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File: 75 KB, 640x640, 500kdollarinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25163052 No.25163052 [Reply] [Original]

$500 k is enough to make it if you just invest in 5-6% dividend yield stocks and make like $2000 am month without working. If you can make $2000 a month you will never have to work a day in your life anons. Just aim for $500k haha.

>> No.25163098

honestly good advice

>> No.25163130

cool i just need x20 my savings and i'm there

>> No.25163134

That pic is 100k you retard. I have $800k liquid, I've thought about doing this

>> No.25163137

>implying $2k in the future won't be the equivalent of $500 today

>> No.25163144

>Implying stocks and dividends won't rise with inflation

>> No.25163202

get bitcoin and lend them for 4.5%. you will be set for life if you can handle the tempory below 2k

>> No.25163220

Do you actually have to seek the stocks out and invest yourself or can you just invest through vanguard/blackrock? Millionaire fast lane guy said just to let vanguard deal with it and pick up the dividends.

>> No.25163227

Don't forget capital gains tax.

>> No.25163253

that's where they fuck you over.

>> No.25163265

You mean binance savings for example?
How safu is it to even keep such large amounts on there, fren?

>> No.25163299

laughs in canadian

>> No.25163300

I’m not trying to survive.
I’m trying to live.

>> No.25163340

I buy ETFs here in Canada from Vanguard. I don't worry about picking stocks. $VDY gives about $0.16 centarinos every month per share for example.

>> No.25163391

$1MM has been my fuck-you-for-life retirement sum since I started this game for this reason. All i need is $3000-4000 mo doing nothing to be happy till I die.

>> No.25163400

Not if it is your only source of income
"For single filers, that means if your 2020 taxable income is $40,125 or less, or $80,250 or less for married joint filers, you won't owe any income tax on dividends earned. "

>> No.25163415

You're trying to consoooom. That's not the same thing.

>> No.25163420
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ok great where do i get my 500k?

>> No.25163454

Dividends and capital gains aren't the same thing asshat

>> No.25163459

Buy butt corn

>> No.25163468

2k is good money but rent will take up a significant chunk anywhere you live unless you already have a house.

>> No.25163518

Winnie-the-Pooh dick sucking Joe Biden is going after dividend and long-term capital gains. Biden will raise taxes on them.

>> No.25163525

Agreed, and the at the end of the day it all depends on your status. I'm single for example so living in a studio apartment is no big deal for me as long as I can browse Biz without waging.

>> No.25163531
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k thx

>> No.25163541

even better if you get into real estate

>> No.25163549

Just write calls all day man

>> No.25163626

Millionaire fast lane guy?

>> No.25163628

What would you recommend to do with $3.5 million liquid? That's where I'm at right now, and I honestly don't know what to do. I keep 3 million in ETH and BTC and about $500k in USD. I'm sure there are better ways to make that stack work for me, but too lazy to figure it out.

>> No.25163646

>5-6% dividend yield stocks
you mean the stock of companies whose bond trade as junk bond? If a corporation default on it's debt, the stock becomes worthless and the company seizes to exist (in every way related to your investment).

Look at Japan, if you bought the Nikkei in the 90s, you would still be down on your investment, you would have been better off just holding cash and "cashing out" a couple of percentages a year.

>> No.25163659


>> No.25163664

>not adjusted for inflation

>> No.25163699

ETFs can pay that much easily. There are ETFs specifically made for high quality dividends so they are not hard to find.

>> No.25163786

You already made it. Take a million out of the BTC/ETH stack, and do the 5% thing. Put the 500k cash in high yield accounts.

>> No.25163804

If you have 3.5 mil you already know what to do with your money fren

>> No.25163810

Which one do you think op is talking about

>> No.25163857

you pay income tax on dividend yields.

>> No.25163868

If the underlying assets fails, so does the ETF.
Things can drop a lot in value, especially when you are at the top (which we are, you would be buying the absolute top of every dividend paying stock you buy).

>> No.25163874

does anyone think staking ETH, will eventually be worth it?

>> No.25163890

OP said dividends, but that's not who you were responding to

>> No.25163893

$2k a month is living in poverty even if you have a paid off house and car.

