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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29181318 No.29181318 [Reply] [Original]

Where would business be on this tear list

>> No.29181345

Meh tier

>> No.29181354

above unbelievable tier
guy who dropped out/never went to college and is now trading crypto 18hrs a day

>> No.29181414

Meh tier

>> No.29181479

spoiler: low

>> No.29181492

Meh Tier

>> No.29181511

>rated by usefulness to market, salary
>usefulness to market, salary
pick one, and only one. otherwise this list is useless.

>> No.29181626
File: 622 KB, 460x252, Tool Video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every electrical engineer I've met has been an absolute cunt. Every. Single. One. If they don't know what they are doing they will just wing it and fuck it up. Every person's house I've gone in to fix their shit that says "Oh my son is a electrical engineer, so he can't be wrong" "I'm an electrical engineer. I absolutely know how cable wiring works." No you don't. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.29181680

Meh. You get a degree in something else THEN get your MBA.

Great tier reporting in

>> No.29181755

The electrical engineers ive met think they are electricians lmao

>> No.29181813

probably great tier. if it wasn't for the crabs in a barrel, pajeetier shills we would be a force to be reckoned with in the financial sector. luckily that'll be the case in '24 when link is at 21,352 USD

>> No.29181992

I got an English degree and now can enter pretty much any Asian country even during covid as long as I sign a year contract. And I only cost me 15k, personally i am happy with it.

>inb4 cope

>> No.29182073

If you don't know how electrical a wiring works, I can't call you an electrical engineer

>> No.29182143

>And I only cost me 15k a year

What do you spend the other half of your paycheck on?

>> No.29182270

electrical engineer: thinks he's the shit, really just a glorified carpenter.
electronic engineer: actually just a software developer in disguise.
software developer: literally useless.

>> No.29182506

>software developer: literally useless.
In an age where you literally cannot live without app how would that be useless

>> No.29182673
File: 645 KB, 1168x898, tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the accurate and non bloated version

>> No.29182692

i meant, the average skillset of the person occupying that position. electrical engineers tend to be way over their heads. electronic engineers are mostly shit electronic engineers, but by nature of embedded programming tend to have a pretty good grasp of nuts-and-bolts software, and consequently everything above it.
software developers on the other hand, often know jack shit about nuts and bolts programming, and that reflects in the garbage they write in python, java, javascript, etc.

>> No.29182741

Oh shit I'm god tier. Thanks for the confidence boost guys

>> No.29183231

trash chart. chemistry is not two tiers above nuclear engineering

>> No.29183286

Reddit logic stemfaggotry ruined this entire website

>> No.29183335

I have a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering so I'm ultra god tier, but I would give it all up to have simply bought BTC like 5 years ago.

>> No.29183348

there's no job more powerful than this currently
you build the digital world
you don't build the inside of the internet with drogon
it doesn't mean you can build anything, not all "painters" are leonardo da vinci

>> No.29183470

Math and comp sci double major

>> No.29183513

Am a physician but studied philosophy in university in addition to my core premedical course work. Get fucked. True patrician is STEM plus humanities

>> No.29183595

>Aerospace Engineer in Unbelievable tier
lmao, no. gl finding a decent job thats not with Boeing if you study AE.

>> No.29183605

cs is not the same as math/physics. The best cs people are, yes, but there is enough dilution with codemonkeys that the average unfortunately puts cs in a concretely lower tier

>> No.29183639
File: 698 KB, 1439x1824, bagged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is mathematics major a "god-tier"? I feel like I wasted my life and am just doing statistical analysis on biomedical data. I feel like an absolute fool.

>> No.29183715

This one is better, but I think the whole math/physics/chem type shit is overrated. You have to pay out the ass for at LEAST a masters to get into a field that barely exists outside academia? Fuck off.

>> No.29183786

what a gay chart. changes every time I see it.

>> No.29183817

>mfw im applied mathematics working as a ticket monkey
should've waited a little bit longer instead of taking the first job that i applied to and received an offer from

>> No.29183893

Lol biochem is a useless degree on its own

>> No.29183967

Is this the wagecuck hierarchy?

>> No.29184022

I'm in the shit tier

>> No.29184289

whats wrong with Boeing

>> No.29184638

If this tier list is based on objective avg income data, then the median income for business majors I would guess falls somewhere in Meh to Good tier. Many MBAs are not entrepreneurs but are well positioned for Good tier jobs. Business majors that become entrepreneurs.... sky's the limit if they're good.

>> No.29184911

I'm about to graduate with a physics undergrad and I agree. Wish I did eng.

>> No.29184922

Why do people think business is a meh tier degree?

I mean, it's literally how you become ceo

>> No.29185098
File: 591 KB, 850x815, ftfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that outdated image for you

>> No.29185216

Pay rate?

>> No.29185249

History major here, only in it for the pussy

>> No.29185310

About to graduate this year at a top 20 US college for Aerospace E. Chart is shit.
There's always opening for vaporizing palestinian kids

>> No.29185505

i like it

>> No.29185515
File: 64 KB, 538x536, 1608187321221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a meme college degree and subsequently realized i didn't want to work at all, kek

i have low 6 figures in savings, gonna try to reach self-sustaining passive income mode with crypto

i have nothing against wagies, but feel bad for anyone working in a field that doesn't interest them; nothing ever "called" to me, so i never bothered trying to pursue a career because i knew i would be unhappy no matter what i chose

>> No.29185634

>Just get in with nepotism bro
Literally how I did it. Got a job in IT I had no business getting learned how shit work and got better than dumb fucks with degrees within a year. Within 5 years I was playing manager since mine was incompetent and skipped his level

>> No.29185687

As soon as Harris is in office there will be a high demand

>> No.29185792

What a pleb list

>wagie degress at the top

>> No.29185981

you don't pick a god tier career if you're not a god; if you're into science for money and not to push research 500 years ahead, you're completely lost

>> No.29186145
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60k in OR. Live with parents so I've been accumulating this bull run.

>> No.29186417

>being a big pharma shill is based

>> No.29186520

so many newfags here. had to scroll far to get to a good post

>> No.29186601

Transcendent Tier because he can hire any one of those wagies to work for him.

>> No.29186670

I didn’t mean a year, my degree cost me 15k. Cause I went to community college, got federal low interest loans, and attended a State school.