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File: 140 KB, 1080x1477, 20210128_231454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26956014 No.26956014 [Reply] [Original]

Can 4chan and reddit meme doge to 5 dollars or more?

why stop at 1 if were trying to prove the free market is retarded?

it only works if were all on the same page though

we all wanna make easy money even if it means talking to people on street bets or wall street reddit right?

>> No.26956126

pump the doge, red rocket to the moon

>> No.26956335

4chan and Reddit

Seriously ?
Fucking hell...

>> No.26956425

If it hits $1 it will be the biggest cryptocurrency in the world. There are literally unlimited coins you fucking retard

>> No.26956485

>Can 4chan and reddit meme doge to 5 dollars or more?
Learn what volume is, you fucking retard

>> No.26956561

I don't think you realize how much money would need to be dumped into doge to hit $5, or even $1

>> No.26956699

this is such an obvious pump and dump with no long-term fundamentals that it's not even funny

nobody is going to take a cryptocurrency called fucking "dogecoin" seriously

>> No.26956723

pump and dump

>> No.26957023

There is a coin on Bittrex with a coin supply of 78 Million. It is sitting at $2 million Market Cap.
Biz pumped it to $0.50 in Jan of 2018 when Bitcoin was crashing and memeing it all the way. Bitcoin is crashing!! OK

It has $11k Volume today.. WE could literally pump that to $10. 1000 coins would cost you $3000 right now. At $10, you are a millionaire.

DOGE is sitting at 9 billion right now and we are getting people to fomo in ? You know how many bagholders there are gonna be ?

Let's get Reddit to pump OUR coin instead of following them. I fucking hate redditors.

>> No.26957040

>were trying to prove the free market is retarded
Ahem, we're trying to prove there ISN'T a free market and never has been.

>> No.26957042

I've made more on this in a few hours than GME at its peak

>> No.26957175

>The marketcap
Holy fuck all those newfags tonight

>> No.26957193

it feels good to burry the hatchet after all these years man
dont hold on to all that anger
reddit did something based and its pretty gay not to acknowledge that because of some stupid meme feud
they might be faggots but we're in this together at this point

>> No.26957247
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Pump to 0.20 then I'm dumping on you boomer reddit tourists

>> No.26957269

at what point would you exit? .10? .15?

>> No.26957303
File: 9 KB, 200x220, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is our time. This is when we get to matter. This is when the memes become reality, when the dreams become true. This isn't just for the incel that bought at .04, or the shut in that bought at .0001, this is for all of us. One doge equals one fuck you to everyone who called you a loser, an incel, a faggot, for anyone who said you will never be a woman, to every cop who called you a nigger, for every time you got called spic mix, or dune coon. This is for everyone, this is the one thing that unites everyone against the kykes, the ultimate dividers. The great deceiver, the true satan. We are in charge now.

>> No.26957337

Im from reddit

>> No.26957341

Fuck that. Reddit is global homo, SJW, the Donald. Fuck them

>> No.26957345

Zoomers are

>> No.26957461
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>> No.26957486

Just like in ETH

>> No.26957539

together we're all a mighty faggot.
individually we are but twigs.

>> No.26957627

Reddit is fucking cancer. The only reason WSB succeeded is because most of their users came from here/wanted to emulate /biz/.
Their little blurb literally states that the sub is like 4chan.

>> No.26957667
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>> No.26957693

You cucks sending 900 texts a day about crypto like you took out a second mortgage on your home.

#putyourmoneywhereyour mouthis


>> No.26957704

Welcome :)

>> No.26957712

9gag too

>> No.26957713

this is such an obvious pump and dump with no long-term fundamentals that it's not even funny

nobody is going to take a cryptocurrency called fucking "bitcoin" seriously

>> No.26957715

Hope you guys make it big. But at some point, the selling will start. You need a buyer to sell. When people see the dump, there won’t be buyers. It’ll be a big boy game of hot potato. How appropriate

>> No.26957781

lmao wanna team up with kikes then? lmao

>> No.26957835


>> No.26957920

Fuck no

>> No.26957957

fuck off focus on GME, with doge you're profiting off the loss of our brothers, with GME you're profiting off the loss of kikes

>> No.26957999

same, gotta fight with those fags then, who cares, while kikes get fucked, I'm happy

>> No.26958171

Redditors are cancer in a nutshell, but this attack against (them) is worth teaming up for.

>> No.26958235


Look at the pump in Jan 2018. That was 100% US /biz/
$3000 gets you 100k.

