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File: 569 KB, 2048x1610, Screenshot_20201229-102110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25273542 No.25273542 [Reply] [Original]

XRP holders on suicide alert

>> No.25273562

Id buy some at 3 cents

>> No.25273570

thats what all your fuckers get for buying a CENTRALIZED coin LOL

>> No.25273620

>binance xrp daily volume: 1.4B
>scared of a little 5M dump

>> No.25273655
File: 310 KB, 1662x2048, Screenshot_20201229-102842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see you at 0.15

>> No.25273670

Mmmmm this is nice.
You know XRP will live on without Ripple, it does not depend on ripple, and just because Ripple gets fucked doesn't mean XRP needs to stop being valuable. Da gov can't stop XRP from existing.

I've never cared for XRP, but I'm sure as fuck buying some when it reaches the bottom to make some profit when it goes back to being a 30 cent stablecoin.

>> No.25273698

>Token owned and operated by centralized scam company who have a non sustainable and non lucrative system an own most of the supply does not need said company to survive
Sure buddy

>> No.25273743

Value is defined by buyers.
It's still on the blockchain.

>> No.25273773

anon please, it’s over

>> No.25273794

>Value is defined by buyers
>Management holds a big slice
>Coin has no use case
Anon I don't know what to tell you

>> No.25273832

You mean the centralized blokchain whose nodes are run by ripple?

>> No.25273852



>> No.25273865


>> No.25273930
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>> No.25273934

Cope about what? I don't own any XRP yet LMAO!

>> No.25273942

maybe he want to open long position on ripple

>> No.25273955
File: 171 KB, 840x839, 293-2939233_8037140-pepe-laughing-png-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest rugpull in history unfolding in front of us and I just laugh at all the NORMIES losing their life savings

>> No.25273990

keep that wallet at the ready Sir, a sales assistant will be with you shortly. Shortlier than you would have thought possible.

>> No.25274029

It's not just a different cryptocurrency. It's a centralized and illegal scam that has been an IQ test for years. It's the same as Theranos (the only difference that Theranos kept its fraud behind close doors while Ripple had the audacity to pull this off in front of everyone).

The Ripple community is comprised of imbeciles who worship a bunch of criminals who run the company and enrich themselves. These braindead bots will never question whether their bags are actually worth more than zero.

Schwartz, Garlinghouse belong BEHIND BARS. They've been telling us with straight face that XRP is more decentralized than "Chinese" Bitcoin for years despite controlling XRPL's UNL.

They are corrupt, they are shameless, they are dangerous.

The SEC lawsuit is even more bullish for Bitcoin than all institutional investors combined because there's finally a good chance that Ripple and XRP will be finished off for good.

I wish nothing but pain, misery, and suffering for every single member of the XRP community.

>> No.25274085

I agree. Anyone with with half a brain could smell that shit from a mile away.
I always wondered through all these years how it had kept it's place as the 3rd biggest coin. Now we know. Wash trading and manipulation

>> No.25274092


Yep honestly it feels great to see that.

I know several people who spit on crypto and invested 3k-7k€ in XRP because "the rest can't be trusted".

Bro I am so fucking happy, retards get what they deserve.

>> No.25274140

Sub .20 waiting room!

>> No.25274145

A guy I know came bragging to me that he had bought XRP at 0.26 a month ago and was ridding it to the top. He even said he bought so more at 0.40.
I didn't say anything then but there is going to be hell to pay now.
Fuck normies

>> No.25274197
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Based Roger Ver bought 5,000,000,000 XRP for $500,000.
His money started the project, he dumped all over brainlet schizos for 5 years, now he's going to crash it to 0.

>> No.25274207


Dump in 1 hour...

>> No.25274223


No we should embrace normies.
Most people only start to understand Bitcoin, and barely Ethereum.
The great altcoin bubble of 21/22 is going to be monumental

>> No.25274370

It won't be driven by NORMIES but by retail and institucional players. The crypto indexes will be the vehicle
Normies are the late adopters that don't make money

>> No.25274561

crash more why is this shit trying to stay above 20c

>> No.25274677


Normies are coming slowly but surely, as we speak.

Buy if you are right that's terrible news, institutions aren't gonna pump our altcoins that much. How we gonna do x100?

>> No.25274684

Because it's not over you retard.
Ripple has not lost any cases yet, and Coinbase is only temporarily delisting to cover their own ass.

