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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 300x181, Sia_Decentralized_Storage_logo.svg_-300x181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2645417 No.2645417 [Reply] [Original]

This thing gives you 1 TB of a cloud space for 2 bucks a month. How is it not the next Ripple yet?

>> No.2645498

The only reason I see is that whales wanna accumulate the shit out of it.

>> No.2645619

Have you tried actually using it? It's a mess... Maybe in 6 months we can consider it a good investment.

Currently sitting on 5k and crying myself to sleep at night

>> No.2645627

Downloading the entire blockchain or whatever it uses takes soooo freaking long. It would've taken me a week or two with my current crappy connection

>> No.2645660

sitting on 100k of these
should I buy more?

>> No.2645672

Ya, I am currently hosting 8tb, making about 350 sia a month.
The interface could be a little better, but they will work out the kinks
This coin is actually the future!

>> No.2645676

It's a pure gamble at this point but in general now is a good time to buy if you believe the product can work.

>> No.2645684

High inflation
Asics which will make it worse
a bajillion coins in existence
No big news on the pipeline

Moon potential very low for this coin.

>> No.2645686


i believe in the product and dev team
im not really sure I believe that these memecoins will raise in price though

>> No.2645697

you can earn them for free somehow?

>> No.2645714

I'm holding 300k. It won't make me rich in the next few months but I'm okay with holding for 2-3 years. The product makes actually sense, it's NOT a blockchain solution that is waiting for a problem.

>High inflation

>> No.2645727


yeah Im into this for the longterm
bought sia as a set-and-forget type of deal

I could sit on these memes fora cpl of years, no worries

>> No.2645731

I don't understand the promise of this investment. Moore's law will inherently lower its value over time, and if it's not user friendly it'll get beat out by AWS every time

>> No.2645742

Go here http://sia.tech/
Download the wallet/interface
Host your extra space. About 40sia per tb a month

>> No.2645754

The product makes total sense, But i'm sure that sia will be able to capitalize on that.
They have some pretty serious competition already...

>> No.2645756

Moore's law is already pretty much defunct because transistors can't be desized anymore without becoming subject to quantum interference.
Until quantum computing becomes mainstream, it's irrelevant. Also, hard drives use magnetised material, not transistors, so it doesn't apply anyway.

>> No.2645758

I don't have 2000 sia to do it :(
and I'm all into byteball now.

>> No.2645765
File: 14 KB, 1231x377, sia costs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, currently it is sooo much cheaper than competitors. The devs believe in moores law and that storage should be free. Plus with competition for hosting fees, eventually sia will be free or very close to it.

>> No.2645767

*Not sure

Fucking phone

>> No.2645774

jesus guys what is it with all this tech gobledeegook

just tell me when I can expect my lambo already

>> No.2645786


Money flows to the cheapest effective solution to a problem.

>> No.2645792

I bet you buy coins based on what /biz/ shills the most

How is BNT working out for ya

Neat, thanks

>> No.2645793

Its only like 30 bucks... and you dont lose it... you just use it as collateral

>> No.2645808

And if you will turn your computer off or will break the hdd, how will they get someone else's shit back? What's the tech behind this?

>> No.2645817


>not just choosing coins based on fanciness of logo and memes

lmao get a load of this nerd

>> No.2645827

Do some simple research.
I put up $30 bucks, they put up $2, If I break the contract, I lose my $30, If I keep it, I get the $32.
The data is stored in tons of locations so it is never off line.

>> No.2646003

>moon potential very low for this coin
>when we've already moon'd at +400 marketcap

Speak for yourself.

>> No.2646058

BNT is up as long as you weren't a retard and bought it 10x the ICO price as soon as it hit the market

>> No.2646059

yeah I'm not saying it's expensive, but it's all really tied up in Byteball, because they give you 20% free a month.
Also no fiat or a way to put the fiat into BTC currently.

>> No.2646373


Where do you people keep your SIA? in the exchange? I only have 14K but don't want to lose it in some hacker's attack or something.

