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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 775x670, AVAXkillspedodot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26427855 No.26427855 [Reply] [Original]

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC
>Co Director of IC3 which is 180+ researchers and 6 Unis
>EGS shills Link & is in close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & already acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>like Sergey EGS toured around the world for years educating People about decentralization

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW and Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>it can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>more decentralized than everything else
>running a Node is easy & hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking & delegating
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned & is burned when Subnets, Blockchains or other assets are created
>currently 10% APY
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 60% node uptime
>node costs ca. 20 bucks a month on a VPS

>sub networks can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>plug in and use the Avalanche Consensus for your already existing Blockchain so you dont have to build your own (like with decentralized oracles)
>Chainlink already moving to Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn rewards from them!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>Big picture: in no time the best parts of the entire crypto ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche and giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

right now it trades for $13.26

>> No.26428112

Kek, the head shot

>> No.26428328

Ooookayyy letsgooo

>> No.26428678

$1,000 EOY - let's go.

>> No.26429204
File: 762 KB, 1200x1500, clifford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /4digits/ here

>> No.26429379

I only have 150 AVAX, delegated them for 1 year. not sure how I feel about it.

>> No.26429471
File: 1.59 MB, 2096x1570, m61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone check the Baex platform (#baex)? I found a post about this defi binary platform, looks like it is a new gem. A lot of options, bonus model and profit range from 180 to 220%. It will be good with the modern algorithm. As I get, they have Yahoo Finance quotes source.

What do you think about this platform?

>> No.26429571

That'll be around 17-18k usd EOY

>> No.26429710
File: 27 KB, 590x586, 1611371574724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone, please FUD me on this coin. Please. I'm trying to resist only holding this coin and nothing else.

>> No.26429760

Interesting perspective. I will try to keep accumulating as the year goes by

>> No.26429761
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>> No.26430146
File: 102 KB, 741x731, photo_2020-07-17_21-07-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no fud available


>> No.26430274
File: 213 KB, 1125x1401, nigerwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That white hat FUDder must have finally finished his accumulation
Look at that graph its text-book accumulation
Now the FUD stopped
Mother fucker

>> No.26430366
File: 110 KB, 1200x565, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so fucking comfy bros

>> No.26430574

Who cares that's 2 months away, just sell before and buy back after

>> No.26430626

Emin looks like the thumb guys from spy kids, I'm selling everything

>> No.26430627
File: 46 KB, 635x479, Lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most AVAX will be locked in Nodes for Staking or Delegated to nodes as is already the case.
Staking Ratio will continue to go up

>> No.26430681
File: 73 KB, 1022x1146, 1611371537759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there no fud on this coin at all? That's why I asked, I cannot find anything getting in the way of AVAX surpassing ETH in the future, while still benefitting from ETH's success.

Anyone got info on validator benefits or could explain it? Just rode BAO up for some more funds to put over here.

>> No.26430756


>> No.26430803

Don't you get tired of shilling this

>> No.26430847
File: 131 KB, 1134x568, AVAXETHBridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there no fud on this coin at all?
Nope, there really is no FUD.
Sergey Nazarov and Vitalik agree that its all legit.

>Anyone got info on validator benefits or could explain it?
Basically you run a node for around 10% APY, + on top of that you get Delegations to your node by people who dont run nodes or dont have the minimum required amount, to delegate to your node they have to pay a % to you.
+ if your Node Validates Subnets in the Future you could gain tokens from these subnets.
the potential is extremely high with Avalanche.

No, same way I never got tired of Shilling Chainlink for years.

>> No.26431365

>Good AVAX shilling
>Red ID

it was meant to be. Going to look into starting my own node and the process now. Thanks for the push in the right direction.

>> No.26431369

go read the white hack hacker's, AVAX has iredeemable security flaws :^)

>> No.26431382

>Vitalik endorses EGS & already acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC

>> No.26431462

I have 1569. FUD me out of buying another 431 and validating.

Proptip: you cant

>> No.26431608

who is the goofy looking dude on the left?

>> No.26431657

Stop trying to make AVAX happen. Most projects are already moving over to DOTs parachains. There's not room for 3 smart contract platforms.

>> No.26431676

he is ataturk high iq, please be respect

>> No.26431708

AVAX has lower volume then shitcoin NEO!

DOT = ETH v3 = buy today and get rich tomorrow

>> No.26431717

sry, will respec

>> No.26431761
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, Vitalik and Emin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik chills out in IC3 for years now, hes good friends with Emin.
also this:
Adam Back
>Stop trying to make AVAX happen
Polkadot is centralized with only 10 Validators, also Gavin Wood is a bugchasing Pedophile.

