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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28501746 No.28501746 [Reply] [Original]

this guys balls..

>> No.28501798

first of they are unregulated binance doesn't have licenses to operate, that is illegal. Also, they are routinely fucking over traders by manipulating prices and fuck over everyone on margin, they are also known for doing a shit load of washtrading
CZ is a scammer he knows people are on to him or he wouldn't be listing unaudited tokens and DeFi projects the same day they are released if he wasn't making a final cash grab.
Otherwise he would be more careful so nothing bad happens and had complaints against him. He's listing things like he knows he has limited time to get all he can before he has to hide.
Governments don't let random people set up major money and banking exchanges with derivative products and lending services and all that to random people and then watch them take billions out of each countries economy and into his pocket without them locking the guy up. He's a dead man walking.

>It is no secret that Binance's operations are borderline illegal. Binance is a key member of the crypto crime cartel that has been known to manipulate markets and launder money.

You know how even the sketchiest of criminal entities incorporate in cyprus or Caymans or some shit? Well, CZ said Binance was listed in Malta.


So, Binance is NOT incorporated ANYWHERE. Which means that they operate completely outside of any jurisdiction. For DeFi, that might be OK, but a centralized exchange?...
Also, be prepared for any transactions that you chain convert from Binance to fiat to be frozen or seized by the authorities of whatever country you are a citizen of.


>> No.28501864


>> No.28502133

maybe the chinks were the real jews all along

>> No.28502199

They are jewier than jews. They run btc mining pools, all the exchanges, stablecoins, and everything in between

>> No.28502231

cope bnb 1k eom

>> No.28502235

hey boomer
suck my dick
no one is going back to boomer kike stock markets
no one is going to support the corrupt US state

>> No.28502337

Chinks deify kikes and their ways, they're both truly disgusting subspecies.

>> No.28502448


>> No.28502469

yang is a top tier retard

his ubi plan requires the government to have absolute control over money, so they can print it into existence.

>> No.28502558

Which exchange should I use as a britbong that's reliable, then?

>> No.28502578

Binance, and UNI for that matter, has singlehandedly done for the average person during this pandemic than any world government, especially so for the US government. People have made more money trading crypto there, or cashing UNI airdrops. They are based global assets. I don’t give a fuck. CZ is my boy.

>> No.28502736

>Posting yang tweets on a finance board

Go back

>> No.28502738
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>> No.28503048


Binance has 24bln volume. They will be able to bend regulations to fit them when the hammer falls closer.

The adoption of shitcoins isnt a death rattle, quite the opposite.

Eth 2 isnt released until Dec, Alt season funding starts Sep.

Imagine for a second if CZ convinced next years alt list to launch on BNC - hence pancakes uptake as well.

BNB could be in place of ETH next run for shitcoin investment, not to mention the already bullish usecase of the token.

TLDR; they are going to try grab the sun. BNB is an absolute steal.

>> No.28503144

>>>your social score has increased by +1
>They will be able to bend regulations to fit them when the hammer falls closer.

>> No.28503201

CZ is the biggest chad in crypto
Fite me

>> No.28503397


you think mps arent interested in being world leading on crypto finance?

If Binance work with local institutions they no doubt would just be given some bullshit fines for optics sake to make the fud go away.

>> No.28503567

People that use crypto on exchanges as speculative assets are doing it wrong. Its essentially a ponzi scheme at this point. XMR is the true crypto currency.

>> No.28503648
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sho sho, with your faggy reddit spacing, you are clearly not from here
also, what even is your point? you think they are just going to start following the law?
the fuck do you think will happen?
>yeah you were a criminal for years but now you're putting in effort to acquire the licenses, I'll just forget what you did hihi

still waiting for atomic swaps, if that happens its game over for everyone, but adoption will be hard sadly

>> No.28503850

You realize CZ is just a puppet, right?

>> No.28503900

If Yang get rid of that shitty bit license it would be a god send.

>> No.28503951

for the CCP? yeah the thought did cross my mind, but there is no proof other than if they weren't binance would already be shut down

>> No.28504240


doing it wrong and making +40%

this is how the game works, nobody wants this fixed apart from gov's who are starting to get in and slap hands. Only hedges can print money in 15-20% swings?