Even if Ripple lost a case it doesn't mean Ripple will quit or go bankrupt.
XRP will live on, and anyone who can't see that are just poorfags who don't understand the market.

>> No.25274747

that's stop the steal levels of coping

>> No.25274748

>XRP will live on, and anyone who can't see that are just poorfags who don't understand the market.
No it won't, it's centralized and if ripple die the XRP network dies.

>> No.25274777

Dude. this is so ogre, I cant even

>> No.25274800

Sold what I had left of this shitcoin and bought DIA instead.

>> No.25274816

You're not supposed to fall in love with crypto. XRP is done. Move on.

>> No.25274828

Tick tock xrp schizos, LTChads will flip you any minute now

>> No.25274838

Yes they will. Besides the crypto indexes coins with use cases will thrive this cycle

>> No.25274856

This whale lost a ton of money.

>> No.25274901

but until then you can test your nerves and see how well you fare with your """investment""" when it goes literally to 1c

>> No.25274909

ive never been this excited about it being over in my life

>> No.25274912

I know it will...

>> No.25274934

Ripple has 60 billion XRP on their balance sheet. It will not be over for Ripple the company cause they can keep dumping on retards like yoiu to pay for the lawsuits that will follow. but its surely over for XRP

>> No.25274974

Its over holy hell haha

>> No.25274980
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>> No.25275027

another day another 30% drop

>> No.25275030

If I knew an xrp holder I would genuinely contact the authorities to make sure he's looked after.
Stay safe anons no matter how much money you got scammed, you're worth it.
Doesn't matter how long we warned you, it's ok to be stupid we love you fren.

>> No.25275035
File: 34 KB, 1350x365, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is on fucking life support

die already

>> No.25275059
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The great normie filter. Congratulations to those who made it past it.

>> No.25275061

This is my favorite.
They are all centralized.
They go through globohomo infrastructure and can't operate in ANY WAY without doing so.
I was a naive retard once that though crypto would free the world.
That was 2013.

>> No.25275079


>> No.25275087

sorry bro. I missed out completely on this pump. I held XRP for almost two fucking years without anything happen, until I sold a few days before the big pump. I missed out on everything in these two years, I missed link any many other coins. I really lost a big part of my mental health which might never recover. it was a tedious, mind boggling hold. I feel like I aged 20 years in 2 years literally. I fucking hate this shitcoin so much now you can't imagine and hope of course it will just go towards zero.. I will enjoy seeing it burn.

>> No.25275088

>If I knew an xrp holder
better pop round and water them. Prob. overdue.
fuck the cunts tho. Not like they weren't warned. Repeatedly. They only had to listen.

>> No.25275090
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We're approaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible for human beings

>> No.25275128

These npc voice lines are getting stale.

>> No.25275137

90's SP is the best SP. Shitteh kitteh go plop.

>> No.25275156

Enron is still the best of the best for them I guess

>> No.25275166
File: 83 KB, 227x247, comfyxrphell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate normies so much. Maybe it´s just the country too but they are all so selfish and mean for no reason. Like in 70 school movies.

I just want them all left behind after this bullrun.
Fucking normies chaising their own tail posting pictures every fucking second every fucking day talking about bullshit and BORING TO THE MAX. Why do I have to put up with it?
Most of friends too, why is everyone so dumb and not capable of thinking themselfs.


>> No.25275183

yet they are more relevant than ever

imagine that

>> No.25275206

just stay below 20c ffs

>> No.25275258

kek criplets are worse then silver holders

>> No.25275260
File: 444 KB, 1125x1191, C9C10381-9156-461E-8903-96884447561E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought another 20,000 xrp

You stupid níggers are fudding this dump like crazy while I’m here collecting gold bags to fuel the moon mission back to 0.75 next month.

Fucking hell you all are a retarded bunch of faggots for not accumulating during the New Years Sale of the Century.

XRP will never go below 0.50 after its surge in two weeks. Mark my words.

>> No.25275282

Either ways, I'm still gonna drop $1k into it at the bottom. Don't mind losing $1k but there are enough XRP retards that they will likely pump it up

>> No.25275291

no you did not faggot.

