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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28642563 No.28642563 [Reply] [Original]

aaaaand we are back

>> No.28642864
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1k checking in

>> No.28643105

pammmp et

>> No.28643274

>missed my opportunity to reload under 0.80 while I was asleep in the early morn
Fml. My 16k stacklet is way too small for the moon mission

>> No.28644106

No youre good fren
What size space suit will you be needing?

>> No.28644158
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Let us commence forth.

>> No.28644213

it did -1.70 % (last 25 hrs)

>> No.28644219

I wanted to get to 50k damn it

>> No.28644249
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Its time

>> No.28644601

so strange that I felt like selling then did a 2x in 2 weeks like wtf is 1,7%

>> No.28645057

>No smart contracts still after 4 years
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360)
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5)
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility
>Almost certainly a security
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.28645385

Is it just you that posts this? Or are there a bunch of you that go around posting the same fud?

>> No.28645604
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>DOT shills
It might be same as AVAX paid shills.
DOT and AVAX shills went full hate mode after ADA mooning
They even sperading FUD to every ADA threads... even a fucking XRP and XLM threads got attacked by them after they moon yesterday

>> No.28645626
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>she didn't build rome in a day
VAPOwWARE!! x33 uwu

>> No.28645633

We have a one click ERC20 converter. Literally every single dapp ever created will be deployed on Cardano. Plus Cardano has the largest decentralized warchest for funding projects in the space. Your fud tells me you are worried and are probably an eth bagholder. Ethereum is ironically trying to become Cardano by switching to POS, good luck trying to change the wheels on that moving circus though - you'll need it.

>> No.28645697

Converted move BTC holdings to ADA during the dip. Feeling comfy.

>> No.28645790
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I was going to sell at 55 cents the other week but Daedalus was taking too long to update and I got bored and changed my mind. Thanks Charles.

>> No.28645853

is it even worth putting $100 into ADA this late?

>> No.28645889

>No smart contracts still after 4 years
building things correct the first time vs launching with garbage. Smart contracts live in April. Retard-tier-fud.
>No projects being developed for it.
Lie that has been pointed out before, yet you keep posting it.
~100+ projects being developed for Cardano.
Public projects include, SingularityNET, DNATags, Celsius Network, Beefchain, AgeUSD Algorithmic Stablecoin and the list will keep growing.
Project Catalyst round 4 fund for DAPP developers at $1,000,000 in funding is going live now. Keep cope-posting this retardation though. It's quite bullish.
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5)
Cardano is already 150 TPS and with tuning it'll be 1,000 TPS on the base layer before scaling. Scaling beyond that is simply NOT NEEDED AT ALL right now on any chain.
Ouroboros Hydra development is already underway and will take Cardano into the 1 million+ TPS range. like all your fud, another great meaningless point.
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
Governance already up and running. Cardano is ALREADY OPERATING THE WORLD'S LARGEST DAO through Project Catalyst. Get your basic facts straight retard.
Governance will continue to evolve going forward, but it's already more successful than any other project in crypto history, and larger than any DAO on earth ALREADY.
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million
and smart contracts are not even live yet, what a stupid-ass comparison. are you retarded?
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility
Rank #2 in on-chain activity behind Bitcoin... without native assets (tokens) or smart contrats. TOP FUCKING KEK.
>Almost certainly a security
More mongloid-tier-limp-fud. Launched in Japan, Most decentralized project in crypto.
Sorry you're priced out anon.

>> No.28646000

I think it is. Cardano is going to announce a massive partnership with Ethiopia in late February or early march, which is going to pump hard. You can either sell then or keep holding.

>> No.28646245

>Scaling beyond that is simply NOT NEEDED
this btw visa average tps is 1736.11 and reported max is 24,000

>> No.28646331

late? We haven't even started fren.