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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2746895 No.2746895 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2746901
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>> No.2746902


>> No.2746905

I keep meaning to short this but my timing is all wrong

>> No.2746910

Eth moon mission over, now digging its own hole for hibernation

>> No.2746917

Well memed, friend ;)

>> No.2746924

BTC will break it's meme triangle tomorrow, if the new trend is upward ETH will recover to $300+ in few hours, if not, we could go under $150.
Place your bets.

>> No.2746930

Bought at $7 hopefully won't sell it at $14

>> No.2746936

is this the time to get into eth?

>> No.2746940

well friended meme!

>> No.2746943


>> No.2746961

You didn't sell at 350 when it dropped from 400? Uh...

>> No.2746980

I sold most of my ether at $2.60 for a cool $40 proffit

>> No.2746982

fuck your faggot meme triangle. price goes up when there is more demand than supply. and right now there is more supply.

>> No.2747094

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhhaaaaaahahahahaahahaha ha hhhahhh h hahahhahahahahhhahhahahhahaahhahahahahahahahhhhahahhahahhahhhahhahahhahahhahaaahahahha h hhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahhahahahhhhhahahhahhahhahaaahaahahhahahahahahahhahahahaahah ha hahahahhahahaha

>> No.2747212

Long term this is going much higher.

>> No.2747215

Supply hasn't changed just a bunch of short term fags getting scared and dropping their shorts and running.

>> No.2747658

My best advice that I would give my brother is to go ALL IN. Refinance the house, take out a loan on your car. Take out loans for "Home Improvement" and some strong arm robbery on the side. That should get you enough to buy enough coins to buy China!

I'll be waiting to Lambo race on the Moon with my 72 virgins as the pinkslip.

>> No.2747675
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A few weeks ago I wondered about getting into ETH because you shills kept hyping it up.
Glad I didn't listen like this shithead >>2746902

>> No.2747837

Inflationary meme

>> No.2747849

No. The mining rate is far too high, too much ETH not enough buyer and it will only get worse as more and more minner get into it, the market will eventually stabilize at 1ETH = 0.10$.

>> No.2747858
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>tfw RDD is a more stable investment than ETH

>> No.2748169

>the market will eventually stabilize at 1ETH = 0.10$.

That's a good joke

>> No.2748184

>listening to /biz/ unironically and not using the clowns on this board as a contrary indicator

>> No.2748201

This is the finance board where half the people don't know what a PoW algorithm is, any why it's important, or how a block chain actually works.

>> No.2748212

>tfw rdd will overtake ethereum someday
>tfw mother fucking bitbean will overtake ethereum someday


>> No.2748218
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>wake up
>eth at 218
>holy shit
>18 in Chinese sounds like easy money
>big fucking red candle of death drop to 212 the second after I buy

i-it doesn't m-matter my funds aren't available in 4 days and b-by then it'll be up

>> No.2748226

I had 120k just 3 weeks ago

Today I have 50k

>> No.2748233
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>buy into icos like tezos and EOS that claim to be a direct competitor to eth
>get surprised when they intentionally dump all their eth to tank the price
it will go even lower once tezos starts dumping their eth, screencap this

>> No.2748254

>To the moon amirite!
Nothing is more embarrassing than someone who is pathetically emotionally attached to an asset. If you had performed due diligence you would have made money on the bear market like I did.

>t. had 250 ETH stash, sold half at $340 because I understand the concept of a 'bubble'. Thanks for holding my bags though champ

>> No.2748264

I'm sorry, but did ETH already dump? Oh, that's right. It hasn't even started moving yet. In fact, it's only at $214. Is ETH not being at $400 mean it's already over? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you still talk as if it is when it's gone up 500% in less than 200 days? Last time I checked Vitalik's still working actively on ETH it's been the most innovative cryptocurrency for how many years now? They're up against a thousand scam ICO coins and just happen to be moving down as these ICO clowns cash out followed by panicked weak hands. But you know what? ETH the technology is still fucking here. ETHUSD is one of the most popular trading pairs in all of the cryptomarkets. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the ETH flips BTC when it hits $1k in record time and somebody replies to you. Oh look at that, the EU just announced crypto is going to be a new asset class. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never come back here again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-ETH posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like ETH because it went up. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll some real shitcoins like DGB, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a thread like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.2748265

ETH is going to $50 where it belongs.

>> No.2748270

lmao can't stop laughing

RIP half your life savings

>> No.2748303

I'm going to try and be as kind as possible

crypto, and all the meme's around it, are a ponzi scheme

it has no real value except the next bagholder

you will never, and i mean never, make your money back in this trash. All of these will probably go to zero maybe BTC will retain some minuscule value

If you made some real money, good for you but realize that 1000% returns are once in a lifetime and are generally just luck

do what you want you were warned

>> No.2748307

classic copypasta

>> No.2748325

ETH is out of greater fools.
What a mess.

>> No.2748330

>it has no real value
Tons of drugs are traded with crypto every single day.

>> No.2748338

Nope. Its icos cashing their 500 million in eth into fiat

>> No.2748363

Has anyone tried to monitor exchange wallets for large deposits and correlate movements with the price?

>> No.2748380

yeah I've seen some posts here a few days ago.

>> No.2748402

Someone tracked the ETH from an ICO to Bitfinex recently, like 30,000,000 USD worth

Of course that doesn't mean it's going to be sold, but it's possible

>> No.2748407

why bother?

everyone knows the entire market is manipulated already, unless you're naive as fuck.

all of this is pump and dump. ALL of it.

>> No.2748412


>> No.2748687


I srsly hope this thing drops to 50 bucks so I can load up as much as I can.

>> No.2749196
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It's actually a bit more than just that, anon. Another reason why its valued is not of the ability to trade drugs, etc. from it, its the fact that cryptos are being used as a median of currency, with no central bank to dictate supply and demand whatsoever, putting it into competition with fiat currencies as a whole. I find it pretty fucking neato desu.

>> No.2749262

If it was just eth going down I'd be worried but it's the whole market going down, once the market bounces back eth will go up too, if you really think the whole crypto market is worth less than bill gates then sell all your stack.

>> No.2749425
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mfw btc and eth graphs are almost identical and ppl think it's only eth that's dropping

>> No.2749445


t. Degen ETH "hodler" who bought into autistic russio-canadian degen meme speak about muh dapps muh smart contracts

Off yourself, dumb faggot. BTC will never die, BTC is crypto, you dumb faggot. ETH is memecoin, trashcoin, scamcoin. Forever.

>> No.2749473
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Never invested a single dime into russian canadian autistic faggot degen-coin but GOD DAMN i would PAY to see it burn and then check what the crypto eth shills and the degen cuck himself have to say about the FLIPPENING.

But now THAT kind of flippening, hahaha...more like BRICKENING.

Gosh I get a hard on just thinking about the possibility of that trashcoin burning to the ground and autistic larp faggot trying to talk sense to his cult followers "the t-thing about b-bitcoin is, it's o-old and s-slow, no s-smart contracts or, most importantly, the d-dapps"



Can't believe how many degens reside in crypto space.

>> No.2749503

stay mad :)

>> No.2749551
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>> No.2749604

I think you might be the gayest man on 4chan

>> No.2749611


>> No.2750586


Show us where he hurt you.

>> No.2750627

The Big Short =D

>> No.2750739

do people really think this false flagging is not obvious?