>> No.25163902

>Take a million out of the BTC/ETH stack, and do the 5% thing. Put the 500k cash in high yield accounts.
That seems like the responsible thing to do, but I keep thinking if I can get a 3x from here, then with an 8 figure USD stack, I can really coast without having to worry about money ever again.

>> No.25163920

That's just normal life

>> No.25163926

>If you have 3.5 mil you already know what to do with your money fren
You might be surprised. I threw a bunch of money at ETH in 2016 and really just got lucky.

>> No.25163963

Lol, not really. You're buying boomer's inflated assets from endless qe and zero interest rates. You can be glad if you manage to not lose value in these times. Your 5-6% are valid for mean market valuations. Right now we're just before a bigger bust.

>> No.25163987

You larping fag. You got 3 millions rupis.

>> No.25164015

why the fuck don't you think there are people who actually made that money ETH used to be 2$

>> No.25164018

Can you still apply for subsidized housing with these gains

>> No.25164037

I only need 150k to make it if I want 1150$ a month. I can get 8% APY from real estate. I'd really love a round 10% though.

>> No.25164040

>ETH used to be 2$
I bought most of mine at $8. I was too late for the pre-sale but still did really well.

>> No.25164047

Look man you can already coast without worrying about money again. Life is too short. The money is only real when you cash out and move into more traditional ways of income.

If you still find fulfilment at work keep doing it. But having that stream of cash gives you the liberty of walking away if things go south

>> No.25164067

nice LARP

>> No.25164072
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i sold at 6$ after an epic x3

>> No.25164131

It depends on country. 2k$ in my country it legit good money.

>> No.25164133

$2k a month is $24k a year, its kind of shitty. better have your house and car paid off, and what happens when you need a new car, or want to go on vacation. your going to be operating on a pretty thin margin after all the bills are out the door.
yeah sure your not working but your just kind of there, not able to do too much or your going to wreck your budget, wouldnt want to live like this for decade after decade.

>> No.25164180

I'm comfortable enough in a HCOL coastal city spending $1000 a month, but rent is another $1750

>> No.25164183

true true

>> No.25164184

>Look man you can already coast without worrying about money again.
I sort of have been. I quit my job three years ago. Because I quit (or "retired") right at the peak of the last bull cycle, I was lucky because I had a reason to cash out. My stack then was about $5 million. I only cashed out 10% and then watched the value of my crypto drop significantly as everything sold off. I'm feeling lucky to have built back up to where things are now, because I was a little irresponsible with the half million I turned into cash. Planning to be more sensible this time.

>> No.25164219

buy property, rent it out, property will rise in value, find some agency to manage it for a cut live of the passive income

>> No.25164222
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>nice LARP
Not a larp. One I made it, I bought an R8 and rented some very nice homes for a couple of years. Found out pretty quickly that stuff didn't make me happy though.

>> No.25164267

You can save those 24k a year, reinvest it at 5-9% every year and keep wage cucking for 10 years.

>> No.25164321

Not really. If your ETF has like 10 holdings at least then not all 10 will fail at the same time. Usually if one holding fails, then the ETF manager replaces that stock with a better stock, thus making the ETF high quality again.

>> No.25164400

hey im not saying it couldnt work for someone, it could. i just think you need at least $5k, and have multiple revenue streams not just relying on one. such as a rental or commercial property, dividends, or even staking ETH but diversity is going to be key because a downturn in one sector could hurt you if you dont

>> No.25164418

Nobody legit pays 4.5% in btc it’s always pajeet or eastern euro where you can get rekt easily

>> No.25164438

And yeah congrats you’ve made enough to pay your rent each week, now stop daydreaming and get back to work wagie or starve

>> No.25164458

qualified dividends are taxed at the capital gains rate

>> No.25164460


Blockfi 6% on BTC

One of the most trusted parties out there for lending imo

>> No.25164506

delete this you fuck. this is my plan

>> No.25164540

you live in africa?

>> No.25164541

2k is good money in a shithole country.

>> No.25164562

You can get 8-10% just holding USDC and not worry about price fluctuations at all

>> No.25164567

>you live in africa?

>> No.25164597

if you spend over 2k a month with a paid off house and car you are a consoomerfaggot
I bet you collect these big headed star wars action figures and buy a new apple product every month

>> No.25164643

Kek, yes you were

>> No.25164645

Can you guys cash out AND buy stocks, bonds and real estate without THEM asking questions about where you got the money from?

