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File: 163 KB, 855x974, 852A6EAA-BAEB-44C0-8240-832EBB6338C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29243990 No.29243990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that money will only buy you material goods, it can’t buy you true fulfillment.

Chad doesn’t need money because he gets endless validation every day because of his superior genes. If you don’t have the face to accompany it, money is pointless.

Bezos or Gates would trade all their money to look like this.


>> No.29244108

I just wanted to look like prime Chico

>> No.29244159

Keep coping you utter subhuman as I financially mog you to the moon and back

>> No.29244224


>> No.29244242
File: 244 KB, 400x397, 1611949695799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a poorfaggot chad, and no, I would much rather be ugly and rich.
Oh well, after this cycle Ill be rich anyway ohohohohoho.

>> No.29244251

ok then in 5 years you wont anymore

>> No.29244381

My best friend is better looking than me, not that I’m ugly, and his life is hell. Looks is not all it’s cracked up to be.

>> No.29244387
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>> No.29244445

Chad can be unemployed and fuck your wife
Chad can commit crimes and get away with it
Chad doesn't need a car, his stacies will drive him where he needs to be

Looks > Money

>> No.29244465

Money is a source of fantasy and desire. Nonsense shit. Just focus on self and do this shit for a hobby.

>> No.29244466

At least you get all the girls. Money doesn't matter to you.

>> No.29244538
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>> No.29244590
File: 50 KB, 624x600, 3427915-l-acteur-francais-alain-delon-assiste-au-624x600-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what he looks like now.
Looks fade.

>> No.29244611
File: 32 KB, 400x344, 3BF82F9B-CB11-4A66-B264-0883160C9023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29244615

I really dont though, modern women dont care about looks nearly as much as you would think.
This isnt highschool anymore, women want financial security over a hard dick chad who could slay 20 men with their bare hands.

>> No.29244617

I have neither and I have a gf. Sounds like you just have a shit personality.

>> No.29244739

Stfu retard don't tell them

>> No.29244767
File: 724 KB, 590x790, 02F0B7ED-6374-4851-BB76-D21D5EB95232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern women dont care about looks nearly as much as you would think.

You’re not as good looking as you think then, if you were actually chad you’d have girls literally groping you every time you leave the house

>> No.29244794

>Looks > Money
money is a meme - you need just as much to do with your time what you desire

>> No.29244810

Lol go outside anon, you're in for a surprise

>> No.29244815
File: 119 KB, 450x405, 1605938554153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a girl off tinder and the girl was surprised when I said I went a year without sex. She asked me how that was even possible since apparently I'm good looking. I don't believe her but after having sex for the first time in ages i felt like my youth was restored. my thoughts became clear, my mind shape, and my confidence rose.

Now that a girl confirmed that I'm officially a Chad I'm going to go and get laid as much as I can.

>> No.29244891

100% true, anyone that denies that looks is everything is coping hard

t. used my crypto gains to looksmax and realized everything except for looks is an utter cope

>> No.29244930

I mean, I literally look like Ryan Goslings twin brother, but more muscular and taller.
I also have the tendency to be autistic and shy around women, so theres also that, even when they are groping at me.
But thats because I have extremely high standards for women, I dont even look at them if theyre under a 7.

>> No.29244956


>> No.29244996


Even at chico's worst, he still looks better than 90% of men

>> No.29245046

Lucky i have both :’)

>> No.29245048
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, 1F3ECF88-B579-401D-AEB7-2BD27ED06618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29245137

This has to be a parody. Fucking hellllll confidence is one helluva drug.

>> No.29245151
File: 57 KB, 450x600, 49F81152-21C8-4B76-93B9-E58A639B5CA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosling is like a 5 though

Prime Chico was unbelievable

Imagine going to a high school party looking like that, walking in and seeing every girls jaws drop and stare in awe

No amount of money could ever compare to that feeling

>> No.29245262

>Bezos or Gates would trade all their money to look like this.
this is cope

>> No.29245644

looker here. guess what looks are not much if you are antisocial or get along badly with people.
yeah it can land you some surprise relationships but thats it. Also looks fade away.

Money can buy you better fitting clothes, better skin care, better treatments, less stress which keeps you younger looking and healthy. Rich people look better.

