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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27054064 No.27054064 [Reply] [Original]

New bill would decriminalize sex work in New York.

Sex workers in Africa protest: "We provide essential services!"

Washtenaw County, MI has legalized prostitution.

Sex work is increasing as women are falling into poverty as a result of COVID-19.

India's sex workers are demanding welfare benefits.

AOC says "Sex work is work."

Christian OnlyFans model says her faith will not stop her from stripping down to the tune of $200K a month.

Special ed teacher turns top OnlyFans sex star: ‘I’m changing lives’.

OnlyFans is a billion-dollar media giant hiding in plain sight.

>> No.27054297

>Christian OnlyFans model says her faith will not stop her from stripping down to the tune of $200K a month.
clown world

>> No.27054721

How do i sell my feet pics? I have huge feet and they are really veiny

>> No.27054825

>Jesus wept

>> No.27055153

No way she's making that much a month

>> No.27055257

Fuck whores

>> No.27055319

There are people making millions a month on onlyfans. That said she needs to be in the top 20 for this to be possible so I agree with you.

>> No.27055878
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>> No.27056641

This just means that existing sex workers will have to compete with slightly less drug addicted/healthy men and women.

>> No.27056860

Amazing how you just know by looking at the eyes that shes a blown out soulless whore

>> No.27056896

I cant wait to move to the Middle East

>> No.27056939

get it girl, rather than languish in poverty your making money of your a$$ets.

>> No.27057138

This will drive the prices down? NY hookers are way too expensive.

>> No.27057158

stay in your shithole, whitie

>> No.27057159

that's my plan

>> No.27057187

How is the market for male feet pics, being 100% serious

>> No.27057374

if I could invest in sex work I fucking would and you're retarded if you let morals stop you

>> No.27057554

yas kang
stan your kulture

>> No.27057737

I want to.

>> No.27057745
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Execute sexual deviants and whores. This slut has only one destination.

>> No.27057996

Amazing how I just know from your comment that you are a seething incel

>> No.27058080

Jesus fucking christ, can't you dumb fucking reddit niggers stop making generals and go back? Your dumb fucking sub is back up and running


>> No.27058117

Should I hit the streets as a straight up twink or invest in fake tits? I feel like the tranny market is too niche right now

>> No.27058391

Go back to r*ddit faggot

>> No.27058966

That said her ass is ridiculous.

>> No.27059227

Has anyone else noticed that nurse and medicine school girl students always tend to be sluts?
I can't be the only one here.

>> No.27059450

Reddit retards seething

>> No.27059747

I swear I pity the girls that were ruined by this crazy shit
they all need Jesus goddammit!
fuck simps and fuck thots

>> No.27059776

She's probably making half of that after OF and management agency takes their cut. Still over a mil.

>> No.27060116

This is true from what I witnessed as well. Is it thier submissive roles that cause them to do this?

>> No.27060208

all studies and no play make med students horny

>> No.27060295
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That applies to men in this role too.

>> No.27060383

This but literally

>> No.27060541

have sex

>> No.27060546

Is seeing an escort awkward?

>> No.27060671

christian in name only
I've seen a lot of these girls, they love tradition but cant stop being whores
I'd rather marry an ex-stripper than a girl like this

>> No.27061005

you incels are pathetic, go have sex for once

>> No.27061218

I'm not gay, but how much money do you guys think I could make ass a tranny prostitute?

>> No.27061508

When and why the funk are people paying for porn?

>> No.27061553 [DELETED] 

Burgers in how many hours does the market close over there?

>> No.27063482

Onlyfans is a genius business model.
All the company has to do is provide a platform, all of the production and marketing goes to the thots. It's literally a money printing machine being powered by millions of roasties on hamster wheels.
It's like how etsy users get tricked into thinking they're becoming "entrepreneurs" even though most of even the full time sellers don't make a living wage.
Onlyfans tricks women into thinking they're being empowered by permanently destroying their reputation for an average of $180 a month (and think, half of them make even less than that)

Onlyfans goes deeper than that. It taps into the audience of simps who want a parasocial relationship.

