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25211466 No.25211466 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off this? I made a thread here a few weeks ago when it hit 1k, a couple anons were nice but most just told me how I wasn’t even close towards anything meaningful and that I should just stop as it’s basically impossible for new content creators to make money. Now in the past month this one video has almost singlehandedly brought me up to the point of monetization. Feels good man. Still have some work to do for sure but at this rate monetization should be reached within a couple months. Only thing that sucks is that it’s a random older video from a few months ago that started gaining traction out of nowhere, I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better at my VO since then and that video doesn’t reflect that. Had no idea that one would be the one to take off the way it does but oh well, happens to other channels too I’m sure. Do any anons here make a full time living from YT? How is it?

>> No.25211680

Nobody makes a full-time living from YT anymore. Ad revenue share is always decreasing.

Start up a patreon ASAP and get some backers.

>> No.25211830

Maybe you have hit some niche audience. If you enjoy making videos keep it up and make more, perfecting your craft as a hobby. Who knows maybe you'll get bigger and bigger. Grats on 20k.

>> No.25211892

>Feels good man
congrats, but guess what.
I bought 10 btc a few years ago when it was at 1k and I never sold.
in the past week I've made $50,000 doing nothing.
50k a week ain't bad

>> No.25212025

>How do I profit off this?
You don't. Even by older standards you wouldn't make any money at this point.
The whole point now is to grow to a whole lot and to manually extract shekels from your audience via Patreon or what ever faggy platform will be current within the next few years.
You can still make money off of adrev but you would need a lot of fucking views. Millions upon millions.

>> No.25212120

Maybe not as many as they’re used to be but idk if I would say nobody. But yeah Patreon seems like the way to go regardless. I started one months back but haven’t really gotten anything from it yet, this was when I was still getting like 100 views per video though
Thanks fren. I do enjoy it so that’s the plan. It’s mainly JRPG content so I’m definitely trying to cater towards a niche. Video game YouTube is oversaturated for the most part but after seeing the main competition for other JRPG focused YouTubers I thought there was room for improvement

>> No.25212409
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Your one off succes of reading articles others have written about the shit coin of the day won't last.

>> No.25212429

Make a patrion

>> No.25212461

Ok so here is what to do
Start showing more and more
Then show tits with tape
Then cum on face
Then tits
Then master bate with toys
And on christmas day
Get this,
Open presents, faggot

>> No.25212479

link ur youtube

>> No.25212547

I started a channel with my drone taking shots of construction sites I worked on. My first video got like 60k views, but I haven’t kept up with it.
I’m pretty sure I could have a nice sized audience if I made videos regularly, but it’s a pain in the dick to keep it up.

>> No.25212619

turn back time by 10 years
By now every zoomer with a tick tock sthick hits 100K

>> No.25212621

You're going to need to find brand deals since ad revenue won't make you much at all. Once you get more popular you can make some niche type of merch. T shirts are played out and probably won't work for your niche.

>> No.25212705

congratz, it can become a nice side hustle. poop out 3-4 vids a week algo loves that. Next year youll be 3k a year passively. If you shill a patreon,donation links,amazon affiliates and other affiliate sites you can push that up to 10k a year. For some this can become a hobby that actually pays you

>> No.25212779

Listen to these guys, anon. Even among the well established YouTubers who were able to make an empire off of ad revenue in past, they've all moved to alternative funding sources because Google is way too unpredictable with CPM and demonitizing videos for no discernable reason. And this isn't just edgelords like PewDiePie, even Google's golden boy-that-will-never-be-a-woman James Charles has been forced to diversify.
Say what you will about Twitch and its parasocial hellscape, but channels have been able to make consistent revenue streams off of it.

>> No.25212836

Full time YouTuber here

I made 18,000 in December

I've never used ads

I don't use patreon.

All you have with views is attention

Your aim is to monetise that attention

The same principles as any other business apply

What is a PAIN POINT your target audience has?

