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28724332 No.28724332 [Reply] [Original]

This is a piece of shit. Anyone using brave can easily confirm.

Firstly, the whole "add free" concept is bullshit. Brave will do you pop up adds that are built into the fucking brave itself. They give you push notifications where they promote "private email" and shit like that. Fucker, if I install an addblocker into my chrome I actually WONT have adds.

Secondly, the privacy that they brag about is also fake af. You have a wallet inside Brave, and they give you that BAT for viewing some adds. And you can withdraw that BAT, but you can't just download a wallet and send it to your address. Instead, you have to send it to a fucking ID verified crypto exchange that is a partner with them, This is wrong since the add money for the BAT coins being sent is actually delivered, and if you want your share in BAT coins you have to give them your ID. Man, fuck this whole gay project.

So yeah, if anybody is wondering why this coin just doesn't moon despite having a team and a working product and an entire fucking economic concept behind it, THIS is why.

>> No.28724488

>Doesn't turn off the brave ads and opt out of earning BAT.
Complain harder nigger

>> No.28724593

>Firstly, the whole "add free" concept is bullshit
No. Brave rewards and the ads that come along with them are completely opt-in. You have to go out of your way to turn them on. It blocks a good amount of ads by default too.

>Secondly, the privacy that they brag about is also fake af. You have a wallet inside Brave...
Nope. Not only does brave have the best OOTB ad-blocking and protection against finger-printing, but again, you are complaining about something that is completely opt-in.

TLDR: The Brave Ads and Rewards programs are disabled by default, and fully optional, and even if you choose to enable that stuff, it's still far better than the advertising and tracking we dill with on the rest of the web.

>> No.28724636

Literally just started using this, someone shill me on why OP is wrong

>> No.28724642

Ive made about 200 united states dollaredoos since i started using brave just for clicking something i dont even read. Wow brave is a fucking scam i cant believe i fell for the free money meme again!

>> No.28724686
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Now all in all, hands down. Brave browser is the easiest way to view youtube videos on your phone if you don't want adds. Apart from that I can say that the entire BATshit is just about a boomer who could've done something nice, but then decided "oh, wait, but I'm a retard boomer, that can't just be like that", and then fuck everything up.

They will add new functionality to their project and the price will jump since the newbs get in it. But then the people holding it realize that it's shit and they jump ship and the price drops.

>> No.28724756

This gem will be $1 eoy

>> No.28724793


Thanks nigga

>> No.28725084

It's nothing better than a fucking google with all the trackers turned off and an addblocker. Fucker, have you ever used brave?

How the fuck am I wrong? Are you really using brave in the recommended settings? Do you bother with the level 65 captcha that it brings you? Cause if the captcha is not lvl 65 then it's not in the private mode. However, you can get most browsers to turn of all cookies and whatnot. And you know why you don't turn off all the cookies on other browsers? Because the captcha jumpst to lvl 65.

If that's true, you've either been doing it for a long time or are a little lucky. People with a few hundred bucks report having issues getting the money out and being approached by the team about what they were doing to get the money. Read the forums.

>> No.28725382

When I say I literally just started using it that means I've used it less than an hour.

>> No.28725447
File: 405 KB, 1620x953, decinfrastructure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out Decentr anon
all user browsing data will be secured on their own blockchain
you can then leverage your data's value (if you wish) for real world value

is browsing data blockchain-secure?
Brave is to Decentr as MakerDAOs oracle is to Chainlink

>> No.28725569

Well you're on 4chan so you probably fill in the captcha, you know.... if the settings are private, than the captcha is hell.

And you can get a fucking Chromium or even Chrome to do that, but it's more stable, faster and better.

>> No.28725806

>It's nothing better than a fucking google with all the trackers turned off and an addblocker. Fucker, have you ever used brave?
I am writing this reply in Brave. It is the default browser on my main Linux box and my Android phone. On my travel laptop I use Vivaldi and IceCat.

Anyway, Brave is far better OOTB for ad-blocking and privacy than Chrome. Its default settings are even better than those found on Firefox. The only competitors to Brave are Vivaldi and IceCat from a privacy perspective. BTW, Brave incorporates patches from the Ungoogled Chromium team.

It sounds like you're only using Brave for the BAT rewards. Which is retarded, but your problems can likely be remedied by wiping your user data and re-installing Brave (which is the recommended approach for pretty much any browser when a user is encountering serious issues).

