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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27746474 No.27746474 [Reply] [Original]

do you accept their apology anon?

>> No.27746578

If they're not out of business 3 months from now, then it proves you can do or say anything and still make money.

>> No.27746687

Pulled out all of my money. Why even bother with stocks if there is crypto.

>> No.27746924

I only bother with stock to scalp Wall Street and normies. All my long term holds are in crypto.

>> No.27746945
File: 62 KB, 976x850, Dis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company is finished. It will forever become the scapegoat when everyone looks back on GME and AMC in the future. They have unironically become "enemy of the people" and will fold within a year or two.

>> No.27746967

hope they go bankrupt, Ill tell everybody to stay away. motherfuckers cost a lot of money for a lot of people

>> No.27747024

Fuck these niggers. Taste my boot, backstabbing Robinhood faggots.

>> No.27747059

nah. burn them to the ground and embrace defi

>> No.27747129
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So so sorry

>> No.27747147

They literally saved tons of their customers from a reddit pnd scheme; the question is if they should forgive all the people calling for their ruin.

>> No.27747164

steal from the poor, give to the rich!

>> No.27747262

Hate on em all you want, and they do run a barebones, shitty low overhead shop (which is the true reason why they had to restrict trading on high volume meme stocks), but they were the market disruptor that forced all the other major brokerages to adopt standard $0 trade commissions, fractional shares, easier sign up and approval processes

>> No.27747287

The squeeze would genuinely have happened and it would have been massive if all the brokers did not restrict buying. The price was spiralling out of their control. Robinhood were one of many but have become the poster boy for it.

>> No.27747294

They didn't save anyone lmao

>> No.27747308

Why would I use a brokerage that has liquidity problems? Especially, why would I use a brokerage whose CEO went on TV to deny those liquidity problems existed?

>> No.27747367

They actually ruined millions of people lol.
Mostly retards who were counting on the momentum of GME to go past 600, but still.

>> No.27747369

S for Spit

>> No.27747419
File: 324 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210204-153739_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting paid using them so yes.

They have the best UI

>> No.27747461


>> No.27747466

>limited buying shares so that retards on /biz/ and Reddit don’t ruin their lives by putting it all on GME/AMC at the peak of the bubble
They were only trying to protect you guys

>> No.27747531

Well.. They exist only to sell your data and loan your shares.

>> No.27747543
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>P-p-please anon-kun come back.
They only care because they are losing money out the ass from people ditching them. That being said if the gubmint doesnt smack them hard on the peepee they probably are not going anywhere.
It's painfully obvious they never cared for their users with how hard they tried to make you seem smart for your trades but wouldn't bother to fix the free stock problem of using referral links that you cant redeem if you download the app independently.

>> No.27747590

Wasn’t it the bank that processes their trades who made the decision and RH just poorly communicated that? Because something similar happened on Cashapp the other day and they made it crystal clear that it was NOT their decision.

I really think this is all a big grift to misplace the blame onto Robinhood.

>> No.27747595

I'd die laughing if they start using this justification from now on

>> No.27747633

I think it's a joke. "We restricted you at the moment you could have done something significant, but we took it off after everything died down." Just proves that they'd do it again if something similar popped off.

>> No.27747678

Their limiting the buying of shares is what caused Reddit to ruin their lives. It's like an ouroboros.

>> No.27747691

not sure if 70iq niggers or actual shills

>> No.27747709
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I signed up for the Class action Lawsuit

>> No.27747731

Normies are braindead sheep. They will be fine.

>> No.27747794

Withdrawed all my money and canceled gold today. Done with Jewishhood, Robinjew, Jewhood, Rabbihood, etc.

a brokerage that protects hedge funds.... how is that not against the law?

not only this, theyve cost me with their outages.

Fidelity and Schwab are respectable brokerages. Or be a boss and buy ETH and xDai and SAKE. Sake will moon 100x soon

>> No.27747828

Even if there was a squeeze people would have held on to their stocks until they became worthless because Reddit told them so

>> No.27747832

>forcing people to sell high
>restricting people from buying worthwhile volume
>all while short ladder attacks were driving the price down with negligible volume
They (Robinhood and whatever the fuck broker/clearing-house behind it that decided to not transact) saved hedge funds.
The point still stands, that Robinhood is something people should avoid. Even if it wasn't their fault, an inherent problem exists with the financial system it runs on / works with.