>> No.25275309

LOl, poor child, sounds like you were fucked by these dumpers and negative rebases

Be smarter, participate xETH-G system

> 2 rebases every day, no negative rebase, 2 level farming with 7-30 days pool

>> No.25275325
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1567787853870043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're bying a lot why don't you contact ripple. They give 30% discount on large sales.

>> No.25275327
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This is the best timeline

>> No.25275330

There is way too many people calling for XRP's death that the only possible event that will occur is a huge short liq and back to new ATHs once people realise it's the standard.
Bought in 100k @ 0.1966

>> No.25275352

Hahahaha nice larp

>> No.25275353
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>> No.25275357
File: 33 KB, 600x576, 54D2D428-0DA8-45C1-8C40-98271C0AE4B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did you stupid nigger.

This is a great money making chance that all the weak handed faggots like most of this thread are not seeing because they got into crypto July-nov 2020

>> No.25275361

its being delisted from coinbase next month bro

>> No.25275400

You can't truly be this dumb.
Post buy order retard

>> No.25275434

buying when everybody is panic selling is mostly a good strategy

>> No.25275440

>I wish nothing but pain, misery, and suffering for every single member of the XRP community.

>> No.25275448


>> No.25275495
File: 189 KB, 1200x1000, 1587635757256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it really was a good strategy when it hit 3.5$ and then people "panic sold" to 2$. And then they panic sold to 1$. Good buys so far sir? Yes.. good buy. Then people "panic sold" to 0.50$. GOOD BUY SO FAR. 0.25$??? GOOD BUY.

fucking retard.

>> No.25275503

Is it when ripple will face a multi year lawsuit and will be delisted in the near future?
You guys can't just throw instagram phrases around without applying some common sense to them

>> No.25275515

nigger i'm not watchin one month charts, more like 1h charts

>> No.25275543



so you "buy", watch 1h charts and sell on 1h charts which only go down so far? are you a complete fucking retard or just larping very badly?

>> No.25275562
File: 386 KB, 2054x952, hngg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuz this

>> No.25275579

>everybody panic sells to $0.24
>sell at $0.255
for a 7% gain. I mean just get in, get out fast not long term that's why 1h charts, not 1m charts

>> No.25275597

that's bullish to be honest

>> No.25275600


>> No.25275626

that used to be 15 million 3 weeks ago

>> No.25275631 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25275639
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>> No.25275682

Good plays but you gotta be real careful to not get justed in a quick dump that doesn't recover

>> No.25275710

honestly this. its the most retarded risk/reward ratio, like a true gambling addict.

but grats on the gains anyway

>> No.25275719
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one can hope he bought it when it was 0.7$

>> No.25275740
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True you can still get bitconnect.

>> No.25275746

also I like how conveniently the bottom sell order has no buy order shown, which was probably quite high in the 60s and a low sell in the 50s. rest of it was gambling the falling knife to recover the loss

>> No.25275767 [DELETED] 
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my screen ends, jezus christ

>> No.25275788

alright, congratulations on the gains. but for the love of god please buy something else and try not to lose it when it goes inevitably to zero..

>> No.25275800

The strategy of the brainlet who doesn’t know how to short,
Show the rest of that page kek

>> No.25275803
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>> No.25275809 [DELETED] 

nigger i make 26% on average each month trading 60 coins using bots.

>> No.25275843

Where can I buy bitconnect? for the memes ofc

>> No.25275849
File: 42 KB, 720x710, FB_IMG_1608524547031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You anger speaks louder than any advice ever could. Its time to let go anon

>> No.25275872
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Retard at work invested 3 Year salary into it. Was talking how it was next bitcoin. Even managed to talk some others in.

>> No.25275874

So, how do I short this baby with 10,000x leverage?

>> No.25275888 [DELETED] 
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how far back do you want me to go?

>> No.25275899

Just asked my friend if he's selling his XRP out of concern, he said he's gonna hang on to it. I didn't push the issue

>> No.25275906

XRP isn’t a blockchain. I’m sure you’re trolling and knew that already.

>> No.25276020

XRP is dead

>> No.25276115

Can you give me more juicy gossip? I wanna know more lol.

>> No.25276144

unfortunately is not ultra bullish if normies get rugpulled so hard and refrain from investing again for years

>> No.25276162


>> No.25276329

Jesus, imagine this was closer to 15 million just 3 weeks ago. Fuck

>> No.25276369

could be an exchange so they don't really care

>> No.25276415

Yeah it was fucking great. The hardcore republican agenda in it was so fucking hilarious. No political correctness or gay shit and and... *sniffle* GIVE ME BACK THE 90's!

