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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27085218 No.27085218 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27086242

Rise up, they distract us with Bitcoin that they control and got in on early. This drives demand away from pm’s while they take all the supply. Well fuck them. Buy physical, drain their supply and leave them holding worthless dollars. This is how the meek inherit the earth. And we will come for the jpm vaults with all their stolen silver

>> No.27086660
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Most manipulated asset ever, they trade hindered a of paper ounces for every real ounce. They dump the price like in March to unwind shorts when it suits them. Well fuck them buy the physical and reveal the emperor without his cloths. They pump gold too because they own it all, don’t fall for the gold standard scam. Bi metallic only. Crime of 1873, suppress silver create an artificial shortage and demonetise it. Do they think we are stupid when they did the same thing through Europe in previous years. This is how they got us onto the fiat scam standard.

>> No.27086745

Buy physical while you still can

>> No.27087074

Based, daily reminder there is only 1oz of physical silver to back up 182 shares of SLV. The markets are trading 182 times the volume of real silver on a daily basis.

>> No.27087623

Nah fucking let readditors get swindled they deserve it.

>> No.27087975

What's a suicide stack of silver? 200 oz?

>> No.27087995
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>most manipulated currency

>> No.27088132

I would kindly ask anyone who is able to. Please purchase as much physical silver as you can. Please, your children WILL thank you!

>> No.27088493
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Bought 5 more ounces today.

>> No.27088660

I really wanted to buy Silver a few weeks ago but look at the price over 10 years, it's at a high. Convince me to buy anyway because I really want to own a bullion
>hurr more paper silver than real
And I imagine that will be the case for the next few years at least, so why dip in now?

>> No.27088853
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You are all retards and here is why: any goober can come and steal your precious silver and all the sudden you're now a worthless dreg.
Buy crypto, food, and ammunition. If you don't own a gun by now then you're already too late.

>> No.27089075
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And any EMP can make crypto completely worthless so what us your point?

>> No.27089223

If you don't believe in precious metals as a store of value just buy PSLV or AG for the ride

>> No.27089534
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It was 25, it's slowly catching on and is expected to be the next thing shilled, it's now up to 27 after even the minor shilling. If you miss the wagon you lose all those potential profits, you get in now and the only risk is it going down, fairly low risk and you can just hold at that point then break even. I expect it to be the next thing that gets squeezed.
>5 million members of wallstreet bets before their big surge of new members, at current silver price they could each buy 7,500 dollars worth of silver to buy the entire world's production for a year
>They just made a fortune and have a ton of momentum from the gamestop shit, will invest it. Silver is the next suspected pump after their shitcoin pumps
>Even if they don't get pumped you can count on Joe biden to do solar panels / green energy / electric car subsidies, increasing silver price
>Most silver is made for industrial purposes and it's really easy to squeeze the coinage and bullion since it's such a small amount of the silver used
>One wealthy guy going around and spending a couple million on silver coins would bump their price significantly and be able to turn a profit since there's actually a fairly small amount of coins and bullion, if it gets picked up the price of physical will skyrocket
Weigh this against investing in shitcoins, I'd consider putting some of it into silver and some into shitcoins, maybe use silver as a way to store some wealth while the rest gets put into trying to profit from shitcoin pumps

>> No.27089772

>buy physical silver
>buy majors like AG
>buy proven physically backed funds like PSLV
>buy juniors for highest leverage / reward exposure

>buy fake spoofed contracts like SLV

>> No.27090274

>it's at a high
$40 an oz end of year. Easy money still on the table.

>> No.27090392


>it's at a high

Nominal high, not real high

Real high is $966 an ounce (40x higher), see Shadowstats

>> No.27090576

Absolutely based and red pilled my friend. I truly believe that the transfer of wealth from digital printed assets to hard assets like silver is how the Meek shall inherit the earth. In the world of 40k Bitcoin and million dollar GameStop calls, there is nothing more Meek and humble than owning honest silver in your possession

>> No.27090966

Im buying 8 10oz bars monday.

>> No.27091475
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Just bought another kilo. Feeling delightfully devilish.

>> No.27091759

Why couldn't you fucksticks have waited until next week to do this shit? I got paid today and was going to drive to the next state where there's no sales tax but now I'm not sure if it's worth it.

>> No.27092014

at the start of the covid scam silver price went really low through people selling their paper and buying physical, the price went so low that the dealers stopped trading and didn't reopen again until the price went back up.

>> No.27092451

Sorry, we'll check with you next time, MV+kvXIH.

>> No.27092588

>Where there's no sales tax
Depending on where you are there's no tax as it's a currency exchange if you buy enough. Normal sales tax may not apply, check beforehand.

>> No.27092659

Holy shit, you REALLY are fucking stupid. Do you seriously not understand the implications of not having any physical proof of your money? Do you seriously not understand as soon as you fall for the crypto shit, you really don't own anything anymore?
It's like buying a game from Steam. You're all greedy and think yourself smarter than the retards who actually went to buy a copy, but then... then Steam goes down. Or it doesn't want to let you play it (it's for your own good, Anon!). Or even better, decides you cannot play it, as you're a dangerous individual (it's for you own good, Anon!)!
Poof. You're total property of the state. That's what crypto will serve for. That's what traceable phones will strive for, and what the ever-present surveillance is for. That's what transhumanism is actually for. The individual will be actually stripped off all of his meager freedom, and as you are doing now, welcome it with a fucking smug smile. Fucking retard.

>> No.27093047

It’s clear for us truth seekers to see. We know where this is heading. Truth always wins. And truth is spreading at an alarming rate. They hate this and that’s why they are trying to move faster. The faster they move the easier it is for people to see and wake up. They are fucked and they know it. The head has been cut off the pig, it’s just running around headless under its own delusions. Buy silver, seek truth, seek the ineffable one. Shine his light on the whole world. We win. It’s all going how it had to happen. I feeling this cheap silver has been a gift. Allowing normal people to get in while it’s still cheap. Let the hedge funds and industry buy it for multiples more. I have diamond hands actually silver hands and won’t convert silver into income producing assets until the pendulum has swung the other way.

>> No.27093553

Not that it’s about chasing material things, but that’s what seems to appeal to biz. We must use our wealth to build a better world. Conscious local communities, clean food a simpler more fulfilling way of life.

>> No.27093690

Based, Truth always wins.

>> No.27093855
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Hard pass. "Old Money" is just waiting to dump this stuff. Along with scientists that do nuclear fission in their free time.

Silver is good, though.

>> No.27094253
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>henlo fello based and redpilled autists!!! why yes we have been accumulated this new thing called silver for quite awhile now, plotting our defeat of shorty! yes buy now to take part in the revolution!

The silver threads right now are a perfect example of the clueless cringe invasion.. Starting to think it's mostly result of normies going crazy due to lockdowns plus stimmie checks being sent out.. Your rocks aren't going to get you killer gains brainlets. /biz/ has been mostly laughing at /pmg/ for years now, besides for some diversifying into out of paranoia of "every aspect of civilization is going to collapse" shtf prepping which has always been a weak boomer talking point that only amounts to a hedge against inflation at best which is not the same thing as a wealth growing investment.

>> No.27094263

Buy silver fuck the bankers

>> No.27094458

Seek truth that’s all that matters. You think this realm is something it’s not. Wake up bitch

>> No.27094604

Then why not buy silver miners, anon?

>> No.27094639

>dude I took DMT last week and listened to Rogan the post

>> No.27094999

I would but I'm autistic and immune to propaganda