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24838903 No.24838903 [Reply] [Original]

My mom says I'm only allowed to buy 1 - 5 year government treasuries.

I'm 18 and want to invest in crypto and options contracts.

She says markets are a scam and you "may lose your shirt" and says even if i was guarenteed money it's not "honest money" and i should stay away.

I told her in a world of Jewish usury and fractional reserve banking, people like her will have their wealth slowly siphoned off by Jews, oligarchs, and even those who are willing to invest and use leverage.

She said what i said was "inappropriate" and told me to stop thinking about investing.


>> No.24839129

Convert to Judaism and tell your mother she's anti-semitic if she doesn't let you "exploit your natural and inborn talents for currency and financial exploitation".

>> No.24839146

your 18 she can't control you, time to go all in on shitcoins and rub it in your mom's face when you're a millionaire.

>> No.24839211

Don't buy options, you see all those degen wsbtards getting rich but remember that 80% of all options expire worthless (meaning you lose 100% of your investment), and most people are too ashamed to show their losses.

If you want to buy crypto put at least 90% of your money in BTC and ETH. Do not fuck around with shitcoins, you will get rekt sooner or later.

>> No.24839344

I live in her house so she said "if you want go live on your own, we won't pay for your college or your expenses"

I'd go broke in a second because i literally work at McDonalds.

I was thinking of buying stocks and then selling covered calls on them as a source of permanent income. I have a friend who buys really safe stocks like JPM, Proctor & Gamble, Coca-cola, and then he sells OTM calls on a weekly basis. He generates massive returns doing that.

Granted he has a much bigger portfolio then me and got a 50K loan from his dad, so his 20% returns are a lot more than mine.

But the way i see it is if im 18 and start earning 20% on 4K RIGHT NOW plus put future income towards it then im in really really good financial shape.

>> No.24839372

Is she going to check your portfolio or something dude? I don’t get it.

>> No.24839396
File: 394 KB, 610x599, 03FF4785-93CE-4698-AED4-6F72D69BD7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re an adult. Do it anyway and don’t tell her, you little faggot.

>> No.24839414

your mother is a conservative bitch and will rot in hell

>> No.24839554

I'm an only child and neither of my parents work. They are very involved in my life and talk to me everyday. It would be very hard to perpetually cover this up. I already told her I have no incentive to save money if I can't invest it at at least market-return so she's going to be suspicious if I pretend to throw it all in a T-bond fund.

I live at her house and they feed me.

Why do you have to say that :(

>> No.24839567

fuck off anon

>> No.24839614

Dude, stop being a pussy and just get on coinbase pro and buy some crypto. Stay away from options, crypto is a much safer bet.

Let this be your first lesson as an adult: how to keep your fucking mouth shut. Just don't talk about what you're doing with your money, ever.

Also, you need to get independent asap. Move out, get a trades job. Fuck college, it's a debt scam. Take control of your life. Now never post here again, your threads are shit and you're a pussy.

>> No.24839654

>fuck college, it's a debt scam

How am I suppose to get a job on wallstreet without college?

>> No.24839699

I’ll give you some help

You can even rock her to sleep while reading ‘The richest man in Babylon’ to her and have her realize that 10%+ of your wealth must be invested at around 5-10% return minimum annually of you WILL BE A SLAVE in the system till you die

Now what to do. Actually show her some ideas that make sense. No crypto or options, things she could understand

With Biden most likely running the show, who do you think he is going to invite in...that’s right, Immigrants!

Well we’re are those chuds supposed to live?

Houses, that’s right!


Homebuilders, construction material, commodities (lumber, concrete, copper, steel, oil) will all be on fire


One thing we are going to see is massive expansion of infrastructure as well. Trump was supposed to implement it, but Biden will take the credit

So once again massive infrastructure with building materials and machinery


Defensive stocks are also cheap, and guess who likes starting wars...that’s right the Clintons, Biden’s, and McCain’s. Also they are pressured by the pea brain socialists thinking we should help everyone, so expect even more infantry to be deployed


Online schooling moving forward


Some smaller cap banks still with high quant metrics compared to peers


Some reit and specialty reit

Pot infrastructure landlord


Other reits


Here’s a start remember with low rates and high inflation, assets go up

>> No.24839705

Buy TLT 20+ year treasury bonds. Comfy 2% interest risk free and shit will spike when SHTF bc fed always buys treasuries first.

>> No.24839715
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 1605293604195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to assume this is a shitty larp but:

If you have a cell phone you can do all of this shit without them knowing anything. Download cuckbase IOS app and start trading dumbass

>> No.24839738

>start losing

>> No.24839741

Imagine being this cuked, lmao.

>> No.24839759

>I'm not good at it so no one is

>> No.24839765

Yeah and have mommy and daddy breathe down your neck when you have to report your positions to the fucking kikes at the IRS.

>> No.24839783

I tried explaining that to her but I did it too autistically.

I basically said every time a loan is made, money is created out of nothing. Due to the Cantillion effect, the first spender of that money... the borrower gets it ahead of the market. He benefits at the expense of everyone who spends after him and so forth.

If you're not constanly investing, you're having YOUR value sucked out by this credit creation scheme.

>> No.24839794

The best investment you can make right now is in yourself.
Get a degree or learn a useful trade. Once you have a stable job that isn't shit tier you can invest in whatever you want to.

>> No.24839805

You’d lose all your money any way retard just go to college and don’t invest if you’re too soft to leave home

>> No.24839819

There's no such thing as honest money. Show her what the federal reserve did to the money supply this year and ask her if she thinks the country's economic output kept pace.

>> No.24839836

Bro, the FED is already on superjuice mode, there's not much more they can do.