Money has all the perks this world has to offer. You gotta have insane 1 in a million looks to get the looks>money conclusion. Some supermodel level looks which lands you a playboy job and a rich cutie.

And no, gates and bezos wouldnt do that but they would trade thier wealth to be young again.

>> No.29245697
File: 859 KB, 1134x907, 1613767296285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have actual chad genetics and here's the deal, not only you have to be a chad buy you also need that sharp intelligence and the overall feel that you are just better than anyone else which I am.
I attract all the top woman easily. Being on the top of the food chain has it's advantage, but it sucks as a Christian to see woman so desperate for the best man. They would dump their boyfriends which sometimes are my friends immidietly for me. They are all extremely shallow. I have not met a single woman that's on my level and they know it. That's why they crave me so much. They know they can't have me and I know they are all whores and they know I'm christian and they want to whore on my so bad just so I lose my christian pureness.
This is the dynamic guys. I will never fall for something lower than 11/10 perfect and intelligent cutie. That's how it is. If if they don't exists so be it. But I believe in love and I believe in Jesus. I am not worried.

>> No.29245924

>i have actual chad genetics
Yeah me too, thats why I posted explaining to anons why money is more important than genetics to modern women.

>> No.29245929

still mogs 99% of the world's dads

>> No.29245948

How old are you? Having such high expectations sounds like a way to end up forever alone. Not saying you're wrong though

>> No.29246019

>gosling is like a 5 though
Cope kikemutt.
>he thinks the la abominacion he posted is better looking then the goose

>> No.29246135

you're a retarded normie if you think prime chico doesn't mog "the goose" into buying cyanide pills

>> No.29246379

Lmao this

Look how women react to seeing him in public

No money could ever buy you this feeling


>> No.29246455

The wealthier I've become the less I've started to care about my looks. Don't give a fuck about shaving or clothes etc. Literally going out with clothes I wear for months in home. So I occasionally look like a hobo. There have been cases of people trying to spit on me on the street. I think it's funny.

>> No.29246469

Never said that retard, was unaware this was a "suck off an old movie star" thread, thought we were discussing the aspects of being a poor chad or a rich ugly.
I said that ugly goblino that redditspacer was posting was ugly.
Also, you speak so rudely to me on 4chan, you would piss yourself if I got in your face irl.

>> No.29246569

you literally said that you think gosling is better looking than chico which proves you're low iq and are not blackpilled on looks

>> No.29246590

With enough money i can permanently change how i look retard

>> No.29246611

you think like a woman. you want to be admired for your beauty. just transition already faggot. this isn't how men are supposed to think.

>> No.29246673
File: 68 KB, 485x664, 63EC06CC-163D-4E50-8A1F-2346CF9134EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said that ugly goblino that redditspacer was posting was ugly.

Oh no it has autism

>> No.29246722

those girls are all ugly, i would be mad

>> No.29246822

how can that happen? mustve been fat in his 50's

>> No.29246880
File: 104 KB, 1098x732, 5f25daba-352c-11e7-8663-b22bc7352b12_1280x720_111859[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes fucking 85
he's also slayed every top-grade Yuropean pussy of note last three or five decades on his day, and doubtless a fair bit of Burger. I doubt he's got many ragrets.

>> No.29246901

Money can buy you looks though.
Even just a top tier haircut and good clothes can make a world of difference. There's laser face treatment if you have acne scars/other blemishes. There's also cosmetic surgeries if you're willing to go down that route.

>> No.29246959

I want to stab my eyes the cringe watching this video induced.

>> No.29247012


>> No.29247124

he lived more in 1 year of his life than you'll live in your entire lifetime

movie stars were lining up to have sex with him before he even made it as an actor

>> No.29247181 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 667x986, 558_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a droopy nose. I scheduled an appointment already for rhinoplasty. I have $80k so why not. Just a simple lift makes me look like a Chad in the preview estimate.

I just want qt Asian waifus to worship me. I'm already tall, athletic, now a bit wealthy. I want to start over as the confident jock I used to be before I went NEET.

>> No.29247215

Former 7.8/10 rated on one of those hotornot sites back in the day here. Got fat and grew a crazy unkempt beard. Would rather have the money.