How much worse is getting taxed on crypto compared to someone to pretend to buy art from you?
or the riskiest of them all give someone with a high networth your crypto gains to buy the real estate and put it on your name?

>> No.25164658

>yeah because stocks aren't going to have a decade-long crash in our lifetimes

The absolute delusion

>> No.25164689

stay priced out fag

>> No.25164691

My plan if I can make it is put the money with a fund manager and work part time doing appliance repair for more money to buy shitcoins with

>> No.25164705

Stocks crabbing are perfect for dividend holders. I would buy nikkei 225 every month if I was in Japan since the day it crashed.

>> No.25164718

if you know that this will happen why arent you shorting the entire market?

>> No.25164724

Based. I wanted to do something similar but with options. Basically, make 1-2k extra as month and use that as play money for WSB option trades.

>> No.25164726

bro $24k a year is shaniqua and latisha on public assistance level, its fucking shitty dude.
you want to sit on folding chairs in your living alone eating beans out of the can because of reasons, good for you, no one else wants to do that

>> No.25164738

because you can't time the market

>> No.25164763


>> No.25164820

>bro trust me dude, my living standarts are the norm
sorry I didnt grew up with a silver spoon in my as like you apparently
24k is comfy enough, even in europe

>> No.25164823

Like 100 years of stocks only going up
>any day now

>> No.25164836

24k in bitcoin will do the same

>> No.25164898

silver spoon! nigga $24k a year gets damn next to nothing on the entire east coast. You could get that to work in Thailand, have some fun money left over after all the bills are paid. but damn what if an emergency sprung up, your $2k a month aint gonna help for shit

>> No.25164907

Why would you think so? I bought my first Bitcoin in 2013. $1.7 mil in an IRA, mostly in GBTC (probably $1.8 by Monday if this pump holds) and $1.6 in ETH/DOT/ADA. Do you not believe it's possible for people to make that much in crypto over the past 5-6 years?

>> No.25164925

+2% for inflation
and use leverage when investing, then you can get your ROI to +10%

>> No.25164985

This, factor in taxes and jewish tricks and ops broke . I dunno what the obsession is with living like a third world bum on here, they say they wanna make it then they go scrape by in some Thai shitfest

>> No.25165191

The problem is that when you do that you lock yourself in from increasing that wealth because you're using the majority of your income just to sustain yourself. That's why you need to grow your stack.

>> No.25165253

Just watch this. Dragon portfolio, no drawdown on equity


>> No.25165287

Imagine actually considering selling your crypto lol

>> No.25165314

>Your 5-6% are valid for mean market valuations. Right now we're just before a bigger bust.
This. We are set for a secular decline. And it’s not mean-reverting any time soon. Look at Long Vol positions to get liquidity to buy solid dividend companies at discount (NOBL / MOAT etc.) during drawdowns and gradual declines. It’s more important to protect wealth than grow at 5% for next 3-5 years.

>> No.25165317


>> No.25165363

Or you can buy chainlink and eat waygu stake

>> No.25165378

Except dividend stocks are god awful.

>> No.25165385

This is junk shit. Real inflation is 7%-15%. CPI is actually useless to incorporate inflation to financial portfolios. Unusual times of secular decline. Boomer tier advice on ETF / 2% inflation is horse shit

>> No.25165393

You have to pay taxes on that

>> No.25165457

stable coins are risky. Regulations coming. Besides CBDC will make them useless.

>> No.25165487

Use AAVE - non custodial lending. BlockFi will take your keys. They may default.

>> No.25165600
File: 25 KB, 483x339, 1601704406099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2000 a month you will never have to work a day in your life
anon what about inflation?

>> No.25165621

Why not put it all on blockfi and get 5-8%?

>> No.25165655

If you want to be that cautious, you might as well only use makerdao

>> No.25165669

no keys, no ownership, no FCAwhatever authority can bring your BTC back, it’s a very easy game, open your eyes out there

>> No.25165673

Or rent. Or growing your stack. OP is a retard.

>> No.25165688

Better. Yes.

>> No.25165787

Fuck off to a cabin for a few years as society burns down you retard.

>> No.25165829

Halfway there. Gave up my fancy big city living for small town life and have property that's a perfect bug out location. I just need to build something on it.

