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27233287 No.27233287 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: DeFi bluechips

>> No.27233349

Defi tools

>> No.27233426
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Remember when I was telling you faggots at 2$? I do.

>> No.27233486

AAVE, SNX, YFI are the only S tier DeFi projects and I don't hold any.

>> No.27233498
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GTFO retard. RLC is not bluechip. It has had shit performance and shit ROI forever.

Real DEFI bluchips:


>> No.27233791
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SNX - Synthetic assets will become popular as it allows someone to buy a stock in a defi manner so they can't get fucked when robinhood stops trading (this doesn't actually effect shorting/longing the stock though, so you can't wreck hedgies, but its good if you wanna make some money without worrying about RH jewing you)
Mirror Protocol - See SNX
MakerDAO - Basically the decentralized version of the fed
Loopring - ZK rollup DEX. Which is much more secure than optimism, cheaper, only takes seconds to get off the rollup, unlike optimism which will take weeks. uniswap gas fees are going to be way too high.
ETH - Required for almost all defi
LINK - Needed for most defi to connect prices from outside world to the blockchain
REN - brings BTC to ETH in a defi way

Some that people think are "blue chips" but are shit:
Compound sucks cock. They refuse to use LINK as oracle and will get attacked again and lose tons of user funds.

YFI, no reason for token price to be this high. Andre Cronje the creator said so himself. This will eventually be forked out. Don't risk it, its a POS.

UNI, literally all governance votes fail, also this was already forked. I don't know if it will have long term staying power, and the token might not ever give you rights to earn a portion of fees. Optimistic roll up seems like a really shitty UX from everything that I have seen as well. Loopring's advantage is it is harder to fork than UNI because of the ZK rollup element. I'd suspect most high volume AMM pools eventually just move to Loopring and off UNI. Uni will still be used to trade PnD low cap scam coins.

>> No.27233991

this, except YFI is out after they decided to mint thousands more

>> No.27234001

Holy shit
Actually good and thorough analysis on /biz/

>> No.27234488


>> No.27234564

Bluechips are AAVE, SNX and UNI

Next tier down is REN and RSR

>> No.27234662

I was DCAing this down from 9 but missed the $2 bottom
fuck my life

>> No.27234669

Is now the right time to buy snx and celsius? I've been shitcoining really hard the last month and have like $10k of profit set aside I want to put into a real project to store and hopefully accrue interest. I already have 10 aave from bao profits kek.

>> No.27234954

i put a hundred bucks on this last year and now its worth 700 bucks, i am very happy

>> No.27235012

BNT of course and STA

>> No.27235084

if you like AAVE
you'll like rAAVE
and you'll invest in GRO

>> No.27235278

Anyone flipping DeFi tokens should as a starting point be aware of these sites:

The current trend is that a lot of DeFi marketcap valuations tend to gravitate towards the TVL - Total Value Locked worth. This analysis is made a lot more complicated though because tokenomics of these projects can vary wildly and that will have an effect. Ther can be circulating/total supply discrepancies and thus wild inflation, but sometimes this wild inflation is counteracted by liquidity mining rewards. Sometimes checking total supply is also a red herring because the unreleased tokens are not going to come out in years.

MKR is heavily undervalued from this analysis. The TVL is 3x bigger than marketcap and there is no inflation.
BAL is undervalued. TVL is also much bigger than marketcap. People look at the huge unreleased supply and get scared, but dont realise it doesnt matter because of the tokenomics behind. If you buy and stake it, you'll have virtually no inflation.
UNI is overvalued right now, not much to say. Sushi is undervalued a bit. Big scaling news for UNI would make the overvaluation justified, but it might come months from now.

>> No.27236053

Thanks. One thing I'd like to add is that I think MakerDao isn't perfect cause they don't use LINK, but I think the nature of their system is safer than compound, so oracle exploit is less likely, but it can still fuck up.

>> No.27236377

Thanks for the good analysis anon
Regarding UNI
>literally all governance votes fail
why is this happening?
>the token might not ever give you rights to earn a portion of fees
which do you think is more likely? it staying a worthless governance token or it eventually getting revenue share?

Also, what is your opinion on DEUS/DEA as another competitor to Mirror / SNX

>> No.27236458

One more question for you anons. What is your opinion on BADGER, shitcoin or undervalued?

>> No.27236467


>> No.27236675

Curve should be in this list right?

>> No.27236779

Why...? They only cater to stable coins and their derivatives...

>> No.27236860

Great analysis.
What do you guise think about just investing into the DPI index?

>> No.27236897


based rational analysis

kind of funny because /biz/ hit the dot with LINK but somehow missed out and got blindsided by the rise of most Defi chips (seems that crypto twitter performs better than biz which has turned to jeet pndtown)

>> No.27236920

TVL in it is huge compared to the current marketcap, so it should be a really good one from my analysis method
But I'm staying away because I just dont understand the point of it. "Lets make a protocol with the purpose of staking wrapped Bitcoin in order to get another type of Bitcoin pegged rebase asset DIGG" Seems to me there is a ponzie there somewhere hidden and it will collapse at some point as is often with rebase assets. I gave up on researching it, maybe should have looked deeper.

