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27544106 No.27544106 [Reply] [Original]

General Nokia Thread. Who’s comfy here?

>> No.27544736

NO , I'm depressed I'm bull trapped in a boring company

>> No.27546003

How can I be comfy, my calls are rekt

>> No.27546100

How can you be comfy at $4.5 when it was supposed to be $20 a week ago?
> it ll pump tomorrow
> it ll pump as soon as the trading is restored
> it ll pump first thing monday
> it ll pump after the earnings report
*u r here*
> it ll pump tomorrow
You can say all u want about NOK potential, but it aint comfy one bit.
Imagine a mommy showing u some cake on the kitchen table. She says you can have, but not now. Then she proceeds to whipping you. You ask: can I have the cake now? She replies: no, you gotta wait some more. Then gives you a black eye. Is that comfy?

>> No.27546248

comfy as fuck i listened to the death calls and only got 5 stocks so moon or not im fine

>> No.27546254

My GOD robinhood what the actual fuck dude. NOK was going up till RH decided To limit shares, I have 50 shares at $5.11 if im lucky

AND THATS IF. I'll make $50 dollars next month -_-

>> No.27546377

plus if i do see a clear rise ill just buy on another dip

>> No.27547053
File: 658 KB, 763x572, NOK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOK is part of the World Economic Forum, if things still march as they're going they will skyrocket over the course of time.

>> No.27547167
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>its going to dick around $4.50 forever

>> No.27547552
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I made 1 grand from selling like 13 old nintendo games on ebay in 2 days and i turned it into 211 NOK, im comfy either way

>> No.27547925

I got 500 shares at $6.37 when prices started dropping. I want to break stuff and hit someone right now.

>> No.27548281
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Am I comfy or retarded?

>> No.27548573
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>she proceeds to whipping you then gives you a black eye
stop anon I can't get any more erect

>> No.27548780
File: 2.52 MB, 888x500, nok_rocket.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]