>> No.29247260

A House is all I want for fulfilment, money buys houses

Checkmate Atheists

>> No.29247384
File: 81 KB, 905x809, C03C7E8B-E171-45BD-AC2C-606BA0BABD21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a droopy nose. I scheduled an appointment already for rhinoplasty.
Rhino is cope

Droopy nose is caused by a recessed maxilla

If you don’t fix your jaw first you’ll look retarded

>> No.29247385

>I have actual chad genetics
lol no you don't. 99% of dipshits who talk like this are faggot zoomers who just lost their virginity to a fat girl.

>> No.29247393

>Chad doesn’t need money
we know

>> No.29247600

My point still stands, looks fade. Imagine placing so much value on something that you didn't even earn and which you can't even keep, that's the epitome of superficiality. If this is about being able to fuck around with pretty girls then money and some minimum amount of effort (clothing, gym, haircut) will more than do the trick. If this is about how girls look at you, then yes even money won't buy you the googly eyes teenage girls would give a pretty boy but when it comes to women who know more about the world than the latest meme on tiktok, influence will do a lot more to get women to look at you than looks. Obviously, in an ideal world you'd have both.

>> No.29247680

good diet, straight teeth, good hair, nice clothes, good physical fitness, all easier with money. even if they are good naturally, those things improve it

>> No.29247695

that pic lol guy looks like my randomized elven mage oblivion character. I tought that shitty haircut is only possibly in the world of elder scrolls but I was wrong.

>> No.29247702
File: 12 KB, 480x360, rtyvvhfckgvbfmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29247716

I find comfort in knowing that no matter how much money they acquire, the shitskins will never have my blue eyes.

>> No.29247803

post your looksmax username or you're ngmi

I'm ritalincel

>> No.29247825

LSD > looks > money

>> No.29248003

This may be hard to understand, but not all people are wired the same. Rational, introverted types like Gates would genuinely pick money or time to hone an intellectual skill over looks. Excessive socializing and "getting validation" is for women and type A normalfags, the rest find fulfillment in actually doing something.

>> No.29248099

Lookism mental illness incel faggots are the only people online that i have no problem telling them to kill themselves

>> No.29248137

>At least you get all the girls

>> No.29248145

This. Newton died a virgin and was more chad than anyone alive today.

>> No.29248152

you will never be a woman

>> No.29248204

>modern women dont care about looks nearly as much as you would think
they care WAY MORE than in the past

>> No.29248216


Tesla too.

>> No.29248349

kek. Newton was probably gay too. Nothing "chad" about some virgin gayboy who does autistic math all day.

>> No.29248384

Hello sir this is a 4chan comment section

>> No.29248389

hes taking the slim road fren

>> No.29248394
File: 141 KB, 902x1084, 1ba47daee9be4eb8fe37d50b7eaf8f08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but..
>and which you can't even keep..
Germans have got a nice saying, 'The last shirt has no pockets'. aka: we all ain't taking nothing when we go. All up to yourself what you wanna waste your time on beforehand.

>> No.29248416

Black pill 101

>> No.29248455


>> No.29248452

check your testo levels
By the way.. your doing good not increasing hypergamy

>> No.29248493


Ryan gosling isnt even good looking haha. Im king of manlets in height but i have slayed over 300 girls in 5 years. Girls grope and “accidentally” bump onto me. Comes asking for lighter even i dont smoke. And i dont look like any actor cause i know i look better than them

>> No.29248581

Plastic surgery and steriods exist. And money is a means to provide you will all kinds of fullfiilment, from sex to education.

>Newton was probably gay
I keep seeing homos say this with no proof. Just because you never married does not mean you are gay.

>> No.29248601

No he cant you mentally ill faggot, people who dont have real life experiences should not be allowed to have opinions about anything, you are barely a human

>> No.29248696

> influence will do a lot more to get women to look at you than looks
what's the best way to gain influence if you have money?

>> No.29248705


>> No.29248825
File: 78 KB, 781x957, 4B6A9F84-F971-4738-8822-494AB0F0C882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Meekspill says otherwise

>> No.29248897
File: 48 KB, 571x548, this shit agin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post forearm

>> No.29248901


>> No.29248942

Idk if im ugly. Sometimes im chad tier other times a goblin manlet

>> No.29248997

400 weeks
1 Meeks