>> No.27237028

kinda true but doesnt stop it from mooning

what are your thoughts on Defi insurance protocols? Seems that that is an undervalued and much needed niche that hasnt been properly filled yet, current projects are kind of subpar

t. watched it at 3 dollars but didnt buy in for your same reason and missed the moon mission

>> No.27237081

A lot of these projects are great, it's so hard to pick honestly. I'm just happy to hold ETH and LINK for the most part. What do you think about INJ?

>> No.27237351

Thanks anons, I am trying to split some of my UNI gains into the rest of defi coins. The thing is, on the one hand it is a governance token for the largest DEX, which will probably only grow in near future with v3, but I cant really decide if that justifes its current value

>> No.27238588

I found AAVE thanks to argent wallet that was suggested on the ethereum website.

Where do you find new coins?

>> No.27239366

I found Bao here a week ago and did 5x. be aware of new coins and DYOR when you spot a new one. most of the time its scam pnd's

>> No.27240196


>> No.27240445

Nobody speaks NSBT. it will be on the agenda soon.

>> No.27240717

Feels like there's no new big exciting projects, just copies of established platforms.

Bancor could have been blue chip but they kept fucking up.

When are we going to start seeing stonks derivatives on blockchain?

>> No.27240765
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Will I make it bros?

>> No.27241226

with a small amt (few thousand) best go make some concentrated bets and all in on one or two tokens.

>but this money is all i have i will lose it if the price drops!!

gotta hodl, plus if your amount of capital or cash is low in crypto you shouldn't really be in it anyways

i can flat out say that LINK is probably the most important out of the four with the biggest potential so just hurry and get your suicide stack before you are priced out forever

>> No.27241485

1INCH and RUNE are going to be 1B market cap by end of Feb, big potential with 1INCH making it to 15INCH by EOFY

>> No.27242096

Fantom (FTM)

>> No.27242686

Why did every goddamn dex pump recently anyway?

>> No.27243263

v3 is going to be dodgy. I think the next era of DEX wars is all about layer two. I just think that has the chance to split up the DEX AMM community a bit and shake things up.
Some people think the governance votes fail because the protocol was designed to not be changed very much... Or that the protocol was designed to not change much until a certain period of time.

The UNI token could someday allow you to get a portion of the fees, but collecting fees means that traders might look elsewhere... this allows competition to enter. If additional fees go to UNI holders, it is almost rent seeking in a way. Rent-seeking tokens don't do well long term it seems. Uniswap just doesn't offer anything that could give them solid permanence. People make this comparison to "bitcoin killers" and "ETH Killers" but the truth is its 100x easier to go from Uniswap to Sushiswap than it is to go from ETH to DOT/ATOM/(Insert shit eth killer here)

No opinion on DEUS/DEA

Don't know much about Badger's actual tokenomics, I just know it seems popular, have heard some good things about it, not sure if I'd buy in right now though. The problem with some defi protocols is they pop up quick, and why couldn't something else pop up and take its place/marketshare. Some of these things don't have real lasting power or network effect. I think equating there lasting power to layer 1's as some people do is a mistake.

I have some of it.. But I have a lot of the tokens in it too, minus UNI. Just not bullish on UNI or YFI that much which is why I don't have too much in DPI.

Agreed. I believe at present about 60% of my portfolio is ETH and LINK. Mainly LINK.

I kick myself sometimes thinking about how I sold my ETH LEND in 2018. Forgot about it lol.

>> No.27243389
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How about the backbone of defi and web3?

>> No.27243626
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>> No.27243679

The real question about Defi is that while it brings value unlike coins pre-LINK oracles how many of these protocols are going to last?

In future scenario LINK and ETH seems more likely to stay than current Defi protocols, just Uni maintained majority market share but now has stuff like Sushi chasing after it etc.

Sure you could ape in some money and make a lot of money this alt/Defi run or from yield farming alone but its hard to see whether these specific protocols will last or maintain monopoly in future.

>> No.27243711

why did they name this coin after ebonics?

>> No.27243750
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Did you know that aave is Finnish for ghost

>> No.27243790

>When are we going to start seeing stonks derivatives on blockchain?
Isnt that INJ?

>> No.27243872

This guy pools

>> No.27243941

Yfi is only distributing new tokens after it buys back and stores the bought back YFI tokens as treasury shares

Treasury shares have no voting power and have no rights to fees from the protocol.

Its essentially a token burn

Also the minting is to encourage development and acquiring more companies (at YFI holders discretion)

Only smoothbrains think its a real money printer go brr situation. Beautiful thing is, the token creation event is already priced in

>> No.27244018

shut up faggot all those projects and more have been shilled here for MONTHS

>> No.27244042


>> No.27244119

Blue chips: SNX, AAVE, Yearn, Uni, Curve
Ok tier: Maker, Ren, Thorchain, Bancor
At least you tried: Bzx, Opium
Scamppasta tier: Sushi, Swerve, Inj, Oikos
Oh fuck what are you doing: Algo stables, farm and dumps
We are defi too!: Link, Eth

>> No.27244157

I’m hoping for a dip guise. I’m sitting with too much fiat ATM.

>> No.27244193

Also RSR belongs in OFWAYD tier, never seen anyone in the space talk about it outside of this shithole

>> No.27244229
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>> No.27244247

Why is DeFi fucking dumping

>> No.27244277

Wish I could onramp this from CB Pro or Binance US

>> No.27244333

I agree. There are also some well known people in the crypto world who echo this sentiment:

I know he's a ching chong, but he makes sense. I just really think that when a couple of NEETs can fork your entire project it won't have that much lasting power. I think a lot of these DeFi projects will moon, but we don't know how much, or if they will win out in the end.

