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27442965 No.27442965 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss how a hedge fun can avoid a short squeeze, theoretically.

>> No.27443103

Buying shares directly from other institutions

>> No.27443154

print shares

>> No.27443159

I want to discuss how shorts cover their positions gradually during the course of 500% volume during a week and people don't realize it because free public facing "short data" lags by weeks

>> No.27443624
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scare/distract/deceive investors into selling

>> No.27443791
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Who nose?

>> No.27443938

Why would they be so altruistic to sell at a lower price?
Is there a legal limit to how many shares can be printed?
Is it legal to trade a stock but not report it on the nasdaq?
What about the ways these ^ guys say?
So who is the central Jew in the command of this operation?

>> No.27444077

They can't
They could around 5 days ago, but not anymore

>> No.27444165

>say silver is NEXT pump
>pump silver
>silver pump over therefore GME pump is over
>people ape out of GME
>price plummets
>hedgies cover shorts

>> No.27444228

Coordinated selloffs to 150
Buy and close shorts until it goes back up to 400
Coordinated selloffs to 150
It costs a lot, but not as much as squeezing at 5000/share.

>> No.27444288

Change rules right away. Reverse all trading history with $GME. Just my schizo thoughts.

>> No.27444467
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>> No.27444524

If nobody is selling you're just moving stocks, you're not closing your positions
For someone to gain, someone else must lose. If the HODLer refuses the sell, he can't lose, therefore they can't gain.
Unless they cannibalize each other and do the stereotypical jewish back-pat, in which case the loser is a jew anyway, and all is good.

>> No.27444549

If we can't push the price up high enough to run them out of money and force them to cover they can just wait it out until the normies get bored and sell. What reddit should do is go down the list of all the stocks Melvin is shorting and pump them all to put them as deep into the red as possible. It gets exponentially harder to pump just Gamestop as the market cap gets bigger plus with the share buying limits now. Once melvin/citadel get far enough into the hole they wont have any choice but to cover or ask for a bailout. Of course reddit is fucking retarded so theyre just pumping other unrelated shit like silver

>> No.27444843
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Funny how the shills became quiet as soon as the board started posting nazi jokes

>> No.27445417
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I'm just a bloody retard in all of this but I think the hedgies plan right now is to shove the market price down REAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLY far and hope people are misinformed enough about what is actually going on to sell at that low price when ini reality if they just have DIAMOND HANDS and hold the price is theirs to name.
And if THAT doesn't work they plan to just instead pay the short interest and never actually buy the stock. If it gets too prolonged then they might just ask Gamestop to shit out some new shares so they can buy those at the massively reduced price and cover their butts like that... Or they're waiting for Gamestop to somehow not be a share anymore and thus everything gets null and voided.

Again no idea what the fuck i'm talking about here but that's the only way what they're doing makes sense to me.

>> No.27445751

buy a deep out of the money call for every 100 shares shorted, turn a potentially infinite downside into a large but finite downside

>> No.27445899

securities fraud.

500% volume, with every tom dick and harry on planet earth maxing out mom's credit buying shares.

>> No.27445934

when the market open tomorrow, what are the chances that the stock will keep declining at the current rate, and how likely is it that there will be a jump back to 250-280 range?

>> No.27446002

Shills have pink ID

>> No.27446008

Could go up, could go down

>> No.27446033

Are you implying there is a central group of Jews that owns various hedge funds and work together to when for their own benefit in the end because they split the profits? How are they doing this?

>> No.27446126

You can't even comprehend how advanced their models and ai are, plus, the real ogs own the media too

>> No.27446220

My gut tells me there's a huge chance it'll keep declining. The hedgies are seething and just want this stock to look as dead as possible and they're botting the fuck out of it. Today after it dipped below 250 there was obvious intent to KEEP it below there since soon as it re-approached 250 it went down hard.

>> No.27446311

Politely ask the company to issue more shares.

>> No.27446570

so buy both and hold. simple as. why can't retards just realize it doesn't have to be one or the other?

>> No.27446703

I was very intelligent and bought 2 shares at 312. Now I'm thinking that if I can buy 6-8 shares at 100-150, and manage to sell them off at 200-250, I can recoup my losses and get out with clean hands and self esteem intact. It all depends on pricing going up or down after opening tomorrow though. Is this what gambling feels like?

>> No.27447204

>when the market open tomorrow, what are the chances that the stock will keep declining at the current rate, and how likely is it that there will be a jump back to 250-280 range?

why, so you can take the cowards way out and sell just to watch the price rocket to the moon late this week?