>> No.27747968

To clarify, I never owned any GME and bought AMC under $5, selling at $16.50. So I’m not just salty because I lost money, I made out like a fucking bandit.
This shit just doesn’t add up to me and brain dead normies piling onto the “fuck Robinhood” boat doesn’t actually answer any questions as to WHY and HOW trading was restricted.

>> No.27748078

There was not a single "sorry, we made a mistake" in that post.

>> No.27748146

>it’s the Jewish brokers fault that I put all my life savings into an overinflated stock of a dead company

>> No.27748468
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they did save people you fucking morons. if they hadn’t restricted trading (which they had no choice to do anyways, since they had to up their collateral with the clearing houses, something you fucking morons just can’t seem to grasp), it would have been some other retail retard holding the bag, except at a slightly higher price. Melvin and “duuuuh hedgiees” already got out. Who the fuck do you think the counter party at $500 $600 or $700 per share was going to be?? Some other retail victim. When the clearing houses raised collateral requirements, they didn’t bail out the hedge funds, they just stopped the pump and dump from going higher.

Someone always eats shit in pump and dumps. It’s just a matter or time. Robinhoods trading restrictions had nothing to do with whether or not that was going to happen, it just may have accelerated it. Are you butthurt because you bought the top? Good, go fuck yourself.

>> No.27748560

better ask for money in advance because rh is going down sooner or later
also that faggot vladimir will have to look behind his back for the rest of his life

>> No.27748635

The hedgies would have had nowhere to go if price had closed off at $1000+. The only reason they were able to cover was because the brokers killed the volume.

>> No.27748869

What the fuck are you talking about. Most of the hedge funds already covered as part of the spike to $300 and announced as such, and was reflected in the data. They got absolutely ass raped, losing literally billions of dollars and forced to get bailouts from outside investors. The idea that it could have gotten any worse is asinine and cope.

>> No.27748911
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This. Tenev is well connected to these hedgies and is probably good friends with them.

What I found interesting through my research is that the other co founder of Robinhood and then-CEO stepped down early last year. Sus af

>> No.27749011

200 would have still squeeze them.
There is no difference between a top at 400 with RH or 600 without RH intervention. People would have not sold, they would be waiting for 2k 3k or whatever.
The only difference is that it stopped people from buying at 600.

Still wrong and you should have the freedom to do stupid shit but they helped more than they sabotaged it. The pump was doomed from the beginning.

>> No.27749258

Yes, RH reports to clearing houses which handles the actual registration and distribution of securities ownership — as part of this they require collateral to lower risk of them getting fucked Lehman style. They should have communicated it better.

>> No.27749432

Why the fuck would they be out of business? They did a favour for the people who actually matter, the people with real power. If anything, you will see Robinhood get massive fundings in the future.

>> No.27749547

unironic hegie shills are in this thread, its insane

>> No.27749611

And because of them now Wall Street realizes letting the average joe play with the stock market was a mistake.

>> No.27749727

Robin Hood sells your data to hedgefunds.

They are not in the business of helping plebs, they are in the business of surveilling the financial activities of plebs.

>> No.27749860

Don't be stupid. The price and momentum started to tank once the brokers restricted trading. The hedges covering before that was LARPing. The only reason they were able to escape was the volume restriction for retail traders while they could drive the price down between themselves. It would have hit $1k on that Thursday, there was enough momentum behind it and it would have held through Friday and the weekend.

>> No.27750018

They unironically killed all momentum orgasm denial tier which placed confusion onto the normies which turned into cult tier hopeium on if they could manage to nut or not after that. I'm just pissed I fell for it too and didn't get out before I lost anything.

>> No.27750119

fuck off normie

>> No.27750220

of course I'm gonna go to the place where they're gonna dumb their message down the most

>> No.27750367

>momentum, etc
HFs are down 60% if Melvin and CO had waited until $150+ per share to buy (even after the restrictions) they would be literally out of money and in debt. They covered at a lower price than what retail traders were buying the peak at and we’re not lying when they said they were out. We know this because they’re down 60% and not 300%.

Also “drive down the price between themselves,” that’s reddit cope. Retail traders were selling more than buying at the peak as the smart retailers got out. Read Levine’s newsletter and get a fucking education.
restrictions have been lifted and the price is down, feel free to buy now if it was worth buying at $300 should be worth buying at $50, right?

>> No.27750395
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>sells you shares over market value and pockets the change
>"We're doing it for you"
anyone who believes this deserves to be fucked by RH

>> No.27750486

No im switching as soon as possible.

