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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26717074 No.26717074 [Reply] [Original]

You fools! Can't you see! You are making billionaires richer! Its time to end this foolishness!

>> No.26717199

If that was true why are you being paid to post here?

>> No.26717198

lets see them make that "wealth" liquid

>> No.26717236

Lol these FUD articles are so fucking desperate now. The house of cards is about to collapse and they are scared shitless! LMAO

>> No.26717278

Always do the opposite of what jews say. That article is bait so you sell early.

>> No.26717466
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I'm rich in karma

>> No.26717471

Bloomberg more like (((noseberg)))

>> No.26717512

>Believing the Mini Mike Magazine

>> No.26717627

Why do they think we are that dumb? They are so obviously trying to play into our 'fuck the rich' attitudes to get us to do what they want.

>> No.26717632


>> No.26717641

>2cents have been deposited into your shareblue accnt

>> No.26717761


>> No.26717765
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If thats true then why are they complaining?

>> No.26717802


>> No.26717806

I’ll take a tootsie roll over a fucking hedge fund any day

>> No.26717810
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>> No.26717878


>> No.26717945

> yfw r*ddit fucks over hedges that they have to freeze trading GME and AMC

>> No.26718011

The best part about this image, that's obviously trying to fuck with you
Is that it's from around the 80s (judging by the grain)

They literally took some generic stock video of some rich people just to fuck with you, making you think you're supporting them

You aren't
That's why they're spending money to attack you

>> No.26718033

lol the desperation is showing

>> No.26718040

covid was doing that already anyways

>> No.26718137

The media is spinning this as bad when we stopped shitty shorters from destroying companies

>> No.26718161

always the way.. with literally everything

>> No.26718195

They aren't wrong. I mean, Melvin Capital will get fucked but other jews will short on these new ultra high price stocks. One month from now no one will remember this shit.

>> No.26718270

They are scared lmfao

>> No.26718285

Lol more shills more holding

>> No.26718366

the media hates this more than they hate trump... pretty based if you ask me.. fuck em, buy more.

>> No.26718424

Of course fucking BLOOMBERG would be writing this lmao.

>> No.26718720

Okay...but how does that take away from the fact that a bunch of autists hoodwinked a bunch of greedy kikes?

>> No.26718807

I'm just saying jews as a whole never lose.

>> No.26719365
File: 473 KB, 1292x2342, 1599884749719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold the line, fellow /r/donald magapedes, we're sticking it to the man!!!! we finally defeated the jews!!!