>> No.2646419

>They have some pretty serious competition already...

Like what ? I mean on the tech, I don't speak about google drive or dropbox.

>> No.2646466


>> No.2646465

I have 1+ mil at polo, no intention of moving it right now, wish me luck :)

>> No.2646475

Polo replaces lost stuff anyway

>> No.2646479

siacoin is not an investment.
siacoin is not an investment.
siacoin is not an investment.
siacoin is not an investment.
siacoin is not an investment.

it has a legitimate use case and needs to be kept CHEAP to be utilized, it's market cap and present price are healthy and I don't foresee it ever cracking the top 10 due to the nature of the coin. it's a FANTSTIC coin, don't get me wrong, but it is not a good coin for 90% of our purposes.

>> No.2646480

Sia wallet

>> No.2646488

Because if i want to download cp im not going to use siacoin

>> No.2646528

who the fuck cant afford $50 to buy their own hard drive?
who the fuck will buy a $50 hard drive just to earn $2 a month from Sia?
Sia is a 500m coin max, stop dreaming

>> No.2646571

I see sia @ 1000-2000 sats at the end of the year.

>> No.2646603

3,50$ per month wow

>> No.2647110

its CLOUD storage moron

>> No.2647230

Moores law already btfo idiot. If you dont know shit about theoretical comp sci stfu

>> No.2647352


>Former Federal Reserve Economist on board


>> No.2647439
File: 468 KB, 1401x649, sia roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2647449


>> No.2647482

You know sia is a great investment because biz hates it / doesn't understand it.

>> No.2647486

According to the main sia dev, Storj isn't a main competitor anymore because they've decided to become centralized.

>> No.2647493


>> No.2647496

The cost in sia goes down as the value of the coin increases, you dumbass.

>> No.2647511

He said it on the sia slack. The history is gone so you'll have to take my word for it.
But yeah, storj isn't a competitor anymore and I'm not worried at all. The real competitors are Amazon, Google and Dropbox.

>> No.2647524

If the coin doubles in value, I will just charge 20 sia for my storage instead of 40.

>> No.2647592

Will this coin be at least 0.50 euro per coin at the end of 2018 or earlier?

>> No.2647619

Unless you're asking for source that storj has decided to be centralized.
Watch the storj ceo (no longer a ceo) and sia main dev talk about their coin


Both don't really talk that much but the storj guy doesn't know what he's talking about and only does apologetic talking about centralization being easy.

>> No.2647621

Maybe if they partner with Google, Dropbox, or Amazon... But that isn't very likely. Maybe .10

>> No.2647664

Can you mine Burst on this cloud storage? That would be very profitable.

>> No.2647682

Sia should really think about allowing people to upload files without encryption. I don't want to encrypt 1 TB of my tv series because it doesn't make any sence and would take forever on my computer.

>> No.2647684

Because the coin serves little purpose as a currency. Great company, fantastic concept, shitty coin.

>> No.2647725

Sia will never partner with anyone. Either they join the sia network or they will remain competitors.
Sia does not want to rely on anyone.

>> No.2647810

perverts are going to store their illegal images on your computer, that's what's going to happen. there's nothing you're going to be able to do about it either. you won't even know it's on there. the Lord will know though, and he'll judge you accordingly. walk the righteous path, or use sia: the choice is yours.

>> No.2647822

That's why I said there is almost zero chance of it going that high.

>> No.2647854

I'm selling my huge stash at 0.20 USD

>> No.2647955

It doesn't matter. All CP is encrypted so no one can tell if there is anything illegal, nor can anyone do anything to prevent it.
It's like someone putting CP on Dropbox. Nothing can be done unless you share it with someone and you're found out.

>> No.2648034

you'll say that while you're burning in Hell, i'm sure.

>> No.2648062

It breaks them down like a torrent system before uploading them to your pc
nobody has the complete CP image you're not responsible for what people upload on your fucking server.