It has an 80 million supply compared to DOGE 128 billion.
It has a market cap of 2 million compared to Doge 9 billion
It has a daily volume today of 12,000 compared to Doge's 12 Billion

It made ALOT of people on here 100k in 2018 when we pumped it to $0.50

>> No.26958557

Wait so in your mind getting people to FOMO into Reddits tip bot coin from 2015 at a 9 billion Dollar market cap, is fucking the Jews ?

You know how we fought them before ? With our own Dogecoin. DogeCoinDark which is now called Verge.
Verge and Ok were ours and from 4channers.

>> No.26958807

Hey guys ! I'm from reddit, I heard DOGE will get to $5 ?? This is so epic ! I can't wait to tell all my family and friends that I am now a professional investor !!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26958821

Where the fuck do I buy this?

>> No.26959168

Imagine if we buy 100k for $3000
Pump it to $10 which should be easy. it has an 80 million supply
That's a cool 1 million


>> No.26959204


>> No.26959497

dogecoin is way too fucking convoluted to be traded outside the US so it won't work well

>> No.26959553
File: 83 KB, 1913x596, memecoin_pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when we pumped it to $0.50
>reached it's top price today at $0.082
Why you always lyin'?

>> No.26959902

Not Doge dude.
Read the post.


>> No.26960611

>It has $11k Volume today.. WE could literally pump that to $10. 1000 coins would cost you $3000 right now. At $10, you are a millionaire.

Yeah but try selling your million dollars worth at the top, you'll single handedly crash the market as not enough volume.

>> No.26961134

We all got out with 100k in Jan 2018 when Bitcoin was crashing HARD.
We didn't pump it in one day. It and Verge were our coin.
Of course it has to be organic. Just making me angry KNOWING that so many people on /biz/ are buying up Reddit's tipcoin bot. Shit I had over 13 million doge in 2018 from just tips over the years on Reddit. Everyone here buying doge now WILL get dumped on by Redditors.

Reddit is not our friend. They are the ones calling for our censorship and shaming us for white privilege and calling us Nazis everyday for years. Now we are making them rich ? Holy Shit...

>> No.26961219

tfw buttrex won't let me into my account and I have millions of DOGE

>> No.26961437
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1611725581264s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is retarded, your retarded. Market cap would be a trillion at that point. Stop being fucking retarded.

>> No.26961796

at least bittrex still exists
i really sincerely hope you're able to work it out with their suport

>> No.26962105

We are getting brigaded fucking hard by Reddit

>> No.26962206

gme already showed how low the attention span of autists is, this will be even shorter lived.

>> No.26962366

and Redditors already sold all their 2015-2018 tip bot coins to bag holders..
Reddit just stomped our dick in the dirt.

Doge IS Reddit's tip bot coin from day 1

>> No.26962434

Good goy, let the social justice identity politics divide you.

>> No.26962590

Smg has been talking about GME for a fucking year nigger fuck off. Though I'm sure many wsb faggots could have been biztards had they clicked a different link in 9th grade. Im only here because some bigger shilled /b/ to me in 2010

>> No.26962758

longer than that. He started pumping those paper trades in May or June of 2019. It bet it's Elon.

>> No.26962808

>had 4k in dogecoins in 2013 on my hard drive
>cant find them now
What is the extension for dogecoin wallets? I will run a search and try to find it.

>> No.26962907

What stocks or crypto do you recommend now?

>> No.26962942

You can actually save these things in your computer? How does that even work?

>> No.26963300

what to do if you have an old dogecoin core wallet you havn't updated or synced in years but want to sell?

>> No.26963332

BSV. Craig Wright is going to fuck the Bildebergers. Watch and see. It's the Only bitcoin still using the 2010 Bitcoin protocol which Satoshi told us can never change.

BTC and BCH are BOTH using different protocols
Those people who reddit is supposedly fighting?
There owners own BTC now since the 2017 protocol change.

Buy 20 BSV and hold on forever.

>> No.26963378

update it?

>> No.26963404

literally this. It's time for wall street to get a working class ass whooping

>> No.26963444

That is the joke.

>> No.26963446

depends on what wallet.
You will need the private key.
So you will have to sync the chain if it's a QT wallet or transfer the .json if it's multi wallet. Hope you remember the password.

>> No.26963555

Hey man I get your anger, but you should focus it productively. Find a coin like that and make a convincing argument to pump it after the $DOGE craze ends and people will buy into it. You have to go against other people, sure, but it's not like the $LINK fags are particularly convincing.

