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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 202 KB, 511x428, 37918371892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27850145 No.27850145 [Reply] [Original]

The Dream edition

We're on price discovery mode, AVAX has broken its ATH like 3 times in a row, the ride is just beginning Avaxbros.
Leave your expectations, FUD, doubts, experiences with Avalanche right on this thread
And remember; never sell until quintuple digits.

Some nice info:

>Buy AVAX but for burgers

>Why Avalanche? (Official page)

>Pangolin (Uniswap clone but without BS fees and faster)

>Quick summary about AVAX

>Athereum (ETH on Avalanche)

>Initial Litigation Offerings (make money funding sues)

>> No.27850267

Still accumulating. Fuck off with these threads.

>> No.27850347

Voyager withdrawals when

>> No.27850394


>> No.27850416


>> No.27850458


>> No.27850493

When is the next token release? Do you think we should take our profits out before that?

>> No.27850612
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>> No.27850627
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>fucking shitty coin don't make me follow this scam

Enjoy being poor, anon

>> No.27850654

can we stop with these threads for a while? I need more time to buy

>> No.27850682

inb4 vc ghostchain

>> No.27850742

Give me ideas for /biz/ NFTs I can mint
I'll make em this weekend and send if there's a general up later and people post wallets

>> No.27850744

Anon, you forgot to include:


A Uniswap clone that works on Avalanche, giving almost free, instant transactions. It’s already a success with thousands of transactions and tens of millions in liquidity.

Next up they plan to integrate Polkadot, allowing all AVAX, ETH and DOT assets to be traded through a single front end.

Price is only $0.07. Target this year is $10 minimum.

>> No.27850845
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nice bait
the biggest token release was like a month and a half ago, it was >100% circulating supply and the price didn't even move. Following releases will only get smaller and smaller.
Sell anything under $1k and you'll regret.

>> No.27850864

im kinda new to this crypto (bought at $7 and nothing more since then)
but recently i get interested in running a node but i dont know what's the main goal or long term benefits so i need a basic explanation

>> No.27851008

I'm keeping my pockets full until then

>> No.27851013

Only could buy 1 AVAX.
Let's go

>> No.27851185

there are a couple links on the thread that could lend u a hand w/ that, but to briefly answer your question; crypto's main goal is to replace fiat money, tho no crypto has the technological capacity to reach that level (absolute massive adoption); Avalanche has a (literally) brand new consensus among ALL cryptos (not nakamoto or classical, completely made from scratch) which allows Avalanche to escalate basically to infinite without losing speed (4600+ TPS, finality faster than VISA or Apple Pay) or decentralization. Also you can build or port EVERYTHING over ETH to AVAX (is 100% compatible with EVM), but we must have into consideration Avalanche is faster and WAY cheaper.
There's a lot of things yet to be mentioned, but you can start from this info.

>> No.27851260
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Make a cute girl

>> No.27851278

Right now you lose 2% (min) of delegating rewards if you don't self-host a node. It might be increased in the future if the network has not enough validators to sustain the tps I guess.

>> No.27851494

unironically NFT community on Avalanche is pretty fucking active. i got a Mikasa NFT today lol

>> No.27851649

Has anyone made an avax-chan?

From anons here, or what?

>> No.27851670

This but I didn't get a cute girl, some fag sent me a portrait of CZ kek

>> No.27851784
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Not yet but Kanbaru got trips

>> No.27851806
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i've seen several (pic related)
when we get listed on coinbase i'll personally mint a Brian Cuckbase NFT just for you

>> No.27852058

Man, that's just an animu girl with an avax logo on top. I'm talking a waifu that's got elements/traits of avax. Make her Turkish and give her a snow theme or something like that.

>> No.27852093

Do we dump if ETH 2.0 comes to fast and gas fees will be low? Pleas defud.

>> No.27852476

Still slower and more expensive than avalanche, won't be here for a long time too.