So yes, the safe bets are ETH and LINK. A lot of other stuff is replaceable to an extent.

People talk about how there could be disruption to DEX stuff and I agree. There is no way in hell we get 2x crypto adoption and uniswap is still usable. Most likely a layer 2 solution on ETH wins out on that, and I see loopring as a first mover. Their layer 2 solution has me bullish because if you wanted to fork loopring, you can build your own exchange on top of their contract, but still the fees collected by their protocol go to LRC stakers. This gives the token value even if another dex uses their relayer/l2 to build on. Setting up the relayer network is hard enough to not make the project easily forkable.

>> No.27244405

Checked and based

>> No.27244458

Good post but UNI had a 6month lock on fees, that's why it was forked into Sushi. Users will vote to enable them when they can. It may be overhyped anyway.

YFI is bluechip; has some of the best devs, centrepiece of AC ecosystem and essentially a hedge fund.

SNX, AAVE, ETH, LINK are the elite. They have the strongest network effect in their fields.

>> No.27244531

Rsr isn't Defi like people in this thread are talking about, IDK why it's being brought up, but that being said
>never seen anyone in the space talk about it outside of this shithole
Reminds me of something else

>> No.27244762

Bnt good gamble?

>> No.27244818

APY Finance.
It's the aggregator of the aggregators. It moves funds around (with low fees, using blocks of transactions) and manages risk. Getting the best DeFi return takes a lot of time and is quite complex for the average joe. APY Finance fixes this.
Alameda Research and XRP Capital are among its investors.

Vested tokens released on 8th of Feburary, with their Alpha launch aimed to be around the end of Feburary. Price will go down in anticipation of the token release, and then rise in anticipation of the Alpha release. So, immediately after 8th of Feb is the time to buy.

With a market cap of only $9m, and TVL of $23m (before the Alpha has even launched, that is simply the TVL of providing liquidity for the APY token) its a clear no brainer.

>> No.27244951

Checking these digits

Im thinking maybe Arbitrum has a part to play in this too

>> No.27244957

RSR is shit mate, it's exactly like Maker but with less reach, and Maker is exactly like SNX but with no assets besides USD.

If you own SNX you have RSR capabilities PLUS the ability to trade any asset on earth with no slippage. RSR has no right to exist.

>> No.27245029

Best performing asset of 2020.
It will do similar this year.

>> No.27245121
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ETH is outdated tech

>> No.27245821

What about MATIC network?

>> No.27245963

Thanks for the replies frens, will stay away from BADGER for now.
I share your view on UNI for now, I think it is overvalued and at this point SUSHI might even be a better investment. It has been quickly catching up to UNI in volume.

I see Barnbridge has not been mentioned here yet. I don't really know what to think about it, but some people have been talking about it as the next blue chip.

>> No.27246147

Barnbridge is comparable to SFI both are good picks for tranches and risk mitigation/fixed yields

There are some interesting crumbs on SFI that can be found on warosu as well

I think I managed to doxx SFI's dev identity but there are 2 candidates for now, if he is the ones mentioned in the warosu crumbs then SFI will potentially explode. Although if he was related to a certain shady NFT project then I may have second thoughts

T. Super autist that did the research

>> No.27246253

Also the real catch and trends I think for now will be insurance (as a whole for smart contracts and also for Defi)

Seems to be needed in the space and sorely lacking

99% of stuff that has popped recently are just clones and clones and forks and pnd stuff very reminiscent of alt explosion in 2017 except this time its Chainlink that enables this

>> No.27246294

Linkie autist here, what is a good risk to return tokens with upside potential to hold for some years? Is parametric insurance worth looking into?

>> No.27246338

do this right now and walk away: 80% btc and 20% eth

>> No.27246492

Parametric insurance is definitely important and Im looking at etherisc (it has the LINK seal of approval)

The problem is the current products they offer like flight insurance are catered towards retail side -> I wonder how the project plans to incentivise mass demand for enterprise and retail (its hard to explain why they should use trustless contracts for insurance when they are already a step behind Defi). And the team seems to be focused more on that aspect instead of Defi protection and risks (another space whose value is yet to be captured)

Maybe there might be more insurance related protocols pop up. No idea. Gotta make your own calls fren

>> No.27246577

well you have convinced me to put 50/50 on Barnbridge/SFI as my next buy.
>Also the real catch and trends I think for now will be insurance (as a whole for smart contracts and also for Defi)
I agree, will have to keep an eye out for any new products that are not clones. COVER, ARMOR etc. seem pretty shitty to me.

>> No.27246735

poojeet shit

this kinda shit is YEARS off. if it doesn't have end to end trustlessness do not put your money in it at this point. Remember when everyone was shilling DMG over the summer? Look how that worked out.

SFI/Barnbridge are both decent but too big brained in my estimation, each subsequent wave of crypto buyers is dumber and dumber, we are still a ways off from big money in defi. Buy what retail will like.

>> No.27246748


>> No.27247074

Yeah I do agree on the adoption being slow (finance will be the easiest to automate and ensure trustlessness) for stuff like parametric insurance.