>> No.26431866
File: 16 KB, 653x122, Emin is Ataturk secular genius turk not erdogan muzzie turk .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26432044

holy fucking shit I have always seen the left part of this pic (vitalik alone). Emin has always been there. Fuck.
>Adam Back
Satoshi? holy shit

>> No.26432079
File: 57 KB, 693x633, 1610656750808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most projects are already moving over to DOTs parachains

>> No.26432086

is that sminem on the left?

>> No.26432123

Now ask him if he is muslim

>> No.26432368

kek, just bought another 1000

>> No.26432593

Extremely unlikely. Either an atheist, if not a deist.

>> No.26432606

i need a qrd on running a node.
anyone doing it?

>> No.26432700

crabbing piece of shit
dragging my fucking portfolio down
fuck off
shitcoin scam turkish nigger cunt fuck off

>> No.26432753


>> No.26432773

>Making your portfolio go down

Pick one - also, just be patient. It's already done x3.

Yes I am. Pretty easy to set up, just get a VPS and follow the tutorial. You need 2,000 AVAX atm.

>> No.26432802

why the fuck did ppl not post this image in december?

>> No.26432882

this, I would have put everything into the ICO if I had known Emin was in this fucking champagne-skelly pic

>> No.26432960

i can't access the documentation on their site.
what kind of return do you get? how long to recoup the initial (hardware + 24k)?

>> No.26433137

Why not?


It's 10% APY at the moment.

>> No.26433139
File: 345 KB, 1028x1038, token unlock thoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is some home made hopium for hodlers

>> No.26433354

521 cloudflare error.

>> No.26433367
File: 108 KB, 1007x600, vitalikmiddlefingerraret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emin has always been there
no its Vitalik Buterin
Emins Religion is Crypto
yes I run my own node for months now.
really easy.

I did

>> No.26433451

Works for me bro. Try Google cache.


>> No.26433485
File: 286 KB, 123x116, 1383853153113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro.

>> No.26433490
File: 489 KB, 2048x1536, vitalikandemin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26433534
File: 161 KB, 690x662, 18946246215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26433609
File: 478 KB, 2048x1536, yorkefaggottheretoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26433711
File: 1.36 MB, 4587x2396, IC3 boot camp 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26433829

Did that anon faggot who said he was gonna ask Emin and avalabs about white hat hackers question?
Any answer?

What happes when remote code execution is found in node software and black hat attacks network?

>> No.26433876

what if it starts raining niggers tomorrow?

>> No.26433945

Good stuff. Conservative assumptions as well. I like it.

>> No.26433978

top fucking kek at the dude cosplaying as sergey

>> No.26434002

No difference for mutts same as any day theres niggets everywhere and your mom loves nigger cock

>> No.26434065

>What happes when remote code execution is found in node software and black hat attacks network?

You could literaly say that about any blockchain technology.

People would have done it already if it were possible given the MCAP is already $1 billion USD.

>> No.26434071

I don't have the screenshot, but someone asked ones of the main devs in telegram, and the fud was disproven

>> No.26434086
File: 142 KB, 960x843, ___wasnt-1152756188146221056-20190720_184427-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much longer before coinbase supports trade of AVAX bros?
feeling really good about this coin, and currently have 50 AVAX sitting in a proprietary wallet atm

>> No.26434088

Pussy destroyers

>> No.26434099

Based and redpilled.

>> No.26434167

Next coin unlock in March will probably push us into top 25. So I imagine they will start looking closely at it.

Besides, we'll have lots of de-centralised exhchanges to trade on, like Pangolin.

>> No.26434192

Does the wallet let you delegate?

>> No.26434226

Are there any dexes now that trade it? I don’t want to vpn into binance

>> No.26434259

I only have 19k AVAX, am i going to make it

>> No.26434271

>he can't run 20 nodes

>> No.26434352


Is the only one I know about right now. But they are normally short on AVAX liquidity.

>> No.26434364


>> No.26434371

Yes lol. I've only got 25% of that, and I know I will make it.

>> No.26434380

hey validator chads, is it better to run a node on aws or raspberry pi 4?

>> No.26434458

probably, i haven't really checked

>> No.26434529

> about any blockchain

Bitcoin had remote code exploits
It doesnt lead to consensus compromise

Screw this I have to talk to Emin and Moneyskeletor

>> No.26434547

I tried jelly but couldn't actually swap my ETH to AVAX due to minimum/maximum requirements and lack of liquidity. Try it but don't expect to get many AVAX if you get any at all.


>> No.26434597

Is telegram where emin hangs out?
Is he the main dev or seq?

Fuck my life now I have to sign up shitigram another shitty centralized disservice

>> No.26434622

I'm using a Linode VPS.

