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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 94 KB, 1200x675, singu-cisco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23974026 No.23974026 [Reply] [Original]

This could potentially 1000x, considering that it has the potential to take advantage of the 16 trillion dollar AI market and they just recently introduced SingularityDAO for DeFi smart liquidity and solutions, merging AI and DeFi

-partnered with Cardano
-partnered with Cisco
-partnered with Ping An (largest insurance company in the world)
-partnered with Ocean Protocol
-partnered with Domino's Pizza
-partnered with the government of Malta
-partnered with UNESCO

DeAI Oracle creating AI tools and AI marketplace for fortune 500 companies. Cisco and Huawei are already utilizing OpenCog framework within their companies on the back end and will eventually utilize AGI. AI services will be purchased on mass utilizing SingularityNET and potentially, billions of transactions could be made each day using AGI.

>CEO Ben Goertzel

-PhD in Mathematics from Temple University
-Has been in AI related companies and projects for over 20+ years
-Acquaintance and associate of Charles Hoskinson, who is the CEO of Cardano and Co-Founder of Ethereum (part of the SingularityNET network has recently been ported to Cardano for better scaling)
-Has been on various high level podcasts, including the Joe Rogan Experience, the Lex Fridman podcast, and London Real
-Has many high level connections, as evident by all the high level partnerships and public appearances on various platforms

Invest in this 4th industrial revolution gem now or stay poor forever

>> No.23974065
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Talk with Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PLk7RQzDns [Embed]

Talk with Charles Hoskinson of Cardano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3O5F_CCT8c [Embed]

Interview with Joe Rogan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qfB8clUIaY [Embed]

Interview with Lex Fridman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpSmCKe27WE [Embed]

Interview with London Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LbGwcDOmiQ [Embed]

Ben Goertzel TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4manxX5U-0 [Embed]

Singularity Or Bust Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owppju3jwPE [Embed]

99% of crypto projects don't have this much of outreach and legitimacy. Absolutely bullish

>> No.23974093
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>Singularity Studio

Singularity Studio creates next-generation AI solutions for the enterprise using an unprecedentedly
advanced palette of technologies including a variety of deep neural net architectures, the OpenCog Artificial General
Intelligence engine (which consists of probabilistic logic, evolutionary program learning and more),
the SingularityNET blockchain-based AI marketplace and inter-AI collaboration framework, and the TODA secure decentralized messaging protocol.


SingularityDAO is a unique layer 2 noncustodial DeFi solution, configured as a DAO that is completely decentralized and democratically governed.
It allows members to create and trade ETF-like dynamic token-sets that bundle utility tokens, including tokens with only moderate liquidity and then,
enables a yield farming and futures-based hedging ecosystem on top of these token-sets. SingularityDAO is powered by SingularityNET's
AI agents which rebalance DynaSets and trade DynaSets borrowed from the liquidity pool to generate value.

>> No.23974285

Is it true that a hacker is dumping non-stop and singlehandedly brought it down by -40% in the past 5 days?
You forgot to mention this in your walls of text OP.

>> No.23974373

this will potentially be the #1 when it is running a substantial fraction of the narrow AI on demand services worldwide. will take a few years though

>> No.23974499
File: 22 KB, 238x286, 3951404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All coins stolen have been refunded by Kucoin and the hacker still has all the tokens in his wallet.

Also the price hasn't tanked 40%, it was $0.046 on the 11th, now it's $0.05

LMAO lying pajeet


>> No.23974707

>fiat price
Way to out yourself as a redditor, the value in sats has dropped down by 10% every day in the past 5 days. Go and look at the BTC/AGI chart. Some whale is covering every single buy order that appears above the 5 cents price point and that whale is obviously the hacker. He will keep strangling the growth until he's cashed out which will not be anytime soon.
Which means that if you traded in your BTC for this, you'd lose half of your bitcoins in less than a week. What kind of an ultimate brainlet would buy this when even the literal shitcoin defi projects are pumping?

>All coins stolen have been refunded by Kucoin and the hacker still has all the tokens in his wallet.
Now THIS is what we call cope.

>> No.23974779

I remember this guy, Joe Rogan visibly didn't like the guy.

>> No.23974783
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"AGI token is also designed so that once token utilization gets above a certain level, an exponential value increase dynamic will occur. Obviously we are way below that level now. But could an active SingualrityDAO drive AGI token utilization above that threshold...?" -Ben Goertzel

Even a small amount of utilization will cause AGI to explode

>> No.23974824

It's an erc-20 token?

>> No.23974829

Joe Rogan was meek because he couldn't even compare to a genius and prodigy like Ben Goertzel and felt inferior

>> No.23975159
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>> No.23975182

That happened a week or two ago - look at the volume spike on the daily charts a week or so ago.

>> No.23975458

The AGI are still in the original wallet


>> No.23975475

>-partnered with Domino's Pizza
Say no more, I'm in

>> No.23975539
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Hmm. He seemed pretty comfortable with Kanye and Elon Musk.. But he was intimidated by this dorky jew you say?

>> No.23975569
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>> No.23975605
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Pick one

>> No.23975681
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, B59D9A17-BB27-4C2D-9CC0-8414548E673C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit sherlock... as is the case for every-fucking-thing. bitcoin is surging and everything else is treading water.

>> No.23975715

goertzel is ridiculously smart those other two do not compare

>> No.23975785

joking aside though I'm gonna look into it. I'm bullish on cardano long term

>> No.23975964

I'm bullish on Cardano and SingularityNET, glad they moved a portion of their network to Cardano

>> No.23976247
File: 15 KB, 718x151, uu5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even down there

>> No.23976403

>partnered with Domino's Pizza
All in!

>> No.23976886
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>> No.23977229
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>> No.23977616
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>> No.23978458

I already made a 4x with this thing and got out.
If it dumps another 20% hell yeah I'm back in.

>> No.23979245
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>> No.23979944
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>> No.23980453

can someone tldr tokenomics?

>> No.23980481

This is just an erc-20 token, isn't it? People talking like this guy is a genius. It's just an erc-20.

>> No.23980888

Link is just an erc-20