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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2726794 No.2726794 [Reply] [Original]

Why can nobody on this board use the term "shorting" correctly?

>> No.2726802

shut up, faggot. saged.

>> No.2726806

mad as fuck retard who uses shorting for "selling at peak"

>> No.2726812
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Fucking manlets, when will they learn?

>> No.2726815

100% guarantee that this moron uses the word wrong and hates being called out on it

this board is full of underage children and crypto is their first exposure to financial markets of any kind

>> No.2726820
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Your cognitive functions are short.

Did I use it correctly?

>> No.2726825

haha wow you posted a frog, so kewl and insightful, u really got under my skin with that frogpost haha so smug xd dae reddit frog??/??

kys yourself

>> No.2726828
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>be 188cm tall
>have a thing for taller women

>> No.2726829

You're on a meme board shilling BitBeans and trying to be serious about financial markets? kys.

>> No.2726836

lmao dude nice meemees you got there! haha lol eksdee XD

I wonder who's the redditor here.

>> No.2726837

>hahaha le 4chan is for le epic memes xd epic bro!!! bitbeans epic for the win haha!!! epic memes !!! epic shitposting bro!!! hahaha xd being retarded is so fuckin EPIC

this is your mentality

>> No.2726841

you are, you posted the redditfrog you fucking faggot

>> No.2726850

ur a fagget

>> No.2726862

nice just bought 100k

>> No.2726868

t. redditor

>> No.2726873

>t. le faggetor

>> No.2726875

You're an absolute retard....

sell (stocks or other securities or commodities) in advance of acquiring them, with the aim of making a profit when the price falls.

>> No.2726879 [DELETED] 

Pro tip:


>> No.2726892

A short position is a selling or sold position end of story.
>"but muh borrowed funds"
fuck off idiot pick up a book.

>> No.2726907
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>5'9 has better potential than 6'4
feels good man

>> No.2726934

Lol will u fags stop trying to unironically ironically outreddit each other

>> No.2727217

When did I say anything about borrowed funds? And no it's not really a short position unless you plan on repurchasing at a cheaper price. What you're describing is just exiting a position you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.2727465

5'10 is practically the same 6'0 and better than 6'4

>> No.2727557

>when you're 6'0 and still can't get a gf

>> No.2727576

5'6" here

dating pool for tinder whores and real whores is about 100%

fuck your meme chart

>> No.2727613

Lots of brokers don't allow shorting unless you meet certain requirements. Oh shit I'm not allowed to sell my stocks huh? I sold my TWTR shares last week and never intend to get back in, I guess according to you I am shorting Twitter forever.

>> No.2728153
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I guess OP was right after all

>> No.2728218

>I shorted X on bittrex

>> No.2728267
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>> No.2728299

You can tell OP is 6ft and got AMOGed by a 6'5'' thunderchad IRL.

>> No.2728325

back to your containment board

>> No.2728383
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>> No.2728400

shorting is buying high and selling low right

>> No.2728557
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'shorting' is selling high like this:

1.you go to yobit.com and make a profile
2. deposit your gains that you want to expand
3. fill in a little about yourself-- nobody likes a trader with no profile and you people or admins might think you're a bot, so at least put a few things down that you like, favorite foods, some interests
4. click the "dice" tab, it's on the right
5. type in what you want to double and then click the button until you short everything
6. when the available total reaches 0, you have shorted the market
7. wait 2-3 days-- your gains come when you close the position
punch in

>> No.2728579

damn nigga, you done shorted the market, shortie!

>> No.2728661

The same reason people can't use any other terms correctly. Some of us are just intentionally shitposting, but others are dumb and don't realize it. See:
>bear/bull market
>falling knife
And my favorite
>dead cat bounce

>> No.2729572

Hows dat ain't shorting negro?

>> No.2729601

>not retarded
pick one

>> No.2729608

gotta say man, I think the ideal girl height is more like 4'11 to 5'5

>> No.2730081

you might want to at least google something before you go off and sound like a retard

>> No.2730334

shorting is still selling. and you cant short/sell from the peak. usually a 'short' is with borrowed shares, but you can also 'short' your own shares, ya dig?

>> No.2730342

*can short/sell from the peak

>> No.2730348
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>> No.2730632

Henry rollins

>> No.2731059

Do you even know what a margin account is and how it works?

>> No.2731121

thanks, I just bought 100k!