This market has created wealth for average bastards

I have never owned a reddit account and I have sadly been on here and something awful my whole life

>>yeah you were a criminal for years but now you're putting in effort to acquire the licenses, I'll just forget what you did hihi

literally what happens. Mafia run businesses now across Italy because they were the ones with the infrastructure setup and could pay off people. Weed industry in America has extortionate licensing to have "criminals" doss themselves in and basically liquidate themselves if they dont have mad liquidity (super criminal)

Most of the new styled mega rich in china are all ex gang members - had the infrastructure pre money boom and used their existing influence to become "businessmen"

Even American politics is a racket akin to megapreachers. All criminals chasing money through legality.

>> No.28504328
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>> No.28504415
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>I have sadly been on here my whole life
you were not retard, people would have told your that your spacing is gay and you would have stopped, meaning you're not from here
>literally what happens.

>> No.28504468


Ill end this with the fact, I dont trust Binance because all it takes is for China to threaten him (if he doesnt already work with them) for the big rug to pull.

Still investing in BNB for next years bull though because 5k will net 31-62k which is fucking lush

not keeping funds in binance is key

>> No.28504642
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>tfw trying to get my funds out as we speak but its on processing for hours

yeah i think im getting scammed bros

>> No.28504951

You're only up 40%? That will barely cover your tax liability.

>> No.28505285
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a puppet for who?
>for the CCP
Why? Just because he's chinese? Does that mean Joshua Wong is a CCP puppet too?
>but there is no proof other than if they weren't binance would already be shut down
They had to flee to reregister in Malta. CZ and Binance is shady as fuck but you don't know shit and should recognize that and shut the fuck up.

>> No.28505307


Can easily imagine same pasta about BTC when it was trading at 1000$ with same patters like
>nobody would let this anons to make money from thin air...
>big boys would not allow, so it is a scam
>govs are knocking their door just now

Now Miami Treasury is loading their pockets with BTC.
Suck nocoiner.

>> No.28505393

I did try to empathize that it was just a theory based on nothing

>> No.28505399
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It seems like Yang wants to be modern for the sake of being modern. Substantially BTC doesn't mesh well with his anti-austerity ideology.

>> No.28505523

The jews will never allow this. Not until a jew figures out how to profit off of crypto and lets all of his other jew friends in on the scam.

>> No.28505627

this has been fudded since 2017

>> No.28505684

agree this has been know for years
>cant read 55s of text
then dont post

>> No.28505783


>> No.28505807

he's backed by the CCP you absolute newfag
he's going nowhere anytime soon

But obviously Yang will also not enlist him, unless Yang is also a CCP plant

>> No.28505921

see >>28503951
and >>28505285

>> No.28506021

Stay off Binance. API3 is your shot.

>> No.28506125

OK, tell me HOW if any of this concerns are at least partially true, HOW Binance has partnered with VISA? The most reliable-full-of-compliance-regulated-us-based company ever. So Visa does not consider working with Binance as a counterparty risk, and some nocoiner form /biz does. OK.

>> No.28506325

Who do you think Satoshi is

>> No.28506328
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>> No.28506414


>> No.28507249

I won with this post OP. Cope.

>> No.28507522
File: 1.07 MB, 2448x3264, E59347D0-10A7-44E9-B936-55898A41719B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And soon Mastercard.

FTX is also onboard with Binance is issuing Swipe based crypto debit cards btw.

Yes shilling. But just getting it out there in case it’s something we could profit from.

>> No.28507679

oh look this fudder again.

>> No.28507714

Funds are Safu

>> No.28509103
File: 132 KB, 955x1351, C16AC1FF-9F30-4145-B7AD-C38629E6A268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look. It isn't impossible to issue cards regardless of the status of the underlying company because they have many. Intermediaries of intermediaries of intermediaries that issue cards,
For example everybody knows the Wirecard story but wirecard was a massive issuer, however there were probably 30 to 40 white label partnerships that Wirecard had with other companies that would issue the Wirecard
so instead of having to meet the requirements of Wirecard, which actually were quite stringent, you can simply go somewhere else and still issue with Wirecard

So the issuance of a card for any entity, regardless of their legal compliance and everything else, is possible with enough research and the money to actually make the program active. And I would say that regardless, whenever you use a product like that, some type of payment instrument, you have to trust the underlying issuer.

That's it. Do you feel that there's risk that the underlying issuer may be switched off at some point or just or may close or etc.?
Also the probability that an issuer who has historical compliance issues will be shut off at some point by Visa or MasterCard is quite high retard.

because even if you go through a multiple string of white labels of white labels, to issue your payment instrument or your card eventually, especially with with with either a lack of or an increasing amount of volume, Visa or MasterCard will ask for audits.
And when those audits are provided, if they're not up to par, then there will be an inquiry.

>> No.28509219

Like they have already had since the beginning of the nation? Shut up retard