Seems to be such a shame though, because the vision of Chainlinked contracts and the 4th IR has so many bottlenecks and pieces that need to move

>> No.27247118

>Buy what retail will like.
DOGE, XRP, NANO and DONUT? Yeah I can't ever force myself to buy any of those shitcoins

>> No.27247139

buying every dip on this

>> No.27247323

Thanks for a good thread. I'd like to see Badger and DIGG rebranded, would prob make them pump, they have great use cases, not sure if they'll deliver tho. Another solid DeFi project is Opium, didn't see it mentioned in this thread. Just a tip from a linkie to another

>> No.27247602

If you would have a link bag, what would be a good project to dca in from now? I though about aave, snx, eth.

>> No.27247924

Thanks for taking the time anon, you know your stuff.

Probably not yet IMO, but there will be a time when you need to rotate your gains into trash and dump on retail faces.

All proper choices, I wouldn't sell link for ETH except what I need for transactions, but I've been wrong before. I sold link to buy SNX at 5 link for 1 SNX, and now they are equal plus I got 2x my SNX from minting for a year. At these levels it is much harder to justify but on a fundamental level I think snx will outperform LINK. Learn how both work and make your own choice. YOu're still early on everything, the only way to lose now is bad trades.

>> No.27247974

I cant give you the best answer
Honestly even current defi protocols and looking at their value none of them really compares to LINK in the long term I suspect this was also why some marines may have missed the defi szn that made shittons of money for everyone

heres something interesting I found: there was an old whale back on biz that would give breadcrumbs on LINK and he mentioned something about his investment choices being "non-orthogonal to LINK's usecase" (i.e if the project is reliant on LINK and doesnt supersede it he does not buy it)

But on the other hand there are also LINK whales on different wallets and stuff and others that bit the Defi pill and did all the degen farms and picks and projects and made a lot of money

The question I guess is what is your risk appetite? If LINK is the Willy Wonka ticket will you want to just continue accumulating it or do you want to chase something else?

>> No.27247997


reasons to buy:
-good allocation
-don't need to have bags of different defi blue chips, just buy the index token.

>> No.27248337

Yeah but most of the index is Aave, snx, and uni. As said here, just buy them all separately. I like uni but the 1 billion supply turns me off. I’m 80% eth, 10% Aave and 10% snx. Feel comfy but wish I bought link low. Literally bought at .30 cents and sold at like .27 cents because of staking fud. Sigh.

>> No.27248404
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what do people think about Dev protocol??

>> No.27248479

PERP: DeFi blue chip in two weeks

$1 Billion Volume 6 weeks after launch
$PERP +433.1% these last 30 Days!

Perpetual Futures + Ethereum Layer 2

Awesome post:

>> No.27248500

Yeah but they also have an algorithm which reallocates the token. I feel like its less work and their algo is probably smarter than most people that don't know which bluechip to get.

>> No.27248806

But in this new paradigm that's a non issue. If you got in LINK early you either have 6 figs minimum or are such a poorfag that you don't matter.

At that point you put your link on AAVE and borrow USDT to go nuts with. All of us that did that a year ago amplified our gains 100 fold.

>> No.27248908

Is SUSHI really shittier?

>> No.27248953

ty. I am not planing to sell any link because the opportunity risk is too large for me at this point, with all things we know about link. SNX seem to be really decent with L2 and cheaper Link requests in mind + many more price feeds.

" I generally look for true investment monopoly and true value case orthogonality- that means that every bet i have outside of link is non-overlapping with link's value case. I think I have some other picks that have the potential to be around the same order of magnitude of novel value created, but only time will tell."

I am really curious what projects he refers to.
"DIP is effectively a use case for smart contracts. I would view DIP as orthogonal to non-overlapping use cases like AMMs or DEXs but not to core smartcontract architecture like link. "

>> No.27249090

see >>27248806

put your link on aave and borrow 10% to punt on SNX or AAVE, If you're OG you can still be a top 1k wallet in either

>> No.27249223

I unironically only have low six fig from lonk as Im a late poorfag buyer (missed out browsing biz but did all the autismo research right before mainnet)

Been thinking of pulling the plug for aave style loans for a while now, do you think that some bullshit liqd price like CZ's wick could unironically occur? I might lowkey neck if shit like this happens and I lose my linkies (even if only a portion was used as collateral)

>> No.27249295

Just to add on since my capital is relatively a lot smaller than the OG whales so this kind of affects the decision

>> No.27249817 [DELETED] 

Consider tax, stress in your decision. Make sure to overcolletarize very well. In the end your taking a loan to long your link, its something I would simply not do.

>> No.27249853

I recalled from his other threads he was asked about grt pnk and statera and he was not bullish on them (both pnk and statera fall under LINK overlap anyways)

Im not too entirely convinced of his thesis because seems to me the value driven tokens mostly came from Defi (TVL as a good metric) so perhaps he could be referring to investments outside of blockchain (he is a whale after all) or some obscure project we rarely know about

>> No.27250036

I don't to be honest. Just don't go to heavy to where that's even a concern. With $100k, borrowing 10k to punt on DeFi Bluechips is still a no brainer IMO

>> No.27250208

Thanks anon i will consider it

>> No.27250363

What do you guys think about ALPHA?