Offer to fix that pain point for them

Start by leaving a contact form in the description where they email you and get them on a FREE Zoom call

Only that call actually try to understand their problem, offer to solve it IF YOU CAN

It depends on your niche what that looks like

Say you're in crypto, then it's something like you coach then how to trade or give them access to your private trading group

You could charge them 1k or up for really well done weekly coaching for 10 weeks

Do that 10 times a month and you can quit your job

Understand the principles at work here

Be human, talk to them, don't shill bullshit, but go big when you are able to help

This will build a long term sustainable brand

I have 25k-50k subs

I know youtubers 3x the size of my channel who use patreon and make 3-4K a month

>> No.25212869

One more thing I forgot, swallow your pride and do the soiboi faces.
Yeah, a bunch of frogs on the Internet will talk shit about you, but it's proven to make substantially more money, because humans are dumb apes that are attracted to faces.

>> No.25213041

I cosign this 100% but I think OP said he does videos on jrpgs so it'd be hard to find something to coach for that.

What's your niche if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.25213176

I do have a Pateon but started it back when I got no views and don’t advertise it as much as I should. I just feel like a douche constantly bringing it up but I guess that’s what you have to do
Thanks for the advice anons. I figured ad revenue wouldn’t be the main source of income and that I would need to branch out into merch of some sorts or some type of sponsorship/partnership

>> No.25213235

The guys itt who just think youtubers make money strictly off of what google gives them are retarded. You get a popular channel and then start shilling affiliate links, or paid promotions to actually make money.

>> No.25213276

This is some great advice and thanks for taking the time to write it all up, unfortunately idk if it really applies to my channel like another anon said as I just make content over JRPGs. Basically just lists of recommendations, reviews/retrospectives over older titles and stuff like that. I’m not really sure how I would coach anyone regarding this. The best idea I can think of for monetization for this type of channel besides Patreon is just merchandise of some sorts or something maybe? Idk. I’m open for ideas if anyone has any

>> No.25213283

Same but with 13 BTC

>> No.25213295 [DELETED] 

I teach people how to think

Pain point is usually low motivation and overwhelmed

I sit them down and get them to ruthlessly audit their lives and sacrifice the inessential

Cost benefit analysis of behaviour in technical terms

I'm not sure what jrpg is, but OP doesn't have to coach

You could offer a service just as easily I.e. I'll design you something with my graphic design skills for $1000 a month

I myself pay a video editor that much per month

>> No.25213497

I looked up JRPG

Caught me out of left field

Yup, it may be a slightly more awkward sell, but you're approaching this with a limiting belief

Storytelling is by far one of the most powerful tools you can gift someone

If you could take some gamer (who has money) and tell him how storytelling is the key to getting girls, making friends, and doing well in life

And then you tell him that the best way to learn something is through things you enjoy

And then explain to him that STORY DRIVEN role playing games are a great tool to understand narrative

And you'll take him step by step through making his hobby into a life changing skill

You will be set

Jordan Peterson used to explain psychology through movies and myths in a similar way

It's a reach, but you could pull it off

>> No.25213979

yeah, for that niche I'd say it's pretty hard
the closest thing would probably streaming and letting people choose the games played through donos

>> No.25214029

>reddit spacing
Tongue my anus

>> No.25214051

>more reddit spacing
Tongue the nearest niggers anus

>> No.25214125


Who cares there are random people with a million views on one video. I have a random vid from 10 years ago that has 200k views it’s nothing special, never gonna be a professional youtuber

>> No.25214180

This isn’t 2008 you aren’t profiting off of 20k views

>> No.25214202

Make more being a wagie

>> No.25214408

Interesting insight. I do like JRPGs because of the narrative focus, I want to get into writing later in life so maybe I could find a way to tie it all together. Appreciate all your help anon.
Kek glad I didn’t listen to negative people like you last time I made a thread. Obviously all good things take time and consistency. It’s not just one video either but the snowball effect with all of my videos picking up traction is really starting to take off. Hitting 200k 10 years ago isn’t really the same, there was little competiton back then so not too hard to passively hit that amount over the course of a decade. My vid is only a few months old and released in a saturated market but it’s still already up to 22k views since making this thread and gaining 3-5k daily now.