>> No.27063728

could my slampig and i start an onlyfans? are there a lot of simps for fat sluts?

>> No.27063999

Depends on the girl, and you of course.
Can be great, just like a loving gf.
Can be awkward.
Just talk to them a little beforehand to get a sense of what they're like. If they're rude and curt when trying to "sell" to you they're not going to make much effort after you hand over your money. If they're sweet and affectionate at all times then it'll be great.

>> No.27064773

As a genuinely religious person, this is so incredibly offensive.

>> No.27066051


The appeal is the total opposite, having a person trust you with their life is very dominant

>> No.27067723

it gets better guys dont give up

>> No.27068049

Women were a mistake

>> No.27068064

>"Sex work is work."

You're goddamn right it is. Can you imagine the nastiness of some of these dudes these women need to suck off? Fat, old, smelly, you name it.

>> No.27068140

Fuck off kike

>> No.27068691

Its because the healthcare industry is the default choice for midwits that are looking for a career. The unwashed masses congregate in healthcare, which is why you see this.

>> No.27068816

I dont understand why this isn't making more return to being housewife's, are ppl really that short sighted?

>> No.27069038

It's hooker work, the same way pimping, selling drugs, and being a bum paid to bumfight for Jews with a camcorder is.

It's dehumanizing to society

>> No.27069054

three of the girls I used to date long term were nursing students and they were nuts in bed

>> No.27069185

How do I short blow jobs?

>> No.27069208
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>> No.27069472

I would probably go see prostitutes if they were legal

>> No.27069612

>sex work decriminalized federally
>even more people decide to be whores for hire
Is some kind of crash possible from a scenario like this? Like, the supply gets so damn high it just collapses?

>> No.27069803

Im 140% short on western men. I hope my bet will fail.

>> No.27070469
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this legislation interests me

>> No.27071625

ya, it's not that the information economy squeezed normal career paths into a narrow band, and people with good health are naturally sexually active in their adult years. couldn't be that, the iq elites are the ideal model of sex life.

>> No.27071830

this is what happens when your society makes it difficult to meet in public places, or people are too busy to put in the time for less obvious means of mating.

>> No.27072442

Literally happened in OnlyFans a few months ago. Only top 5% accounts make any money, most make (far) less than $30/month. Turns out showing your pussy and masturbating on cam has a very low entry barrier once shame is removed.

>> No.27072459

When the economy crashes these people will get fucked hard, literally and figuratively, google up the situation in Greece, there girls sell themselves for 10-20€ and nobody is going to simp for online whores in the next couple of year when the covid economic toll will start to show up.

>> No.27073037

Kek never heard of that before. Did it make mainstream news or was there plenty of ruckus on social media?

>> No.27073351

Lmao those are literally all singles that she pulled from her thong that's like $700 tops. Good job? I make that in crypto swing trades daily.

>> No.27073596

I think you might be a retard, I'll try to dumb it down for you:

> larger number of people in healthcare
> therefore larger number of "sluts" in healthcare

>> No.27074803
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We should be cultivating a society where sex work is not necessary. This will only lead the west further down the path of degeneracy.

>> No.27075752
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im a 22 khv, are there any women that aren't degenerates in this day and age, that I can have a relationship? Will I have to die a virgin?

>> No.27076130

>wahh degeneracy
>wheres my sex
die a virgin probably

>> No.27076376

You're going to have to take the Christ-pill if you want non-degenerate women. Even then, you'll have to be careful. Cut out the degeneracy from your own life first, though.

>> No.27076436

Any job can be considered work. You could say rape is considered work, right? Should I work on your family?

>> No.27076569

all girls i talk to do not want children and think marriage is a crutch, that's what years of communist brainwashing does to your country

>> No.27076576

Hopefully this collapses the sex work bubble. There's no reason why whores should be charging more than $200 per hour unless the market is manipulated.
Women in other countries charge around this rate.
Hopefully there is a mass influx of supply and lowers the price.

