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27156996 No.27156996 [Reply] [Original]


This week's bizarre "meme stock" rally, which has delivered lottery-like windfalls for holders of GameStop stock, also wiped out $600 million in debt owed by the AMC theater chain. Polygon reports:
That's because, on Wednesday, a private equity firm named Silver Lake -- and private equity firms are popularly considered the "bad guys" in this snobs-versus-slobs drama -- elected to convert the corporate bonds it held into AMC Entertainment Holdings stock. Although the theater chain's stock price has tumbled and soared since the move, the debt relief is permanent. Just Monday, AMC was warning investors that "there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern."

Wiping out more than half-a-billion dollars in debt, though, should take a lot of pressure off AMC in the short term. "A week ago, it was not crazy to think this company was doomed," Bloomberg's Matt Levine wrote on Thursday. "Now it is entirely possible that it will survive and thrive and show movies in movie theaters for decades to come because everyone went nuts and bought meme stocks this week."

Yet, by converting their AMC debt holding to AMC stock, the Silver Lake equity firm has gotten hurt by a falling stock price, too. The conversion price for the bonds Silver Lake held was $13.51; Silver Lake cashed in on Wednesday, when AMC's shares ended the day at $19.90, more than 400% better than the day before. Smart move, right? Well, AMC's share price at publication time Friday was about $15 -- but it closed Thursday at $8.63. So, unless Silver Lake found some other sucker to buy the stock before it bottomed out, they've been riding a roller coaster that at best has them about 5% to 7% ahead of their original position, with no guarantee of staying there.

>> No.27157175
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You saved the theater, anon! Here, have a large popcorn and a bucket of crab legs, on the house!

>> No.27157258

Thanks nigger!

>> No.27157364

>”Now it is entirely possible that it will survive and thrive and show movies in movie theaters for decades to come because everyone went nuts and bought meme stocks this week."
I highly doubt that. Nobody wants to leave their homes to watch a movie with dirty strangers and overpriced snacks anymore.

>> No.27157409
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To the movies!


>> No.27157429
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They are still deep in the shit, however, seeing on fb boomer groups where they until this Wednesday discussed in which trusty stable ETF they should invest their wages and pensions, now they only ask how to buy the meme, when the NYC markets open (!) And such... If this week was wild, next week will be pure madness likely ending in market crash. EVERYONE is getting onboard

>> No.27157473

More importantly democrats actively tried to put them out of business with the scamdemic.

>> No.27157601


You stupid NIGGER

>> No.27157799

Cheers, Bob!

>> No.27157900

AMC is a great theater chain. I have no problem holding my 2k shares until they recover. Their stock is easily wroth 30 dollars a share as soon as pussies and normies stop falling for the covid psyop

>> No.27157927

This. Has some fucking respect.
I'm sorry Robert, ignore the tourist.

>> No.27158070

AMC has the comfiest seats. They also have more weird movie nights than other theaters.

>> No.27158085
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>> No.27158275
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>> No.27158288

Nothing can replace the group experience of seeing a movie in theaters. That's just you antisocial fucks who prefer watching VOD at home.

>> No.27158336
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>> No.27158508
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Won't his uniform get butter stained? Why not just wear a shirt?

>> No.27159066
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21.9% cost to borrow amc shares. Highest rate only behind GME.

>> No.27159132


>> No.27159364

mine has electronic reclinable seats, max comfy. It has been there for 20 years. I dont want it to go anywhere

>> No.27159467


eat a bullet you fucking retard

>> No.27159503

lol GME is at 22bn MC and it was such a small stock before that, AMC could actually bring down the whole market if it even grew half as aggressively, buy both and if only one goes parabolic you will still be fine, but if both go parabolic you will regret being a dumb nigger

>> No.27159555
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>> No.27159637

Thanks Robert, I always knew you are my nigga.

>> No.27159854
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AMC is the shit! Even Mi A Tarifa knows is!

>> No.27159934
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Ork WAAAGH is too green and to much momentum for stinky Eldar hedgies to stop now.

>> No.27160030
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>Hello there Robert. I'd like-
>Wait Basedak, let me guess. You'd like three tickets for you, your wife and your wife’s son for the newest A24-produced, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining, gut wrenching, aesthetically heavy craft by post-horror auteur with an arthouse edge, dread-inducing, suspenseful build up with strong character development and gradual feeling of escalation, bone-chilling slow burn with “say more with less” approach and soul-shaking, blood-curdling, skin-crawling and nerve-wracking exercise in persistently looming dread where tension and anxiety permeates every frame as movie reaches its nail-biting, jaw-clenching and paranoia-inducing final climax, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish CGI or infantile jumpscares horror film.
>Wow, how could you tell?
>And perhaps an Extra Large Sóy Latte to go with that?
>Haha, you're great, Robert.

>> No.27160166

antisocialness is increasing though

>> No.27160172

Reddit said it therefore it must be true!

>> No.27160265

Why did everyone yolo money at a chinese movie theatre company? I don't understand

>> No.27160289


>> No.27160309


>> No.27160403

Short this at open. Low info r*ddit and twitter retards think this is the same as GME. It's not.

>> No.27160429

This is the thing about this week's craziness. Some of the things in finance, hedge funds, private equity, securities hedging, exchanges, trading etc were not really meant to be known to the general public. Now everybody knows. The secret's out there.

>> No.27160527

This has always be publicly available knowledge if you took 2 seconds to learn.

>> No.27160571

Mine U S E D to do the rocky horrow picture show once a month, with the throwing toilet paper and actors and everything.

>> No.27160649

Now when is Reddit going to save Trump from his $300 million debt?

>> No.27160737

T.capeshit soiboi