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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 1200x900, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28681742 No.28681742 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.28681823

Piece of dip

>> No.28681875


>Want's a DIP
>Gets a DIP


>> No.28681966

This useless shit token is getting dumped back down to 2 cents.

>> No.28682040
File: 8 KB, 240x210, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can stop fuding and buy again. we had a dip , now we will go up again ! ;)

>> No.28682217

It's one of coin that tanks current alts bleed better actually... all alts are bleeding because BTC pump.
At least you're not holding AVAX, it's dumping by 20% ($52 to $ 41)

>> No.28682333
File: 97 KB, 1024x768, 1612994144465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people start to cry about a coin not pumping it's unironically bullish. Lets you know most of the week hands are capitulating before the move higher.

>> No.28682551


Well if you are in profit, why not capitulating

>> No.28682887

How new are people here? This isn't a crash.

>> No.28682975
File: 813 KB, 1200x800, matthew mccardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please keep FUDing, I need this dip to last through the weekend so my deposit can clear.

>> No.28683049

>tfw sold at 0.90
Feels fucking good. Buying more later

>> No.28683084

I'm not fudding you dumbfucks, this underperforming POS can't maintain 9 cents, it dumped straight down 15% from 9.8c.

>> No.28683153

Too redpilled for you Rajesh?

>> No.28683242

you should try not looking at 1m candles and zoom out instead

>> No.28683290

don't forget to take your meds sandeep

>> No.28683390

W O W I switched to 1 month candles and suddenly the price is 1.5$! thanks faglord!
Meds for what? try replying to my actual argument here. cardano is weak and prone to bleeding sats super hard.

>> No.28683749

this is not your flavor of the week shitcoin, leave

>> No.28684382


>> No.28684466

Relax. If you think this is “prone to lose sats” then you need to leave because crypto will be too difficult for you to handle. Ada has been a stable coin for a week.

>> No.28684559
File: 150 KB, 750x656, 1612635910133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k @ 0.6 feeling comfy

>> No.28684581

NEETing off my staking rewards

>> No.28684640

Same fren

>> No.28684645

Wait, let him speak. He's too based for us now, anons.

>> No.28684646


>> No.28684681
File: 2.92 MB, 576x1024, 1599083565145.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25k ADA how fucked or lucky am I ?

>> No.28684774

Depends when you bought

>> No.28684791

.23 and .56

>> No.28684851


Checked and nasty English teeth pilled.

>> No.28684950


She trying to learn to dance like Napoleon Dynamite?

>> No.28685012
File: 85 KB, 1034x836, 1612352286560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys give me some copeium to keep holding already made great gains but I have paper hands.

>> No.28685071

>Million-dollar baby: Project Catalyst DAPP developer Fund 4
>$200,000,000 On-chain Treasury for Funding DAPP developers
>$1,000,000,000+ in funding will be available in the future
>$1,000,000 Round 4 underway now -- focus to DAPP devs. Full Daedalus Integration for Voting this Round!
>10 total rounds of funding to happen this year

>Decentralized Identity - Cardano's Atala PRISM

>Atala PRISM Demo

>Cardano to onboard 5 million people

>Native Tokens

>ERC-20 Converter:
>Video Demo (start at 10:20)

Smart Contracts in April
>Solidity, Javascript to Marlowe, Drag & Drop via Marlowe, Hardcore Haskell
>Solidity Smart Contracts 100% Ethereum compatibility via Cardano's KEVM
>Drag and Drop smart secure formally verified smart contract creation via Marlowe

The market is waiting to be captured.
Intro to this video (first 2 minutes) ...provides high-level context preview for the next section on multiple programming language support:

Multiple Programming Language Support for Smart Contract Creation

The future of DeFI requires formal verification (start at 33:00)

>> No.28685111

In five years you will have $175,000. Congratulations.

>> No.28685148

Thanks, when will we be pumping again? Also is a crab a bad sign?

>> No.28685186

>when will we be pumping again?
nobody knows
>Also is a crab a bad sign?
not at all. crypto is a highly volatile market. welcome to the roller coaster ride.

>> No.28685305

Crabbing is just the new floor. Needs to find a new floor each time for new buyers to feel confident of it not dipping before it keeps going. Will pump again this week if bitcoin continues to move higher.

>> No.28685367

still not sold on ADA, especially after the rumors of charles routinely receiving electroshock therapy

>> No.28685481

fuck I always read KEKvm

>> No.28685683

lmao at that absurd rumor

>> No.28686275

KEK, fud like this is why I love /biz and crypto in general.

>> No.28686466

Cardano seems like an easy 15% gain atm. It's bound to go to 1$, you just need to wait

>> No.28687554

does this kind of weak shit actually work on anybody in here, or does it only work on the person who posted it?

>> No.28687629

you think OP actually meant it? and you question other peoples newfagness?

>> No.28687700

gangster af^