>> No.26434665

gm based wormfudder

>> No.26434701

On raspi fuck centralization on cloud

All those aws and allnodes should be banned and censored off the network preemptively
Whats the fuckin point muh decentralization
Muh 700 validators
If 600 of them run on ec2 instances controlled by jeff bezos

>> No.26434776


>> No.26434808

how does $19 sound?

>> No.26435931

there are many VPS providers.

>Whats the fuckin point muh decentralization
even if the node goes down it takes 2 minute to spin up a new node with the old staking cert

>> No.26436104

Nobody is moving to DOT, They just raise money in polkastarter because it's easy

>> No.26436197

Not accounting for bitcoin dominance and growth, This 125$ EOY could easily mean 1250$, Alt season alone mean x5 in sats without moving ranks at all.

>> No.26436336

Emin doesn't come there but sometimes Kevin and rarely Ted do, Ask any question and it'll probably be addressed.

>> No.26436420

You can do better at home with laptops and raspis for cheaper than ec2

>> No.26436570

my internet is unfortunately not reliable enough

>> No.26436623
File: 29 KB, 430x650, 1610495258098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking $5k limit on Voyager, I'll have 500 AVAX soon bros

>> No.26436688

godspeed bro

>> No.26437015

Solve that problem before you endevour on decentralized uncensorable magic interner money
For fucks sake talk to your ISP your gobment

>> No.26437075

I already have a good VPS for my node. Vultr doing good so far.

>> No.26437202
File: 26 KB, 630x518, toptenproviders24012021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and VPS isnt as centralized as you think

>> No.26437219

>he doesn't know

>> No.26437315

Polkadot is a centralized piece of shit, its also slower.
what else is there to know?

>> No.26437332
File: 100 KB, 813x793, gavinshatonagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26437519

There's over 100 projects building parachains as we speak

>> No.26437588

Half of the nodes in that graph cannot be trusted to be under control of their supposed owners but are 0wn3d by the host

AVAX centralized shitcoin

>> No.26437609

And its still centralized and slow, nobody will ever use any of that shit.

>> No.26437656

But they are under control of their owners.
Do you not know how a VPS or Avalanche Nodes work?

>> No.26437958

That's now how this works... If the projects move over to DOT (which they are) the users will follow. Doesn't matter how "good" AVAX is if no one develops on it

>> No.26438036

Do you know how hypervisors work? OpenVZ?

Not your hardware not your process.

AWS, digitalocean, hertz. They dont need to hack your node, they can already read the staking key from memory.
You are a guest in their house thats all.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to run validators on someone else computer thats like storing all your coins on mt gox.

>> No.26438089

unironic price predictions?

do i completely FOMO in?

>> No.26438117

>How fucking stupid do you have to be to run validators on someone else computer thats like storing all your coins on mt gox.

Are you the autistic EBIN LEET HAXOR guy? How many times have we been over this? Funds are SAFU on node, as wallet private key is not required.

>> No.26438159

>Doesn't matter how "good" AVAX is if no one develops on it
Avax supports the EVM, anything on Ethereum can be pasted over to Avalanche.
Hell you can even use the same Metamask account.

>they can already read the staking key from memory.
And there is literally nothing they can do with that.
Worst thing that can happen is it goes down, I dont notice and miss my rewards.
If I notice it takes me 5 minutes to start a backup of my node somewhere else.

But my Stake is NEVER at risk.
Feels Good Man

>> No.26438161

Avax can leverage what eth has built while dot has to build an eco system from the ground up.

There's also lots of things that are fit for avax but not dot, f.x. F500s/banks that want to use crypto tech. Pedodots finality is 60 seconds which is very slow esp since they are centralised dont even know how they managed to get that long of a finality.

>> No.26438164

See >>26433139

That doesn't even account for bull market though so very conservative.

>> No.26438294

prediction: it'll be the leading layer 1 for years to come

>> No.26438354

Check the docs son the staking key must be kept safe and secret
Its not safe if its not your computer

The staking key is crucial importance in avax consensus

And just like that fucking fanbois give the key to the network to a single entity like aws digitalocean
Muh decentralization loik ma how many nodes

>> No.26438405

>The staking key is crucial importance in avax consensus
Lol no, the Staking Cert is only there to identify your node.

>> No.26438469

30 avax stacklet here, should I even bother with delegating? I'm a poorfag until I finish my eng degree and start dca into crypto

>> No.26438509

have you looked at how centralised all the other coins are though? If that would be your biggest concern it's solid AF lol.

>> No.26438522

>sell shit you dont need
>borrow money from family
>start working some shitty jobs to accumulate
>sell your organs
Get creative dude.

Also yes you should absolutely delegate.