>> No.27447329

I saw this first hand
It kept leaping above certain floors and was routinely sent back

>> No.27447500

To know if I should hold off for the price to lower before buying more.

>> No.27447581

Distracting people with alternative pumps to ride, look at all the other opportunities suddenly being shilled when it looked like this might become a problem for them.

>> No.27447644


atta boy. beautiful striong hands

>> No.27447669

>Is it legal to trade a stock but not report it on the nasdaq?
Yes and it's customary so you can't see what institutions are doing.

>> No.27447786

they literally dont know how things work, they think RH stopped trading because it bent over to the man when it couldnt afford DTCC fees because they dont know what a clearing house is or that it exists

>> No.27447847
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>> No.27448006


>> No.27448198

Pretty much, along with the stages of grief you seem to be experiencing. Not to gloat, I'm in the same boat.

>> No.27448442
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by making a deal with their broker to reduce the interest rates because everyone involved knows this is just a fad that will go away if you give it a couple weeks. now why would the brokers do that? well if the hedgies try to cover they won't have enough money to pay for it all. you know who pays up if they can't? take a guess.

>> No.27448570


>> No.27448652

OK, so here's whats going on to any #diamondhands who are starting to get concerned. The price action you see today is a lie. You can see that through very low volume, hedge funds are actually selling to each other and short interest has actually DOUBLED in the last week. These greedy bastards are getting cocky because they think you're stupid. Heh, well I guess they're the ones that are gonna feel stupid February 12th. Why February 12th, you ask? Well Reddit, feb 12 falls on a friday and that's when Chamath (The Sri Lankan billionaire on our side) is going to exercise his call options at $115. All of them. The amount of covering that hedgies will have to do alone on that date is going to make what's happened so far look like nothing. Our job? All we have to do is make sure that WE and everyone else we know holds. We got this far with our diamond hands, in two more weeks, we're gonna be dancing together on the moon. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

>> No.27448737
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If liquidity was an issue, they could have raised it with their position in the market. Whatever the reason was, they had the option to take a short term hit to raise the capital needed for their customers and chose not to which will cost them more money in the long term with the public reaction.

>> No.27448847

>be broker
>see Melvin Capital is getting anally penetrated by a giant moon rocket
>understand that it could collapse the economy
>waive interest fees
>Melvin can now hold their shorts forever
Is this possible or do I just not understand how options work? if it is possible is it legal?

>> No.27448901

Is it avoided when a stock went from 4 to 500?
That chart they posted goes from 200 to 1k
They didn't avoid it. In fact one hedge fund is dead and another is bleeding. They didn't avoid it. Its done.

>> No.27448939

They can't shart out more shares until march. Hedgies don't have that much time.

>> No.27449023

Counterfeit shares

>> No.27449126

>implying that jews will wave interest
oh anon u got a lot of learning to do.

>> No.27449166

there will be one more surge before gme dies for good.

>> No.27449183

it's literally within their interest to do so learn to read retard

>> No.27449221

The market is going to be stronger than it has been in a decade in a month. Collapse is pure scaremongering. An entire hedgie cancer of sheckles is going to be entering the market and actually doing something positive instead of being a vulture battering ram.

They're never going to waive interest fees. They are competitors. Blackrock and the rest are right there with us feasting on this corpse.

>> No.27449241
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>there will be one more surge before gme dies for good.

>> No.27449311

By tricking people that are pinning them in to sell the stock that is hurting the hedge fund and buy the silver shares that the hedge fund has in ample supply.

This does two things in the short term, it helps ease the pain of the stock that has grown to such a high value that it is crippling the hedge fund by lowering its price, and it gives the hedge fund cash to use to buy those stocks on the dip.

In the long term, when Silver shares drops back down as people realize that it almost never moves more than a few cents, and that there will never be a major spike like GME enjoyed, the hedge funds will be able to buy the dropping silver shares back and make another profit off of them, while making it harder for the retail traders to scrape together funds to buy up shares in something else.

>> No.27449347

OK, so here's whats going on to any #diamondhands who are starting to get concerned. The price action you see today is a lie. You can see that through very low volume, hedge funds are actually selling to each other and short interest has actually DOUBLED in the last week. These greedy bastards are getting cocky because they think you're stupid. Heh, well I guess they're the ones that are gonna feel stupid February 12th. Why February 12th, you ask? Well Reddit, feb 12 falls on a friday and that's when Chamath (The Sri Lankan billionaire on our side) is going to exercise his call options at $115. All of them. The amount of covering that hedgies will have to do alone on that date is going to make what's happened so far look like nothing. Our job? All we have to do is make sure that WE and everyone else we know holds. We got this far with our diamond hands, in two more weeks, we're gonna be dancing together on the moon. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

>> No.27449423

No its not, they will lose millions if not billions a day. The creditors do not care. I will say that again THEY DO NOT CARE if they go bankrupt. They r CREDITORS. Meaning even if they go bankrupt when the liquidation process creditors r first inline to get their money no matter what.