>> No.26963612

You people are clueless.
Who do you think is orchestrating this and GME?
This is about giving you the illusion of freedom so they can lock us down even more.

>> No.26963693

guys pls whats the file extension for dogecoin wallets? For dogecoin core.

>> No.26963821

Watch this and buy at least 20 BSV.
You know how they make us look bad on here.
They did the same thing with Craig Wright.

and buy Mysterium and use there dVPN.
I guarantee this is all gonna get much worse before it gets better.

>> No.26963879


>> No.26963930

goto your %appdata% folder

>> No.26963995


>> No.26964006
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>> No.26964042
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Yes, pump a useless coin so the redditfags can sell when it reaches it's absolute maximum of 0.20 and turn you into massively retarded bagholders of a coin with no worth.

>> No.26964056
File: 162 KB, 803x1173, 1611900139776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the plan bros and lads! Let's all get rich

>> No.26964122


>> No.26964176

damn how many wallets have been lost because people formatted their windows partition

>> No.26964206

Reddits tip bot coin from 2013-2018 ?
that IS what dogecoin is.

>> No.26964217

proving you are retarded doesn't prove the free market is retarded

>> No.26964259

I got 450 Eth in a wallet that I have been running etchcracker on since 2016

>> No.26964427

This will never work. Paperhands will immediately sell if it even hits 1k. Don't be a retard Anon.

>> No.26964476

they're fucking with the globohomo but whatever.

>> No.26964485

TikTok is all over Doge rn. This is only going to rise more

>its accessible through RH, anyone with a brain can invest
>its a hot trend with real potential cashouts
>its marketable, cute doge and memes

diamond fucking hands boys, we got this

>> No.26964531

He’ll ya

>> No.26964546
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damn found it in dropbox
time to get rich

>> No.26964567

and 4chan has a board for bronies and faggots, this place is pozzed just as much retard

>> No.26964622

No one except for autists are taking any crypto seriously. It is all a fucking get rich quick meme

>> No.26964642


>> No.26964649

I shorted this shitand now I'm outta here with all my money catchy versace

>> No.26964654

Don't fall for this pump

>> No.26964674

I’m $100 in on dogecoin and can’t sell until next Thursday, willing to hold out much longer anyway. What am I in for? Will we hodl until $100!? Let’s break the bank bros!

>> No.26964717

>No one except for autists are taking any crypto seriously.
I mean bitcoin did blow from 1 dollar to 35k in 7 years

>> No.26964723

Greed/panic will soon set in. You got so much new money or money with paper thin hands riding this coin....its gonna crash hard as fuck.

>> No.26964769

what are you going to do with the .dat file? how do you use that to get your coins?

>> No.26964775

cool go say nigger in wallstreetbets and tell me whos pozzed
Stop brigading us redditors

>> No.26964842

Guess who owns the most ?
A certain tesla owner

>> No.26964868

>why stop at 1 if were trying to prove the free market is retarded
Free market and gambling in stocks are two entirely different things.

>> No.26964870

its used with a wallet client

>> No.26964874

Are you retarded, who the fuck wants to buy this

>> No.26964902

Dropping a pasta from reddit. spread the word.

Everybody, it's no secret to getting noticed on Reddit which is why we're gonna use the same way to get to the front page tomorrow to gain more supporters!

Today 1/29 at 10am EST we need to all come together in this subreddit and start posting and upvoting as much as we can. Once something gets enough upvotes to hit r/all it's only a matter of time before it's on the front page.

Why this is important?

If we want to hit $10 let alone $1, we're gonna need as many people in on Dogecoin as possible and the best way to do that is to take the WSB approach and take over the front page.

10am EST is the best possible time for maximum potential. This time zone is crucial in being noticed on a multitude of social media sites, not just Reddit so make sure to post there too!

Doing this we are sure to gain enough supporters to hit $1 and start making even more serious efforts towards $10.



>> No.26964931

This is because bitcoin is the only crypto that is ever actually used as currency. It is still pretty much a meme, though.

>> No.26964932

Download a dogecoin QT wallet and drop the wallet file in the roaming directory.
Then hope you remember the password after it syncs for a week.

>> No.26965015

i would have sold
that is literally 5 figures of free meme money

>> No.26965027

its the r/dogecoin sub

>> No.26965033

It made a bunch of people 50-100k in 2018 here on biz.
Like at least 20 that I know of from the threads.
OKCash and Verge always pump before alt season.

>> No.26965152
File: 341 KB, 602x650, Fuckem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist hedge fund.... next target?