>> No.27250376

Also im glad this thread is up much needed from the rubic parsq and now the gme redditor invasion

Wish biz was more like this lol

>> No.27250390

>Measuring in GBP

>> No.27250521

Would you mind to share your holdings?

>> No.27250631

Didnt take much of a look but I chanced upon this article discussing it:


>> No.27250860

Bought LINK in 2018, accumulate all summer. Also fell for many biz shitcoins as a newfag before I wised up and realized nobody was out to help me and getting in 'early' was a fucking retarded way to play the markets.

I stayed all in on LINK for a year and considered everything else a shitcoin, until SNX started using LINK. I did about 30 hours of reading/thinking about it an concluded it was the best hold in the game. That lead me to learning about AAVE, Thorchain, Balancer, Curve, Uniswap,etc, long before anyone talked about them here.

So I'm mostly, LINK, Snx, Uni (airdop), 1inch (airdop) YFi (farmed), Bal (farmed), and various other shit that I farmed. THe only things I paid money for are Link and SNX. I started with less than $10k and am close to a million now. I used to trade but it was mostly a wash.

>> No.27251066

Been looking a bit in >>27235278 this anons theory, do you think he is right? Aave and SNX seem to have MC/TLV close to 1, UNI has 1,5 (and the general consensus ITT seem to be that its overvalued a bit), while Maker has MC/TLV 0,26. I obviously dont know as much about Defi as some of you guys, but could that mean Maker might have more potential in short/mid term?

>> No.27251071

Love seeing threads like these once in a while. This cesspool is so much better during the bear market

>> No.27251290 [DELETED] 

You played the defi game very well, and leveraged your link. Despite all opportunity costs I am happy to long link and will hopefully make it in the next years.

>> No.27251422
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>> No.27251624

TVL is the stupidest metric to use, especially for SNX

all 'value' locked in SNX is denominated in SNX, so every time price goes up ro down, TVL does the same. Also true for most protocols when the assets within them are pumping-- Eth goes up TVL goes up, even if there are net outflows. It's only really a useful metric for protocols that primarily hold stables.

>> No.27252159

do you think SNX and AAVE are still worth buying or are we close to a top?

>> No.27252547

Anons I'm all in LINK and I have around 5k LINK now. I'm pretty desperate to increase my stack. Being all in LINK sucks balls atm while everything else is popping off left and right and ofc we're in it for the long run but I just can't help but imagine what would happen if Sergey doesn't deliver this year, again. There's no doubt its a long term hold but at the same time I don't want to be left blueballed in this bullrun.

I'm willing to pull out 3k LINK or so and put that on AAVE, borrow USDT and buy more AAVE, SNX, 1INCH on this dip. Had I done that weeks ago as I thought I could have easily paid the loan back but my pussy ass did nothing. Thoughts on my plan?

>> No.27252802

There is no top for Aave. Even though the price goes up people here are still sleeping on Stani and co and don't do the diligence to see what they're building.

It's been asked a few times in this thread but biz sleeping on bancor. The way the protocol mitigates impermanent loss is amazing and really in a game changer. Not to mention L2 with Arbitrum is out now and bancor vortex coming soon.

>> No.27252825

You can get liquidated + a smart contract risk. Other than that sounds like an okay plan. Also keep in mind loaning might be a taxable event

>> No.27252866

KNC 3.0

>> No.27252904

BSV is the controversial one, but has much potential

>> No.27252947

You are seriously going to neck yourself once RLC sees action from enterprises. It wont get much cheaper, if at all.

>> No.27252969

>COMP sucks because it doesn't use muh decentralized "oracles" aka my overpriced json price feed that I invested in and want to see number go up on.
drrrrrrrrrr fuck off.

>> No.27253024

I spent my entire stim check on it on Friday.

>> No.27253105

Same, I learn a lot from posts like this. It's really all I come to /biz/ for these days. DeFi is the bulk of my portfolio, I don't really waste time on the shitcoins everyone is always shilling.

>> No.27253403

Guys what happens to our alts if BTC keeps dumping?

>> No.27253454

How many times has their oracle failed?

>> No.27253472

How is no one mentioning this? Just was added to coinbase custody.

>> No.27253510

Do you think it's worth it to farm if you have a low amount of money to invest? Like say I make some DCAed buys about $500 a month. After gas fees and stuff, maybe I'm only buying in for about $350-$400 worth. It's put me off moving my stuff over into staking for a while now for sure. I was thinking it might just be smarter to invest in ether building my stash of DeFi coins until I have a bag or just chucking all my money into a DeFi index fund at this point but I'm not sure which way to go.

>> No.27253514

lol. you're still holding this fartless bean coin (unironically)?
not enough for me to care.

>> No.27253622

give me a reason why AlphaX won't eat its lunch?

both perp futures dex using uni's XYK equation but ALPHA token has additional leveraged yield usage from homora + yearn ecosystem

>> No.27253791

Go back and read >>27250860. My opinion is that you shouldn't look for 'gems', buy market leaders. We are still very early, maybe 1% of crypto understands this stuff and maybe 1% of the population is in crypto beyond a few meme bucks in BTC. A sure bet on a winner beats a gamble 99% of the time.

muh enterprise use is the gayest meme of all time. people talked about the shit for YEARS and there is nothing to show for it. If I can't see it on chain it never happened.