>> No.27076636

Just putting this out there, but i've notice a lot ( not all) of these onlyfans chicks are not to keen with reporting/paying their taxes (at least in the USA).
I believe strongly that it's gonna be another Thot Audit, especially since the girls so openly promote/sell content on various other social media/apps.

>> No.27076836

you will never be a woman

>> No.27076866

Takes one to know one, loser.

>> No.27076887
File: 46 KB, 904x553, 700E429C-96AC-4DC2-A734-FEC4B5C365E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the data. Posts about girls who ‘buy their first house’ with OF money are a scam to lure more women onto their platform where they’ll make jack shit

>> No.27076921

$200 an hour is ridiculously and not worth it.

>> No.27077295

>Hollywood movie, Idocracy was just another program.
"Starbucks and sex shop in a Cosco" is already somewhere between the growth and take off stage of business development and survival.

>> No.27077370

Every onlyfan skank that I have seen pirated pics of on 4chan is horrendous looking even if they could be good looking
Something about the way they slut themselves for that site takes away all attractiveness for me.

>> No.27077545

It's diabotical. Those house probably aren't paid off. They'll make 10 years of good income, at best, then have to deal with the reality of their situation.

>> No.27077597
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>> No.27078013

Thanks hahahaahahaha

>> No.27078306

Yeah they clearly abandoned her. That's just not likely at all

>> No.27078312
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>Sex work is increasing as women are falling into poverty as a result of COVID-19.

I'm clueless here but how this even make any sense? Shouldn't sex work be declining since last thing you want to do is be in contact with a stranger cause of covid?

>> No.27078461

shes not Christian then

>> No.27078490

More like Christian world. Women did this in based Islamic countries they would get Thot patrolled.

>> No.27078596

shit youre right, i have a freind whos trying to be a nurse and she calls herself a whore

>> No.27078735

they're classifying onlyfans as sex work
hookers have dried up

>> No.27078751

not until kikes kiked Christianity, theres rules to follow in respect of God and his gift and they're very fucking simple

>> No.27078880

Christcucks are pathetic, Islam = based

>> No.27079015

welcome to the new definition fren. people are so desperate to be classified as a "worker" that "sex work" now includes sending jpegs and flirting on twitter.

>> No.27079025

camgirls are not sex workers. onlyfans girls are not sex workers. if you are not physically touching the dicks of paying customers you are not a sex worker.

>> No.27079080

Islamic countries they would do public executions

>> No.27079464

This is /pol/ tier shit. If some roastie is reading this, and whatever roastie is considering selling her body to make money, don’t. It’s fucking gross, and in the mind of every sane male, they’ll think you’re a whore. Meanwhile, the men who will accept you are cucked faggots with no spine. You hav even warned.

>> No.27079943
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Christians in name only beget an even greater punishment from God. Imagine believing and still willfully condoning what God finds abominable.
Oh if only she was ignorant!
A woman's body is not to be disgraced like so.
Christians got the equivalent of Hijabs for many centuries. Many women wore it voluntarily, especially the married, the maids, the workers, etc.
It is now a fashion statement in certain places, so it isn't entirely dead, thank God.
Today you can see only perversion remains on most Christians. Let's pray for them instead.

>> No.27080882

How do I get into sex work as a young gay man?

>> No.27081625

I hate whores too but man you guys are coping hard lmao.

>> No.27081858

Don't be a degenerate Coomer.

>> No.27081919

OF sends them the paperwork they just have to fill it out

>> No.27082205

Only if you see her at the family reunion.

>> No.27082252

I'm not but at the same time I'm not going to ignore the problem and say "Yeah well it won't work out for them in the end"

>"Dude this interracial marriage laws won't pass and even if it did nobody will want to fuck niggers so just calm down stop demoralizing people"

>> No.27082291

reread your first sentence. you are moving the goalpoast and it's making me sad for you.

