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26635726 No.26635726 [Reply] [Original]

51,500,000 Float times 138% means short sellers need to come up with 71,070,000 shares @ $200 USD ea for a total amt owed of $14.2Bil?

>> No.26635874

I think only 69 million shares exist, so if it stays over 200 its not happening

>> No.26635930

>money that's temporarily double-counted in the banking system due registration lag, according to investopedia
That's not how you're using it.

>> No.26635946

How do they buy more than 100% of shares in existence? I don't get it.

>> No.26635947

>@ 200 ea
uh, no. i'm not selling under 10,000

>> No.26636109

so they had zero contingency plan? apparently only invest what you can afford to lose is foreign to them

>> No.26636129

When they short, they borrow stocks and sell them, with the intent to buy later when the price is reduced. So some of the stocks they have sold to short before have been bought again by them to short a second time, which is how it is over 100% of the available shares.

>> No.26636226

Borrow from A, Sell to B
Borrow from B, Sell to C
risky to say the least

>> No.26636259

How the fuck is this shit legal? My parents whole retirement is at risk because of this shit. Fuck the government.

>> No.26636268
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>so they had zero contingency plan?
The authorities are monitoring reddit.
If any white nationalists try and manipulate the market they will be dealt with.

>> No.26636374

Well people aren't supposed to do it because it is fucking retarded, I guess the people that were shorting were expecting to bankrupt gme and not have gamers rise up against them to royally fuck them in the ass.

>> No.26636409

It’s not legal lol. But good luck ever seeing Wall Street hedge funds prosecuted. They do it with impunity and now they are getting burned and going on tv and crying. Fuck them. Fuck them all

>> No.26636483

>51,500,000 Float
where did you get these numbers

>> No.26636522

This is vigilante work, and the paradign has shifted

>> No.26636592

so if that's true and we don't sell under $1000, have we bankrupted whoever is going to bail them out? in the tens of billions of $?

>> No.26636674
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Things will go back to normal.
Secure some profit and leave this to the big dogs.

>> No.26636694

stock profile. I just looked at another source and it said 47mm float so not sure which is more accurate

>> No.26636696

Since they obviously cant come up with that what doe sit mean for the price?

>> No.26636759

brokers may have to buy the shares to close out the shorts, maximum pain

>> No.26636771

take it from the police pensions

>> No.26636773
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I don't know but I'm buying some tomorrow just to contribute to the shit show, I don't even care about the money

>> No.26636788

It’s legal so brokers and banks make money and besides we wouldn’t be having this if it was illegal.

>> No.26636813

unironic economic terrorism

>> No.26636835

what the bankruptcy costs reaches $500+ billion Mr. FBI man? surely you can't print your way out of everything...right?

>> No.26636840
File: 60 KB, 770x744, 53131ed90c38e6e89939d1d43ed3b8fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 billion dollahs!

>> No.26636890

This is why we're attacking them.
The message.

>> No.26636952

somethings fucking fishy here. link? screenshot? I don't think TD's numbers are accurate.

>> No.26636964

Why not finish by borrowing from C selling to A and running away with the shekels?

>> No.26637069

But won’t this just roll down the hill onto people who aren’t even slightly related to this short squeeze? My parents have to retire early because my dad got injured and now they might be fucked. Should I tell them to pull all their money tomorrow and put it in BTC??

>> No.26637067

brainlet here. how do I into trading? I have money in savings and 401k, would prefer to use 401k.

>> No.26637156

51,500,000 Fwoat times 138% means showt sewews need to come up with 71,070,000 shawes @ $200 USD ea fow a totaw amt owed of $14.2Biw?

I think onwy 69 miwion shawes exist, so if it stays ovew 200 its not happening
so they had zewo contingency pwan? appawentwy onwy invest what you can affowd to wose is foweign to them

>money that's tempowawiwy doubwe-counted in the banking system due wegistwation wag, accowding to investopedia
That's not how you'we using it.

How do they buy mowe than 100% of shawes in existence? I don't get it.
When they showt, they bowow stocks and sew them, with the intent to buy watew when the pwice is weduced. So some of the stocks they have sowd to showt befowe have been bought again by them to showt a second time, which is how it is ovew 100% of the avaiwabwe shawes.
How the fuck is this shit wegaw? My pawents whowe wetiwement is at wisk because of this shit. Fuck the govewnment.
uh, no. i'm not sewing undew 10,000
Bowow fwom A, Sew to B
Bowow fwom B, Sew to C
wisky to say the weast
>so they had zewo contingency pwan?
The authowities awe monitowing weddit.
If any white nationawists twy and manipuwate the mawket they wiw be deawt with.

Wew peopwe awen't supposed to do it because it is fucking wetawded, I guess the peopwe that wewe showting wewe expecting to bankwupt gme and not have gamews wise up against them to woyawy fuck them in the ass.
It’s not wegaw wow. But good wuck evew seeing Waw Stweet hedge funds pwosecuted. They do it with impunity and now they awe getting buwned and going on tv and cwying. Fuck them. Fuck them aw
>51,500,000 Fwoat
whewe did you get these numbews

This is vigiwante wowk, and the pawadign has shifted

>> No.26637169


>> No.26637187

You mean LINK?

>> No.26637191

nothing will happen to your retarded parents retard.

>> No.26637216

First trade ever I put in $1,000 at $140 and sold at $212. It was fun.

>> No.26637220
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>what the bankruptcy costs reaches $500+ billion
This won't happen, in 1942 after the holocaust my grandpap told me never again.
I took my oath and will see it through the alt-right doesn't succeed by any means necessary.

The truth is these kids don't know who they're dealing with, and I suggest they exit their position before it gets ugly.