>> No.27253925

The short answer is that it's not worth it to farm unless you're a whale, and these days you're going further and further out the risk curve. IF you cant read smart contracts don't bother or worry about it.

Minting SNX on L2 is a good play but I am talking my book.

>> No.27254377

As BTC keeps going down people are probably going to panic sell and buy ETH or some other alt, so I think there should be an alt season soon. When bitcoin hits the depression phase people are going to sell alt and buy BTC again. **Probably. I have no fucking idea actually but it makes sense in my head.**

>> No.27254432

Great keep not caring I'm sure your money will be safe long term. They sell rope on Amazon you're gonna need it.

>> No.27254542

Get the rope ready within a few months 8)

>> No.27254785

Thanks for this thread. Actual useful information in a sea of turd and Pajeet.

>> No.27254813

I really don't care if shit I don't hold moons. My returns have utterly fucking destroyed 99.99% of the investing public. I don't FOMO. I don't panic sell. And I sure as shit don't by on the promise of enterprise adoption. This is a white man's thread so I suggest you see yourself out of it.

>> No.27255066

SNX is the only S teir.

The traditional derivatives market is worth many many times more than the stock, bond, crpyto market. It will allow smart yield farmers to control volatility to some degree by shorting one of the tokens they are providing liquidity to. The logic is that if the price goes down when they are ready to sell their yield (governance tokens), they won't loose out completely cause they shorted themselves and know get to buy back at a lower price.

The negatives of this is you will miss out on the highest returns for a more steady earning.

This is one of MANY examples.

A Tier: MKR

Can't say enough good things about this and its potential but can never have enough value as a Derivatives market. Has potential to be the currency the market pays labor in the future. Working remotely and the rest of the world turning online and dumping their stinky fiat makes this a real possability.

Misc A Tier: AAVE, YFI, UNI

>> No.27255763

How much SNX/AAVE/UNI to make it?

>> No.27255850


I did a disservice by not mentioning LINK as a possible S tier.

For all of these protocols, they will need to rely on good information that has little risk of manipulation. If manipulation occurs then all of the protocols can get fucked.

There are definitely other A and S tiers but there is just too much to keep up with and research which can deliver.

>> No.27255919


>> No.27256200

Thanks anon. I'll probably just baghold my stuff for now. Still researching index funds though, it seems like I might get more bang for my buck than individually holding smaller amounts of different coins. I'm not sure why we don't seem more poorfag to mid-tier investors talking about indexes around here, the return looks good on them for the long term. I think people just want a moonshot though.

>> No.27256261


15% ETH since everyone in DeFi needs it in their wallet to interact with the network.

50% SNX, 25% AAVE, 10% UNI

UNI might have more potential for short term growth since its the most popular and most recognized. Still can't believe it was up to $20.

>> No.27256307
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BUILD will be a future DeFi bluechip

>> No.27256406


>> No.27256409

link is not defi and does not belong in a discussion of defi

>> No.27256525

You seem to forget the SNX oracle exploit

>> No.27256673

That doesn't make link a defi token

Go make a link thread if you want to talk about it

>> No.27256724

There is no DeFi without LINK

>> No.27256740


If you have only a little to invest, avoid an Index that will spread you too thin imo. Shoot for ones with 4-5 instead of 8+.

ASSY is one to keep an eye on. Its comprised of AAVE, SNX, SUSHI, YFI. I could do without SUSHI but i'll keep it for the memes and it does have a lot of potential.

Eventually holding ASSY will be holding the staked versions of the tokens. What this means is that those tokens are interest bearing and increase in value because they collect misc transactions fees, potential treasury rewards and etc.

I'm not explaining this correctly and still researching it.

>> No.27256831

2,000 SNX to make it, 160 AAVE to make it, 10,000 UNI to make it. All of these are based on 1/100,000 out of total supply basis.

Getting that much UNI would be stupid though. I think the choices here are obvious.

>> No.27257085


2nd oldest DeFi project after AAVE. Extremely lindy. They keep building no matter what.

>> No.27257322

No defi without Eth either but that doesn't make it a defi token now does it? Please stop. I've had this argument so many times with linkies over the last year and every single one of them capitulated eventually. So annoying.

Mega redpilled.

literal decentralized bug bounty protocol, you got jeeted

>> No.27257626

Should I sell LINK for more AAVE and SNX?

>> No.27257806

>literal decentralized bug bounty protocol, you got jeeted

How many years do you think that will keep working to FUD people?

>> No.27257880

Any thoughts on BAO, it describes itself as SNX + AAVE for uniswap, sushiswap, balancer. I was an idiot who only saw yet another copy paste food coin but it seems like there may be more to it...

>> No.27257899

I don't know. All 3 are winners in my book. If you were asking a year ago I'd say yeah, but right now I can't tell you. I have a little bias towards SNX, but it is hard to understand and has far less shills than link does. I think fundamentally it's a better value in the near term but fundamentals don't mean shit when DOGE does 18x in a month.

The best advice I can give you is to keep reading until you wouldn't take advice from randos on 4chan.

>> No.27258047

it's fucking shit, been hacked like 10 times and Tom and that other guy outsource the code to India. It was shilled heavliy here, it's shit and the price reflects that. Jeeted.

It's shilled heavily on biz sooooooo

>> No.27259146

Checked and you are right, sorry I hand't finished reading the whole thread. Comfy thread btw

Does somebody thinks AKRO has a chance to succeed?