I fucking love trolling on /biz/.
Half the idiots here don't even check for other posts by ID and continue to fall for old posts way up there.

>> No.25276753

Please get meds I sold my shit after the crash a couple days ago and lost $100. I’m a normal and learned my lesson. Thanks xin Zhao.

>> No.25276796

^ See what I mean?
They keep falling for the bait like fish on a hook for reals.

>> No.25276844

I'm having good laughs reading these cripples with their mental gymnastics. Ahahahhahaha. Post more cope.

>> No.25276878

Lol I hope someone is saving these. Please tell me someone is saving these into an album of copamania.

>> No.25276944

Merry Christmas , anon

>> No.25276945

^ Like a moth to a flame!
They don't even notice LMAO.

>> No.25277064

Kek. My new form of entertainment. Dance monkey, dance!

>> No.25277081

How is it centralized? Ripplenet can literally exist without xrp or are you a paid brainlet?

>> No.25277115

its the same as link, the nodes are paid in XRP by ripple

>> No.25277191

Oh I didn't know ripple owned all the nodes.

>> No.25277198

god please send it to 0.10

>> No.25277222

Literally the most boring dump i've ever seen. The longer this goes on the more dramatic the ending of this dump will be. It's seriously looking like it will go under .1 at this pace

>> No.25277524
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eat shit ripplefags

>> No.25277563

holy fuck this thing even types like a dumb twitter monkey
you xrp fuckwits need to GO the fuck BACK

>> No.25277918
File: 154 KB, 1500x1500, 4KUltraHDBait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they check my posts by ID and realize they got baited so fucking hard.

>> No.25278052

well played sir

>> No.25278123
File: 1.10 MB, 425x560, 1607632448073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr I'm only pretending to be retarded
>durrr master baiter here guise
Ironic shitposting = shitposting

>> No.25278213

Newfag here. Bought at .22 and sold it all at .70, even scams can make you money if you get lucky. DMOR and figured out it was a scam and just sold after the massive pump to .90 over 5 minutes, most of my BTC/ETH is from XRP profit, not mad.

>> No.25278552


>> No.25279214

I never come to this place anymore
But I came back to laugh at you guys
I remember when you were making fun of LINK during your little rally based on rumors

>> No.25279259


Link is next nigger. Prepare your anus.

>> No.25279802


>> No.25279988

why isnt this dumping to zero? delusional bagholders buying more?

>> No.25280052

silvers up almost 100% on the year homo

>> No.25280339
File: 34 KB, 400x388, copium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen such cope levels in my life. It's over. Just let it go. It would unironically better for you if you lost all means of connecting to the internet.

>> No.25281020

I too get a kick out of baiting biz every once in a while. Well done.

>> No.25281090
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>> No.25281201

>*Breathes in*


>> No.25281270

>and just because Ripple gets fucked doesn't mean XRP needs to stop being valuable.
And how will you sell your XRP scamcoins when it gets delisted everywhere?

>> No.25281307

somehow this will be "good" for xrp right KEK

>> No.25281397

Even *IF* cripple wins the lawsuit, faith in the coin is shattered. You don't come back from that.
It's like some party slut accusing you of rape. Even if you actually didn't do anything wrong and get vindicated in court, you'll still be seen as a rapist by everyone else. Except in this case, ripple legitimately are rapists of the goyim's money

>> No.25281475

Damn, I can smell the LINKcultists' stench behind all these laughing pepes. You're next, you fools.

>> No.25281481
File: 483 KB, 1079x962, CaughtFish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow they are still at it!
Look at all the (You)'s I got, I even made it into a meme image.
I got even more (You)'s than OP!
They won't even notice this post unless I (You) them back.

So freaking delicious.

>> No.25281614

you funny plebbit fren.
i started out the opposite in 2010
>gov't banks will never let btc get traction
>they'll shut down nodes, outlaw it, throw people in jail
>realize they let it get past the breaking point
>literally no way to stop decentralized networks w/o becoming totalitarian and highly censoring interent
>we're already going 88mph

xrp was and always has been a centralized shitcoin. all /biz/ knows this. plebbit fags that lurk are somehow surprised even though we always tell you in your circle jerk threads. if you want something like xrp go buy jed's based project xlm. xrp was literally a dumbfuck honeypot

>> No.25281665
File: 9 KB, 225x225, JAL083-CJ39F-ZO3C0-XJ39DL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you do. You have some extreme coping mechanisms in play right now for not holding any.