>> No.27852538
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2k comfy

>> No.27852616

Even if eth2 is released right now, it still need sharding and multi-VM supports to be comparable with avax. Tx and gas fees on nakamoto will never be as low as in avalanche, which eventually matters once mcap are high enough. Being asynchronous make it also viable for a lot of dapps that need it.

>> No.27852705
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that would be awesome ngl, why don't u do it anon?
>ETH 2.0
ETH 2.0 is literally a promise of what Avalanche already is, and no, the final product (if it ever even comes out) will be a virgin version of Avalanche, no cap.
That piece of shit it's not even scalable; Vitalik himself has been eyefucking Athereum (ETH on Avalanche) in order to solve that issue.

>> No.27852771
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>> No.27852961
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Chief Chads check in

>> No.27853076

i unironically made the 2nd meme, i didn't know it later became an NFT lmao
gimmie one.

>> No.27853477

Im in this shit balls deep, holding 1k Anons

>> No.27853542

when are you selling anon?

>> No.27853709


idk some guy on /biz/ minted them - I don't know if you can mint your own and add them that collection?

>> No.27853786

>4 digits
>balls deep
kek, buy ygmi anyway

>> No.27853837

>1/30/2022, 3:09:32 PM
locking in those long term rewards

>> No.27853957

how much fees? How to sure he stays up?

>> No.27853982


idk lol yolo

>> No.27854037

You can't mint into someone else's collection but you can give it the same name/symbol. It still shows up separately in the wallet though.

>> No.27854148

What's the best way to buy with ETH? Deposit ETH to my okcoin, sell it, and buy AVAX? Should I do it to my funding account or spot account?

>> No.27854151

shit maybe I should buy some more to make some shitposting memes out of

>> No.27854234

will linkies rope when avax hits $30 next week and link is still at $25

>> No.27854314

>4 digits
Based third world anon

>> No.27854375


>> No.27854481

I've got 2,467 AVAX anons. Is that enough for fuck you money? How much are we talking next year?

>> No.27854584

never sell it, it's land in the new financial infrastructure

>> No.27854594
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>mfw will always be a 4 digit stacklet
What’s the point in living bros

>> No.27854627

I'm using cuckbase and have some ETH there and in metamask. Can I just transfer them to okcoin?

>> No.27854635

I messaged them when AVAX would be available to transfer and this is all they said: “We do not have a specific timeline that we can share on when AVAX transfers will be available. Please stay tuned.”

>> No.27854734

>comparing actual money with paper fiat

>> No.27854799

Anything below the top 3 is unacceptable, Looking at 250$ (Current market), 820$ or 4K$.

>> No.27854801

What the fuck. Absolute cunts. I’m selling now. They’ve got it all staked, 100%.

>> No.27854862


>> No.27854909

2 digit stackling here, never give up anon

>> No.27854983

My brother sold his 1500 avax stack for $20k a few days ago and now it's $30k. Fomo dial turning up

>> No.27855006
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most exchanges allow AVAX/ETH swaps
linkies and avaxbros are friends, so no (pic related)
you literally only need to wait for $400 to make a million, and $400 is a pretty conservative estimation.
get yourself a nice bag and just wait.

>> No.27855033

Your brother is a moron
Have you fucked his boipussy yet?

>> No.27855042

Why’s that so bad?

>> No.27855073

Your brother is a tip top retard, holy shit. How have people not learned to just HODL yet

>> No.27855104

He got in on IPO so it was a 10 bagger for him

>> No.27855125
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be me, "wait for the dip"
buy the top
only eth left
can't even turn eth to avax because of fees
ETH FEES dont let me move to that which solves ETH FEES
is this what the ycombinator feels like?

>> No.27855126

he's still on time to re-buy and wait for triple digits.
let him know.

>> No.27855189

Your brother is retarded and didn't know what he was holding.

