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27313685 No.27313685 [Reply] [Original]

I have about $10,000 us dollars to my name, will probably be losing my job this week.

what's a good moonshot bet to take?

low mcap only please

>> No.27314017

I have 5k while my wife has 100+ but she works and i dont. Feels good except when it comes to investing.

>> No.27314109

actual advice here: buy on a thursday, the weekend is for poomps

>> No.27314167


>> No.27314286
File: 27 KB, 320x320, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$IMTE but you were supposed to get in on Friday

>> No.27314372

Wtf do you do then leech?

>> No.27314403

I was an idiot and bought into Nok at 6.90 but it's low at 4.62 right now and they removed the cap on share purchases, I'd honestly just take that 10k and put it into NOK chance it moons is high at the very least likely to double your 10k.

That being said I'm a retard and do what you wish with your cash.

>> No.27314470

I lost my job last month & make just as much now on unemployment as I did working. What are you going on about?

>> No.27314614

any specifics?

not anywhere close to its ATH yet, think it'll hit it again?

I might not get EI if I'm fired for "cause"

>> No.27314752

Buy a Glock, buy crack, sell crack to basketball Americans, rob them of rest of their money and the crack you sold them

>> No.27314885

silver merchant, buy up as much as you can, in a week sell it for a premium on craigslist buy up more with ur profits keep doing this

>> No.27315754


how the hell would I find out if there's a demand for silver in my area

>> No.27315865

start applying for new jobs, take the 10k and stay with a friend, and buy rice and beans and some chicken or cheap meat to flavor it

>> No.27315903

brilliant jew advise

>> No.27316018

reef token

>> No.27316034

Anon what did you do.

>> No.27316106

Anon... she's going to divorce you. Maybe not now. But soon.

>> No.27316107

all in silver is a good bet. its price is only going to increase. don't get greedy, use the gainz for down payment and crypto (chances are economy will collapse soon so cheap coins).

>> No.27316179

$SHIB. Getting listed on a MXC Exchange (major asian platform).

Will at the very least x50, your 10 000 will become 500 000 fren

>> No.27316270

Distribute among shillcoins like 4chan500 YDOGE and Akita and hope one of them moons

>> No.27316342

>not anywhere close to its ATH yet, think it'll hit it again?
The point is to not buy near the ATH

>> No.27316352

Give me her number I can take care of her cause I know you can't.

>> No.27316366


>> No.27316399

probably called someone a nigger or a bitch.

>> No.27316422

Unironically buy FNF. They own 13% of all REAL shares of GNE, they're getting swarmed by millions of new users off of RH and Webull, and they offer $0.33 per share in divies every three months. They're literally rated at 9.9 bullish as we speak, and they're only in the $30 bracket. Buy it and either sell when it spikes with the GNE spike later, or hodl it and let that shit be your retirement.

Or if you want to do it fast, AMC will pump tomorrow a bit.

>> No.27316562

Split to your desire between RSR and RBC.

>> No.27316676


>> No.27316690
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nothing really, my boss is just retarded. I work in marketing for a small heavy equipment business for the past 3.5 months & I've given my boss like 6 different proposals to work and he nixed all of them, then all of a sudden he's getting on my ass because he's "not seeing results". No shit you're not seeing results, all you let me do is post bullshit on social media.

yes I know that's why I was asking your opinion on if it has potential to go there again

>> No.27316900

CVC, unironically, it's only at 0.20 and look at the 1-year. Normies gonna need to into crypto.

>> No.27316960

Anon seriously get on RSR/RBC.

>> No.27317057

Short GME. It is garunteed to crash on Monday.

>> No.27317256

When? I want to peacefully leave I have nothing against hedgies.

>> No.27317314

what does the token actually do? also, the whole point of defi is not having to go through a bunch of jewy KYC shit anon. it sounds like an ok service that a very small subsection of the demographic might use, but that shit is going nowhere fast.

wanna shill me on these bad boys?

>> No.27317359


>> No.27317462

RSR: Backed by Thiel, Altman, and Coinbase ventures, good TA, valid usecase. Rothschild/Bilderberg takeover conspiracy fullfillment.

RBC: Good TA, good usecase

>> No.27317543

Though honestly if you're getting fired I wouldnt invest all your 10K into crypto. But if you were those would be my choices for maximum-non-normieshitcoin returns.

>> No.27317594

You are correct with your criticisms but it's meant as a gateway to use crypto for average users, has KYC and blockchain health record sharing (which I know large corporates are working on). It also lets you only verify your ID for society-facing applications the one time, rather than having to id yourself via picture / gov ID to every new DLT app that might ask you to.

I am okay with switching wallets, using several apps, a lot of normies would immediately tap out if you asked them to do that.

The KYC and health record sharing aren't glamorous for us autists, but corporate people like that crap. Plus EMR is huge, and they already have an offering.

0.20. Look at the two bumps in the past year. Solid Doubling. It's only 0.20 bro.

>> No.27317620

Bao, locks up funds, over 1000% apy paid back to you over the next 3 years. 5% of your initial back up front

>> No.27317666

>how the hell would I find out if there's a demand for silver in my area
uh guys... should we tell him?

>> No.27317803

If this is true go a in on GME. You got nothing to lose

>> No.27317833

reef. remember this post

>> No.27317839

RBC is a decentralized crypto exchange that is working towards being a complete one-stop shop for anonymous cross-chain trades. on top of this, its aim is to be much quicker and cheaper than current alternatives. this is important because the current largest/most popular DEX, uniswap, can only trade tokens on the ethereum network, is slow as fuck, and its exchange fees are fucking ludicrous. it's also worth over 5 billion dollars. RBC is currently worth 16 million. there are competitors to RBC, and the rubic exchange is far from perfect at the moment, but its currently a bit more advanced than its competitors. if it beats out the competition it will melt fucking faces. a $100M mcap would put it at almost a dollar, and if it reached the same value as uniswap each token would be worth $40.and beyond that, consider the insane amount of money that would pour into DEXes as a whole after the dust of robinhood's corrupt insanity settles and people search for non-kosher exchange platforms.

>> No.27319318
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she's fucking her work husband lmao