>> No.25165846

Would say you are an idiot but it probably will 3x soon so GG

>> No.25165997

That's a hell of a folio

What would you recommend for a poorfag just starting out in crypto? How much to invest and should I stick to BTC/ETH/some shitcoins?

>> No.25166069

1.2-1.3 mill here, waiting to cross 10 in the 2021 run I hope

>> No.25166165

In the US
$2k a month
- $500 a month (25% capital gains tax)
- $300 a month taxes and insurance on $250k house
- $700 a month for good internet, electricity, phone plan
Now you have $500 a month for food, healthcare, gas and maintenance and insurance on rapidly depreciating car
In the US this is what poverty looks like

>> No.25166220

My mom is going to do okay, remarried a guy into investments and now are sitting on 2 mill between them.
My dad just always thought "Investing is risky" and will work till he drops dead. I have no idea how to save him.

>> No.25166244

>What would you recommend for a poorfag just starting out in crypto?
What I did when I started out was to buy Bitcoin and then start reading about everything else. That's how I built enough confidence in ETH to buy it cheap and to hold it for a couple of years before the price really started to move up. What I don't recommend is fomo'ing into the latest alt. There's just too much risk of pump/dumps and rug pulls these days.

If I were just getting in now, I think I would buy and hold ETH first and then research ADA and DOT until you feel like you have enough confidence to make a moon bet on them (or not)

>> No.25166373
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Just follow what coins Youtubers shill you and you should make it in a year or 2.

>> No.25166393

Anon big link holder here, same position as you, well almost, and once I get there not sure I have a plan in place yet. Statera is legitimately a moonshot of a project. Same vibe as link had on biz a few years ago, I’m now a top 100 holder.

>> No.25166414

Look into Statera, join the telegram, watch the videos, read up on it, and wait for it to click.

>> No.25166446

I've been looking at ADA lately
There is enough volatility that you can find it dropping and buy the bounce and get a really nice return if your timing is right
That's mostly what I do, buying short term and trying to scoop 1-2% after fees
Do that enough times a year and you have really good returns even after factoring in a few bad buys (I have taken an 8-9% donkey punch a couple of times, just scrape and claw my way back when it happens))

>> No.25166535

Congrat's, anon. I missed out on LINK because I was off doing other things instead of paying attention to crypto when it got going. Had I been paying attention, I think I would have broken 8 figures by now. Moonshots are not necessarily bad, just keep an eye on them. I was once a top holder of SingularDTV. That one obviously didn't work out for me.

>> No.25166567

nice ripple buycall at 54c

>> No.25166575
File: 159 KB, 1599x441, spy put selling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell weekly covered puts and covered calls on tickers with high vol premium for 50%+ annualized return on capital staked.

>500k gets you $250k gross in 1 year.
>750k gets you 375k the next year

>> No.25166661

Qualified divs are pretty dope. You can make almost 80 grand if you're married before Uncle Sam starts asking for a piece. So no REITs, but a ton of stuff like QYLD, SDIV, or SPHD work.

>> No.25166665

I just got into ADA yesterday. I have had a DOT stack for a few months to hedge my ETH position, and I decided to split half of that into ADA. Just enough that it keeps me motivated to do the research on them and keep track of the news. ETH has a tremendous amount of momentum and upside potential, but nothing's 100% certain in this space.

>> No.25166694

Could have timed it better. But hey, what's a couple of de-listings amongst friends?

>> No.25166724

What happens when your calls / puts get assigned? Are you saying a wheel strategy is good?

>> No.25166744


>> No.25166752

Sadly this.

>> No.25166878

one word, Zilliqa

>> No.25166951

From CoinGecko: "The Zilliqa ICO only happened because there was so much demand for it."

That sounds shilly.

>> No.25166986

That’s just getting by for the average person. To live a bit more comfortably you’d need 1-2m

>> No.25167036

Fuck you if I could make 2000 a month without working I'd have made it.

>> No.25167039

Enough to cover the essentials. You wouldn't HAVE TO work, but could pick up part-time gigs here and there to supplement.

>> No.25167706

>I keep 3 million in ETH and BTC and about $500k in USD
Solid. Dont change it actually.