>> No.27449445
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>shit hedgies dies and releases billions onto the market

>> No.27449466

then why is the price plummeting instead of increasing? you think if the other whales were feasting they keep pressure up by buying stock to increase the price

>> No.27449583

They already bought in earlier. This is melvin and everyone chained to their titanic trying to ease the pain.

>> No.27449636
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The only way to avoid blowing up is to not take risks that can end your company. Such as shorting.

>> No.27449685
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are you actually illiterate? if the hedgies can't fully cover and declare bankruptcy the creditors are obligated to pay off their debts you fucking imbecile.

>> No.27449829

I've been waiting for that fag to comment

>> No.27449832

what I'm saying is why wouldn't they keep buying in to keepthe price up? if they are "feasting"

>> No.27450046

Because someone has to sell for them to buy while melvin et all are flip flopping with each other to keep it down because the fees are less than letting themselves get fucked

>> No.27450186

No u fucking tard it depends what chapter of bankruptcy but they will have to pay some what back to them

>> No.27450592

the broker who loaned those shares to the hedge fund is borrowing from their clients. those shares legally belong to their clients. if the hedge fund can't cover, then the broker takes a hit, at least temporarily. in this case, it'd be one huge fucking hit.
I don't know how to spell this out any clearer to you for your little peanut reddit brain.

>> No.27451015

This whole situation really has spooked me.

Before this, I was thinking shorting was okay. I knew there was the possibility of infinite loss, but I was thinking that it was unlikely enough.
But this case was eye opening. If a GME short was only 1% of my portfolio, I'd be broke.

>> No.27451553

2 things fucked the squeeze massively
1 was the robinhood shutdown, which turned off buying power pressuring the price up
the other thing is people fundamentally misunderstood how the VW squeeze happened
yes there was only 12% short interest but the squeeze was caused by porsche quietly building up stake in the company over a long period of time and then announcing that they now had a controlling interest in the company
porsche never gave a fuck about a short squeeze, they wanted to own VW, so they bought over half of VW
then they announced they'd done that on a sunday and come monday shorts realized only 1% of the company was available on the public market and freaked the fuck out and panic bought as much as they could to cover.
yes gamestop had a 140% short interest at some point but the amount of publicly available shares for gamestop was larger than it was for VW. also the VW shares were in the hands of either index funds that needed to own a certain percent of VW because it was on the DAX or in the hands of porsche which needed to hold it's stake because they wanted to control the fucking company so they weren't ever going to sell because their play was to have controlling ownership.
having a bunch of shares in the hands of retail investors capable of panic selling at any moment and random whales making huge bets because they can't go to vegas to bet on the super bowl or whatever makes the conditions for a VW like squeeze more difficult.

>> No.27452166


unironically this, just buy and hold both. wagmi bros

>> No.27452262


okay shill. guess ill just buy and hold :^)

>> No.27452642
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too many retard retailers betting purely on emotion generated by social media who can take pot shots on their derivatives disrupts the status quo for wall street

therefore it is in their best interest to work together to send a message back to the retailers that they will never come out on top

this will prevent a chain reaction of GME's from occurring at a large scale again

they stand to lose billions NOW, but imagine an endless chain of GMEs, and all of the future losses they will incur

their profits will take a permanent hit that may not have an easy solution

retailers are outsiders in their eyes, and they see them as a threat to wall street as a whole

wall street = a bunch of rich fucks playing poker on the beach

mass retards retail trading by social media = a hurricane in the middle of their poker match followed by earthquakes and tsunamis

>> No.27452760
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oh i forgot to actually answer: they will lie and cheat and collude and lobby and bribe from the top down to ensure that morale of the retail traders is destroyed

they won't care about lawsuits or fines, scapegoats will be thrown under the bus and do jail time

but its a drop in the bucket compared to the damage they would face if they allowed this to happen

>> No.27452929

This. Who hasn't been in jail 3+ years or some dumb homo fine they make 20x of a month.

>> No.27453310

>If liquidity was an issue, they could have raised it with their position in the market
what does this mean
what position in the market

>> No.27453999

You post this shit in every thread with the knowledge that emoji bullshit doesn't work on this site. You are for sure a Hedgie, if not that then a redditor, and I honestly don't know which is worse.