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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27427065 No.27427065 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is why it can't pass its ATH

>> No.27427143

is this a swap or a transfer

>> No.27427287

unstaking a coin

>> No.27427333

Defi concentration in a single chain is a mistake.

>> No.27427488

>Decentralised business generates profits for its workers
>This is bad for price

Stock market 101 kid.

>> No.27427502

high network activity is the reason for the high fee you mongoloid. if no one was using eth, it would cost 5 cents, but you're using the only chain that anyone cares about. you think you're entitled to shit that was invented 2 years ago, kys

>> No.27427555

It will all spread out when there’s other viable options

>> No.27427663

The whole point of RBC

Uniswap has a matter of months to defeat those 2

>> No.27427822

lol no it fucking won't, i bought i defi project last summer on another chain, fast, cheap, working product... and it's fucking crickets

each additional composable project on ETH just makes ETH that much more unbeatable

Try SNX on layer 2 if you want to see the future. ETH is fast and free

>> No.27427912

Have you tried using RBC? It's trash.

>> No.27428328
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rapid adoption of the tech is what will ultimately raise the price, and this does not help rapid adoption

>the more people use my network, the more difficult it is to use my network
>this is sustainable

>> No.27428432

desu I think they can do it. I saw some post about how they might incoporate a layer 2 solution into uniswap v3. Can't some soon enough