>> No.25167973
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It happens and you take the assignment, then sell the opposing contract for the next week. Best strategy would include selling across a bunch of uncorrelated tickers, and using TA to sell puts at bottoms and calls at tops. Not saying it doesn't suck when your call gets assigned and underlying continues for another 10% higher (happened to me recently with WYNN and DIS). Nonetheless, you can get consistent income doing it this way.

>> No.25168688

Treat the old fags nicer, scum zoomer

>> No.25168868

If you live in SEA, that is a lot more doable. Still not amazing money but it sure goes farther.

>> No.25168910

Same thing

>> No.25168933


If you have 500k by age 30 you already made it. If you have 7 figures by 30 you are a Chad. If you have 5m by 30 you are a gigachad.

500k at 30 let’s you retire by 40 if you put it in SPY and wagecuck for 10 more years

>> No.25168968

AAVE is risk free?

>> No.25169014

Buy Hex

>> No.25169276

>- $700 a month for good internet, electricity, phone plan
u wot? seriously?

>> No.25169286

>3 mil
>no idea what to do with it

Holy shit, please be a larp. Just go all in on SPY and live off of the 1.55% yield. Buy a REIT with 5% yield if that is too poorfag tier for you.

>> No.25169513

>what's a few years amongst friends?

>> No.25169527

ill never pay capital gains tax again after my failed LLC and XRP loss...

>> No.25169537

what are some 5-6% dividend stocks
you don't mention any
because there aren't any

>> No.25169545


>> No.25169588
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>> No.25170121

>live off of the 1.55% yield
not everyone lives in a flyover state like you where 30k goes far

>> No.25170162

I live in Germany near Frankfurt, cost of living is pretty high here. But I am not a dumb consoomer sheep. I'd be okay with 2k a month after taxes and living in my student flat for the next 20 years.

>> No.25170247

bruh, VQN does a safe 3.7% and AT&T does a risky 7.9% there are plenty of good div stocks, but diversification is key of course. 2-3% is probably as high as you would want to go

>> No.25170301

it sounds like you're not larping

i agree you should keep a lot in btc and eth, we have a long way to go for the bull market. however i think you have a lot of money in eth. you could reduce it to 1 mil + add more to btc and put the remainder into ETFs and build a solid nest egg that way, and that way you have a more stable portfolio (trust me, after iron handsing through what you did stocks will look like baby shit, even the march dip was meh to me in stocks compared to crypto)

you don't _need_ 8 figs, imo 5mil is more than enough for stability (at 4% this is 250k a year, way more than enough especially once you have a house paid off)

>> No.25170577

That's a bit of a guess for an average, but good internet and phone will run you over $100 each
Your other utilities on a $250k house will be high because that's a fairly large 3-4 bedroom house in most of the US
Electricity isn't cheap, add in water and trash, maybe gas if you have it and you will run quite a monthly tab
$700 a month to keep utilities up on a decent sized house is not an unusual amount
You can cut some of these amounts, cheap phone plan, no internet, whatever, but we are still talking about living below the poverty line on $2k a month

>> No.25170717

he wouldnt be paying any taxes on income below 60k. $700 for internet,phone,and electric, you're retarded.

>> No.25170756

This is why real estate is the way to go instead of stock market

>> No.25170798

Dividends grow annually and outpace inflation. Fucking retard.

>> No.25170958


I agree.

>> No.25170991

holy brainlet dude maybe find a doctor to unclog your imagination

or like start a discord for anons with a rain bot and just tip us eth kek

>> No.25171232

>Dividends grow annually and outpace inflation.
>like magic

>> No.25172220

see if you have any star notes

>> No.25172345

You guys are retarded how has no one mentioned playing free money by selling options to retards. Free money with this amount. Hell even with 50k. GME GANG ALL IN OPTIONS

>> No.25172381

you can work a stress-free job just to add more money if you want

>> No.25172443

If you're not a billionaire by 2030 you will become part of the slave caste when the global economy transitions to neo-feudalism. Unless you want to toil in literal slavery and watch your daughters get bought by some elite to become part of his harem as you seethe and rage, you better get rich fucko.