>> No.27259290

Thanks, I will definitely look into that. I'm kind of new to crypto and just found out these funds are available pretty recently. I do I think I want to put most of my money into a managed fund right now and then maybe a smaller amount into speculating and building my long holds.
Some other anon mentioned the DeFi pulse index yesterday, the allocation looked good but I was concerned that it has the same problem you mentioned about being spread too thin. That might work right now while everything is mooning but not sure how it would do in the long run. I'm really looking for long term growth since I have a relatively small amount invest at this point. I'll definitely to do more research into this.

>> No.27259466


SNX is worth looking into.

It will take a while for people to actually understand and realize its value and will take even longer to reach its fullest potential. That being said, the TLV and the exposure to other assets thru it could be exponential.

>> No.27259471

>sell rope
edgy because you're seething or seething because you're edgy?

>> No.27259477

Thoughts on AKRO lads?

>> No.27259534

Screenshot this, RAMP defi will be a defi bluechip

>> No.27259732

Aave is great
Also bnt, still undervalued and most comfy passive gains in all crypto. If u are a hodler you are basically retarded to not stake your eth link or whatever on bancor

>> No.27259823 [DELETED] 

GFY. AAVE's highest liquidity pool is LINK and it even shits on ETHs.

No LINK, no TVL.

>> No.27259901

BUILD looks pretty interesting with a number of credible devs behind it. I haven't done much research beyond that. Any other anons looked into it?

>> No.27260083

Venture Building DAO. Plenty of crumbs around. Check this out.


>> No.27260718

Thanks anon will look into it more. Will buy a small bag when I wake up

>> No.27260778

Yep. Will be a top gainer

>> No.27260884

SNX is a solid play. Celsius offers 13.99% APY on it but you can stake it yourself and earn up to 36% but you have to maintain a certain collateral. Its kind of confusing and you have to claim your rewards every week. Its not worth it unless you have 1000+ SNX. You can use SNX on L2 and earn around 5-8% though.

Right now SNX is on phase 0 of L2. Once they get to phase 2; probably in 3 months expect this shit to pop to 50-75 even if the rest of the market stays flat. Go look at the APY on AAVE for sUSD. Look into sETH, sBTC,sUSD and iETH and iBTC. SNX can hold its own in both a bear and bull market.

AAVE is also amazing protocol but the current price is way too high for my blood. SNX usually trades at a .1 of AAVE; so expect SNX to touch 30 mid Feb.

SNX is a top 15 AAVE is a top 10 SUSHI will be a top 15 LRC is a top 25.

ALPHA HEGIC and MIR are also great long term plays along with MPH. Dont trust me though DYOR.

Flip a couple shitcoins on here and 2x and do nt be greedy and then buy blue chip DEFI tokens. Its just getting started. Expect the ghost chains in the top 20 to start fading BSV BCH TRON XLM etc.

>> No.27260896

1000IQ post right here.

Yes I'm seething so bad because COMP sucks. Enjoy another oracle failure when it inevitably happens. Again. I'll definitely be enjoying your pink wojaks.

>> No.27260948

Great thread.
What about Injective Protocol (INJ, Layer 2 dex solution built on Cosmos)?

>> No.27260956

Everyone knows what the blue chips are that’s why they are blue chips. The question are what can be future blue chips.

My money is quite literally on BAL/STA platform on Eth anyway.

>> No.27261286

Already exists

That's a trade for Tether to a wrapped AAPL E20 token.

>> No.27261375

DeFi couldn't exist in the state it does today without LINK
the guarantees would simply not be there

>> No.27261653

Sushi is way better than Uniswap from a user perspective.

>> No.27261657

nu linkers are worse than xrp tards

>> No.27262036

They are undervalued because they are on almost none of the big centralized exchanges. Dex availability is good fine, but with the current fees it is a HUGE inhibitor to growth.

>> No.27262771

Not selling until $100

>> No.27264224

I'm relatively new to crypto and just got my UNI airdrop the other day (which is now 95% of what I hold). Would any anons mind providing advice on some good moves to make? I've been considering just holding it and seeing where it goes, but have also been thinking about selling some of it to invest in the blue chips (BTC, ETH, LINK). On the other hand, this thread and some of my own research has been making me wonder if it could be worth staking on AAVE or another platform. Thoughts?

>> No.27264381

what do you guys think about Cream?

>> No.27264640

Thoughts on 1inch?

>> No.27264659

I've been looking at cream and it looks like its gonna be big but Idk what makes it better than AAVE

>> No.27265147

>tfw remember eyeing sub 1$ snx last year

>> No.27265290

50% eth 50% link

>> No.27266010

What's your thoughts on Bancor being banned in the US? This is my main issue in buying Bancor

>> No.27266096


Everything has potential to moon short term especially since most people getting involved go straight to small market cap and are worth less than $5 a token in hopes of it being BTC.

Long term I think it looses out to other lending protocols that had a head start and better marketing.


It might be worth it to ride it out a little longer since you already have it. Trading platforms are probably going to have the most attention for the short term since everyone uses them.

Diversifying into all aspects of DeFi (Trading, Lending, Derivatives, Payments) is something worth looking into after you feel like you rode out the wave.