>> No.25281696

>23mm xrp is now only 5mm usd
oh no no no no ahahahahaha

>> No.25281709


My exact thoughts as well.

>> No.25281879

Unironically this - you now see why Jed left. XLM didn't ICO, SDF doesn't pump the price, they only develop things on the network/will utilize the token, and have even more transaction volume than xrp.

Can't believe people actually thought xrp was a better buy comparing market caps. Fucking morons

>> No.25281886

XRP without ripple is probably still better than LTC. Both are useless currency coins.

>> No.25281893
File: 279 KB, 750x661, 728345A8-EB56-4016-8BCF-DD21DEE53D7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NANO is as close to it as we can get right now. a lot of OG bitcoiners are in NANO now.

>> No.25282154

yeah, for longterm upside i'm still much longer on eth and defi projects (aave, snx, farm, sfi, yfi, etc). but i do have a small % of my crypto holdings in a 75k bag of xlm just in case. b/c it could unironically work out, and could actually become the backbone of many cbdc's

>> No.25282157

it's why i have a NANO stack. it's the most norm or friendly coin. wenano app will blow up once the US normies find out about free crypto lying around for the taking without exchanges.

>> No.25282411

this. if you're still holding LINK or any erc20 token scam; you are actually retarded.

>> No.25282456

What is the incentive, other than collective loss of value

>> No.25282471

The only way to fix XRP is to get Ripple Inc completely out of it.
They hold so much in (((escrow))) that no matter who owns it they will always be dumping on holders. They cash out 250mil every quarter to keep the company running.
If Ripple can get down in the 1-5cent range and stay there for a few years, Ripple Inc will have to sell more at a much reduced price. This could help finally achieve a somewhat fair distribution. But there's also all their payouts due to Jed too.
But alas it as many other problems too. The ultra fast blocktimes come at a price. And that is the blockchain is huge, like hundreds of terrabytes or something. Which means the hardware requirements to run a node get more and more ridiculous every day. Kind of like the giant blocks meme with Bitcoin SV.

>> No.25282495

>useless currency coins
any crypto that has a use case other than this will meet the same fate. you've been warned.

>> No.25282534 [DELETED] 
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There will be one last chance for xrp bag holders, when this shitcoin finally becomes a low cap coin, this tranny discord may pump and dump it one last time to oblivion
discord.gg slash 5Tq7qxkkRv
it's literally over

>> No.25282791

they all deserve it t b h

>> No.25282892

Where's the volatility? This crap barely moving.

>> No.25283243

Escrow will be burn, price will skyrocket, whales will still have a way to buy outside of exchanges, retails will see everything happening in front of their eyes.

Those who sell will be spit in by the whales and the SEC.

It’s just a game theory anons, it’s just politics.

You can denied it, big whales will buy more and more... bye bye useless eater :)

>> No.25283816

This was my crypto trajectory as well, but with a twist: after realizing that the governments can't stop it, I realized that I read the banks all wrong, and they *want* crypto in its pure blockchain state to succeed and won't let it be killed. They're hedging against fiat like the rest of us.
That's what the XRP idiots don't understand, banks don't want to be beholdened to the Ripple Corporation, just like they don't want to be beholdened to governments.

>> No.25283882

LTC is way more useful. Privacy features coming early 2021.

>> No.25283963

schizos and based anons aside, does xrp have potential for some level of pump in the next few days?

>> No.25284100

Maybe a dead cat bounce and some small bounces here or there, once more exchanges start delisting xrp is kill.

>> No.25284290

>That's what the XRP idiots don't understand, banks don't want to be beholdened to the Ripple Corporation, just like they don't want to be beholdened to governments.
Holy shit, I haven't thought about it. I saw the Coin Bureau XLM video and didn't understand why WEF and other NGO's are making deals with XLM, if they have XRP. Now I get it, thanks anon

>> No.25284545

>TWO MORE WEEKS posting outside of /pol/
Now THIS is some good cope.

>> No.25284636

Well put anon. This is EXACTLY right.

>> No.25285194

KEEP THE FAITH. Just accumulate, ignore all FUD