>> No.25172547

What's the best and most stable stocks or etfs for this yearly 5-6% dividend yield ? Do they pay out monthly ??
Do any stocks offer 9-10% yield ? Even 250K would make it with 9-10%
I just want a small apartment and a economical car and just not to wage

>> No.25173685

>secular decline
>having a fifth of portfolio in GLD
Nah my dude, it may be a decline but it will also be a rebirth using the seeds of last saeculum.
Tech will be at the forefront, as it always is at secular changing times, disruptive tech to be precise. The last saeculum was built on railroads and planes and combustion engines and industry. The next one will be built on shit like data and blockchain and the ability to own 5000 of the top companies of the world with 3 fucking taps of a finger and biotech shit like curing cancer with code and defi and shit we can't even fucking imagine yet.
Shit like Lyxor UNIC ETF, and crypto.Maybe shit like ARK if it wouldn't be sucjh a meme.
If you think millenial and zoomers give a shit about jew controlled PM you are delusional. PM will drop like the shitty rocks that they are.
If you think what's coming will be hedged with gold for more than like 5 minutes, you are wrong.
THAT is the saeculum change.

>> No.25173721

Dude, I could retire off of 300k. Unironically. How bad are people with their money?

Let's just say you have $500 a month for utilities and food.

I'm assuming you have 50k for a house so the rest will be 250k.

That's 500 months of retirement or 41 years and then some. you really want to live until you are 60?

>> No.25173726

Forget about cheap shitty coins, don’t be an dumper! Go Base and make profit while they are making rebase!

>> No.25173744

Stop spamming, just check fucking Duckdao and forget about this shit token
>I made great money from x5 rising this week
> https://etherscan.io/token/0xfbeea1c75e4c4465cb2fccc9c6d6afe984558e20

>> No.25173760

>50k for a house
maybe in your slums rajeet

>> No.25173773

>what is inflation

>> No.25173804

I’m making 2k a month on 50k capital by writing put options. It’s pennies in front of a steamroller, but stocks only go up so I’ll just switch to writing calls when/if I get assigned.

>> No.25173809

I believe the JOO

>> No.25173841
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>> No.25173868

dollar is going to collapse within 10 years so you should hold onto some hard assets (btc especially)

>> No.25173884 [DELETED] 

don't do this. OP. don't do this, it's stupid and every mouthbreather in the world thinks it's smart.

>> No.25173885

I live in SoCal bought my home in 2004 and pay $21K per year on property tax. What the duck Im gonna do with $2k per month?

>> No.25173887

Hey how do you keep from getting rugpulled? is there a function I should search for in the contract or the developer behind it can just post whatever he wants me to see on github and he can always use a proxy contract to upgrade his functions to renounce ownership and drain all my allowed assets?

>> No.25173936

just fyi in case you're not larping. I recommend selling the ETH for BTC if for no other reason than the SEC could also go after Vitalik et. al for the Ethereum presale.

>> No.25174043

Wtf you talking about. 2030 is the year the blacks fall out of being the favored voting class, and the new favored class is the illegal immigrant. Theyve been working towards it the entire time by flooding them in through the back door. Its the best scam they have. The authorities charge the illegal immigrants to come in to the country, then they give them less rights, longer work days, less money, and cramped living situations. They blame the whites so all these illegal immigrants are racist asf, mal content, and overbreeding. All the while the american tax payer pays for it. Then they have these racist malcontents to flood expensive neighborhoods to bring property values down (My fucking neighbor has 4 people in a studio apartment, they were grilling chicken wings and serving them out of a lid they pulled off the refuse bin out front) Then they give illegal immigrants voting rights (They already did in my city). At that point the plan is successful. This has been the plan for like 20 years, where the fuck have you been?

>> No.25174135

Or that artificially propped up house of cards comes tumbling down.

>> No.25174214

>Stocks will never tank

>> No.25174233

>Dude, you don't need health insurance!

NEET spotted.

>> No.25174251

>Dividends grow annually and outpace inflation.
not the inflation in healthcare prices, which is now 30% of the economy

>> No.25174363

Hey do pay both capital gains and crypto tax?

What if you're from Eastern Europe and you're unemployed?

>> No.25174487


You live with your parents, don't you. Just lol @ those numbers

>> No.25174588
File: 49 KB, 330x428, 1559065312699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy $ROCKS
very good cryptocurry sirs
the social rocket

>> No.25174611


I earn much less and live quite comfy with it.
I also throw 40% of it into stocks monthly.
Eastern European poorfag though.