>> No.27855213

I found out about avax way too late and only finally just made my 2k stack. Not enough, but at least I can breathe a bit.

>> No.27855407

I moved some AVAX to my wallet about 2 hours ago and it's still processing, and the explorer.avax.network website isn't loading. WTF?

>> No.27855468

click the refresh button

>> No.27855483

AVAX wallet was wonky for me, I had to re-log for shit to show up.

>> No.27855512

what is happening anyway?
is real adoption coming to defi and crypto?
is the coming "bear market" a meme?

>> No.27855602

retard poorfag sub 5 figures here. I need a retard proof baby step blueprint to signing up, buying and making it. not sure how much I should put into it either so that would be really appreciated too. thanks a lot

>> No.27855687
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>is the coming "bear market" a meme?
not for everybody, but for AVAX it's only a meme

>> No.27855812

are you a burger?
if not, just log into Binance and buy with your credit card, it's not that hard anon

>> No.27855899
File: 62 KB, 1200x675, Kuma_Kuma_Kuma_Bear-5e7e7d542cba2-e1590871580226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely coming for shitcoins.

>> No.27855953

because they are getting 10% APY with the tokens you bought when you shoulb be the one getting the reward. remember, it's not your coin until you have the private keys.

>> No.27855989

Most AVAX holders are linkies so no

>> No.27856049

you dont have 8$ to move your eth from wallet 1 to wallet 2?

>> No.27856061

I lack Chief Chad. If anyone can do the needful sirs would be very grateful

>> No.27856124

yes. and just saw binance is barred in my state as well.

>> No.27856171

I only have 300 LINK and 650 AVAX. Should I just go all in on AVAX?

>> No.27856347

Ill never going to get my 2k avax.

Im poor and I dca 150$ every week into avax since december.

>> No.27856355

No. Im in a similar position. Dont ever sell your Linkies. Try and sell something else but you've got a decent AVAX stack that you ought to be able to validate with soon enough.

>> No.27856390


get in here avabros

>> No.27856451

I'm selling mine on Voyager, transferring USDT to gate.io and buying there, fuck voyager

>> No.27856470

>idol worship
Spiritually ngmi

>> No.27856656
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checked and agree bigly

>> No.27856658

Too late for AVAX? should I wait for the dip?

>> No.27856701

For some reasons, I am quite clueless.
I own several voyagers and am quite happy with the price development. But what does AVAX have to do with voyager?

>> No.27856746

>idol worship
>Christ on the cross
You idiot its not idol worship its to remind one of Christ's agony.

>> No.27856792

I'm pretty sure those fuckers are more concerned with trying to scale their platform so people can buy doge than enabling withdraws for Avax. Been sitting on my 2k AVAX since December waiting to run a validator. I have the Pi already setup and everything.

>> No.27856866

the market's pretty damn unpredictable right now. i bought in, confidently, yesterday. when you're looking for multiples, medium term, avax looks nice no matter what.
buy in now.

>> No.27857020

ICO investor here.
Comfy as AF.
MFW bought in at $0.85.
Easiest hold ever.

>> No.27857170

Is it below 200?
Then it's not too late

>> No.27857465
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I only have 380 AVA I need more shitcoin profits for 2000

>> No.27857472
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should you've waited for "the dip" back when ETH was $60?
it's not an idol
it's ETH
pic related

>> No.27857482
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What would you do if you were me?

I own 250 VGX and 70 AVAX.

I bought VGX and made >1000% profit with it. Sell and buy AVAX instead?

Or: Hold both and try to accumulate more?

>> No.27857718

sell vgx

>> No.27857803

>Sell and buy AVAX instead?
don't make it the /biz/ way; sell low and buy high

>> No.27857868
File: 157 KB, 750x742, B9BD8461-4981-47D5-93AE-85D09A2CC87F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So If I stake, I basically get back 8% AVAX if I send mine to a delegator?

Should I start staking? Also how long or short do I have to delegate.