>> No.26438542

This has already been explained to him multiple times. But then he switches the argument from "someone could steal your funds" to "someone could vote maliciously on the protocol".

>> No.26438553

yes you should

>> No.26438581

>should I even bother with delegating?

Yes, you're missing out if you don't

Best time to start DCAing in is now, prices won't be this low forever.

Suicide stack generally considred to be 500.

>> No.26438623

Hes a salty algorand shill, seems like I have to shit on it a bit more with some Based memes and make his Bags a bit heavier.
People really think I‘m joking when I say I‘m gonna bully Gavin and other faggots like him into suicide.
I‘m not joking tho.

>> No.26438640

What is staking.key on your fucking node

>> No.26438713

What don't you fags understand about it being too late? It has already happened. These teams have already committed to it. If you don't understand this you've never worked with software

>> No.26438726
File: 72 KB, 802x799, PepeAVAXkillshitcoinsforgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26438737

It's exactly what he told you it is. A certificate that identifies you as the owner of the node ID. It has no control over funds.

>> No.26438755

I currently have 150 AVAX. I can only afford 100 AVAX / month at this rate, do you think I can make the suicide stack before EOY?

>> No.26438782

>he thinks the sub 30 devs on pedodot is the whole developer market

>> No.26438787

Lel man I got a ICO stack for 0.5
My tech skills are different from making money

My fav coin now is polkadot and solana actually not algorand

There is a fatal flaw in avax
Use that information as you like or just start getting angry at the messenger

>> No.26438811

>Technology always remains stagnent and people never move to newer technology stacks

Okay. No need to be salty bro, I'm sure there is plenty of market share to co-exist.

>> No.26438869

The node has a crt and key
Im tired of spoonfeeding you

>> No.26438874

>There is a fatal flaw in avax

Go use it then, steal everyone's funds and become a millionaire overnight.

But of course you won't, because you are an autistic larper.

>> No.26438932

>The node has a crt and key
Yes, and the key relates to ownership of the node ID - again it is not in control of any funds. What don't you understand about that? Or will you change your argument back to "voting on protocol" rather than "stealing funds"?

>> No.26438978

Fuck, how exactly do I do this? Do I use their official website to stake or is there a wallet that handles that. I'm new to crypto and I have never dealt with staking since it scares me that it will be locked for some time. Also what about dilution? I've seen that last time it didn't really affect price, would it be the same now?

>> No.26438982

and there is nothing anyone can do with that even if they gain full access to the node, you simply wont get my Staked AVAX or any control over the network you dumb nigger.

>> No.26438984

Look I'm just telling you how it is. You can either accept it or not I don't care. Half the projects are moving on to ETH L2. The other half of are moving to DOT. No one is moving to AVAX

Crypto doesn't need 10000k tx/s or w/e AVAX claims. It just needs to be marginally better than 15 tx/s in the short term. Both L2 and DOT do that. That's what matters. No projects think as far out as you think they do

>> No.26439037
File: 155 KB, 601x800, shitcoinremoval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

centralized and slow
centralized and slow
Decentralized and fast

Use that information as you like or just start getting angry at the messenger you nigger.

>> No.26439048

I wont because I like shitposting more than making an effort to prove internet people are wrong
Besides Ive got enough monies

>> No.26439070
File: 314 KB, 955x993, gavindead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about the tps you braindead shit
its about LATENCY

you DOT nigger, you are fucking done.

>> No.26439077

L2 is ages away, tbf i'm not too well versed with when stuff is ready on dot but for now it dosen't even work. Also why would one stay on eth with such long finality when you could use avax which will be as seamless as a L2?

also, dot taking half of the pie.. nice joke lol

>> No.26439081

>I say it is, so therefore it is

Big brain.

There are plenty of projects launching / moving to AVAX if you care to look.

It will be THE best platform for DEX's an DEFI.

>> No.26439121

L2 is centralized and only as fast as the underlying L1.
Its basically useless shit.

>> No.26439123

Sure sure. Pathetic desu.

>> No.26439202
File: 53 KB, 500x499, AVAX Eyehax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it lads, all of us

>> No.26439212

He says decentralized
Half of nodes run on cloud
Containing key used for consensus decisions

Absolutely hilarious

Ive been telling u guys for days now about a fatal protocol flaw

You cant sell bcs ur funds are staked
Better start being angry and put ur head in the sand like an ostrich
If you repeat avax is finr often enough maybe itll be true

>> No.26439240

Get help annon. Seriously, you are unwell.

>> No.26439245

Kek saved

>> No.26439291

>meanwhile his favorite projects are dot&solana

what a clown world

>> No.26439309

>see ETH L2

L2 is literally already here. I'm already using it. Have you even tried the Loopring app? It's buttery smooth. It's like the Coinbase of DeFi. Other projects are launching their L2s this month as well. And there are even L2 bridges being built launching next month

Cool story bro. Just you wait and see.

