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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 948 KB, 991x939, reuters s&p dow jones indices to launch crypto indexes in 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24510950 No.24510950 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24510970

Priced in.

>> No.24511000
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>> No.24511001


>> No.24511014


Were about to rocket past ATH aren't we?

>> No.24511026
File: 114 KB, 332x332, 1606935292236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers about to ape in.
Stimulus checks coming too.
Paypal ceo endorsing crypto.
This shit is about to get crazy and we're all about to be so filthy stinky fucking rich.

Cheers, frens, we're all going to make it.

>> No.24511036

imagine having 11 years and missing out then killing yourself in a spergout

>> No.24511046


>> No.24511048

Yeah, it is likely to be involved somehow, therefore expect a dump.

>> No.24511087

Should I all in dash? seems like that was the boomer's coin of choice in 2017

>> No.24511089

doesn't this just mean regulation and price suppression in the future?

>> No.24511102

There's literally not enough bitcoin for this demand

>> No.24511130

Isn’t this pretty bearish for LINK?

>> No.24511137

great picture, mind if I save it?

>> No.24511148

This, it's FUCKING bearish

>> No.24511152

Everything is going to go up.

But chainlink will be the biggest winner by far.

>> No.24511161

Which means MOOON

>> No.24511174

go all in into xrp, its made with future regulations in mind

>> No.24511190

Gonna be much easier to take down the wall st now. All we have to do is turn off miners.

>> No.24511210

eth unironically $2k by q1 2021

>> No.24511227

How? They’re not using LINK for reference data it literally proves that big institutions don’t care about decentralized price references and will never use it. If all we ever get is a bunch of DeFi who’s while major players are building onramps for normies then that’s it. Just fucking rope.

>> No.24511282 [DELETED] 

It’s actually XRP [*wretching intensifies] that has most crypto boomers getting hard nipples.

>> No.24511302

Chainlink benefits all cryptocurrencies.
When crypto wins, chainlink wins.

>> No.24511316 [DELETED] 

So is USD jew

>> No.24511339

you had three (3) YEARS anon

>> No.24511340

This marks the end for crypto. It was fun while it lasted, /biz/.

>> No.24511357

The morons here think the kikes will pump their bags to riches lol

>> No.24511361

Go ahead bro.

>> No.24511365

Pretty much they're going to do to crypto what they already do to the precious metals markets: manipulate it with fake paper shares. "Here's your paper crypto, boomer. Woah, doncha feel like a big boy cyberpunk? Wait until you tell your grandkids how hip you are with your futuristic buttcorns." Say goodbye to the massive volatility, and along with it, the gains we are all here for.

>> No.24511380

People investing in crypto =/= adoption. The adoption of a crypto using LINK is what will fundamentally increase LINK’s value, not the price of a crypto using LINK. All that does is line the pockets of the team and investors of those token holders, it wouldn’t have any affect on LINK’s price at all.

>> No.24511383

Why are you faggots still fudding link?

>> No.24511397
File: 107 KB, 250x210, wallah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And wallah, we're all making it.

>> No.24511401

Loss of volatility simply comes with size and exposure, this was always going to happen the more popular BTC got.

>> No.24511414

I have 50k LINK which is why I am concerned. Shut the fuck up. If you don’t see this as bearish you don’t understand the implications, and I’m not here to spoon feed you. YOU had 3 years to not be retarded and understand what you’re invested in.

>> No.24511433

Imagine all the boomer influx.

>> No.24511459

Big enterprises will be using something like R3 corda where link is meaningless. They have their own oracles

>> No.24511486
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>> No.24511490

They'll stifle and kill the market with their jew practices.

>> No.24511499


>> No.24511516

over 300+ integrations with chainlink.
More being added everyday.
Paypal ceo adding crypto.
Adoption is happening at a parabolic pace.
It's about to snowball.

>> No.24511559

link, nigger?

>> No.24511561

An index can be physically replicating the underlying asset. Because Link is in the top 10 it will be bought up. I agree this does not help to use the underlying tech, but brings more awareness and funds for sergey. Demand for link either from actual usage or purely speculative is what will push it to 1000eoy.

>> No.24511593

You nu linkers do a lot of mental gymnastics compared to the last wave

>> No.24511598

would these indexes require the exchange to hold underlying assets?

>> No.24511604
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poor poor Bobo

>> No.24511645 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 680x377, C7E5B577-39F7-4EA7-B6AF-F0700A581759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers fall for scams like LEOcoin, paycoin, onecoin and Bitconnect.

>> No.24511698

Indexes help change that.

>> No.24511750

Also want to know, some big brain please answer - should link have been the one to provide the reliable pricing data instead of

>> No.24511774

enlighten me then.

>> No.24511832

Why is this? Even my cousin who doesn't know shit about crypto or even like it asked me if he should buy some XRP. I told him no obviously but what the fuck do people see in that trash?

>> No.24511882

They're just providing prices for cryptos, nothing is going on-chain.
It's the most simple thing, and they even outsourced that.

And people on here honestly believe they'll put data on-chain themselves lmaooooooooooo

>> No.24511956

Remember that chainlink performs best in bear markets.

>> No.24511957 [DELETED] 

Dudei hatte xrp too but I'm starting to seriously think about getting a suicide stack out of caution

>> No.24512031

does it? man I'm holding on to the wrong coin

>> No.24512079

That may work for gold and silver for which there is no easily generated alternative, but if they do that with bitcoin and tank the price, eventually users will shift to a different currency that isn't being manipulated. It'll be as if instead of there being just one gold, there's a billion kinds of gold and only one or two at a time have the inherent value of gold, which can be withdrawn at any time. It's just too easy to short fiat fakers while moving into a different crypto to preserve value during the shorting. On top of all that, even if the fiat fakers were to succeed in getting boomers buying fiat crypto by storing it in custodian wallets, all it takes is a couple whales withdrawing to personal wallets to blow up the entire system, like how France got the US off the gold standard in the 70s by actually withdrawing gold from the US to France using the inflated gold backed paper dollars. The only people getting scammed in the long run are the people who don't store their own crypto themselves. Not your keys, not your crypto.

>> No.24512211

>Boomers about to ape in
They will all get cucked once it crashes again. Crypto isn't crash proof.

>> No.24512242

Regulation is absolutely necessary for anybody to take this shit market seriously. without regulations, real big money will NEVER buy.

>> No.24512279

These are legacy finance indexes, not blockchain-based, decentralized smart indexes.
In the latter case, oracles would be needed to get data on-chain.

Obviously decentralized indexes will be vastly superior; but for now, most finance is still legacy, so this is still a massive boon for crypto.

>> No.24512306 [DELETED] 

You can get profit from any other token or you can create your own… Or you can use both ways! Anyway, I bought the RBC first, and don't regret it!

>The price has grown x4for one month!
> Trade volume is more than 200k dollars per day
> Instant trades options released soon

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

Be sure, the next year will be the year of RBC x10. You can jot my words

>> No.24512343

Yes anon, mr.holdberg will pump your bags and make you rich on his dime. Feeble minded retards like you are the reason why there is a plandemic ravaging our lives priming the cattle like you for slaughter

>> No.24512367

You're an idiot who's following what everyone on this board thinks. Think for yourself and DYOR

>> No.24512451
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>> No.24513526

That's a good take. Would still be the death of Bitcoin as smart money finds a better way. And yes: not your keys, not your crypto.

>> No.24514201

Regulation is and was already here. So is price suppression (never heard of the CME?). This is extreme cope.

>> No.24514749
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