>> No.27858055
File: 327 KB, 620x465, 52BEAFC5-AFF6-4A99-B00A-E1EBF001841E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone give me their node link and I’ll delegate to you..

>> No.27858119

Yeah, you should delegate for at least 6 months, probably more. Many anons have lowest fee nodes, delegate to one of them so some other jew doesn't skim fees. I'm setting my own one up soon-ish.

>> No.27858215

Where can I get these infos from?

Cheers guys. Could you reason your decision some more? All I've heard regarding VGX is that it is a very strong token with lots of backing, a solid company and proper use cases with a price target of around 50$. Selling now at 2$ would ... well, it sounds kind of wrong. But please, tell me about it.

>> No.27858388
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I give you a pepe NFT too if you want.

>> No.27858558

of course, they dont give a fuck about your tokens, they are making money staking them. it may take months. there is no liquidity on okcoin yet.
buying a 1 month vpn, open a binance account, transfer crypto there, buy and withdraw would have been an easier solution. you can still do that if you're ready to sell your avax, transfer your funds to kraken, buy crypto, send crypto to wallet, send crypto to binance, buy and withdraw but that's quite an operation.. you have to move 34k usd in bank wires.

>> No.27858687

vscout.io check the calculator for the rewards

>> No.27858864

he will legit want to khs when it goes above 100$

>> No.27859070

Ah okay, you need at least 2000 to participate. Damn.

>> No.27859159

just delegate to a node bro

>> No.27859213

that's to validate, even poorfags can stake with 25 AVAX

>> No.27859629

Okay, what do you mean with that?

>> No.27859700


>> No.27859913


>> No.27860050

VGX is an exchange token
AVAX is the token of the literal future of cryptos
No crypto can will to reach massive adoption without a consensus that allows massive scalability, and guess what, Nakamoto and Classical consensus can't do that. The ONLY consensus with the power for that is Avalanche. Everything can be build/ported onto Avalanche, so it's just a matter of time until pretty much 70% of cryptos migrate to Avalanche's ecosystem, it's cheaper and performs better.
Getting into Avalanche now is unironically like getting into Ethereum back when it was $40

>> No.27860124

Please no more pumping I still need 43 more to complete my 100 poverty stack.

>> No.27860158

AVAX is only 20x right now from ICO.

>> No.27860258

Just dropped another 10k market buy, sorry bud

>> No.27860263

Honestly i can't believe the amount of ROI i made in the last 3 months, Was a poorfag with 4K, With immense amount of luck was able to get in GRT ICO and went all in, Made x15 on listing and went all in on AVAX at 12K sats, Now sitting at 150K$. And that without the market making a big nove yet (Btc still stable between 30-40K and dominance is still high). Holding AVAX til 3K$, Surreal that i might make it.

Sorry for bragging but i had to put it out.

>> No.27860311


>> No.27860413
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anon i-
that's beautiful
i salute u fellow avaxxer
we'll all make it

>> No.27860419

I love avax and all, but Nakamato also scales to infinity with recursive snark (gets you quantum resistance and anonymity for free as well), which is why I believe blockchains like Cardano , Tezos or even Eth3, are still in the game.

>> No.27860432

Note that i was a linkie back in 2018 and sold everything at 0.5$ only to put it in chinese trash that lost 97% of its value in the bear market. Somehow im back on track as if i held those LINK all along.

>> No.27860491

Damn, jelly af. Though you deserve it for going all in on ICO. That’s a big dick move. gmi several times over

>> No.27860542

Okay, I know I should do my own research but the AVAX hype I've recently whitnessed, along your comment, tells me to make a decision. I will sell 50% of my VGX with a big profit, that I've never had before. Then I'll reinvest this BTC into AVAX and pray for you to be correct.
Then, I'll read into staking / delegating to accumulate more AVAX passively. Hopefully I'll not regret it.