>> No.25174666
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what country do you live in OP? I could see this working in a shithole like Cambodia, but 2K per month is abject poverty in Australia. No joke.

>> No.25175023

It didn't make you happy because you didn't own the home/land and you didn't get the Spyder. dumbass

>> No.25175139

>dividend yield stocks
Brainlet detected.

Dividends are a meme.

It's not like company that pays dividend is MAGICALLY able to generate more money than a company that does not pay dividend, yet appreciates the stock price.

>> No.25175189

>lending bitcoin

Where is this idiocy coming from? How the hell do you "lend" bitcoin? On some DeFi platform that will have an inevitable "bug" that burns all your money?

>> No.25175238

Of course it didn't make you happy. It's not a headturner car and bimbos don't care. Should have gotten a Lambo, but you are too poor for that.

Of course it didn't make you happy if you were a rentfag instead of owning those properties.

>> No.25175242

What? Do you mean 16 cents or 0 16 cents? At a stock price of $32 the first one would yield you 6% apy and the second one 0.06%.

>> No.25175441

I'd divest all of that ETH to ADA. it will surpass ETH, mark my words. also hope you're running your own pool with a colossal pledge. even more gains to be had there vs straight delegation

>> No.25176132

2k barely cover my expenses

>> No.25176375

I appreciate your humor friend

>> No.25176450

I could FIRE with 150k.

>> No.25176464

As other anon said you will have to grow your wealth to account for inflation and unexpected costs.
You will get bled down to zero eventually with a babydick stack.

>> No.25176509

>t. 150k in crypto 10k in bank

>> No.25176550

I live in Southeast Europe. Along with my welfare payments that would be 800 a month. The average wage here is 300.

>> No.25176588


just use that money to flip real estate. fuck me its so simple. all of the richest people i know, all they do and what they started doing is just buying distressed properties and restoring them. the better you are at maximising the value of the property with the least amount of money obviously the more profit you make.

its the best form of 'making it' there is because its so entry level and just requires basic project management. like all investments you will need to do your DD but once you get the ball rolling its the easiest money you'll ever make. already on number 2 and im NEVER going to back to the wage cage and if i raise my kids right neither will they.

>> No.25177359

I’d give you $500k just to shut the hell up nigga

>> No.25177984

all of my monthly expenses total $2500/month. i live in south NJ. stop being a consoomer.

>> No.25178009

how do you do this unless you're a contractor that can do the work yourself and meet code/inspections? hiring a contractor is expensive and they'll jew you over in a heartbeat -- bye bye profit.

>> No.25178052

$300k would even be enough if you live frugaly
Most people are too dumb to get this tho

>> No.25178104

most people get 300k and waste it on a house

>> No.25178268

>Along with my welfare payments
lol shut the fuck up your swarthy eurofag

>> No.25178307
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Me too fren. Just need chainlink to get to $100 and I’m pretty much there. Could happen this year.

>> No.25178371
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Is that like in Bratislava, Sarajevo, or Belarus or something? Can Americans move there? I know it’s poor as fuck and everything, but at least most of the people are white.

>> No.25178742

Cope, not using welfare in Europe is retarded.

You can just check the costs of living in Numbeo. Capitals tend to be overpriced, although if you care about the nightlife that's were everything is. In Greece you could get by with 1k if you know where to go.

>> No.25179239
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Making 2k a month out of 500k investment ? Do you work for a bank? This is the most retarded advice you can think off. First, 2k a month is just barely living, if you want your life to be, eat, stay home and watch netflix then that would be enough, imagine wasting your young precious years to sit home instead traveling, fucking 9/10 women, eventually get married and live happy live. Your just a parasite and people hate losers like you. With 500k you can build 2 houses and rent them where i live for 2k a month and your houses will go up in value as well. Another way is to buy used heavy equipment like bobcat, excavators dozers (cheap) about 10% of the price of a new machine and rent them on facebook marketplace/craigslist for $400 a day, or start your own jobs and make, now your doing something productive while making good money. One of my friends bought a bobcat, a dump truck and a trailer for about 20k and makes more money than all those people who graduated college and work for a company.One more thing OP did you ever think if anything happens in live and you get sued or economy changes, the bank can freeze all your money anytime and now you have nothing.