>> No.28725890

if crypto is the future than its also going to impact the future of marketing, hence BRAVE is well positioned to capitalize for market share from googles ad oligarchy

>> No.28725932

>is browsing data blockchain-secure
No. This is a completely non-essential feature and will never be adopted as a method of securing data in any widely used browser. Brave's sync component is based on blockchain technology though, because they wanted to de-couple sync from Google.

>> No.28726065

This is why people are flocking away from Brave to Decentr, a fundamentally better product and coin.

>> No.28726136

Let's get this over with. 2 questions,

is Brave better than Chromium?

Does Brave steal from other browsers?

The only thing they bring to the table is BAT...

>> No.28726157
File: 57 KB, 693x633, 1609392176808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If that's true, you've either been doing it for a long time or are a little lucky. People with a few hundred bucks report having issues getting the money out and being approached by the team about what they were doing to get the money. Read the forums.

>Accumulate rewards at .25 -.30 price goes up.


>> No.28726293

>It's nothing better than a fucking google with all the trackers turned off and an addblocker. Fucker, have you ever used brave?
Using it now. It's God-tier in mobile. Saves me a shitload of battery and data.

>> No.28726307

He kind off isn't, used brave for a year and desu it was pretty annoying compared to dickduckgo which I started using last week.

>> No.28726418

>is Brave better than Chromium?
Yes. Not even debatable.

>Does Brave steal from other browsers?
What does this even mean? It's based on Chromium, just like Vivaldi and Edge. Similar to how IceCat and Waterfox are based on Firefox.

>> No.28726542

This is one of those semi-rare post where they think they're super smort but actually just exposed how retarded they are.

>> No.28726560

>blockchain secure
again, you sound like 2017 chainlink FUD claiming that decentralized oracles aren't necessary since we have centralised versions which 'do a good enough job'

if we're going to take privacy seriously, then it has to be decentralised and blockchain-secure

>> No.28726607


>> No.28727340

stay poor

>> No.28727562
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beatrice you bully

>> No.28727606

>if we're going to take privacy seriously, then it has to be decentralised and blockchain-secure
You're absolutely retarded. I've worked in IT for 15 years. If you take privacy seriously, data should be stored locally and encrypted. Anything else is meme bullshit. Relying on the cloud (including the blockchain) to store important data in any way, is and will always be fundamentally poor security practice. Further, blockchain networks see upgrades and forks all the time. This greatly jeopardizes the integrity of the data being stores if a user does not understand what he's doing.

>claiming that decentralized oracles aren't necessary
Nigger, none of this shit is necessary, in any way. Decentralized, centralized, it doesn't make a bit of difference. For fuck sake, crypto in general is utterly unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. The vast majority of people use it as a casino, just like the stock market. Crypto isn't even necessary for the decentralized / federated web. Certain projects just position themselves to be relevant to it.

>> No.28727614
File: 64 KB, 987x537, battradingview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay poor
you'd have made more by buying stocks

>> No.28728095

Fuck off old man, the future is now

>> No.28728388

I mean I love Brave and the team and hold a pretty big bag but man this token performs like shit compared to the rest of the market. Can't even crack the top 50 with a massive pump

>> No.28728415

>Fuck off old man, the future is now
A. There is no such thing as the future. Our perception of time is reliant on a tunnel (the present), which only provides us with an illusory glimpse, a false understanding, of the grand and infinite cycle.

B. You're a faggot.

>> No.28728424
File: 19 KB, 323x322, 449562040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worked for 15 years
>none of this shit is necessary
>crypto in general is utterly unnecessary
>Crypto isn't even necessary for the decentralized / federated web
the mind of a BAT schizo
keep wagecucking boomer
thankfully i see the potential crypto offers and positioned myself early into eth, link and defi. even when all were considered 'unnecessary'

Decentr and ocean will be the next projects to shake up the crypto space

>> No.28728429

Brave is way better than Chrome tracking your every move, why would you even want that? It's faster than Chrome too and the interface is great on mobile and computer. I have no idea why anyone would be using anything else. The fact that people don't know about it is making me feel like some sort of early adopter way ahead of the BAT game.

>> No.28728436
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>> No.28728481

This is why DEC is actually still a good buy now that it’s cooling off from Ellios video

>> No.28728509

I play the markets too. I've made good profits through crypto. I work (for myself) because I enjoy the work I do.

>> No.28728531


Lol somehow we got to talking about the construct of time

>> No.28728825

Gen Xers can't go 5 minutes without changing topics and theorizing about some bong rip bullshit.