>> No.27860641

Thank bro. Just to help fellow avaxxers if you want a good upcoming ICO's to make a quick flip in order to increase your AVAX stack take a look at Mina, Covalnet and potentially Gauntlet.

>> No.27860671

you lucked out with the grt ico (i couldn't enter unfortunately) buy you did your homework. a brainlet wouldn't go into grt then avax.

>> No.27860716

How to I keep myself updated about ICO's?

>> No.27860857

also don't forget that you could have 2000 avax for free before the ICO if you ran a node for 2 weeks for the testnet.

>> No.27860859

Based. Wagmi.

>> No.27860893

What's the best way to determine which node I should delegate to? Is there any way calculator for returns?

>> No.27860999

Trying so fucking hard to get to $2k. I don't think this will be an Eth killer, but $100 is guaranteed. The only thing I'm nervous about is the tokenomics and massive unlocks coming up. I don't think it will dump but the mcap will be inflated like crazy.

>> No.27861028
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there's a literal calculator over there avaxbro.

>> No.27861029


>> No.27861132

How do we get in on those three?

Their websites say nothing

>> No.27861145
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This yesterday but with 4 BTC, not even sorry

>> No.27861264

go to a 2% fee node that has good uptime, and keep his node updated
both site have a calculator

>> No.27861370
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Googled it and this popped up

>> No.27861401
File: 580 KB, 684x533, 2020622164149_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, anon
the first (and biggest) token unlock was like 2 months ago; the total amount of tokens released was >100% of CIRCULATING SUPPLY.
The price didn't even flinch.
AVAX is a long-term project, and hodlers know.
The oncoming unlocks are smaller than the biggest one, how can you be even nervous about them?
No one is selling until $1k, screencap this.

>> No.27861510

I'm just staking for a year I don't give a fuck about unlocks.

>> No.27861562

Should I keep a minimum amount in either X-chain or P-chain to be able to pay any fees, or should I just delegate max?

>> No.27861591

lmao literal "do the needful dear sir"

>> No.27861654

Fees are taken out of the reward before you receive them, you can just hit the max button

>> No.27861707

just go max -0.1 so you have enough for fees

>> No.27861859

Fees are fixed right now, and even once they are dynamic they will predictable so it will never be as troublesome to use as ethereum. Just max.

>> No.27862168

Reminder that all fuds are angry pajeets, Turkey is superior country.

>> No.27862329

Avax deserves a MOMMY type.

>> No.27862392

Um. That's my post.

>> No.27862688

Nice chart Anon, wgmi.

>> No.27863256

What if I use all my AVAX to stake, then we have a bear market as in 2017 and I cannot sell my AVAX because they are busy staking?

>> No.27863362

That's the downside to staking. Your tokens are locked until the period finishes.

>> No.27863593

And how long does one period last?

>> No.27863646

different strategies to mitigate that. you can stake for 12 months 50% of your tokens and you stake/restake every 2 weeks/1 month the other 50%. You'll get less rewards but your tokens will be constantly unlocked

>> No.27863669

You can choose anything in between 2 weeks and a year.

>> No.27863935

Fuck you then mommyfag, I thought you were a chad tomboy appreciator

>> No.27864183

We will test $20 tonight

>> No.27864250

Alright. Guess I've got some research to do. Thanks so far!

>> No.27864362

>AVAX doubled in a month
>stock portfolio only went up 30% in a year

>> No.27864473

guys would i be FOMOing by selling zil/ftm for avax?
plus did anyone participate in avax telegram bounty giveaway?

>> No.27864574

I have 650 avax, want to get up to 2k if I can. Will I make it?

>> No.27864646

personally i dgaf, there wont be a multiyear bearmarket again for a long time, i go the full year. the golden bull just started

>> No.27864736

>plus did anyone participate in avax telegram bounty giveaway?

No, tell me about it.

>> No.27864750

-> >>27850612
>guys would i be FOMOing by selling zil/ftm for avax?