>> No.27082418

>he thinks there's no whores in the middle east
tee hee, it's called the oldest profession for a reason

>> No.27083193

desu alot of stacies from my hs are making OF and I wanna pay to see them nude. It's crazy to think about the things we have that people 20-30 years didn't

>> No.27083464

>It's crazy to think about the things we have that people 20-30 years didn't

Yeah, the ability to beat into these whores some common sense.

>> No.27083649


>> No.27083869

>they just have to fill it out

>> No.27084152


>> No.27084162

there should be a low stating that each 18yo should have sex with a hooker before doing anything else in life

there, i just solved the simp/incel problem

>> No.27084442

grindr/sugardaddy websit/onlyfans hell just find a rich boomer Be warned you want to build a following somewhere else then funnel it to onlyfans start on just that and staying on just that will make you little to nothing

>> No.27084629
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3 girls I know started it, 2 quit it and 1 tried killing herself lol

>> No.27084802

What a terrible world we live in.

>> No.27084829
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Sex workers of the world Unite
You have nothing to lose but your clothes

>> No.27085009

They could legalize it in my state so I can buy whores on the daily.

>> No.27085113

I mean to be fair if you’re just going to fuck anyone you may as well charge. Some women will become really rich, no doubt, likewise a casino also makes some people rich. But casino losses are temporary having nudes on the internet is forever.

>> No.27085282


>> No.27085811

Women literally can’t help but degrade their innate value for any exclusive incentive, they will do it no matter how much legislated empowerment gives them privileged positions above men and its fucking hilarious

>> No.27085887

we are literally living in a pussy bubble. I am going to laugh so hard when they realize the depreciation rate of their vag i might throw out my back

>> No.27086091

It really should just be legalized. The more conservatives push agaisnt it the more it becomes an identity, and possibly a political one rather than just something people do. Conservatives can't stop it, it's the oldest profession and was legal back when society was way more conservative than it is now. Similar things happend with gays, conservatives opposed them for decades and now when conservatives lost the floodgates were open.

>> No.27086172
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The literal pump and dump bubble

>> No.27086279

You are fucking retard if you think prostitution doesn't exist in muslim countries.

>> No.27086442

Calling a man's basic wants degenerate is what got us in this retarded situation. Conservatives ignoring the fact that basic sexual behavior was natural was what ended up giving us a screw up society where trannies are normal.

>> No.27086686

>Conservatives ignoring the fact that basic sexual behavior was natural was what ended up giving us a screw up society where trannies are normal.

>> No.27086758

I'm pretty sure that's where the original "pump and dump" expression comes from anon...

>> No.27087005

>Be woman
>See bitches making $ taking pictures of their assholes
>u go girl!
>make more cash then youve ever seen before (not necessarily a lot, i would assume the average earning on onlyfans isnt very high)
>only bring home half of it cause of taxes
>Cant into finance
>Pay off student loan, buy house, buy clothes, travel.
>fast forward a few years.
>youve burned through vanilla stuff to hardcore. Youre getting old.
>new thots take your place.
>property tax, maintenance costs for that house you bought
>Interest in marrying you is way down, as most dudes aren't in to forming a union with a porn star
>lifestyle youre accustomed to slips through your fingers
>realize over your 5th glass of white wine that you liquidated your potential future family/stability for cash when you were young
>Finally do the math in your head and realize that 100k a month for a year and a half was not a wise way to use your assets.

Best of luck only fans thots... i hope you are investing it!
If i have any advice its r=treat the money you make from porn like lottery winnings, not wages.
And be aware what youre selling in order to get it

>> No.27087172

Isnt she a little fat for stripping?

>> No.27087341

Doesn’t work, male virginity grows back in less than a year.

>> No.27087607
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>> No.27087741


>> No.27088072

Wasnt the most atheistic country in 2010ish Sweden?

>> No.27088176

Maya Morena is a huge proponent of this. Check out her videos.