>hasn't used L2

>> No.26439317

it's sergay

>> No.26439347

>L2 bridges

So why wouldnt you just use the superior product called avax?

>> No.26439390

>Containing key used for consensus decisions
that key is not used for any consensus decisions. its just to identify the node.
there is nothing else you can do with that cert.

hes retarded and mentally challenged, dont worry AVAX will kill his portfolio in no time.

>see ETH L2
still centralized and still only as fast as the underlying Ethereum.
L2 is shit.

>> No.26439420

I made this into a collectible. Send me your x-addresses so I can send them to you guys

>> No.26439425

>that key is not used for any consensus decisions. its just to identify the node.
>there is nothing else you can do with that cert.

That's already been explained to him multiple times. I'm starting to think he is actually mentally ill desu.

>> No.26439483
File: 196 KB, 699x600, pedodotshed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldnt you also experience a mental Breakdown when Avalanche is about to kill all your shitcoins and turn your Poorfolio into pure unfiltered JUST?

>> No.26439498

eventually the "L2 bridge" will be to a subnetwork on avax

>> No.26439553

So hold up you're sayin
Wait wait youre sayin
A node can be impersonated by others on network just like that?
The node doesnt need to prove to other nodes it is who it says it is it can just yeah hey sure I am the fatest on the block and other nodes believe that?

Wait wait hold up
Say that again
Go on say it

>> No.26439615

You say these things when your head is too far up your ass to think clearly

>> No.26439649

...because like I said... there is nothing to use on it. No products.

Not true. L1 <> L2 is slow, but L2 <> L2 is fast and cheap. It doesn't matter if it's centralized because it's uses zero knowledge proofs

>> No.26439669


>> No.26439678

Coming from the person who claims he has found a fatal flaw in AVAX, but won't use it and make himself a multi-millionaire overnight, because he "has enough money".



>> No.26439724

man... your in for a wakeup call soon

>> No.26439766

>A node can be impersonated by others on network just like that?
nope, what are you going to do with my staking cert? run my node for me? Lmao idiot.
>It doesn't matter if it's centralized
it does tho

>> No.26439768

Also are you aware that pedodot dosent have a single dapp on chain right now?

>> No.26439786

Cry more over your locked funds

Avax consensus failure imminent
Avalanche consensus failure

Im too lazy to make effort
But others will now that the flaw is known

For googlability
Avalanche consensus failure node impersonation Sybil resistence weak

>> No.26439804

pls send rarest collectibles only. I already have dabman and brothers in arms: X-avax1kqlwslxsfav2qeffr8mkxrrpyye4th7hp5rn4x

>> No.26439827
File: 58 KB, 631x628, ruggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im too lazy to make effort
this is why you are poor and why your FUD sucks lmao.
low energy cuck.

>> No.26439832

Try not to rope when you see how right I am. Give it 6 months

>> No.26439843

Polkadot has best consensus algorithm
Avalanche weak consensus

Polkadot security big great security
Avalanche small weak security

>> No.26439868

If i was religious, i'd pray for you.

>> No.26439889

If this is only FUD it would be funny

It woudl nt cause so much anger and hate towards the messenger

>> No.26439923

>not even trying anymore
sounds like defeat to me

>> No.26439934

No... In this case it literally doesn't

Just you wait and see

>> No.26439939

If it wasn't FUD everyone's funds would be stolen by now.

I'll wait...

>> No.26439949


>> No.26439978

Can't we just all be friends
Competition between networks will fuel innovation of platforms
Which will increase crypto overall, thus increase all coins in value

>> No.26439981

For newfags: just DCA up to 500 and delegate for a year, emin's delicious kebabs will still be on the menu in 2022

>> No.26440009
File: 30 KB, 369x503, gün.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polkadot has best consensus algorithm
If that was true it wouldnt be a centralized piece of shit.
>Polkadot security big great security
top kek

its centralized and thus a weakpoint, there is a Reason Chainlink and Avalanche are very close together now...

>> No.26440012

I'm a whale you fucktard. Passing through and offering friendly advice. I don't give a fuck if you take it or not. By all means don't act on it I don't give a shit

>> No.26440021

I am convinced this guy holds mad XRP

>> No.26440047
File: 168 KB, 929x1175, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't we just all be friends
No we cant be friends, the centralized shitcoins need to die.

>> No.26440056

Go ahead. Explain to me why it matters that some things are centralized. Not everything needs to be decentralized

>> No.26440061

Thanks anonkun.