>> No.27864818
File: 28 KB, 500x280, 2674b0a41a39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you would be selling 2 literal scams for the best altcoin on the market along LINK and GRT
are you on board anon?

>> No.27865015

im fucking delusional to be honest thats why im asking you anons and praying to imaginarly creator to get the truth

>> No.27865072

This candle is too green to buy. However, I've just bought 35. This has been my last trade for today. Gonna get the dip tomorrow after having sold further voyagers.

>> No.27865120

well their having avax sale at 30% discount and i don't know if its a scam or not

>> No.27865196

Interesting, but why and how? I mean, at which market? Sounds pretty fishy desu. But who am I`

>> No.27865247

Nice chart, what site is it from?

>> No.27865287

admin says "its for the community who missed ICO" but there is no official presentation about it anywhere else

>> No.27865478

I am liking the Avax generals Avax bros. I used to make a few meme promo threads here and there (Avax Chads #1) but from now on generals should be the standard for discussing Avax. It is only natural as we start to take our place on the /biz/ stage.

>> No.27865547

Did you catch the part where John Wu said 4 out 5 of the most popular stablecoins will be on Avalanche in a month to month an a half?

>> No.27865548

you're in an unofficial scam group omg

>> No.27865684

yeah i think so aswell, still wanted to check with you nerds

>> No.27865710

I threw down 2.5k just now and bought some AVAX and just staked it for a year because this shit is gonna blow up and I don’t want to get paper hands. Am I gonna make it AVAX chads?

>> No.27865800
File: 9 KB, 424x119, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since y'all are answering so well and engaging in a conversation, let me drop this question:
What do you guys think might this AAVE thing's price target might be? I am very surprised of seeing 3 of these motherfuckers in my portfolio without having any knowledge of when or how I achieved them.
Can this AAVE thing become more value than 2k ? It's been skyrocketing for the last few weeks.

>> No.27865828

everyone who positions themselves on top of an exponentially increasing process is going to make it

>> No.27865877

I know we are all in grt and link but any thoughts on reef?

>> No.27865941

No anon, its to remind you of the change YOU must endure to truly unite with god. Christ means change means unity with God. Read any story or parable of jesus with the idea that jesus is a willful change in yourself to unite with the natural world/truth and your eyes will be opened. You will become the one sheep that the shepherd goes after while the flock of 99 gets left behind.

>> No.27865969

Im... sorry anon, had a crazy mom. Just want someone to hold me.

>> No.27866249

The suicide stack is 500, comfy stack 1k and make it stack 2k. The fact that you're in Avax is already a great decision and you will have insane gains but you should try to get a decent stack for magical things to happen.

>> No.27866379
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>tfw only having 105 AVAX

>> No.27866425

Should i sell my NANOs?

>> No.27866426

Binance trades x-avax right? Withdrew a small amount to the avax web wallet and it's still processing.

>> No.27866549

you must add okex.com in the exchanges. they have the best liquidity after binance. way better than coinex which has shit liquidity

>> No.27866589

Binance takes like an hour for withdrawals.

They like to batch them up.

>> No.27866613

Why is everyone in these threads always rich faggots? Usually in other shitcoin threads they don’t talk about casually having $45,000 worth of the token but always in these threads it seems like the average poster just seems to have a lot more money than usual.

>> No.27866794

High class coin anon, you can still come to the party if you behave.

>> No.27866808

Mommy gfs and tomboy gfs are both great. Avax-chan could be either.

>> No.27866856

You could have 2000 free avax if you ran a node for 2 weeks last summer during the testnet
You could buy avax @ $0.5 during ICO
Most OGs here bought during ICO.

>> No.27866913

Avaxchads... I kneel............

>> No.27867063

Strap in fellow Avax Chads. ATH is in sight, i repeat ATH is in sight. WAGMI.

