoe lifts
>obese 50 pound gut
>anterior pelvic tilt
>not pathetic

>> No.23682396

Where the fuck can I bet though as an American

>> No.23682421

I LMAO and cringe hard if Biden wins but no way.

>> No.23682646

Anything else besides FTX? I can't use 101x futures

>> No.23682917

All in Biden. Best bet all around financially. Not only will he win but he’ll actually save the economy which Trump destroyed. Why is it this never ending cycle of Republicans destroy the economy and Dems repair it? Low IQ mongs then are like “durrrr muh economiez great now I can ban abortion too!” Then fuck it all up

>> No.23682943

If you don’t think Trump is pathetic then you are also pathetic. Dude is so far from being a real man he’s a fucking walking meme.

>> No.23683039

trump conned the entire world into thinking he was a billionaire. if thats not based then i dont know what it

>> No.23683097

You can't bet on the actual election winner though because they only allow up to 5,000 bettors per prediction. You have to bet on shit like
>Woman Vice-President in 2020?
>Who wins PA?
>Electoral vote margin

>> No.23684174

Nice Thanks lad. Do the credit card purchases get charged for any cashback fees?

>> No.23684208

Wow yeah so true dude

>> No.23684221

Damn... So true. I'm voting Biden now

>> No.23684236

This, so much this.

>> No.23684247

You know (((FTX))) will dispute Trump's victory and side with the (((media))) when they say its undecided right?

>> No.23684267

So f*king accurate!

>> No.23684309

Why should I not just go all in on Texas being red? Seems like some free gains lol

>> No.23685014
File: 126 KB, 1024x628, 1597878668007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's holding 14 rallies in the last 4 days. The guy is a fucking machine.

>> No.23685042
File: 64 KB, 715x780, 1589703772381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this samefagging leddit shill

>> No.23685092
File: 33 KB, 600x410, 1604162007604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should. There is no way texas is going blue this election. Biden has said he will ban oil and guns as well as mandatory mask mandate and lock down the economy. That shit is not gonna fly with Texas.

>> No.23685138


It's the most free money bet of the election since it's drawing flocks and flocks of delusional liberal bettors who are betting with their hearts and not their minds. Texas hasn't been blue for over half a century and Trump won it by 10% last time, it's a mammoth task to flip it even if it's "possible".

>> No.23685149

I wonder how badly Trumptards are going to flip out across the internet when he looses.

>> No.23685187


It's sad that your satisfaction is relegated to certain corners of the internet when we get the pleasure of all of the main stream media freaking out. What a luxury for us that our enemies occupy positions of prominence like that.

>> No.23685194

good shit. I just put 500 on Trump winning Texas, might put some more, gotta dig up some other credit cards.

>> No.23685204

>It's sad

>> No.23685279

wow you really got him there bro. sick response

>> No.23685368

Also is predict it legal because you are trading binary contracts, not necessarily betting? Seems pretty legit.