>> No.26440080

It is interesting that the only real fud on Avax is that it hasn't been widely adopted yes. Technologically it is just superior. In the long term I can't foresee Avax losing out to something like Polkadot, the technology is just better. Maybe for the immediate future.

>> No.26440090

the same reason why it would be retarded to use a centralized oracle for decentralized infrastructure.
if you still havent figured this out after 3 years you are a trenchbrain.

>> No.26440091

That's kind of the point of decentralized finance anon

>> No.26440114

>why it matters that some things are centralized
Because decentralised networks are trustless, which is a very important attribute of blockchains. If it's not trustless you may as well run it on a databse in the cloud.

>> No.26440125

Again why the fuck would I be a thief?
Youre just projecting what you would do if you could
But reason you cant because you have a thiefs mind and cant think on your own

Im not interested in stealin
Others arent as moral as me black hats exist too

Your funds arent safu on avax
End transmission

>> No.26440145
File: 632 KB, 1308x1332, 23222222e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically the only real FUD is "its too new" and even that isnt really FUD.
>"nooo I dont want to be early I want to be a laggard and buy the top and sell low aaaaah"

>> No.26440146

>he dosent understand the point of crypto

>> No.26440180

What good is a network that no one uses anon?

It can't still be trustless without every aspect being decentralized. Do you understand how zero knowledge proofs work? The base layer needs to be decentralized but not all the L2s

>> No.26440210

you would be surprised how many such retards are infesting this board now who have absolutely no clue.

>but not all the L2s
which is centralization and creates a single point of failure.

>> No.26440241

I only have 28 AVAX in this wallet because I'm a burger and the other 1.5k is on Goyager, but here goes:


>> No.26440266

> Decentralized finance
Lets see
Bitcoin cartel already has monopoly on hsshpower. A single pool even in 2014 already had more than 51% hashpower
Bitcoin immutable ledger got mutated and reversed in 2010

Ethereum DAO muh smart contracts muh
Reverts the immutable ledger

The entirr cryptospace is a bunch of scammers from bitcoin ethereum avalanche polkadot chainlink and all the usdt exchanges
Centralized scams entire space

>> No.26440309

It did just pump a lot tbf. I can see why people are worried about buying in. I still think it's a great longterm hodl. I bought some and will keep it for at least one year.

>> No.26440325


>> No.26440362
File: 14 KB, 304x406, abilify.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your fucking meds you absolute schizo

>> No.26440363
File: 19 KB, 204x302, w-what is this POWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giga based, thanks

>> No.26440390

Its impossible to make losses with Avalanche long term.
just learn about the project , stake/delegate and wait.

>> No.26440437

Please do the needful sir, I make many memes


>> No.26440446

You really don't understand how L2 works huh? Putting centralization aside for a moment since it really doesn't matter to normies anyway, L2 adoption is coming. The products work great. They're already here. AVAX is too late. End of story. There's too much momentum

>> No.26440473


>> No.26440487
File: 649 KB, 1500x1500, aea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It can't still be trustless without every aspect being decentralized

>> No.26440529

Too late
No security audit
Weak consensus

The first hack is gonna be spectacular
More than IOTA being down for 2 weeks
More popcorn will be consumed than during The DAO hack

>> No.26440538

Obviously I meant can* you tard

>> No.26440568

this sort of thinking is only valid for bitcoin itself. bitcoin can remain as the digital gold regardless of being technologically surpassed. that's how many works. for things that are closer to software/financial protocols? no. tech changes fast

>> No.26440576

>Putting centralization aside for a moment since it really doesn't matter to normies anyway
It isnt about Normies you retarded faggot.
Decentralization is the most important thing so the system can have maximum security.
>L2 adoption is coming
lol no
>AVAX is too late
It has perfect timing and everything on Ethereum works on Avalanche too.

>> No.26440606

that's what I was mocking idiot

>> No.26440653

Tech moves fast but developers don't. The developers are working on ETH and DOT. Literally no one I know is working on AVAX. Trying to convince management to use the latest and greatest network is a dying cause. The choices have already been made. Period

>> No.26440665

good shit


>> No.26440713

Here is the truth about adoption: institutions are dumb as fuck about blockchain technology and don't get it at all. Supposedly "smart money" was worried about the fake double spend FUD. Once these centralized shitcoins get hacked an important lesson will be learned. Polkadot is a Third Tier Toilet

>> No.26440745


>> No.26440783

>still doesn't understand L2
Bro go do some reading and see how wrong you are

>b-b-but no one's using L2
Loopring already has almost 100mil TVL and there are plenty of other projects launching this/next month to compete

That's the highest form of flattery. Thank you

>> No.26440784

Thing is, working on eth means ur working on Avax. Avax supports EVM.