>> No.27088210

Yeah this is what I dont get is thots buying houses thinking they'll be making the same amount or even more for the rest of their lives when its less than 50 people on there making any sort of good money and even then they get phased out like the top 50 billboards

>> No.27088513

This industry has been around since the dawn of time, and there is so many different varieties and niches that it will probably never stop. You wonder why girls that you don't find attractive still make money on this shit? It's because someone else does. There is a niche for everything with sex.
What does that have to do with sex work and moralfags

>> No.27088743

Coping so fucking hard, your trad wife doesnt exist. Every good girl you see at church has been passed around the night before

>> No.27088948

First couple of months until the novelty wears off and she has a bunch of random shit going more and more degenerate to try and make that money again. Women have peeked.

>> No.27088951

see >>27087005

>> No.27089111

I agree with him and in bed next to my sleeping wife.

>> No.27089326

what's sad is that youve surrounded yourself with roasties for so long that you physically cannot fathom a different lifestyle

>> No.27089338

Whores are some of the most realistic and reasonable people I have met. They do not have the delusions normies have. Onlyfans strippers are surely not in this basket. The whores I know decently well think arabs, niggers, indians, etc are a waste of time and many do not take their business. I wouldn't want to wife them but they are "better" than a lot of the sjw nonsense girls out there.

>> No.27089466

nah dont be delusional

>> No.27089595
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>This industry has been around since the dawn of time
it's never been as widely accepted morally, but its different now. teenage girls look up to these women thinking they'll get rich too.
used to be that a vag could net you a stable family, car, home, husband. now pussy is cheaper than netflix.

>> No.27089808

Nobody is scared of covid. Like 100 people get it and don't even get sick the 101 person who gets it fucking dies coughing up lungs and shit.

>> No.27090090

>it's never been as widely accepted morally
It was literary more accepted in the past than it is now, in the past we had legal open prostitution. In the wild west prostitutes help open schools in small towns.

>> No.27090159

I suppose I just don't care. People make shit decisions all the time. The way I look at it if you haven't done these calculations in your head for what further life could look like or don't have an exit strategy it is your fault. Maybe don't FOMO into sex work, because it's going to be around forever. This is the system though. Plenty of people do work that they regret.

>> No.27090320

i started mine a month ago and make 120 a month. ez $$$

>> No.27090384

He's right though.

>> No.27090421

Onlyfans are barely sex workers. They never deal with their clients directly, the experience between an onlyfans girl and and an actual prostitutes is wide as fuck.

>> No.27090619

Whores are the most openly bigoted people on the planet, especially the old jaded ones. Who see value in men only 35 and up.

>> No.27090624

Won't happen, doing onlyfans is nothing like being an actual prostitute. What legalization will do is allow regulation and proper organization like review sites, etc.

>> No.27090716

that id tho....

>> No.27090797

Unironically we need Sharia law, now

>> No.27090894

Plus some savvy gentlemen might make a mint pimping... ehh, did I say pimping? I mean as a brothel keeper. A humble brothel keeper.

>> No.27091040

Not true a lot of them use the site as a means to do hooking with clients who have proven they'll spend money( ie monthly subscription) and use it to gauge which cities to visit for maximum profit.

>> No.27091291

I just noticed lmao

In the case of legalization i don't see how pimps get involved. This isn't the 1970s, a prostitute with a phone can have a network of self promotion running in a day. The main thing pimps provided where space and protection, with legalization a prostitute could go to any motel and rent a room and go to the cops for protection.

>> No.27091549
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>New bill would decriminalize sex work in New York
This is awesome! Ops mom can finally pay taxes!

>> No.27091619

robotsexslaves now.

>> No.27091749

>westcucks give money to women just for existing
I'm so glad the west is falling.

>> No.27091819

completely wrong and cringe

>> No.27091945
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>> No.27091990

He's not even LARPing. The dude's just asking a question.

>> No.27092125

Elon Musk


>> No.27092144

Pimps will be involved in the same way they've always been involved. Controlling bitches minds and putting out junkies to make cash. Only with legalisation they won't have to worry about their ho getting lifted by the cops.