>> No.27867337

>boomer stocks
Bet you have USD too LMAO

>> No.27867380

you got your answer
this coin is for patricians
other coins are for plebs

>> No.27867577
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>> No.27867806


I only found out about this in December after not following crypto for a while. Shieeet.

Could be x10 from where I am now. Oh well, got in at 5.5

>> No.27867912

Is there a glitch on okcoin? Just deposited $200 in USD but when I go to buy AVAX, it says I have insufficient funds?

>> No.27868015
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>> No.27868078

i feel fucking retarded for fomoing in at the ATH yesterday

>> No.27868233

I can only buy more on Wednesday. Looking forward to adding to my stack.

>> No.27868325

it could be worse
you knew about snowball and avalanche in 2018 and said to yourself shiet get in on this

you saw the ICO is gonna happen in a few week in 2020 summer
you saw the testnet run a node initiative
yet you failed to run a node
failed to buy the ICO
because muh beaches muh womyn gotta have fun and live life they said

>> No.27868334

When pangolin?

>> No.27868386
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Fuck, was afk in the head when I typed this and didn't mean to reveal how much of a poorfag I am.

>> No.27868406

check the order book btw. if you want to buy it's 19$ instead of 17.7 on okex/binance

>> No.27868451


>> No.27868885

sitting on nearly a comfy stack at 750, nearly priced out now beyond DCA, aigmi anon??

>> No.27868969

6 figures eoy

>> No.27869075

just be patient, ygmi

>> No.27869695

why should I set up a validator node instead of just delegating at 2%?

>> No.27869846

As a validator node you can receive delegation fees. You can receive delegated funds up to 8x of your original stake. So if you set your fee to 2% you're getting a 16% bonus if enough people delegate to you.

Also you're helping out the network more. More decentralization = good.

>> No.27869972
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Hi IQ nigger ...

>> No.27870560
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>> No.27870661

Work 2 jobs nigga, get caught up, be a man.

>> No.27870802

Why is avax better than dot and ada?

>> No.27870931

More decentralized, sub-network model helps with regulatory compliance, lower market cap, more business and finance-facing aspirations

>> No.27870943
File: 434 KB, 1388x1195, 1DD1FBA1-8C36-446C-80DA-A920FDE480EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano doesn’t even have smart contracts yet.

>> No.27871178

I think Cardano is a great proof-of-concept for different cryptographic features. But they are not gonna be the ones building the internet of finance.

>> No.27871218

I was the 1k avax guy,

I have over 17k now

>> No.27871401

you dropped around 160k into this? you already made it before avax

>> No.27871566


>> No.27871716

So what sort of returns are you looking at for delegating 25? Surely can’t be worthwhile?

>> No.27871913

will you dumb fucking faggot t*rks fuck off with your shill threads already? take your subversive kikery back to /pol/

>> No.27871963

2avax/year or smth

>> No.27871962

everyone's got to start somewhere

>> No.27872075



COMFY: 500

MAKE IT: 2000


>> No.27872219


>> No.27872392

Is 2000 really the make it stack? Explain the math anon?

>> No.27872415

Avax is so good its practically undeniable. Even Eth God Vitalik praised it himself. Just wish I had bought more than $500 back at $4... kinda priced out from more now but not selling what I havebanytime soon, this is a hodl on the order of Btc and Eth.

>> No.27872427

install vpn extension
create binance.com account
download cashapp on phone
buy btc on cashapp, withdraw to binance wallet
buy avax

>> No.27872457


fuck off schizo

>> No.27872472

Have 2K Avax. What is the benefit of node vs delegate?

>> No.27872549
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>not enough liquidity on OKCoin
Where’s the token dump? No one is selling their AVAX.

>> No.27872873
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> Poorfag
> Can only afford 20 AVAXs atm

Will I make it if I constantly invest more and more?

>> No.27872974

2,000 AVAX was 15,000 USD 1 month ago

2,000 AVAX is 35,000 USD now

2,000 AVAX will be around 200,000 USD by May.