>> No.26440808

Sure polkadot has grown, but still only a small portion of blockchain devs have moved away from Ethereum and towards Polkadot.
Considering that Avalanche has an Ethereum bridge it makes sense for Eth devs to slowly migrate towards Avalanche over the long term, as it provides some sense of familiarity. I hold both anyways so i'm not fazed,
i just don't see how they couldn't coexist with a relatively equal market share. I think you are thinking in absolutes too much anon but time will tell.

>> No.26440813

Took my meds
Avalanche still sucks
Now what

>> No.26440881

That's a common misconception and shows how little you know about software

You're wrong. They already have

>> No.26440929

Ehh, you'll see. Projects are moving over with 2 clicks.

>> No.26441012

solidity devs are only a very small part of all devs who could be building on other chains. eth is a cool chain for experimentation, but avax was built for real DeFi stuff, made specially for the financial world.

>> No.26441019

Then why don't you go and port all the successful ETH projects over right now? Should be really simple and you'll make billions. Take you 1 day tops.

Except... It's literally not that easy. Avalanche runs EVM but doesn't have the full set of capabilities. It's months out at best for even having atomic commitments.

>> No.26441074

Whatever you have to tell yourself bro. So far there's nothing backing that up

>> No.26441164

You still need 350. You should make it before EOY. Buy every dip.

>> No.26441199

>still doesnt understand decentralization
brainlet lmao

>> No.26441228

>Then why don't you go and port all the successful ETH projects over right now?
ETH Bridge and EVM isnt up yet but launches in the next 2 weeks.
>atomic commitments.
radix retard, is that you?

>> No.26441251

>radix retard, is that you?

>> No.26441299

wait till avax is seen as a better programmable store of value than eth, you will see more and more devs and projects.

>> No.26441300
File: 54 KB, 473x595, radixuntermenschbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radix untermenschen still trying to sell their Mainnet less ERC20 to the masses lmao.
how many more years will these retards fall for this long con?

>> No.26441351

This. Centralized protocols are inherently pump and dump from the get go.

>> No.26441428

>hurrr duuurrr still doesn't understand L2
We can play this game all day

Do you even hear yourself?

>> No.26441470

all I hear is some faggot who doesnt understand why decentralization is important.
you will learn the hard way soon.

>> No.26441488

Yes. AVAX might be a good investment in a few years as a hedge against DOT and ETH2 if they completely fall flat on their faces. Unlikely with the amount of capital and talent being pumped in but I hear you.

>> No.26441539

What if I told you that even AVAX is centralized? The majority of all nodes are running with GCP and AWS. Sit down. You don't understand the game of whales.

>> No.26441627
File: 58 KB, 640x675, avax2wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no talent in DOT, Gavin Wood is a mentally ill Pedophile.
>or ETH2.0
Vitalik already gave up and just plays on time til Avalanche is ready so it can solve all his headaches. dont believe me look up his todo list lmao.

>The majority of all nodes are running with GCP and AWS
they arent tho
see >>26437202
>You don't understand the game of whales.
you arent a whale, you are some poor homo who hasnt figured out the basic stuff (and who missed chainlink) and thinks hes some big shot.
you nigger, I will make you sit down and you will never get up again.

>> No.26441635

>how many more years.
Not years, only a few months, mainnet will be out.

>> No.26441680

akash network will decentralize the cloud soon enough

that is a good buy as well btw. top 100 project with tons of developers working on/with it. very undervalued

>> No.26441737

it already was delayed once because the radixs losers couldnt figure out how to build a consensus lmao.
they just copied hotstuff and couldnt even get that to work. pathetic.

>mainnet will be out
a centralized piece of shit with 100 nodes is what you will get.
nothing more.

>> No.26441758

Stop talking about all those other trash coins. They want to take attention away from the one true king called Avax. Even mentioning others is just a waste of time. Time that could be spent on Avax.

>> No.26441903

Anon, don't forget to include his bracelet in the memes. You know the one that the girl in his "story" gave him for fucking her, and then he was spotted with the same bracelets in photos afterwards.

>> No.26442035
File: 414 KB, 574x895, 8bdWlu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go.

>> No.26442181
File: 115 KB, 955x993, 1611450756384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Thanks underage aids girl.

>> No.26442204

You're a clown. These shill memes can't hide your beta personality. Hate to break it to you but I've made more from crypto then you could even imagine AND I work in the industry just for fun

>> No.26442208
File: 113 KB, 1114x775, eminsniper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they cant measure up with AVAX anyway, its pathetic how they try to sell their centralized garbage here.
eventually AVAX will kill them all lmao.