>> No.2731195
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hi cucks :3

>> No.2731216

also since literally everyone here is retarded:

a short sell for ETH works like this:
you borrow ETH from a pool of those willing to lend it out on the market at a particular rate
you sell the ETH at the price you listed
you can CLOSE your position by buying it back with a MARKET order
you take the price of the ETH you sold at times the ETH you borrowed and you subtract the product of price you bought it back at times the ETH you borrowed
this is your profit or loss plus the borrowing fees that you paid

>> No.2731238
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am i using it right OP ?

>> No.2731272

You forgot to mention collateral, but yeah you pretty much got er there.

>> No.2731353

>literally everyone here is retarded
Speak for yourself, jackass.

>> No.2732560

eat my pubes you retarded little fag

>> No.2732612


Nice. How much have you made?

>> No.2732698

Only guy here who accurately described shorting. Wow this board is dumber than I thought.

>> No.2732896

shorting a stock means your selling a stock you don't own and borrowing those shares on margin in your account.. why is this a thread?

>> No.2732901

No that is short selling.

Selling short is selling before a dip.


>> No.2732907

thats aapl.. and you actually pay tos/tdameriturd commissions.. how does kike dick taste retail trader fag?

>> No.2732927

you have to be the dumbest fucking clown i've ever met on this board

>> No.2732930
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I can!

Not rich yet though.

>> No.2732952

I think of it in terms of positioning.

So being short housing might just mean selling your property whereas shorting a stock could mean the usual borrow-sell-buy or maybe puts.

>> No.2732956


Shorting just means you are betting on the price dipping.
The conventional way to do this is via margin trading, where you borrow more than you can afford, but within a margin, so that you can afford the losses (if that happens).

You can also short by just selling high and hoping the price goes down. There are no hard and fast rules as to using the term 'Shorting'.

OP needs to FOAD.

>> No.2732967

holy shit
i can't even

moron doesn't realize that selling before a dip is just selling, there's no short about it

why do we suffer people here?

>> No.2732976

By the way, THIS is why this is a thread. OP was right

>> No.2732982

I agree that it is just selling, but if you are selling to rebuy after, because you expect a dip, that is also a form of shorting.

>> No.2732991

No it's not lmao

>> No.2732993

No, it isn't. No broker you would use would define it the way you're saying. This isn't the same as selling high and buying it back low. Do your homework.

>> No.2733004

Short selling is the sale of a security that is not owned by the seller, or that the seller has borrowed.

Short selling is motivated by the belief that a security's price will decline, enabling it to be bought back at a lower price to make a profit.


There are two types, they dont both involve maring trading ffs.

Things have evolved from the original terms usage.

>> No.2733017

Fuck knows why my phone decided to change that word.

>> No.2733019

Long and short trading are fundamental trading terms. You're contradicting yourself. Selling a long position is not a short. Your ignorance is showing.

>> No.2733025

And yes, short positions require margin trading. There's no way around it.

>> No.2733029


I know the term was originally used for margin trading, but now it is acceptable to all but morons to include any trade that gains from a drop in price, stop being a pedantic moron and move with the times.

>> No.2733042

No, it hasn't. Maybe in the hack environment we have here in /biz/, but nobody else calls it that. Even the link you've posted literally provides no definition that describes what you're talking about. Amateurs don't get to create their own definitions and say that "all but morons" don't understand it. Idiot.

>> No.2733045
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Just give it up kiddo.

>> No.2733048

Again, OP proves their point

>> No.2733056

To clairfy:
In the English language, you can add new words and change the definition of others by large scale adoption.

If there are a large amount of people that use the term 'Stock Shorting' to mean selling and hoping for the price to drop, in order to rebuy and make a profit, then that use of the term becomes acceptable.

I fully understand what shorting means in the original sense, but it has now changed.

Please learn to stay with the times.

You are implying I don't know what margin trading is, when I have been margin trading for over 20 years.

>> No.2733074

retard, you cannot sell a long position, wait for the stock to go down, buy it back, and make a profit, without it going back up, and selling it again.
When you short, you sell the borrowed shares at the top, buy it back at the bottom, give them back, and the profit is YOUS NOW even if it goes to zero and never comes back. wtf do you not understand about this?

>> No.2733078

No, I'm not implying anything. I'm directly telling you that you have no idea what a short sale is.

You posted a link to investopedia that described it perfectly. What part of your own linked source are you having trouble understanding? What part of that link describes what you are saying?

OPs point is that the definition is being used incorrectly, and they're right. Just because you created your own definition and you're surrounded by a bunch of dimwits on /biz/ doesn't make it commonplace.

The financial industry is very well established outside of this board, just in case you didn't know.

>> No.2733083

holy shit balls, these people

>> No.2733086

>OPs point is that the definition is being used incorrectly
Good lord.