2,000 AVAX will basically be 2M USD if it becomes Top 10 EIY.

If it becomes TOP 3, it will be 8M USD within 2-3 years.

Comfiest make it stack ever.

>> No.27873012

mainly is you help with decentralization so we can dab on other coins

>> No.27873061
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Yeah, you still have 3-6 months until explosion to triple digits and beyond.

Accumulate until 200 within this month, in any way you can. Then to 500 within the next 3 month.

>> No.27873077
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That token unlock can’t come quick enough

>> No.27873120

Ok coin or voyager. All else fails use a vpn for binance.

>> No.27873204

Not bad if price reaches its potential

>> No.27873208

As much as I hate Voyager, the price and liquidity sucks on OKCoin, see:

>> No.27873215
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How solid is this? What's the chance it crashes? Any background of some similar company that when through the same without success?

If you are going to answer please don't be a newfag like me thank you.

>> No.27873279


>> No.27873284

sell all the material possessions you dont need, try to find some work here and there and accumulate asap.

>> No.27873411

Think it’ll bring down the price? Might buy a decent sized stack if it comes down

>> No.27873475

avax is dumping because btc is pumping, is ok.

>> No.27873577

Nah the buy wall will fucking demolish any liquidity that hits exchanges

>> No.27873602
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Don't touch it.

You will rope yourself if you EVER swing.

I tried it vs. BTC, I was stressed for 24 hrs, felt like I was cheating on the love of my life.

Never swing AVAX. HODL until rich. Simple.

Go mess with other coins.

>> No.27873653

I actually have 1k in saves but not sure about that, I want to invest in short term coin $500 to make money to pump the ANAX meanwhile.

>> No.27873714

I don’t think it will lower the price. Hasn’t had an effect in the past.

>> No.27873792

Yeah and $14 eth sounds a little expensive too. Might wait for that to dip

>> No.27874019

Oh didn't realize. Man imagine when this gets listed on coinbase, it will be link all over again. Shits gonna go parabolic.

>> No.27874192
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>> No.27874920
File: 326 KB, 500x576, lessgoooooooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>token unlock fud
>the first token unlock was the biggest, >100% of total circulating supply
>the price didn't even flinch
>upcoming unlocks only get smaller and smaller
keep on waiting fag

>> No.27875138


>> No.27875283

Healthy dip. Accumulate or get left out.

>> No.27875342

dont be scared by those dumps if you bought the top. I was also down 30% when i bought in november

>> No.27875500

hey mates. I have only 150 AVAX. Would it be still wise to purchase more or are we at the top?

>> No.27875507

Literally a few weeks ago this thing was like 10$.

I only have 35 AVAX right now, its LINK all over again holy fuck.

>> No.27875743

if btc starts to pump, which it looks like it's going to do in the next days/weeks, avax will likely dump. it will be the perfect opportunity to buy

>> No.27876146

3rd worlder here, holding 45 kebabs, send words of hope pls.

>> No.27876300

thanks. I was hesitant at buying in at 20AUD. watched the thing take off from like 5 bucks the other week.

>> No.27877281

this doesn't currently work with avalanche though

>> No.27877369

few in the community trusts zero.exchange, they aren't transparent.
wait for pangolin

>> No.27877688

The .exchange doesn't help their cause either. Just screams shitcoin lol.

>> No.27878880

Last time BTC dumped AVAX gained x4 in sats. AVAX:BTC chart look perfect for another run like this.

>> No.27878938

bought the dip, got 230 avax
get liquidated at 12,6
hopefully don't get raped while im asleep lol

>> No.27879098

Why you fuckin with leverage you gonna get scam wicked

>> No.27879336

i like money

>> No.27879755

You will be able to buy many coconuts soon mtumbu

>> No.27880292
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i trust u hakan
we're all gonna make it avax bros