As regards it not being the 70's and women being able to work solo, that's true. But look at any country that has legalised it and you'll still see plenty of brothels. There's money to be made, brother.

>> No.27092195

No that's when you buy you retard

>> No.27092279

Conservatives are literary the reason society is the way it is, because they autistically wanted full rejection of sexuality, making the frustration of the population mount like a pressure valve without escape, until the whole thing broke and everyone went crazy like accepting tranny shit. The best friend of a lefty is an obsessive conservative. Conservatives have no game plan, no foresight, no tactics, they just screeched and screeched as the lefties clapped.

>> No.27092326

>Washtenaw county

wtf I can get a prostitute

>> No.27092380

Jesus her face and body make her a 6.5 at best. I'd be literally ignoring this girl in high school and college. Yet she thinks she's good enough to strip? Crazy

>> No.27092607

I feel like this NY sexwork shit is just Johnny Law trying to bust down harder on sex offenders and be able to tax whores more so far as we know it's just a big sting operation. I wouldn't be a John in NY State it's too much risk.

>> No.27092927

Roastie is toastie lol

>> No.27093912
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are you a leaf? you sound like a leaf

>> No.27093919

How does her ass look like?

>> No.27094329
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>> No.27094351


she's not even fit lmao no stripper worth their salt is out of shape

>> No.27094557

Like two beach balls. She's a genetic freak. It's fantastic.

>> No.27094665

Fags who read the bible know who Mary Magdalene is....

>> No.27095019

Yeah it used to be strippers at least looked like they spent at least twice a week at the gym

>> No.27095511

This is based. The price of pussy will fall to pennies

>> No.27095636

ask me how i know she'd charge you double

>> No.27095772

Are they making money off it

>> No.27096389

the drop off for these womens accounts is wild.
only the top 1% on the platform make great money while the 99% have almost no income from it to speak off beyond sub $1k/mo
and then they still have to talk to the handful of perverts paying them just a few dollars to take demeaning pics of themselves.

theres been several psychology today articles to the extent of how "sex work" has an extreme psychological impact on those who engage in it - their futures very rarely encompass even tiny morsels of true happiness.
the regret eventually catches up to them and brings them into the depths of depression not even drugs can fix.

theres better ways to make money.
>just bet

>> No.27096449

>$180 a month
The median income (51st percentile) is taking home $50 a month. Half of them earn less than that indeed, but the situation is worse than you describe.

>> No.27096607

I only know of one chick from my class on it, and she's married with 2 kids doing it lmao

>> No.27096756
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>> No.27097278

just get hammered beforehand and rail 3 viagras. you'll be fine buddy

>> No.27098742

>theres been several psychology today articles to the extent of how "sex work" has an extreme psychological impact on those who engage in it - their futures very rarely encompass even tiny morsels of true happiness.
>the regret eventually catches up to them and brings them into the depths of depression not even drugs can fix.
you dont need an article to figure that out

>> No.27100372
File: 143 KB, 480x640, turbothots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they had to do was suck one dick, but oh noes, that was too much for them, so they went off to suck hundreds...and then wonder why no man wants them after that.

My sides can't even even right now.

>> No.27101250

How is this /biz/? As long as pimping is illegal there’s no way to invest or otherwise get a piece of the pie if you’re not personally a whore.

>> No.27101548

Simping is a disgusting product of a failing society

>> No.27101819

There are plenty of ways to make money from sex work even if you're not a whore. Didn't you see the last article I posted? OnlyFans is a billion dollar unicorn now.

>> No.27102069
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, DD2F81D6-9E8B-4032-A94F-BBCB75B22428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day it looks like we are getting closer and closer to the 2nd coming

>> No.27102340

I wish there was an only fans stock you can invest in because I totally would have, but now I probably can't afford that shit.

What is her name by the way, i'm going to see if I can find her for free, probably can.

>> No.27102364

>A new bill that would decriminalize sex work in New York — while still holding pimps and buyers accountable

What good is it to the safety of the whore if the act still has be underground, you dumb fucking lawmakers?