>> No.26637247
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69.75 Million outstanding shares.

>> No.26637272

ok some guy (whos entire company is about short companies) says its 140%

>> No.26637281

>I don't have 14 billion dollahs!
>I lost my shoe I got these pills!

>> No.26637282

well done

>> No.26637290

Is it worth it to buy 1 share then hold till friday? will i even profit?

>> No.26637294

Put options

>> No.26637324

thank you

>> No.26637336


>> No.26637341

the most you can lose is $200.

>> No.26637347

Sure they can. And it's bullish for BTC

>> No.26637350

Holocaust never happened, but there is still time to make it real.

>> No.26637410

Fuck you shithead no one knows hoe massive the implications are going to be from this happening. I agree with the sentiment of fucking over Wall Street but I’m already completely in crypto. They’re just going to get bailed out AGAIN.

>> No.26637454

Thanks for the analysis

>> No.26637503

>well, how many of your 71 million shares owed can you pay today?
>uhh, 3 dollars?

>> No.26637611


>> No.26637662

Monitor my crotch. Wait, thats gay, i take it back.

>> No.26637727

thank you
im sorry

Howocaust nevew happened, but thewe is stiw time to make it weaw.
Fuck you shithead no one knows hoe massive the impwications awe going to be fwom this happening. I agwee with the sentiment of fucking ovew Waw Stweet but I’m aweady compwetewy in cwypto. They’we just going to get baiwed out AGAIN.
Thanks fow the anawysis

>wew, how many of youw 71 miwion shawes owed can you pay today?
>uhh, 3 dowaws?


Monitow my cwotch. Wait, thats gay, i take it back.

>> No.26637749

Where's this 138% figure coming from? Where can I see the current % shorted shares?

>> No.26637818
File: 44 KB, 975x481, overextended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Morning Star
Yes, they're way over extended. Hedge fund managers screwed up big.

>> No.26637820

>138% short
t-this isn't real is it? how can you sit there and think, "this is a good idea"

>> No.26637885


Now this is shitposting

>> No.26637906

>how can you sit there and think, "this is a good idea"
When you've done it a hundred times before, crashed a company to the ground and profited greatly from it.

>> No.26637907

I don't see what's wrong with it. You're borrowing the same share twice from different people.

>> No.26638065

Literally one hedge fund is getting basically hostile take over.

>> No.26638107

>wew lad
fine fucking stuff, this.

>> No.26638212


FINRA shawes vowume aggwegated execution data of daiwy showts hewe. The wist is wathew exhaustive, but atop thewe is a tabwe-stywed headew to wefewence anon
Hewe's a consowidated wist of secuwities hewd on muwitpwe exchanges, GME shouwd be thewe.


Pwease note that FINRA has expwicitwy wemawked on the excwusion of naked showt data in theiw wepowts.

>> No.26638311

>borrow lawnmower from neighbor A to sell to neighbor B
>borrow it from neighbor B and try to sell it back to neighbor A

Could you think of a reason neighbor A wouldn't want to buy his own lawnmower back?

>> No.26638394

I wish I knew what to do with this data

>> No.26638454

Twy the othew winks, they awe mowe compwete anyway. Though those may awso excwude naked showts sawes.

>> No.26638458

Why would A pay for something he already owns and is lending out?

>> No.26638794

LOL wow that's even worse than 138

>> No.26638799

this is all very fishy - gamestop brought in the guy from chewy around the same time melvin capital bought a bunch of chewy shares, cohen buys 9 million gamestop shares ~$15 this will never get investigate properly but i guarantee you the retards on reddit will take the blame for what was probably a planned demolition/robbery by the fund managers. especially suspicious when they doubled down and took another 3 billion on

>> No.26638850

Wait... if you calculate it that's just 102% short out of total shares. But on the other hand that data was from Dec 31 2020

>> No.26638987

They doubled down. They got burned, received 2bn in bail out, and shorted even more.

>> No.26639234

Not the proper use of the word ‘terrorism.’

>> No.26639453
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checked, psyop confirmed

>> No.26639592


You can attwiubte 100+ pewcent vawues to naked showts, not unpopuwaw with mawket manipuwation. He may sew showt without fiwst bowowing the shawes, this cweates an infinite possibiwity of showt shawes as he can pwomise to sew shawes that he does not yet have. He is obwiged to dewivew on his pwomise ow he couwd get into big twoubwe. It is an extwemewy wisky and sometimes nefawious exewcise, and it sometimes damages mawkets.

This is a good wead if youw intewest is piqued. It's not 100% on topic, but it's thewe.


>> No.26639702

You do know that the vast majority of the people involved are from and currenty on reddit right? We are not the ones calling the shots. Just a coincidence that both parties hate the same people this time.

>> No.26639815

so they sold to themselves and then sold it again?
doesnt that mean they already bought once?

>> No.26639882

thank yew anon, it's pawst my bwedtime but I'll wead it fiwst thing tomorrow

>> No.26640038


>> No.26640124


>> No.26640292


>> No.26640365

Thank you

>> No.26640507

It’s all IOUs. They just have to buy all them , pay the shares back , then buy more once they circulate again , wait and buy them again , that’s what’s causing this whole thing , they cannot all close positions without sending this think to like 50k / share. Big dick hedge funds are trying to borrow money to wait it out until it cools down but they’re also increasing risk. It’s a dilemma and there will be laws preventing this amount of shorts in future

>> No.26640574

This is a good way to stay poor.

API3 solves this.

>> No.26640627

At this rate they will soon enough money to reissue the Battletoads!

>> No.26640688

If you see Andrew Left video you will see that this is indeed terrorism

>> No.26640690
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>> No.26641072

The people at the top are so far removed form reality, an epic crash to the ground was inevitable