>> No.27750537

That other retard still believes in the just world fallacy.

>> No.27750577

It'll get regulated if not outlawed or the hype will pass on within the next 10 to 15 years

>> No.27750654

I was going to sell when it went to 500 Monday.
I bought at 149 and sold at 100.

>> No.27750691

Riddle me this, anon. If the hedge funds were so comfortable on that Thursday, then why were they so desperate to get the trading restricted and were spouting FUD on every media platform in existence?

>> No.27750694

Also pulling out my money it's not just about "hey fuck you robin hood" i mean yeah some of it but also imagine if a stock is pumping and Robin Hodd just stops decides to fuck you by stopping buying or selling. They are just untrustworthy, this is my money man, im not reach. I can't just trust them after this.

>> No.27750794

Nah fuck em, lost a big opportunity day trading that volatile stock, even though I was late to it I was able to make decent profit on these last 4 days of ups and downs, could of been more if the restrictions weren't a thing.

>> No.27750807

muh clearinghouse

>> No.27750816

It wasn't only GME stock, they restricted stuff like NOK too that was just booming on it's own. Literally just taking the money away from retailers.

>> No.27750870

I believe even the old gods would agree anon

>> No.27750933

>t-they're finished dude!!!
>redditors come crawling back to them to buy dogecoin the exact same day they anally raped them because they're too retarded to use anything else

>> No.27751151

They should have immediately pinned all the blame on their parent bank / clearinghouse

they deserve the hate

>> No.27751220

Yeah I lost $700 in one day because of these fucks. I already took all of my money out.

>> No.27751399

"get an education"
lol, what do they teach in history classes? Government? What is the mainstream education view on conspiracy theories?

>> No.27751552

They communicated it horribly and handled it terribly. They basically said “we’re blocking these trades for your own good.” What they should have done is limit trades like they’re doing now either to people with settled funds or limit the amount of shares you can buy, and explained the liquidity problem immediately.

I’m not supporting a company that lies to its userbase when those lies cost people money.

>> No.27751753

The squeeze had already happened you dipshit. When it went to 450.

>> No.27751857

They are referring to their customers, the hedge fund. You are the product.

>> No.27751889
File: 86 KB, 576x576, peter pan jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for a new fairy tale is it then?

>> No.27751936

fkn backstabber sleeper cells

>> No.27752001


The CEO should receive a medal for keeping 1000's of people from going bankrupt.

This was a bunch of idiots on Reddit that created this whole fucking nightmare. Reddit should be shut down not Robinhood.

>> No.27752039

They will be fine. This is like how everyone still uses Facebook, Google products, and TikTok regardless of their bad practices.

>> No.27752367

wow you, and the "people" who have so far replied to you, are clearly reddit faggots. go fuck yourselves.

>> No.27752500

No remember the Gamestopocaust

>> No.27752556
File: 30 KB, 954x686, provider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about that woman. Let's say she trusted and loved this dude.
Now, the build up of resentment. The smell of his weakness. Him failling as a provider. She felt secure with his male partner, now he is weak and her security is no longer the same. She can't trust him.
When they have sex again, deep inside her this thought will be there. This odd feeling of disgust. And her pussy will stop being moist for him.
He has failed on a basic level as a male. He can't mess with his role as a provider. He is the rock. His woman trusted him.
He's done for. She will never respect him back unless he literally makes fuck you money.

>> No.27752686

>wall of text
who the fuck are you to invest this much time in defending them? get fucked nigger.

>> No.27752691

You’re right. I should have called them jew niggers that got a call from their rabbi to screw over us goyim

>> No.27752861
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You didn’t think they were going to let you win did you?

>> No.27752917

So make money before then? OK easy.

>> No.27752954

so in:
you support limiting the amount they can buy but not sell? hmmm why is that? show nose or go suck on baby dick you kike

>> No.27752984
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, rabbihood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back, goyim. We need your trade data so we can continue to scam you.

>> No.27753068

Nope. Took all my money out and will be using different means of exchange.

>> No.27753136

No, they fucked everyone who bought into this shit show.

>> No.27753250

They literally saved thousands of people from the scam, they are heroes.

>> No.27753285

It doesn't matter. They took a bullet for the Jew. Vlad is set for life.

>> No.27753358

Reddit coordinated a pump and dump for a dead company and memed idiots into being their bag holders. WSB will get shutdown because of this.