T-bonds are at their peak, and they will probably be there for a looooong time. FED even said interest is going to be kept at 0% until at least 2024.

This as well, I don't know how to pay taxes and if i need help im screwed.

>you'll lose all your money anyway

No retard, if you own an asset, as the Jews devalue your money, the value of the asset increases proportionately. This includes stocks because as more money is Jewed into the system by borrowers and lenders, there's more money for the banking system to play with and invest in stocks, if they didn't then the money supply growth out outpace the overall growth in stock value and stocks would become cheaper and cheaper until everyone could buy them up.

Stocks rise with the money supply.

>> No.24839938

god you sound pathetic. Won't get a proper job to take control of your life, aren't willing to accept the consequences that come with independence. I'm 18 and push boxes while studying and have the income to research and invest while paying bills. You're better off suckling on mommy's teat forever, the real world sounds like too much for you

>> No.24840017

How am i suppose to afford tuition pushing boxes?

I'm going to an ivy League school, tuition is super expensive.

>> No.24840029
File: 50 KB, 944x860, tenantO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start small then. Buy even something as simple as $O

Just a single share for the month

Realty income corp. Go to the website

Print this list with graphic and list of tenants. Boomers know real estate, show her the top tenants. (They eventually will divest out of Gyms and Theaters)

It's an easy stock because you get paid monthly, say hey mom here is the rent check (dividend) they paid me for the month

Hopefully she has a mortgage or paid off house so she can understand real estate, if not mention her younger years when she was shilling out money to the landlord.

Say your a small time landlord

If she doesn't get it, bop her in the head and tell her again...

To recap, buy one share for the month, show her your rent check, show her the list of tenants and say you get a fraction of the rent

Maybe stick to REITS, and then go outward.

Another easy way to do it is, buy a share into a company you but especially uses very frequently. Then every time you walk into the store or she purchases online, mention hey mom thanks for the money

Then drop the oh yea, I'm a shareholder so you just paid me a few. Hopefully she frequents the same store, or marketplace so you can drop the "hey mom thanks for the money" line at least once a week or every other

>> No.24840048

Tell her to fuck off. You are fucking 18 jesus christ.

>> No.24840097

you're 18 LOL

>> No.24840143

you dont and you shouldnt

>> No.24840193

I thought I did nicely explain to her how this is just being on the otherside of the rent payer since that's something she understands.

Moment I phrased it as a stock she just said "its a big ponzi scheme its going to crash no no no im not interested".

>> No.24840263

Lol sounds like the whole familys iq amounts to 85

>> No.24840423

I'm a supergenius. I understand how the FED works, options contracts, going to an Ivy League school, and redpilled myself on the Jewish question and holocaust even before being exposed to it online. Sheer pattern recognition alone.

>> No.24840541

Well there's your problem, "im not interested'

It's your money not hers

Siphon it off slowly if you have to, open a new bank account and deposit $20ish every few days and say it was eating out with friends, use cash app as a pass through if you need to

Won't even know what's going on

Drive uber/door dash if you have to and deposit it into the new bank account

or get a part time job on the weekends and deposit all the money into new account

>> No.24840564

What's the problem? Listen to your mother. Also, post her nudes.

>> No.24840598

That's a good idea actually.

Because i have friends who make 20-40% annually on selling premiums and my goal is to be a millionaire before im 30 and i won't get there by jerking off while my money is SIPHONED by JEWS printing away my money.

>> No.24840696

Lie...do some of what she says and put some in BTC. buy on Coinbase of Krakken or something. Dont waste your time trying to convince the old about the new.

>> No.24840720

This Anon is the way to go.

>> No.24840735

>Don't buy options, you see all those degen wsbtards getting rich but remember that 80% of all options expire worthless (meaning you lose 100% of your investment)

Nothing wrong with options as long as you go with the long term ones. The claim that most options worthless is a myth. If that's the case anyone selling options would be making bank.


If you're afraid taking risks, then you won't make money.

>> No.24840777


lol, 1-5 year treasures

what's the point, that's basically just staying in cash.

>> No.24840849

Your mom isn't going to kick you out for investing YOUR money. Grow a pair.

>> No.24840898

if your mom wants you to invest in something honest, buy gold/silver bullion coins. that's infinitely more honest than government debt.

>> No.24841120
File: 34 KB, 700x641, 3224234230927380927592051437197158091478105908212893481704890432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a supergenius
don't be so cocky dude. your world is clearly very small.

>> No.24841287

>anyone selling them would be making bank

That's what my friends do and it works.

They buy bluechips like Proctor & Gamble and sell OTM covered calls on them. They make BANK because either it expires worthless and they make 20% APR on premiums or they get called in which case they make a capital gain on top of that

>> No.24841391
File: 118 KB, 1469x828, 7781FE08-505A-49E5-975D-2DB1B499DC2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you letting your Mom control your finances?
Even if you live with her what you do with your money is entirely your business.
Also, tell her that Bonds have consistently been the worst performing asset class over the past 50 years

>> No.24842012

She doesn't understand any of that.

>> No.24842094

>I'm an only child and neither of my parents work.
How and or why?

>> No.24842152

My parents just never wanted to have more than one kid.

They both retired by their 30s, both their parents are very wealthy

>> No.24842188

You're an adult so spend your money how you want to faggot.

>> No.24842286

If she doesn't understand it then why are you still letting her control your finances. If she can't interpret the data from that can, you are better handling your own finances than she is. Of course you need no justification for doing what you want with your own money as an Adult.
Put your money into whatever assets you wnat and don't tell your mother. You're an adult, there's no reason for anyone else to control your finances.