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25586103 No.25586103 [Reply] [Original]

Polkadot was founded by ETH co founder. The guy that invented solidity and stuff.
This dude is big.
Will polkadot kill ETH?

>> No.25586226


>> No.25586237

why not?

>> No.25586277


>> No.25586337

That had better be a male.

>> No.25586355

Not kill by its ETH v3.0

>> No.25586367

It will help Ethereum not kill it.

>> No.25586368


>> No.25586398

how so? Can you help me understand? It seems like polkadot gives you access to a lower level abstraction so you can have more freedom to develop on it. Not just smart contract and erc20 tokens.
Isnt this very interesting?

>> No.25586516

Founder also a pedo linke ETH so they will likely be neck and neck at the bottom, since both projects are obviously really only cash cows for stocking underground pedo dungeons, meanwhile ADA takes the world stage.

>> No.25586601

Because they said so.

>> No.25586776
File: 314 KB, 955x993, 1609696318122222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polkadot is centralized at 10 validators.
it also has many other fundamental issues and problems.
its also slow.

If you want to actually buy the Scaling Solution you buy AVAX:

quick AVAX rundown

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos Proof of Work and Classical Protocols
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there, its a completely new family of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or L2), sub 3 seconds finality</wbr></wbr></wbr>

>> No.25586863
File: 65 KB, 439x491, 1593919419637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polkadot over $100 this year
Kusama over $1000 this year

>> No.25586892

kys you shill retard

>> No.25586922
File: 77 KB, 905x477, Gavinpedofaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys centralized shitcoin holder

>> No.25586991

i dont hold polka, i was wondering about it;
but you come shilling your bags so kys

i think polka is cool but network effect is very important

the http protocol is full of security vulns and yet it won over other better more secure protocols

eth is that imo, it will win simply because it has the network advantage right now

eth is already hard for people to understand, imagine understanding polka and parachains etc lmfao

>> No.25587125

>i think polka is cool
such a brainlet lmao, its not about whats "cool" its about what actually WORKS.
>and yet it won over
it didnt win shit and they really didnt achieve anything special.
its centralized and anyone can do that.
meanwhile AVAX has true decentralization.
>eth is that imo
ETH will plug into AVAX

>> No.25587203

>it didnt win shit and they really didnt achieve anything special.
the http protocol is nothing special? Are you 10 iq? How do you think the internet works?

>> No.25587258

I'm talking about Polkadot you goalpost moving brainlet.

>> No.25587693

look at my post, i said http, you have to learn how to read
>the http protocol is full of security vulns and yet it won over other better more secure protocols

>and yet it won over

you are very low iq, you should kill yourself

>> No.25587729

ADA will.

>> No.25587736

http has nothing to do with Consensus protocol dumbass.
Polkadot has only 10 validators.
AVAX has 680.

>> No.25587782

centralized shitcoin

>> No.25587880

i was using http as an example of a shittier protocol compared to others that still won
eth is that to polkadot imo

crazy how low iq people have to be explained everything or they dont get it

>> No.25588057

centralized mining pools and cant scale
centralized and cant scale
decentralized and can scale

hmmm which one is superior? can you nigger figure it out?
you example is shitty because you are a brainlet.

>> No.25588306

It was literally built to work with ethereum dumbass

>> No.25588323

So that's why its so overpriced.

Fuck DOT.

UNN (union) is the golden goose.