>> No.2648086


Its not necessarily *impossible* that someone might have all the blocks/blobs for a given file - unless their algorithm explicitly prevents this. Its highly unlikely in any case, however.

Supposing it is possible, however, I wonder whether there's any case law on such things.

>> No.2648094

don't you swear at me, sinner. the parts constitute the whole. accept responsibility for your actions.

>> No.2648194

Fuck off, no point given

>> No.2648264

Not an argument.

>> No.2648373


Who would even host their hard drive? Yeah a 4TB HDD you can get for like $120.. so you earn 40 SC for each TB of HDD per month... 160 SC which is what? $1.60? That doesn't even pay for electricity costs.

Then you might have Comcast or your ISP give you shit because you are uploading/downloading terabytes of data each month.

Totally not worth it.

From the buyer side, you need to open the app and top off your SC balance each month, if you dont it automatically gets deleted. No wiggle room?

>> No.2648404

>pay for cloud sorage
>need actual storage to use it

well this seems silly

>> No.2648441

>Who would even host their hard drive? Yeah a 4TB HDD you can get for like $120.. so you earn 40 SC for each TB of HDD per month... 160 SC which is what? $1.60? That doesn't even pay for electricity costs.

The storage cost isn't fixed. Hosts can set it to whatever they feel is reasonable. If the average price is $2/TB it means that hosts can make a profit at that price.

>From the buyer side, you need to open the app and top off your SC balance each month, if you dont it automatically gets deleted. No wiggle room?
#1 mistake people make with Sia is thinking that it's a consumer product. It isn't, it's a backend service. Of course normies aren't going to pay for storage in cryptobux -- but a big enterprise company might, if the price is attractive enough.

>> No.2648539

I am hosting on 8tb of leftover pled space. Computer already on, unlimited bandwidth.
It is perfect for me

>> No.2648586

No, it is impossible. The network algorithm explicitly prevents this. You would need to control more than 51% of all the storage on the network to accomplish that, and even then, with the proof of burning to confirm you're really here to give storage, it would cost too much to get those files.

Everything was worked out.

>> No.2648646

>month... 160 SC which is what? $1.60? That doesn't even pay for electricity costs.
SSD consume almost no electricity, also it's more meant to run in the background when you are normally using your computer if I understood right. I don't see how it can't be profitable, even if you make 5 dollars a year it's still alright, the biggest problem would be writing cycles that would wear out the cells but hopefully progress in memory will fix that.
It's weirdly ecologic in fact.

>Then you might have Comcast or your ISP give you shit because you are uploading/downloading terabytes of data each month.
In Jewrica maybe but in Europe there is no bandwith limit in a lot of countries

>From the buyer side, you need to open the app and top off your SC balance each month, if you dont it automatically gets deleted. No wiggle room?
Literally not an argument.

>> No.2648715


You need at least 95% uptime to seed, so your computer needs to be on pretty much all the time. The ROI just isn't there.

Also, who the hell would use a SSD for SC?

If SC increases in price, but the $2/TB still stays about the same then things might turn around, but until then I just don't see the value in hosting.

>> No.2648878

Nice, good to know. I'm not an expert on CAS or DHTs or anything. I should look to see if they have a white paper.

>> No.2649944

First of all you won't host the entire file. It will be encrypted and scattered everywhere.

>> No.2650157

There are people out there who leave there computer on 24/7 (me).
I also am trying to accumulate coins cheap. So this works out, because the price of SIA will rise my coins will be more valuable.

I mean what if you were paid 10 BTC to host this crap 5 years ago, its only $2 but in todays money it is like $30000.

>> No.2651033

>amazon wants $22 for 1tb
>sia wants <$1
>amazon will tattle on me if i do something illegal
>sia encrypts my shit and distributes it for redundancy

hmmm i bet this will never go anywhere and no one will ever use it

>> No.2651627

really makes u think

>> No.2651642

I really wish sia was shilled more. They deserve it

>> No.2651745

Then you should just use the money you are spending on bandwith, computer degradation and electricity to buy coins.