>> No.26965282

I invested 45$
Will invest another 500$ today
Can someone suggest another meme coin?

>> No.26965368


>> No.26965389


>> No.26965457

Are you fucking kidding, this is assuming there's infinite demand

>> No.26965486

down, down down it goes. I kn ew this would happen. fucken idiots.

>> No.26965655

Stupid, this is the best time to buy more at cheaper price.

>> No.26965794

I hope you get dick cancer redditfag

>> No.26965959

Fuck it! Reddit fags and autist unite!! Let's get this bitch to mars!!!

>> No.26966200

LMAo Europe is on now and guess what. From 900% up to 300% in a few minutes
Hope you redditors are happy and I hope biz learned a lesson.

>> No.26966217

Ok, I'm listening

>> No.26966247

Frens, you can farm DOGE coins by holding some DOGY in your wallet and linking it do dogeyield. U get DOGY on Uniswap, Sushiswap ans some other places. U even get some DOGE for free, the DOGY you hold just increase the earning rate.

i did the same a few days ago and changed my free UNI from the airdrop. I receive a few thousand DOGE coins in result every day.


please use my ref link to register. all you have to do ist connect your eth and doge address on dogeyield and set a password. remember to choose a good one and write it down, you can't change it afterwards. AMA if you need help.

>> No.26966376

Redditors are trying do great flippening between BTC and DOGE. I'll enjoy this one

>> No.26966418

going straight to 10c now, board in next 3 minutes for easiest 2xo f your life

>> No.26966425

The problem isn't the name it's the unlimited supply. If it hits $5 then the market cap will be that of many nations GDP, it's impossible for it to even hit 20 cents.

>> No.26966537

Not your personal army.

>> No.26966677

Just accumulate.
It's Britain's biz coin
It like Verge and Doge just gets pumped right before Bitcoin pumps.
No one knows why but it's a bellweather for bitcoins rise.

It will double your money and it aint ever gonna dump from here.
The devs just made a really nice new wallet.
It's nothing more or less than what Doge is. Dead chart and then WHAMMO. Verge is the same.
It's a QT wallet with a community.

>> No.26966801


>> No.26966995

With GME, the mob was preying on a bloated, overconfident hedge fund. With DOGE, it's just retards playing hot potato with each other. The idea of this coin enjoying sustainable upward momentum from this random ape-in of retarded zoomer money is laughable.

>> No.26967021

On Binance, how do I see the exact price i bought at?

>> No.26967225
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I get that doge hodlers want everyone else to buy in now cause it's rocketing but isn't buying the top generally a bad idea?

>> No.26967273

It is fine. As a % is approaches zero. Better than USD. One of the most secure chains.

>> No.26967314

Who says this is the top? The top is probably at 10 cents.

>> No.26967323

Like this. My wife doesn't know jack shit about crypto.Every paycheck she bugs the shit out of me about what to invest in in her Bittrex.

She bought like a million doge over the years cause it was cute. She sold before she went to work a few hours ago... by just accumulating. These FOMO people are following the classic greater fool theory.

>> No.26967407

>>26964056 the q energy went straight to reddit finance

>> No.26967412

NEVER chase a trade. Never FOMO.

>> No.26967594

Peaked at .088 and back at .057 now so it's dipping/correcting a bit

>> No.26967818

That's all the redditors who sold before they went to bed. The rest have no clue that doge did anything. They didn't look at their wallets because they see the BTC price and it's crabbing.

>> No.26968304

There's one I haven't read in a while

>> No.26968521

fuck off reddit nigger

>> No.26968776

I went in a full 500 at 7 right before the dip down how badly did I fuck up

>> No.26968964

Never listen to a redditor that comes to 4chan.
Slowly buy BTC, BSV, ETH, LINK and play with 10% of your port.

>> No.26969072

pretty big, for now. Go away and check later

>> No.26969409

it'll be possible with melvin jew money. Infinite cash to go intobour doggiecoins

>> No.26969560

ok now im happy they went bankrupt

>> No.26969835
File: 122 KB, 600x645, 94469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We went from Gold, shit, and sticks, to buying and selling something that doesn't even exist and has a fucking retarded dog as it's face?
Where did humanity go? Did we all turn into a bunch of faggots with autism?

I'm in for the money, then you redditfags are on your own

>> No.26969992

Pretty badly but you never know what will happen today. It is clown world after all

>> No.26970272

i sold minutes before that dip. lucky

>> No.26970725

See you at the next bullrun.