I totally forgot about that
good idea

>> No.26442210

I unironically fomo'd 5 btc into this. Gonna stake for a year

>> No.26442411
File: 32 KB, 533x366, eminhatesniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AND I work in the industry just for fun
soon you will work for survival again because Avalanche will kill your shitcoin poorfolio and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.26442636

This thread made me buy 5 more AVAX. 50% of my meager budget until payday

>> No.26442663

>imagine being this insecure
Little boy, I could lose 99% of my net worth and still have more money than you'll have in your entire lifetime

>> No.26442826

>It has perfect timing and everything on Ethereum works on Avalanche too.
Where can I find some technical details on the eth bridge? Also ETA?

>> No.26442837

Is being rich cool now?

>> No.26442999

The bridge is scheduled for this month, announcements soon.

>> No.26443126

Any news on pangolin?

>> No.26443179

nop, still after bridge

>> No.26443197

k thanks anon

>> No.26443780
File: 67 KB, 722x706, PolkadotLosercantkeepupwithPepeusingAvalanche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately money cant buy brain larp faggot
ETA is two weeks according to Emin

>technical details on the eth bridge?

>> No.26443822

This doesnt account for people dumping the coin. As soon as the coins are unlocked the coin supply will increase by about 40%, on top of that investors will dump their coins.

>> No.26444250

I accounted for dilution, which is all that matters if you are staked fir the long term and not looking for an entry point. As long as market cap rises (which it will in my opinion) 1 AVAX is highly unlikely not to gain value. That's all I was saying. You can try time it if you want, but the dip may not be as pronounced as you think.

>> No.26445101

Most AVAX will be staked to run nodes or delegated to nodes

>> No.26445366

How the fuck do I delegate?

>> No.26445410

through the wallet

>> No.26445638


you can tell
because he types with faggot spacing
for his faggot sentences

>> No.26445702

Oh yeah and the first two public sales vesting periods won't have ended yet, so people who chose anything except the $0.85 option physically can't dump

>> No.26445766

The only AVAX fud that I haven't conquered is "DOT has more projects and devs on boards already it's ogre". Is this legit?

>> No.26445892

technically AVAX has more projects and devs because anyone that develops for Ethereum can do it on Avalanche as it supports the entire EVM.

>> No.26446004

Question: who should I be delegating to? one of the higher pop ones or one with lower fees? which ones are you guys using

>> No.26446030

you're too far gone

>> No.26446130

>I am smart
Not a larp. I hang out on /biz/ because I like to see how close (and how very far) some of you are. Look. I said my piece. I want AVAX to succeed. It's a cool experiment beyond blockchain. You're just wrong when it comes to teams actually considering building on it.

I can say that with over 120 teams that I work with not a single one is considering avalanche.

>This means zero

>> No.26446191

look here:

>decide how long you want to stake and look for a node that has that much time still to go (delegate 2 weeks minimum but better not more than 2 months (12 months is max.))
>look for one with good uptime and one that has low fees (2%) and good yield

thats it

>> No.26446239

>doesnt understand what the EVM is
lmao brainlet
>It's a cool experiment
its a finished product not an experiment.
in 2018 it was an experiment but you are so slow and so braindead retarded you cant even keep up.

>> No.26446396

>haha I don't know what I'm talking about
Now you're just getting desperate. Did you take a loan out on your house or something? You're shilling this way too hard to not be completely over leveraged

>> No.26446480

Avax chain is x3 more active than DOT, Nobody is building on that trash chain, Polkadot is just massive funding EOS tier garbage that pump their own ecosystem with their funds and meme 300K hardcap shitcoins icos. It's overhyped mess.

>> No.26446524

I’m holding 200 AVAX and I’m in literal poverty. Someone give me some hopium.

>> No.26446535

>28 posts by this ID
larp and bait

>> No.26446599

>I can say that with over 120 teams that I work with not a single one is considering avalanche.
Unless you are Naval or something I find that very hard to believe

>> No.26446640

Get yourself out of poverty before you worry about magic internet gambling

>> No.26446711

Thanks man very helpful

>> No.26447322
File: 334 KB, 955x993, gavindead2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your only "fud" is
>'gigabrain computer scientists from IC3 will fuck up the code'
get real bro, these guys dont fuck up and you must be able to see it You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fudding. Why, Anon? Why? Why do you persist?

Start delegating to nodes.
Keep Accumulating and DCA until you get 500. sell shit you dont need, eat less, beg family for money, steal, sell drugs, sell your organs etc.
grab as much as you can before the CEX and Institution fomo sets in. this is not financial advice.

>> No.26447329

AVAX is the worst performing coin in my portfolio. It is even in one of the worst performing coins ins TOP 100 on CMC for the last 7 days!
Also - I am in red with Avax.