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27276373 No.27276373 [Reply] [Original]

Don't know anything about options. Don't care about losing money on this account. Just don't want it to be from going full retard.

What are the "best" options? Usually more expensive = better and basically it makes no sense to buy above market price, right? Also, silver looks like GME 2.0 with the potential short squeeze and I want to get in early..
Can I get spoonfed when I should get it to expire (i.e. what month and day) and what price I should get it at? I see they vary in roi..I also notice cheaper looking ones aren't actually cheaper and by that I mean this 24 one costs less than the 23.5 since the bid is lower on the 24 one for some weird reason.. and the 24 one has higher roi...

Well anyways, which dates for expiration and which price do you recommend?

>> No.27276465

fyi I have some GME stocks. Will prob sell 1 if there is a pump on monday to go into more SLV options.

>> No.27276647

I would not buy paper silver right now, AKA SLV.

You realize the mob is buying physical silver. And you also realize that there more paper silver trades constantly than real bullion exists.

So if the tards have their way and actually diamond-hands-hold the physical silver, nobody will be able to cash out their paper silver. It'll be like a bank run.

All the value of paper silver goes to 0 and gets transferred into physical silver.

At least that's my guess.

>> No.27276669

Btw I've been reading that this is just a distraction for GME.. hmm.. why can't both just be squeezed?

>> No.27276783

Don't buy SLV - there is a 186:1 Paper:physical discrepancy. https://usdebtclock.org/

>> No.27276888

No they can crash silver easily. Stack physical. No leverage

>> No.27276900

So basically I can't benefit from short squeeze unless I own the physical silver..?

>> No.27276993

Got it.. seems paper silver is a scam rn

>> No.27277071

You can try to catch the initial pump with really short dated SLV calls, but PSLV (physical silver ETF) only offers shares I believe.

>> No.27277092

You could buy miner stocks and that would probably be a way to benefit greatly from a potential squeeze, while avoiding the risk of being stuck with worthless fake paper silver, and also avoiding needing to stack anything physical.

But stacking physical accelerates the process whereas buying miner stocks is more like standing on the sidelines. Your call.

>> No.27277096

i cant fucking believe i actually read this shit.

>> No.27277265

So physical silver probably will yield higher ROI?

>> No.27277372

Or basically owning more silver = helps make the short squeeze happen quicker (though with my small retail money, it probably won't help a lot anyways).

>> No.27277419

I have absolutely no idea which could yield higher ROI. I am thinking about buying more physical + getting into mining stocks to be exposed to both.

>> No.27277831

>Usually more expensive = better and basically it makes no sense to buy above market price, right?
dont ever, ever trade options, you are going to lose all your money instantly.

>> No.27278303

I was looking at the options and the ones priced closer to mark price were making higher rois, but ik you don't want to buy over mark price

>> No.27278551
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welp.. guess that's not particularly true.. these are priced higher yet yielding higher roi than just buying the stock

>> No.27279483

i can tell that you know literally nothing about options, not even the most absolute basic fundamental information. so heres my advice: LEARN what youre messing with before you have a bunch of retarded contracts bleeding your portfolio dry. i just saved you money, no need to thank me.

>> No.27280163

>i can tell that you know literally nothing about options, not even the most absolute basic fundamental information
I LITERALLY said as much, you elitist cunt.

>> No.27280345

We are witnessing the most epic game of musical chairs EVER.
Rip the face off this motherfucking market and BUY PHYSICAL
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.27280358
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>> No.27280710

so encouraging genuinely clueless people to play with highly volatile derivatives is a good thing now? people like you are the reason why options trading is going to be restricted for retailers.

>> No.27280829
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okai dokie

>> No.27280916

Attitude of someone shows if they are an elitist. You're a faggot too.

>> No.27281180

i told you to LEARN, you fucking retarded illiterate nigger. i hope the jews fleece you for everything, because you deserve it.

>> No.27281281

no you told him to quote "never, ever trade options" not to "learn about options first then hop in :D"

you changed your story, you lose, the end, sell your silver to somebody who can take care of it better

>> No.27281554 [DELETED] 

You stupid ass faggot cum munching shit stain. I don't give a fuck what you told me. Stick it up your ass

>> No.27281684

Stick it up your ass

>> No.27281762

if you buy silver it gives $$$$ right back to the hedgies.

>> No.27282052

see >>27279483, other illiterate nigger

>> No.27282212

Buying SLV doesn't do anything. You need to buy physical silver to squeeze their shorts. SLV is fake and gay.

>> No.27282237

yeah fiat you bitcoin hack. the bankers could care less about the dollar right now

>> No.27282379

see >>27281281 one more time and maybe you'll get it, i'll highlight the exact part for you

>you changed your story
>you lose

>> No.27283651
File: 651 KB, 1112x1200, 1611768193629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't know anything about options.
Then don't fuck with them retard, you can ruin your life.
And don't buy SLV it is a fucking citadel shill scam.