It'll be higher risk, higher reward then BTC/ETH/LINK. There will also be ALOT more time invested and its harder to put a $$$ value to that. Then again you will also be learning core principals of finance and that can only help you long term.

>> No.27266264
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pic rel

>> No.27266892

Thanks for the advice anon. Feels like there's a shitton of information to absorb but I'm starting to get my bearings

>> No.27267277

APR on BNT are worse than elsewhere though, why not go elsewhere?

>> No.27267518
File: 7 KB, 347x33, Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 20.48.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get qrd on bnt, specifically on the ratios? also pic related is a bit ominous

>> No.27267819

I love African American Vernacular English coin.

>> No.27268125

I like STA as in idea of index fund of blue chips+deflationary token with trading bot. But everything else about the project kinda sucks, team seems really incompetent. Still have a small bag though

>> No.27268380

It's on coinbase so don't think it's banned in the us anymore. Had no problems staking and no warnings either.

The APY right now on bancor is about 135% if staking bancor and about 35% for staking other tokens. You only have to be in one side of the pool. No where else in crypto will you find what they are offering right now. Basically free money but also a good medium term hold, 6 months to a year.

>> No.27268481

Platform earning fees is decent but the rewards right now are crazy and will continue for at least another year.

>> No.27269455

What about Sushi? Sushiswap seems pretty neat so far.

>> No.27269477

Should I DCA into AAVE or SNX? I DCA into Eth right and have a few speculative bets but RN I want to start branching out.

>> No.27269823

I knew there was IL protection but can you enter a pair and only provide one token? How do they keep the pairs equally weighted at 50/50?

Sushiswap V2 has IL protection too btw. Andre's ecosystem is growing into a beast

>> No.27270464

Yes that's the point, single sided staking with no IL. It works beautifully by the way.


>> No.27270606

any thought of bnt/ bancor ? they seems to have a more advance technology. also (((they))) might have some good friends to do interesting partnership

>> No.27270826

See above. A golden goose while the rewards program runs if you're staking any decent amount of your preferred long term hold. Gas prices are high so as I said decent amount.

>> No.27271046

Nigga Idk if this is bait or ur just plain stupid

>> No.27272854

What crypto do you guys think will be the next likely to 2X? and in what timeframe do you think?

>> No.27273063


>> No.27273179

what do you unironically think about Rubic? I got in on it last night. was getting tired of trying to hold on "dude fundamentals lol!" tokens.

and meming a token always increases the price. it seems that the potential for integrating with polkadot could be a big deal.

>> No.27274175

Growth DeFi (GRO) but not gonna spoonfeed

>> No.27274319

>tfw only have 1.5k SNX and 150 AAVE
>tfw just short of make it stacks

Fuck am I still gonna make it bros? I also have 1 BTC, 32 ETH, 2.5k DOT and a handful of random shitcoins at least

>> No.27274598

you already made it, just dont know it yet. I dont even have 20k combined. Just dont sell. Last year I could easily made over 200k if I just hold some of the coins I had for couple months more

>> No.27274599


>> No.27274843

/biz isn't the place to discover new projects.. by the time someone makes a thread on it has already 5x'd for most. Lurk on crypto twitter instead.

>> No.27274846

Here we go again... To effectively provide liquidity either you or someone else needs to provide the other side of the pair. They print bangor tokens when you provide "single sided" for that to work the buyers need to always be willing to go through a token that some Chinese people printed out of thin air. Ask yourself a question would you rather trade your eth to link or eth -> bancor -> link?

>> No.27274873
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>> No.27274918

which accounts?

>> No.27275033


>> No.27276055

What range do you see BOND/SFI percentage wise if they take off ? Holding BOND and thinking about buying some SFI (ROI on BOND higher as of now for me).

>> No.27276271

Chinese people what the fuck are you talking about? Idk what kinda nonsense you're on but they released a health report of the protocol 2 weeks ago the protocol made 500k more in fees than it paid out in IL protection so it works so far. I don't care which way my tokens go as long as I get the most for my money and if you're a long term holder you're passing up free money by not staking.

>> No.27276353

Do you think Alpha is a buy at current prices or are the news priced in by now?

>> No.27277222

Ive recently been accumulating UNI, but this thread is making me reconsider. Should i put my UNI into my LINK or AAVE stacks instead?

>> No.27277476


>> No.27278273

Probably but why would you listen to internet strangers on a croatian cabbage farming forum instead of doing your own research? Nice full house too.

>> No.27278345

was waiting for it to dip under 100 couple days ago. That shit didn't happen obviously. shit is going to be expensive to lp when the countdown ends.

>> No.27278628

You're right anon

>> No.27278737

>do you think SNX and AAVE are still worth buying or are we close to a top?
We are only in the early part of the bull market. Plenty of room for anything defi. Plus these networks will continue to grow even in a bear market. Defi products arent dependent on the price of BTC or ETH. Although the tokens are so just be cautious.

>> No.27278885
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>> No.27280423

Could be undervalued still, but long term, I feel the same way I do about UNI, could be disrupted.
Yeah DIP/Etherisc seems like it could be a good play. One of the cryptos I am long term very bullish on.

>> No.27280856

MKR as well

>> No.27281600

I'm not hyper bullish on multiple blockchains. Some of those cross chain dexes could work out though.

>> No.27282267

What size for a bnt make it stack?