>> No.27753360

>do you accept their apology anon?
Does it make a difference?

>> No.27753409

If they literally cannot provide the funds necessary to support everyone ordering 1000 shares then yes, that’s a better alternative.

You realize Robinhood trades on margin right? When you invest in something they’re using their own money until your funds settle. It looks instant but your money takes several days before transactions actually clear

>> No.27753561
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If i was on Fidelity at the time GME dipped to 140 I couldve bought and easily 2x or 3x my money. Instead these cunts restricted buys for a whole day letting hedgies 'regroup' their position, effectively killing off the squeeze. If no one can buy, no one cares.

> Ok now you can buy 5 shares of GME goyim
>Did we say 5 we actually meant 2
>1 share per customer, its for your own safety!

Fuck RH and their jew dogs. They might get a slap on the wrist from Yellen but thats about it

>> No.27753796

They killed buying while the price was dropping, and then opened it up again once there was a secondary peak that tricked FOMOs
How did that save anyone from getting scammed

>> No.27753802

I lost millions because of Robinhood. Fuck them.

>> No.27753908

They fucking crashed the pump, retard. If not for RH, price would've gone to $1000+.

>> No.27753974

>They have the best UI
This is the only thing that sucks. I am absolutely moving on because they're trash but their UI is clean smooth and tells me 90% of what I need.

Fidelity looks pretty good but Robinhood is the only one with a decent mobile widget that I've seen so far.

>> No.27753984

they will literally have their IPO and go moon
So, you're correct

>> No.27754025

Nope, they cost me thousands. Switched to fidelity

>> No.27754106

Schwab cucked too retard. They throttled memestocks during the liftoff period.

>> No.27754177

This was always the bigger concern than muh Citadel (although that’s bad too). What was the point of them building their own clearinghouse if it doesn’t work?

>> No.27754291

Even those who did not get holoshoahcoasted with GME by RH should avoid this deathtrap.

Anyone seriously considering to do business on RH is probably best euthanized.

>> No.27754339

>sell out your customers for $
>hedgies tell you to pull the plug you do it
RH just ensured it will be around for a looooong time. Too fucking valuable for the hedge funds now. I expect them to make a shitload of money off this. Imagine knowing you can control an entire brokerage firm?

>> No.27754532


Dude Wallstreet has been here and firm since 2018-2019. They are here in the game. BAKKT, CME and more.

They can manipulate this market just as good.

>> No.27754541

>It looks instant but your money takes several days before transactions actually clear
thanks for the defi advert faggot kike

>> No.27754698
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Any non-US fag on fidelity?
I'm seeing 25 countries can open a fidelity account, how is it for non Americans? Do they charge fees?

>> No.27754923

Maybe it really could have reached meme numbers if so many cheap fucks weren't on this shit app.
If you're not paying for anything, you're the product.

>> No.27754941

based defi, free market at its best

>> No.27754974
File: 192 KB, 824x816, 20191208_111054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking RH fucked my BB stack just because it rallied with GME I hope the management all gets eaten by a pack of wild dogs

>> No.27754997

Yes fiat digital currency is slow. It’s one of the reasons bitcoin was invented.

>> No.27755048

ill accept it in the form of money

>> No.27755146

Unironically this exchange called Robinhood kek

>> No.27755163

>The squeeze would genuinely have happened

>> No.27755312

Citadel paid Yellen 800k for a speaking engagement. She's not gonna do shit to Robinhood or take action over the whole situation

>> No.27755562

>I'm getting paid using them so yes.
your lack of principles is why we are all getting fucked in the ass right now

>> No.27755599

RH literally did nothing wrong. Retards are looking for someone to blame for gambling away their money.

>> No.27755690

Fuck off Fidelity fags they did the same crap as Robbing Hood , Charles Swine !! E*Trade all the way I get my Stonks and cash$$$$

>> No.27756941

Bullshit. I didn't even buy GME, but they really shafted their users and the public at large.

>> No.27757160

>say anything

Except nigger

>> No.27757431

This, not everyone fell for the gme meme. Most real users doesnt even care, why risking it going to another trader they dont know?

>> No.27757678
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>> No.27757764

>short ladder attacks
go back newfag

>> No.27757904

If Robinhood cared about their retard customer base they wouldn't let them trade period lmao

>> No.27758029

fuck these faggots, never got this tranny/feminist investing app to begin with