I am pointing out that the definition has changed.

Accept it.

>> No.2733095

No, it hasn't. Maybe here on this retarded board it has, but if you went outside of this sphere and talked to financial experts, they would have no idea what you are trying to say.

What you're describing is selling a LONG position in hopes that the equity will go down, to buy it back again. This has nothing to do with short selling, and nobody in finance would agree with you.

What a shithole this board became.

>> No.2733099

Keep dreaming manlet

>> No.2733104
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'd give an inch of height for an inch of dick

>> No.2733125

>What you're describing is selling a LONG position in hopes that the equity will go down, to buy it back again

I know.

I am just explaining that people now use any trade that they are making in the hope that the price will drop, so they can make a gain is now accepted as shorting.

I agree that it's annoying, but it is used so commonly now that I have gotten used to it.

People outside of crypto do use it in this way and have done for a few years. Not everyone and it certainly isn't widely accepted, but they do, I've spoken to them and corrected them.

I just now accept that people use the term in two ways, the English language evolves in this why and is why the Oxford English Dictionary is revised every year.

>> No.2733152

Except your definition isn't common at all.

Consider this: If your definition was common parlance, even slang, don't you think a reputable site like investopedia would have mentioned a possible dual usage? They don't, because it's not as common as you think. This is clearly /biz/ speak, and frankly it's wrong.

OP proved their point, you're still wrong, I'm done.

>> No.2733154

shorting your own shares is called selling

>> No.2733171

You can technically short your own shares in the same broker, but that's kinda silly. That would suggest you have both long and short positions and why in the hell would anyone do that?

>> No.2733180

there is somewhat more a distinction though because "selling" implies a conversion to money, but if the aim is to buy them back at the lower price, this is still a distinct concept I think. the goal being ultimately more shares as opposed to simply "cashing out"

>> No.2733187
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did I do it right?

>> No.2733199

Sure, getting more shares, but that has nothing to do with short selling.

In that situation, you've liquidated a long position in hopes that you can buy back in at a lower price, accumulating more shares. There's no "shorting" here.

>> No.2733218

out of curiosity, do you agree with


who seems to imply no borrowing must occur?

>> No.2733252
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stay mad :^)

>> No.2733257

Borrowing MUST occur. That's the idea behind a short sell.

When you buy an equity, you can tell your broker that you are willing to lend out that equity. Both the lender and the lendee must have margin accounts to manage the risk for the broker.

If you agree to let your equity to be borrowed, then it is tossed into a pool that people can short, at the broker's discretion. If someone borrows your equity, they do so at their own risk and have to pay interest on it.

By borrowing it, they also have the power to sell your stocks, but they still owe you those shares.

When people short, they are hoping that the price will go down. So they can say "well your stock was worth $100 per share when I borrowed, but now it's worth $10 per share, so that's all I'm giving you." That means, upfront, you received $100 per share in cash, but then you have to give the equity back, being only worth $10 now, you gained $90 in the transaction.

This all has to work on margin accounts. It can go the other way where the broker might say "I want my money back" and the shares are now worth $200, you have to buy them back with cash. In that case, you lose $100 per share, because you have to buy them back at $200 but you sold them for only $100.

Margin trading is literally trading on credit. Because of this risk of a stock going up and you owing more than you actually have in yuor account, it works on a margin/loan. No broker would hand you a short sale without you having established a credit/margin account with them.

tldr; yes, you need to borrow. if you find a broker that doesn't require this, they inherently can't be legitimate

>> No.2733301
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Moral of the story
>pic related

>> No.2733322

ok well in that case I agree and have no idea what >>2728267 was getting at with his pretentious claims of being more educated or somehow having a better defintion

>> No.2733924

>People outside of crypto do use it in this way and have done for a few years
[Citation needed]

>> No.2734312


"Selling short" vs. "taking a short position" e.g. "I'm short ethereum."

One is a specific thing, the other is just "I think the price is going down." This is pedantic bs.

>> No.2734361
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reddit spotted!

>> No.2734608


>> No.2734628

There's a way biz fags define shorting and then there's the real world and wall street.

>> No.2734761

Lets go

>> No.2734814


5'6 here. This is mostly true. But personality is the big differentiator- and insecurity.

I've dated women who were 4'11 and women who were 6'1. It really doesnt matter, though I'd be lying to say walking into a nice event, dressed well, with a woman who is towering over you in heels doesn't suck.

The truth is lots of women say they wouldnt date a guy who is shorter than them- at first.


>> No.2734982

Rollan for muh dick.